Chapter 987: :influences

At the Super Energy Forum, there was one shoulder behind the other.
Together with the online forum live broadcast of virtual reality, the number of lives watched has also refreshed the forum viewing live record, and the number is constantly refreshing.
The focus of all life's eyes is on Loinu.
The research report just released had too much influence. Ten passes, ten passes, and less than ten minutes. It was filled by the audience.
This is a moment to witness history.
The influence of super energy development technology is not small. After the battle of Shi Ganxing, super energy technology has become a direction of the evolution of universe life.
This technology is enough to allow the universe civilization to enter a new era, so the god-level civilization will use any means to compete for the research results of the magic flame civilization in Shi Ganxing.
Today, Loinu's disclosure of this technology has considerable impact.
Almost in the foreseeable future, this technology will change the life of the universe. At that time, it will be a new era of superpower.
All the experts of superpowers on the scene were attentively looking at the research results announced by Loinu, and looked excited.
"In the age of superpowers, Professor Loinu actually disclosed this technology?"
"It's too courageous. This is an epoch-making technology. The impact is immeasurable. Professor Loinu actually chose to make it public?"
"I have worked hard all my life and chose to make it public for free. I'm afraid the name Loinu will always be engraved on the list of cosmic greats in the future."
The development of super-powerful technology is of great significance. If this technology is in his hands, what Professor Loinu wants, I am afraid that other civilizations will change, but he chooses to publish his research results for free at the Star Festival.
Tolerance admires the life of watching.
Even if the god-level civilization wants to block these messages, there is nothing it can do. Loinu's speech has been broadcast to all corners of the universe.
"The super-energy factor is the last dark cloud that lies on the head of the universe’s code of life. Although I initially touched the gate of super-energy, the reason and principle of its real formation are still a mystery. I wish that no matter what the future will be, the cosmic civilization And life can evolve in the general direction, and future life sciences can completely unlock the code of life in the universe."
Loinu finished his last sentence, applause rang from the field, enduring.
His public release of this research and development achievement has become the starting sign of the advent of the superpower era in later generations.
Suddenly, there was a commotion in the auditorium.
"The patriarch is here."
Mu Shizhong's figure appeared in the vision of many lives and was coming over to the forum.
All lives know what Mu Shizhong’s arrival means.
The announcement of the super-energy gene code and super-energy factor will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the life of the universe, and the choice to make it public at the star event is inestimable.
"Professor Loinu, hello." Mu Shizhong said politely.
"Hello, patriarch."
"Professor, did you choose to make your research public to life in the universe?" Mu Shizhong asked politely.
Loin nodded slightly: "Yes."
"Then do you want to make this research stand on the Star Monument, and respect this cosmic civilization's Kui Bao for future generations to admire." Mu Shi asked again.
There was an exclamation on the court.
In the Star Forest, there are maps left by Mu Shi Tianxing, which is the most sacred place. The general map steles are in some peripheral academic stele forests. They cannot enter the star stele forest at all. Only the studies that have a significant impact on science and cosmic civilization can enter the star stele forest for preservation.
Loino promised to come down and chose to make this achievement public, and now he felt relaxed.
"Mr. atmosphere." Mu Shizhong bowed solemnly to Loinu.
This achievement will likely change the pattern of cosmic civilization and the course of life, and will have an infinite impact on future generations.
"Mo Ge, this molecular formula is a bit similar to ours." Mo Mo beside Chen Mo said.
"Well." Chen Mo nodded.
"According to his research conclusion, the success rate is only one percent." Mo Nu said: "Shall we recruit this life?"
"No." Chen Mo shook his head: "Our development technology is several generations more advanced than him. We were exposed to mastering superpower technology originally, which came out to solicit afterwards and became a concern."
Chen Mo looked at several other directions in the forum.
Tong Qing, Zi Yun, Thunder, Hu Bingxin and others, as well as a mass of the world's top civilizations are all present. The purpose is obvious, and they are here to solicit.
He could not give the conditions of the god-level civilization, nor the reputation of the god-level civilization. In the eyes of outsiders, they were just a sudden rise and did not understand the details, so he now has little chance to recruit each other.
"Then we now?"
"Go to other forums, walk around, play around."
Chen Mo and Tong Qing stared at each other and turned to leave.
The research and development results announced by Loinu became the first achievements to be established in this star event.
This achievement was engraved into a map stele and placed in the most central area of ​​the Star Forest. It was named [Loinu Map Stele] and was also called the super map stele by the outside world.
There have been no such public research results for tens of thousands of years.
The superpowered stele has just been established. For a time, the core area of ​​the Star Forest was filled with superscientists from all over the universe. The content of the stele was also printed and recorded by video, and spread to all corners of the universe. In the hands of civilization.
There is no scramble within Shi Ganxing, and there is no war, because the technology is already public and there is no need to it. The civilizations who came to participate in the Star Festival are so calm that they are all hurrying to digest and record the results of this research.
And Loinu also received invitations from the major civilizations of the universe, hoping to join their civilization.
The name of Loinu has been successfully selected as one of the top 100 scientific giants in the universe, becoming a living legend.
This is predicting that the universe will lead to a new era of superpower.
In the holographic field in the study, images of Lan are suspended.
Lan is telling Chen Mo about the current situation of the universe.
There is no doubt that after the super energy factor is made public, the cosmic battle environment will become more complicated.
According to Chen Mo, this superenergy factor molecular formula and the techniques he masters have similarities and similarities. They are somewhat similar, but different.
The probability of successful development of this molecular formula is not high. According to the data released by Loinu, he used a planet’s red-level life as an experiment, and the development success rate is only about 1%, which is several generations behind their development technology. .
But even this is terrifying.
There are countless one-hundredths of life in the universe, which is also a huge number.
In the future, the major civilizations of the universe may also be improved on the basis of this molecular formula, the success rate will be higher and higher, the foundation will be laid, and this tall building will be higher and higher.
This technology has opened the gap between the top great civilizations and ordinary civilization soldiers. At the time of the chaos of the universe, the war will be more fierce. The soldiers of ordinary civilizations will no longer be weak. But the space at the top of the pyramid is limited.
Superpower development has changed the genes of life and changed the nerve structure of the brain. After the development of life, the reaction ability is the top. The strength of the armor division can be imagined.
The prince would rather be kind.
In chaotic times, the most important thing is a kind of life.
Lan had to admire this Loinu, and actually chose to publish this epoch-making technology for free.
After talking about the layout and situation of the current home, Lan asked: "Boss, are you still going to stay at Mu Shi Tianxing? Now there shouldn't be too big things."
After the last incident, it was fortunately Mo Mo's special ability, otherwise Chen Mo was really in trouble.
He intended to support Chen Mo's return to Earth now, because there is a potential danger on Mu Shi Tianxing.
But Chen Mo wanted to stay on Mu Shi Tianxing, he could not object.
"For the time being here, I have a feeling that I should stay here now, maybe there will be some other gains." Chen Mo said.
His hunch is not out of thin air, because his body is so special now.
Lan thought about it, and then Feng Feng suddenly turned: "If so, you can pay attention to another message."
"what news?"
"The Star Chamber."
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