Chapter 806: : Quantum Life

Quantum Life
Make yourself a quantum life.
When I saw this task, Chen Mo’s heart was extremely shocking. To transform yourself into quantum life, this task is undoubtedly a conceptual impact on Chen Mo.
Quantum eternal life may also be fleeting. If the mission fails, his life will die within the picosecond; if the mission is successful, it will last forever, and the achievement will be immortal.
The gods in mythology can move mountains and reclamation, fly in the sky, live forever, technology can do it, and it can be done, but the price is a bit big.
In the creation of quantum life, we create ourselves with a huge amount of energy, transform each particle of the body into a quantum, and finally let the quantum reorganize the body.
Chen Mo thought of a classic character in the earth science fiction movie, Dr. Manhattan.
The science and technology library is making gods.
After determining the task, Chen Mo fell into meditation.
If you don't reach the highest authority, you will be fascinated by the task of creating the highest authority. Immortality is almost the ultimate in life, and the highest temptation for any intelligent life.
Taking a deep breath, Chen Mo got out of the shock of the mission and put his gaze on the unlocking technology.
[Quantum Life Creation Technology and Theory]
[God particle stabilization and use technology], [Angel particle extraction and preservation theory]
[Two-dimensional space cage], [Black hole child], [Death particle], [Smart downgrade], [Space curtain]
[Advanced intelligent life cloning technology theory], [the principle and technology of intelligent life consciousness transfer], [directional super power development technology theory]
[Energy Conversion Substance Theory]
[Super Galaxy Energy Detecting Quantum Radar]
All are ultra-high-level technologies, these techniques, involving a variety of elementary particles and regular weapons, all toward the god-level means of the Creator. Compared with the Zijin-class technology, these technologies are completely a qualitative jump. Even if Chen Mo sees this technology, he is short of breath.
Digesting these techniques, he can make a lot of gods.
Chen Mo won the [quantum life creation technology and theory] to create quantum life, which is the task of his authority at this stage. This technology is one level higher than other technologies.
Chen Mo began to extract other technologies.
At this stage, he was trapped in a small universe. Everything started from scratch. He could not develop these technologies for the time being, but he had to take it out in his mind to prepare for the unexpected.
This is a necessary technology in the era of the universe.
When the technology was taken, Chen Mo looked up at the technology library. The technology ball was restored to colorless and transparent, and it became soft. The inner beautiful lines were turning, which was more like the rotation of the universe.
At this time, the science and technology library is still mysterious in the eyes of Chen Mo.
Turning from the chair, Chen Mo saw the little beast in front of his eyes, staring at him curiously.
"Mo Mo Mo?"
"I am fine."
Chen Mogang wants to reach out and take the little beast into his arms. It just moved. The little body of the little beast has floated in the air and floated toward his hand.
The strange scene in front of him made Chen Mo's body shape a big shock.
"Mo Mo Mo?"
The little beast's body is uncontrolled, and he is desperately shouting. The chubby claws are struggling in the air like drowning. They are crying for help, and finally fall in Chen Mo's hands, and the body resumes control. Scared the little beast along Chen Mo's arm, drilled into Chen Mo's clothes, stretched out his small head and looked out with a vigilant look.
Consciousness affects the state of existence of matter.
Chen Mo looked at his hand and stayed alone.
The black civilization is in a small universe.
On the surface of a calm dwarf planet, a training armor suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky.
Over the dwarf planet, a spacecraft suddenly appeared and landed slowly on the surface of the dwarf planet. A woman wearing a armor came out of the spaceship and walked respectfully to the front of the armor, a pair of dark, ink-colored eyes with a colored magic pattern on her face.
The helmet of the armor landed, revealing the face of a male life.
Men are like human beings. The facial features are typical humanoids. They have black eyes and no variegated colors. They are deeper than the dark stars. The neck below the face is covered with magic lines, and the colored magic lines are beautiful and more restrained than the color of the women's magic lines.
"Is there something?" The man's voice was low.
"The young people of the Qing Dynasty, the intelligence personnel returned the news, the endless sea civilization has a big movement, they may be deploying war preparations." The female warrior said.
"Oh? Endless sea?" The man gave a slight meal and glanced at the starry sky: "It seems that the universe has been peaceful for too long."
"The Speaker invited you to go back and be born," the woman said.
"I? Oh, go out and go, it's very stuffy." The man smiled and walked away from the spaceship, and the female soldier hurriedly followed.
"Adults, the universe is very calm, why is the endless sea suddenly deploying war preparations?" The woman asked.
"This is not a secret, your study is not enough."
"Sorry, adults, must work hard." The woman respectfully said.
"Do you know why God-class civilization will become a god-level civilization?"
"Because we have the strongest technology and weapons."
"This is just a condition."
The man boarded the spaceship and did not care.
"In addition to the strong technology and technology, there is also a high level of life. The ordinary wisdom life is just a flesh and blood, but evolved into a god-level life, each life has a special ability. We are black and civilized, have These special eyes, endless sea civilization, naturally have their special features, otherwise they could not escape the fate of destruction."
"What is the power of the god-level life of the endless sea?" the female soldier asked with doubt.
"In the seven god-level civilizations, the ability of endless sea civilization is the most special. Their preparation means that the cosmic war is coming. Their ability is: the prophet."
The solar system, Mars.
Four super-light-speed space curvature ships floated and flew into space.
Earth's marching ant group headquarters, Xiao Yu and Zhao Min are watching the state of the spacecraft. Everything is ready, now is the time to formally explore the space and find the civilization that captures Chen Mo.

In order to prevent the spacecraft from being destroyed in the alien field, I loaded three war robots in the spacecraft, each of which was used for the armed defense of the space curvature spacecraft.

The holographic projections of the three war robots are placed neatly in the center of the laboratory, with different shapes and sizes.
This is the latest production of war robots.

This is the most powerful robot that can be produced by the current technology. The material is dark matter synthesis, the most powerful material currently developed, non-ultra-high energy weapons, can not be cut. In addition, it can withstand the compression of space, and it is equipped with high-strength toroidal magnetic field. The energy shield, when the energy shield is turned on, can withstand the irradiation of ultra-high-energy pulsed lasers."
In spite of all the consequences of the development, now the ink girl has digested all the technology left by Chen Mo, and created some new technologies, and turned these technologies into reality.
"The core of the robot's energy is the anti-matter micro-reactor. The engine material is also a dense material for dark matter synthesis. The atoms are locked by dark matter. The surface of the atomic layer is almost smooth and can be accelerated at full power for a long time.
Its speed can easily reach 100 times the speed of sound, the highest moving speed, theoretically 0.5 times the speed of light. Its radar is the latest miniature quantum radar with a scan radius of 6,000 kilometers. In addition, the eye is two optical radars that can switch to each other.
Finally, it is the most important weapon system. On it, there are three laser weapons, two hands and one shoulder. Elbows, knees, shoulders, fists and other important joints, equipped with ultra-high-energy short-pulse laser fighting thorns, equipped with a super-high-energy pulsed laser cold weapon, the weapon is designed according to the situation of each war robot.
Short-pulse laser fighting thorns and these cold weapons with short-pulse lasers can achieve a pulse power of 130 million times that of previous high-energy lasers, and can easily penetrate dark matter composite materials.

The introduction of the ink girl, let the people on the field jump straight.
They all know that this kind of big killer can already destroy the civilization that is unified with the earth.
"As for the use of cold weapons, the remote high-energy pulsed laser can be blocked by the energy shield of the toroidal magnetic field. Once the other party has a similar robot, the remote weapon will lose its function, and the cold weapon will come in handy.
According to the battle exploration of "Super Warrior", it is a good near weapon to corrode the solution and venom with materials, so the war robot is also equipped with a near weapon of corrosive solution.
I eliminated conventional explosives because of the traditional explosives, which could not cause damage to high-density materials and took up a lot of space. For the civilization below us, it is a bit of a chicken, the same civilization as us, and explosives are useless.
But as a supplement to the physical attack of hot weapons, I use antimatter bullets to make up for the shortage of hot weapons. A finger-sized antimatter bullet can destroy a large city. And it is different from the energy weapon and is not detected by the energy radar, which is good for breaking and destroying.
At present, the combat system of war robots is the 'army ant system'. The soldier ant system is a super-artificial intelligence analysis of the 104.37 billion battle scenes in the "Super Warrior", 3.1 trillion battle data, plus computer-calculated simulation data, it is proficient in any known combat methods. .
The robot has a built-in 10,000-bit quantum chip as the computing core, and the amount of calculation is infinite. From data processing to judgment, the machine response speed is 62 nanoseconds on average, and in combat, it can be changed according to the state of the enemy.

Ink has introduced three war robots in one breath. This is not a battle armor. It can't bring people. The advantage of non-Battle robots is that they can have more equipment and space in a limited volume.
There are three war robots on the field, two of which are humanoid and one non-classical. Heights range from 4 meters to 1.5 meters, and their combat styles are different.
The largest is the remote robot. The power of the remote pulse laser is higher than that of other war robots, and the flexibility of the close is lower.
The smallest is the Assassin robot, which is based on flexible speed and stealth. The material is radar stealth material, the material is weaker than other robots, and it is mainly aimed at the rapid assassination of the monomer.
There is also an atypical war robot, which is mainly a melee robot. It is shaped like a spiderman's armor. On the basis of the human body, six flexible mechanical octopus legs are added behind it, carrying a short pulse laser fighting thorn. Easily pierce all materials currently available, including dense materials for dark matter synthesis.
These war robots are all soldiers, soldiers of the marching ant group.
Now through artificial intelligence learning, the reaction speed and combat capability of soldiers and ants have already far surpassed humans.
Aliens in the universe, life may be higher than humans, using humans to control the armor, the combat power may be insufficient, so it needs to be replaced by artificial intelligence.
They have reason to believe that aliens also have a technology that is stronger than them, so they must be prepared for everything.
"In addition to war robots, the spacecraft also carries anti-matter star bombs, super viruses, high-pulsation electromagnetic bombs, nano-robots, micro-search robots and catching robots. Search robots are used to find Mergo, spacecraft and medical facilities, and finally It is the armor for Mergo."
"As long as we find the murderer, we can save the murderer by any means. Now I am developing a space dimension weapon. Once completed, it can provide galactic-level combat deterrence." said the ink girl.
All their actions are aimed at saving Chen Mo back.
When everyone understood the force carried by the super-light speed spacecraft, the spacecraft had reached the predetermined space position.
With the order of the ink girl, the spacecraft's space curvature engine was activated. Thirty minutes later, the four spacecraft disappeared into space in different quadrants of the universe.
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