Chapter 805: :Technology Administrator·God

"After the check is completed, the return coordinates have been stored, the destination is determined, and the request to start the space curvature engine."
In space, the space curvature spacecraft has stopped and floated in space. Control the artificial intelligence of the spacecraft and use the superluminal quantum communication equipment to play the message towards the earth.
"Request for approval."
"Request to pass, start the spatial curvature engine."
Command, the spacecraft space curvature engine starts. Without sound, the double-circular space curvature engine flashes the devastating light of antimatter burning.
Space jumps cannot be completed in an instant, requiring a space-folding accumulation process.
Everyone is waiting, this is the first space jump. The universe spans too much, even at the speed of light, it can only explore the galaxies around the solar system, and the time span required is not low. If this experiment is successful, it will open the real door for humans to enter the universe. Humans can cross the distance beyond the light years in just a few hours.
Time passes by, and ten minutes, the Earth headquarters are quietly waiting for the preparation of the spacecraft.
Space curvature ship first flight, this is a milestone event.
"The spacecraft is ready to sail, the destination is South Gate 2, 10...9...8...2...1."
"set sail."
As the countdown ended, the spacecraft in space suddenly disappeared.
A spaceship of the South Gate, which is 4.3 light years away from Earth, is a spacecraft that floats in space. The spacecraft is the space curvature ship that has just set sail in the solar system.
"Discovering a Centaur A star, found a Centaurus a star B, found a neighboring star, the spacecraft confirmed to reach the destination."
At the headquarters of the marching ant group, at the moment when the ‘seeking number’ disappeared, everyone was nervous, and success or failure was here.

Received the data feedback of the ‘seeking number’ and succeeded.

The ink girl transferred all the data out and used the holographic technology to simulate the environment of the ‘Mermaid’ outer space.
The South Gate II galaxies are the most peripheral galaxies of the Southern Cross, and form a three-pointed star with the neighboring stars, which is the three-body star system.
Three different sizes of 'the sun' hang in the laboratory through holographic simulation scenes, the largest yellow Centaurus a star A, orange Centaur a star B, and red dwarf star next to the star.
This is a magnified model. In the real ‘seeking number’ field of view, the three suns are slightly larger than the stars, but the brightness is greater.

The space curvature spacecraft has sailed successfully.

The ink girl said this news, the people in the laboratory were ecstatic, a cross-century experiment succeeded, and then the earth civilization, from the development of the star system to the interstellar development, the civilization level completed the jump.

Is there a trinity there?
Zhao Min asked urgently.
"No life planet was found."
Upon hearing this answer, Xiao Yu’s face clearly showed the color of loss.
The ink woman led the crowd to the virtual reality chair. Xiao Yu and Zhao Min couldn't wait to sit down. Wang Hai and Black Hawk also sat down and put on virtual reality equipment.
In classic sci-fi movies and novels, they all say that there is life in the neighboring stars. They even think that it is an alien from the neighboring star to capture Chen Mo.
After putting on the helmet, everyone fell into a deep sleep and instantly appeared in the virtual reality space. They have all experienced virtual reality space, and they are not surprised.
At this time everyone stood on the top of the ring of the spacecraft, surrounded by endless space, dead and silent.
"This is where the spacecraft is now. In this stellar planet, the conditions are extreme." The ink girl put the detected planet in front of several people and could not see any signs of life activity.
Disappointing, there is no civilization here, meaning they have to go to other galaxies to find.
Switching to the robot's perspective, several people are attached to the robot body than the general, the scene becomes the scene inside the spacecraft, they can control the robot to any corner of the spacecraft. In the future, they can follow the spacecraft to various cosmic galaxies in this way.
"Now test the spacecraft to jump back to the space to jump into the port."
The space curvature engine was started, the spacecraft was quiet, and everyone looked at everything inside the spacecraft through the robot's field of vision. There was no change. Only the spacecraft artificial intelligence prompted the spacecraft to make a space jump.
"Space coordinates are determined, ready to sail, destination: Earth Sky Ring Space Jump Port."
"Tianhuan received a request to jump for the silent number and passed."
"Countdown 10...9...8...2...1."
At the L4 point of Lagrange, the day is a giant ring-shaped building with a diameter of 200 kilometers. It is continuously running. In the center of the ring, the space seems to have a layer of ripples.
Suddenly, the space in the center of the Tianhuan circle expanded and a spaceship appeared in the center of the Tianhuan.
"Return to success."
Looking for the news of the silent number, Xiao Yu and others are extremely happy.
The space jumps successfully, the space project is announced, and the next step is to truly enter the universe.
"Start the space exploration program."
From the virtual reality space, Zhao Min gave the ink girl a command. The two most important projects are now all successful, which means that the era of space exploration is really coming.
Now the wild mountain star has been transformed by nano-robots beyond recognition.
Centered on the wild mountain city, in the plains and coastal areas, intelligent future cities are located in it, fully intelligent and mechanized, even if there is no life to live, it is still in order to produce.
Chen Mo is designing a space connection machine in the laboratory. The design work is very smooth, and it takes time and testing. The mechanical column has traveled to outer space and began collecting materials to build space-connected machines.
Suddenly, Chen Mo settled in the study, and there was a strong sense of excitement in his brain, sweeping away a little bit of fatigue that he had accumulated for a long time.
The science library has changed.
I didn't want to think about it. Chen Mo dropped the research at hand and lay down on the chair and entered the technology library.
This kind of feeling is rare, and only when the technology library task is completed, is there such a heavy excitement.
In the science and technology library, the technology ball has been shot by Zijin.
On the earth, the ink girl made the super light speed spacecraft.
This is the task of [Technology Administrator Zijin], the completion of the super-light speed spacecraft on the Earth, the Science and Technology Library decided that this task is completed.
After leaving this time, there must have been a lot of things happening on Earth. However, the ink girl completed the manufacture of the super-light speed spacecraft, indicating that the solar system is okay and developing rapidly.
The radiant purple gold light makes Chen Mo take a deep breath. He knows that the most important thing is coming, and the authority of the technology library is upgraded.
Every time the upgrade is granted, along with a brain domain development, Chen Mo does not know what effect it is, but he is ready to suffer.
Taking a deep breath, Chen Mo put his palm on the technology ball.
A slight vibration, the purple gold light of the technology ball along the palm of Chen Mo, began to spread toward his body, wherever, the blood vessels and even the bones under the flesh and blood began to turn purple gold.
The purple-gold light passes through the blood vessels, quickly touching the spine and extending toward the brain.
As Chen Mo expected, severe pain reappeared.
Chen Mo feels that where the purple gold shines, the cells are recombined from the atomic level. Familiar with the pain, Chen Mo squats on the right hand connecting the technology ball, the muscles on his face are shaking.
If there is a microscope, you can see that the place where the purple gold shines, the flesh and blood under the skin turns into a transparent purple gold, like a tiny purple gold crystal, but there is no difference in appearance.
The most obvious change is the brain. If you can see the inside of Chen Mo's head, you can find that Chen Mo's brain is slowly changing from transparent golden yellow to transparent purple gold, cell level, and all reorganized.
The terrible pain of horror made Chen Mo feel that the brain is undergoing a black hole explosion.
Brain, eyes, spine, bones, heart...
Every important organ and tissue is covered and assimilated by purple gold rays.
Until the purple ball of the technology ball disappeared, Chen Mo’s palm was loosened from the technology ball. The pain disappeared, and Chen Mo squatted directly on the ground, holding his hands on the ground and gasping.
There are countless disasters that have gone through the rest of the life.
Chen Mo feels that this is not an evolution, but a sublimation, a qualitative change, and an unprecedented state of affairs.
After about five minutes of rest, the spirit recovered, and Chen Mo stood up and focused on the technology ball.
Unlocking the new level of authority means that all the technologies of the Zijin level, including the design drawings and manufacturing equipment technology, are all open to him. But what makes Murmo most curious is the new permissions.
The highest authority of the science and technology library has not been achieved so far.
[Technology Administrator God]
Still have a suffix.
Chen Mo slightly disappointed, Shu Lao said, to get the highest authority of the technology library, is the suffix of the technology administrator disappeared, has not disappeared.
But it was in his expectation.
The science and technology library's terror technology, the most powerful weapon can destroy the universe, and now his ability and technical strength can not reach that level.
However, the situation is almost the same. The super-light speed spacecraft is completed and enters the era of space development. The technology and strength will also increase exponentially.
No longer paying attention to the level of authority, Chen Mo will focus on the task of the new authority.
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