Chapter 823: : Instant Move and Grey Twenty-one

Determined to be a superpower to develop a medicament, Chen Mo lost interest.
He has a lot of this technology, and now the wild mountain star in the earth and the small universe should be developing this medicine. The current [God] permissions, as well as super-powered directed development technology.
This potion is very attractive to other civilizations and lives, but it is not enough for them.
"Take it away and you can go."
Chen Mo took the potion. This was the reward he brought back at the risk of causing trouble. The mosquito leg was also meat. Although he was not sure how effective it was, it could provide a reference for his research on the development of potions.
"I have one more thing, sir." As soon as he turned around, the gray man turned back, gritted his teeth and determined: "I want to follow Mr."
Chen Mo was startled.
He didn't expect this gray man to think of following him. Rescued an individual and got caught?
This guy is a big trouble.
The demonic civilization and the mysterious force are looking for him. If he is found here, it is not a joke. The two will definitely trouble him directly, and certainly not only the troubles of the two, but also the continuous troubles of other follow-up civilization forces.
Although Chen Mo is not pleasantly surprised by this superpower development potion, it does not mean that it is not important. Chen Mo knows how powerful this special ability is, and he and Jing Ge are a good example.
To life, this mysterious power is simply incredible.
"Why do you want to follow me?"
"Sir saved me, I want to repay you, and I have nowhere to go, and I can't live without this planet. Sooner or later, I will be caught back by the magic flame civilization. And you feel to me, not like ordinary people." Greyhide The man turned towards Chen Mo, bent down, and saluted solemnly.
Chen Mo was unmoved: "You are in trouble now, give me a reason to keep you."
The gray-skinned man knew his situation, and the Demon Flame civilization was looking for him, and he had such a big secret. It was an infinite trouble. If he did not convince Chen Mo, Chen Mo could not continue to help him.
"I will be superpowered." Hesitating for a moment, the gray man told his secret.
As soon as the gray-skinned man said this, Chen Mo and Jing Ge were all confused. Jing Ge, a small stone carving, stopped.
"Have you ever used this super potion?" Chen Mo pointed to the potion just obtained.
"Have used it, because I had super powers, I escaped from the base." The gray-skinned man said seriously, he knew that if he wanted to follow Chen Mo, he could not hide it, otherwise Chen Mo would not accept him.
"The last phase of the test of the magic flame civilization used a lot of lives. Listening to the researchers was 10 million. There are beasts, humans, zerg, and beasts without wisdom. I am one of 10 million. A lot of lives died, a lot of madness, and some super powers appeared successfully, but after a period of time they lost control and died.
There are only five successes and controlled abilities, and I am one of them. At first I pretended to be crazy and didn't dare let them know. Later, I discovered that I can adapt to the environment of this planet, no longer rely on oxygen to survive, and my body becomes stronger. Then when they do n’t pay attention, I use super powers to escape from the isolation room and steal their potions and armor. Come out.
This potion is the kind we have used. Our group of twenty lives, including me, five of them succeeded, and the other lives awakened and died out of control. I pretended to be crazy and died, and the magic flame civilization sent me to this planet. "
The gray-skinned man told Chen Mo the whole story.
A life raised on a low-level planet was tested in captivity by the Demon Flame Civilization, and then screened out, he was sent to the experimental planet. Among the successful undead subjects, select the headquarters that may be successfully sent to the life research of the magic flame civilization.
This is how the Greyskins were screened and survived.
Chen Mo, who has been captured by three-eyed civilization, naturally knows that some higher civilizations support lower civilizations for experiments.
Calm thumbs up and appreciation for the gray-skinned man.
At least he knew how to plan to escape, much like he was at Qing Mercury, but the gray-skinned man was not as lucky as Chen Mo, and fled when he was raising him.
"What is your superpower? It allows you to escape from a heavily guarded base."
Hearing this ability, Chen Mo immediately raised his spirit, Jing Ge glanced back, and returned to the cold appearance, carved with small stone carvings. His stone sculpture model is a small animal, and various forms of small animals have been portrayed to life by him.
"You used this ability to escape from that explosion?" Chen Mo can now understand that he was in the explosion center before the explosion, and there was no reason to die.
"Yes." The gray man nodded.
"How far can you move?" Chen Mo continued to ask.
"Five kilometers is the limit. I was able to escape because I started to follow the shock wave, then moved out, and then moved to that city. Moving five kilometers twice was the limit of my day, and my brain was very heavy and painful. Plus the shock I was unconscious in the city. "
The gray-skinned man was determined to follow Chen Mo and tell everything about himself.
He knew that leaving the planet required many things and conditions. And once he shows up, the Demon Flame civilization will surely catch him back, and he can't escape the planet.
When Chen Mo heard about the development of medicaments by super powers, he did not feel greedy, as if he heard a very ordinary thing. He bet that Chen Mo was not an ordinary person, plus Chen Mo was kind to him, he was determined to follow.
"You try, from here to the end of the room." Chen Mo pointed at the wall of the training room in front.
"I can control the direction, but I can't control the distance."
Chen Mo nodded slightly, and immediately understood that the gray-skinned man had not been trained in how to master his abilities, and his environment did not allow him to train.
"Then you try, no matter how long the distance is."
Chen Mo stepped aside, giving way to the gray-skinned man.
The gray-skinned man sorted his emotions, his expression began to focus, and after a while, a painful look appeared on his face. The next moment, his body disappeared and appeared at ten meters away.
Jing Ge glanced at it and looked at the small animal sculpture quietly. The little beast cooperated and carved him in a fixed position.
"Very special ability."
Chen Mo was hesitant to accept the gray man. He has a lot of troubles. If his whereabouts are leaked, he will be trapped in the mud and troubles will continue in the future.
"What's your name? How old is it now?" Chen Mo asked.
"My name is Gray Twenty-one and I'm nineteen."
"Gray Twenty-one? I can stay with you and keep you safe, but when you are here, you must obey my arrangements to avoid revealing your identity. Once you reveal your identity here, I can't keep you."
Chen Mo finally decided to accept him.
His experience is a bit similar to his own. He was captured by captive civilization and escaped.
At the age of nineteen, he escaped from the magic flame civilization, which shows that he is smart and extraordinary, and because the gray-skinned man's mind is not like the deep-hearted generation, he still decides to keep him.
As long as he is properly trained and his abilities are used correctly, the gray man may be a good master in the future.
"Thank you sir." The gray-skinned man heard Chen Mo leave him with a look of excitement and put his hands on his chest. It seemed as if he was performing a ritual on Chen Mo as never before.
One minute later, the ceremony was over, Gray Twenty-one opened his eyes and bowed to Chen Mo.
"My name is Chen Mo, and his name is Jing Ge. During this time, you can't go out for a while." Chen Mo thought about it and looked at Jing Ge: "Jing Ge, this little ghost's super power, can you train?"
For some reason, Gray Twenty-one heard that he was going to be trained by Jing Ge, and felt a hairy feeling.
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