Chapter 986: : Research results of Loinu

"The patriarch, the team headed to Mu's Tianxing, has..." Wu Kun knelt in front of the totem hall, sweating and sweating, daring to report the news completely. The news just returned was too shocking.
"What's wrong?" The old patriarch of the corpse civilization sitting in the center of the totem opened his eyes and his voice was thick.
"The whole army is wiped out." Wu Kun gritted his teeth and reported the final message.
Dead silence, dead silence.
The atmosphere in the totem hall seems to have solidified, pressing heavily on everyone in the field.
No one dared to speak again, not even one word.
"What's the matter? Say it." The old patriarch was silent for a long time before speaking, lifeless, and his voice calm and terrible.
"Ming Qiyu and Mingyan failed, and they were all killed by Chen Mo's guards. Following the guards in the past, they were..." Wu Kun swallowed his saliva, knelt on the ground, and dared not raise his head.
"Say." The old patriarch said calmly.
"Following the guards of the past, led by Ming Tu to slaughter the war department."
"What about video frequency?"
"it's here."
Wu Kun tapped the communication device in his hand a few times, and projected the video frequency into the Totem Hall.
From the siege of Chen Mo, to the opening of the space channel by Mo Nu to send the guards, and then the death of Ming Yan and Ming Qiyu, the process was complete. They even saw the incredible expression even when Ming Yan died.
The upper body of the corpse civilization in the totem hall shook uncontrollably, and did not know whether it was angry or frightened.
"Who of you can deal with marching ant groups?" The old patriarch's voice was much older.
No one spoke in the totem hall, all eyes and noses, and speaking at this time, speaking is not a good choice.
"Why not? Aren't you very good at fighting for the benefits? Now that you have paid, no one is there? Isn't there even a general who finds a leader?" The old patriarch's voice was ridiculed and angry. : "If you deal with other civilizations, you can have half of the benefits of your internal struggles. My civilization has already unified the universe."
None of the high-level civilizations in the Totem Hall dared to squeak.
The atmospheric pressure was terrible.
"Hand over half of the soldiers' power in each hand." The old patriarch's voice was terribly calm.
In the Totem Hall, many high-rises lowered their heads, their eyes blinking.
Carrie sat in a daze at the desk, her eyes darkened.
Since she stepped down as the shepherd's civilized star, trouble has continued.
Today there is another life to trouble her.
Things are ridiculous.
She contributed hundreds of years of civilization. After she stepped down, she was suppressed and retaliated. The previous competitors began to trouble her. She finally understood why the marching ant group could easily win the Hongqiao, and the city master of the Shepherd City was incapable of being cowardly.
Is there any future for this civilization?
She has thought about the future of the Shepherd City countless times. Once she was in the position of the star. Even if it is difficult, she is willing to make every effort to build this civilization. After all, this is where she grew up.
However, now that we are far from the center of power and looking at it from the perspective of ordinary life, we find that this civilization is dead.
I thought that after she stepped down, she would be able to survive peacefully, and now she found something naive.
In order to shirk Hongqiao's lost responsibility and cover up the incompetence of the high-level, the lord of the city overthrew the responsibility of her outgoing general, and she became the sinner of the shepherd civilization.
Going on like this, A Mao A [Biqu Ge] dog can come to mock her a few words.
When she truly loses everything, she will never let her go before her rival in the core power circle.
How to do?
Carrie looked blankly at the communication number in her hand.
Are you really here?
In the end, Carrie still dialed the number in her hand.
Thoughtful control!
This is the most detailed one of the special abilities that Zidi introduced to Chen Mo's memory card. Through the experience of these special abilities, Chen Mo only realized the terrible Zi Zi.
In theory, this ability is omnipotent.
Controlling time, space and matter is the highest form of mindfulness. But between the imagination and the limitation of life, even the Purple Emperor has only reached a certain stage, and can only control part of the matter, but not time and space.
The Purple Emperor stated in the record that this is the power of God.
This is God, not God-level life, but God who controls the universe.
This ability allows material molecules to decompose and reorganize material molecules.
"The 9816th."
Mo Nu took a stone and placed it on the white metal plate in front of Chen Mo. In front of him, Chen Mo is connected with various sensors to collect data on his body.
The bodies of Chen Mo and Mo Nu have undergone quantum development and have a higher level of life than all known life.
According to the theory of the ability of quantum life, the bodies of the two belong to the non-physical body, the quantum body of the non-energy body, immortal, and the reaction speed can reach Planck time, 10E-43 seconds, which is the shortest time.
They possess all the superpowers, the ability to control all particles in the universe, decompose and reorganize matter and body, move instantaneously, analyze matter, create life, manipulate time and space, predict the future, travel time and space, and cut off cause and effect.
As the Purple Emperor said, the body of the two is a treasure, but they have not found a suitable way to open the treasure.
Once they successfully master their physical abilities, they can dominate the universe and become the master of the universe.
The stone slowly floated under the control of Chen Mo on a small platform, and then, like weathering, a little sand fell down.
In five minutes, the stone with a big fist turned into a pile of sand and piled on a metal plate.
Suddenly, the heap of sand appeared again and again, a little bit of sand floated up and slowly condensed, and a stone as big as the original was formed. It's just that this stone is slightly different from the original stone.
Chen Mo stopped, unlocked the sensor on his body, and took a look at the stone of the small platform: "I will stop here today."
"it is good."
Mo Nu brought him his clothes and put them on.
"What about Xiaoyu and Zhao Min?" Chen Mo asked.
"Little fisher sister is on the earth, and Zhao Min’s recruitment of talents during the gala event, since the team of the corpse civilization was wiped out by us, many elite lives came to surrender, and many of them have hatred against the corpse civilization, Even the wanted criminal of the corpse civilization." Mo Nu said.
"Can she solve it?"
"Go and see the liveliness of the Star Forum."
"Teacher, don't you think about it again? Your research really matters." Erlie's big eyes looked at the teacher beside him with a nervous expression.
The student and assistant most trusted by Mr. Erlie is also the only person other than the teacher who knows the content of the research.
Everyone is preparing for the Superpower Forum now.
Here are all god-level life, and the presence of major civilizations. As one of the main forums, it is also one of the places where many civilized talents gather.
The scene was very lively and there was no life to hear their conversation.
Loinu nodded gently: "I've been thinking for a few months, nothing can't be announced."
As soon as this remark came out, Erlie gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade. He knew that the teacher had already made a decision. With the teacher's stubborn character, the decision would never change.
"Below, I have asked Professor Loinu to publish his latest research results." After a super scientist published his research, the host named and focused his attention on Loinu.
Loin stood up slowly, politely greeted many of the colleagues on the court, and went to the podium.
As one of the top superpower scientists in the universe, Loinu has always been a talent for major civilizations. However, Loinu has no interest in going to a god-level civilization, so he conducts research in his own research room in a low-key manner. .
This star event, it is rare that he came to participate.
"I am honored to be here at the Star Festival, to stand on the most sacred land of the cosmic civilization and to publicize my research."
Loinu spoke, and there was applause on the court.
"Next, what I want to publish is the most important research in my life. After three hundred years of exploration and research, just two years ago, the project I pursued has finally made a breakthrough. After more than a year Thinking, I finally decided to unconditionally announce this project to cosmic life and make my only contribution to cosmic life."
The field was silent.
Three hundred years of research by the top superpower scientist, the most important project in a lifetime.
Loinu's solemn voice made all life on the field attentive, and even the scenes of live forum speeches were gathered on Loinu, afraid of missing a historic moment.
"After my three hundred years of research, I discovered the code of the superpower gene of life. Two years ago, I successfully developed a starting superpower factor, which can stimulate the superpower gene of the living body with a probability, so that the living body Get evolutionary transformation, the following is its molecular formula."
The moment the molecular formula appeared on the holographic screen of the forum, there was an uproar.
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