Chapter 824: : Decision of the Demon Flame Civilization

A large-scale high-level armor battle took place at high altitude outside Siyuan City. Siyuan City was destroyed by anti-material bombs, causing millions of casualties. The news shook the entire Shi Ganxing.
Fighting of this scale has not happened in Shi Ganxing for a long time.
Although Siyuan City is only a small city in Shi Ganxing, but because it is closer to the Warframe Trading City, it lives more than 50 million lives. Antimatter bombs exploded outside Siyuan City. Most of the lives fled by flying vehicles, but one million lives still died.
In Shi Ganxing, in addition to the war between civilizations, such a large-scale deaths rarely occur.
This battle attracted the attention of the entire federation. When the Star Security Agency stated that the three unknown forces were fighting, the reason for the fight was not known, and details were not announced.
The anti-matter bomb exploded, leaving a deep pit with a diameter of 20 kilometers outside the city of Siyuan, breaking the silence of Shi Ganxing.
Anyone who knows well knows that Shi Ganxing is surging inside.
Bai Yan was not looking good on the sofa. This operation was very aggrieved. Not only was the target robbed, they also killed and injured several team members. Compared with the injured members, the failure made her more unhappy.
The first time he performed such an important task, he failed. There is also the eyes of the white warframe, which has been imprinted on her mind so far, the coldness that touches the soul and the memory is fresh.
She was sure that no one in the base could ever give her such a terrifying fear.
The egret looked at the image saved by the white cricket armor and saw the extremely high-speed instantaneous stop, even he couldn't help wondering: "This division is really as powerful as you said?"
"It may still be conservative, Uncle Egret, what you give me is a sense of oppression, a kind of pressure, but what he gives me is a kind of cold chill, a sense of fear." Bai Yan said seriously.
The egret sitting opposite Baiji looked surprised, a pair of tiger eyes were extremely dignified.
According to Bai Yan, I am afraid that some top players who are not weaker than him enter Shi Ganxing. The universe is so big and there are many top masters, but most of them are advanced civilizations and forces above the indigo level.
The white cricket met at Shi Ganxing, indicating that the other party may have been prepared.
Others are staring at the Flame Flame civilization.
Now that the target is in the opponent's hands, it is likely that what the Warframe Division stole from the base of the Moyan civilization will also fall into the opponent's hands.
"Can you find out who the other party is?"
"No news." The egret shook her head.
Shi Ganxing has hundreds of billions of intelligent lives, and wanting to check one or two Warframe Divisions is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and the other party is still wearing Warframe and can't see the true colors. The opponent's armor is exposed in front of them and will definitely be replaced.
"What should we do now?"
"Mrs. is putting pressure on the Demon Flame civilization. We wait for the news to be as low-key as possible during this period of time.
After the battle in Siyuan City, the Demon Flame ignited for two days, his face looked exhausted. Beside him, his assistant Samori also frowned.
Vijes died and the target was rescued. At least two powerful forces were staring at them secretly. Just now the Star Safety Agency came to the door and asked them to cooperate with the investigation.
In any previous investigations, they could refuse to use the internal events of the Demon Flame civilization as an excuse, but this time the explosion of Siyuan City caused millions of lives to die. The department was also very angry.
They did not expect that this matter would be so bad.
The Demon Flame civilization is also one of the big civilizations of Shi Ganxing, but this Siyuan City incident has offended several major civilizations. It is dangerous to use anti-matter bombs on the planet that exceed the specified equivalent. If it is out of control, it will bring the entire Shi Ganxing into disaster.
So after the antimatter bomb exploded, Shi Ganxing's major civilizations and other small civilization forces used the Star Alliance to press the magic flame civilization, which was the biggest crisis since their establishment.
The Demon Flame King suspected that a larger force was behind it, but could not find out which force did it.
"Is the path of those two forces clear?" The Red Flame King's hair became more scarlet, apparently angry.
"Everything can't be found, but the one who killed Vigers who was determined to be the top master, and the origin of the Star Safety Agency can't find their origin." Senji's words and expressions were full of prudence: "Baixing civilization may have received some Special news, so we will contact us to negotiate. "
Demon Flame King's expression suddenly gloomy.
The development of super-powered medicament is close to success. When the medicament matures and trains a group of top warframe divisions, they will be among the top civilizations. They only need time, but only at this point in time.
"What's your suggestion in the current situation?" The Demon Flame King looked at Senji.
Senji is the chief think tank of Demon Flame Civilization, his most powerful assistant, and his most trusted confidant. In recent years, the magic flame civilization has been stable and strong, and the think tank chaired by Senji has contributed a lot.
"We are facing the White Star civilization. They are god-level civilizations that can crush us to death."
The Demon Flame King nodded slightly, agreed with him, and let him continue.
"At present, it is known that at least two top-level forces are staring at us, and we don't know how many are staring at us secretly. After this incident, technology must not be kept secret. So we might as well introduce competitors from the White Star civilization and let them play. We use The chips on hand maximize our benefits. "
"Do you mean to introduce several other god-level civilizations and join in the negotiation of super-power development technology?" The magic flame king's eyes were uncertain: "If so, the risks we have to bear are not small."
There are good and bad ways to do this. The advantage is that once they are negotiated, their interests can be maximized, but the disadvantage is that if these parties are in trouble, their magic flame civilization is at the center of the storm, the battle of several god-level civilizations, a little bit of aftermath, They can be destroyed without residue.
Among the beasts of the seven god-level civilizations, they are as weak as pets.
"Yes, but if we do n’t, we will be swallowed up by Baixing civilization. Once Baixing civilization gets super-power development technology, they want to be a big one, and absolutely do not allow this technology to remain in our hands. Because we are still In the hands, there is a risk of leaking to other god-level civilizations. So no matter where we give it to, this technology cannot be maintained. "
Senji explained all the stakes.
If this time, they succumb to Baixing civilization, they may be swallowed up by Baixing civilization in the future. However, if they do not succumb to Baixing civilization, the other party will cooperate with Shiganxing's many civilizations, and use this event to put pressure on them, their magic flame civilization will also perish.
Because of this technology leak, their magic flame civilization has been pushed to the blade to dance. If they are not careful, they will be killed by the blade. So now they can only find a balance point on the blade, if they lean to one side and lose the balance of gravity, they will die on it.
Therefore, a third party or even a fourth party must be introduced to make them eligible for price increase negotiations.
"The chips are in our hands, we take the initiative, at least the initiative is in our hands." Senji said.
For the Demon Flame King who has the ambition to evolve to a top-level civilization or even a god-level civilization, it is impossible to lose the initiative and surrender to the god-level civilization.
After a long time of hesitation, the Demon Flame King made up his mind.
"Just follow your method. Also, control all personnel involved in the research and development of super-capable technologies, protect them secretly, and centralize all technical information. That is our only bargaining chip. Only after we get the bargaining chips can we go to table negotiations qualifications."
"Understand." Senji focused his head.
Until Senji left, the Demon Flame King was unwilling.
If the information is kept secret and the technology succeeds, they secretly cultivate top-level Warframe Divisions with superpowers. In less than a thousand years, they can enter the ranks of top civilizations and be separated from the divine civilization's remaining 'small universe'.
But unfortunately, the news leaked, and his ambition was put to naught, and now he can only use technology in exchange for the benefits they want.
He thought about the relocation of civilization and brought the core of civilization to a planet incognito development. But in the future, it will take countless years to restore the glory of the magic flame civilization. At that time, the existence of the Moyan civilization was still uncertain. There was no migration of civilizations in the small universe, and the possibility of secretly developing and growing was too small. Divine civilization could easily find them.
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