Chapter 939: Are they unimportant, the important thing is: I think just...

Three days ago, the ‘traffic accident’ that shocked the entire Galactic Republic in the parliament district on the top of the planet Coruscant was an extremely tragic tragedy...
Because the accident caused the tarmac of Airport No. 066 and the docks above, including the beautiful chrome-plated Naboo royal ship of Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo and polished by top masters. A total of dozens of spacecraft and aircraft, including interstellar spacecraft, were damaged. Several buildings including the apron No. 066 and the buildings below and around one kilometer in range were seriously damaged. Hundreds of robots and natural persons were taken away. Casualties!
In the first few minutes just after the tragic traffic accident, the news spread across all the media and networks of the entire Coruscant planet, and to the outside of the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, from the core area to the entire galaxy. When the external radiation went out, many people thought:
No one can survive the scene of the accident, including the Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala, who just arrived in Coruscant and disembarked, and the head of state Anne of the Hero Federation of the new member of the Republic. The group of people must be dead!
Everyone firmly believes that in that kind of tragic accident caused by the loss of control of the interstellar spacecraft engine, no one can survive by chance, and maybe even a slightly intact body can't be found! In that case, even those who are replaced by the Republic have all kinds of magical abilities, extremely powerful combat effectiveness, agile movements, and even the Jedi masters who can defeat one hundred.
At that time, many parliamentarians who heard the news or people who were more concerned about the internal affairs and current affairs of the Republic had their hearts on the spot. Because they know that things are definitely going to be bad, and think that a huge storm may be brewing within the Republic, or even a terrible division and civil war?
After all, when the head of any country was deliberately murdered, assassinated in the Coruscant capital, and still shamelessly murdered in the form of being'smashed into a spaceship' under the eye of the parliament, Then it would definitely not be regarded as nothing happened! Especially now that the two factions in the parliament are already at a dreadful dagger, and both sides still have powerful forces and have been in a terrible situation of tit-for-tat and stalemate?
and so,
Suddenly, the entire Galactic Republic became nervous involuntarily, and began to wait and see and worry about the occurrence of some terrible storm...
Among them, the one that is most worried and perturbed and secretly guarded is undoubtedly the side of the trade alliance.
If it is said that the Hero Federation needs to launch retaliation at the first time, it is obvious that it has always been against the Hero Federation faction represented by the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren and has launched a foolish assassination operation. They must be the first to be attacked and retaliated against, none of them!
Three days later, the follow-up was subsequently publicly reported. The authoritative official report shocked the people of the entire Republic and many congressmen and politicians in panic:
‘Traffic accidents have caused tragic casualties and property losses. There is no doubt that I will express my deep condolences and regrets again...’
‘But thankfully....’
'Padme Amidala, Queen of Naboo, and Anne Hasta, the head of the Heroic Federation, who have been deeply concerned by the one trillion citizens of Coruscant and all parties in the galaxy, have fallen in this accident. No damage...'
‘The news that the two people died in the accident (assasination) is a rumors. I hope that the media and citizens of the Republic will not believe the rumors or continue to spread them...’
"As for whether the accident was an accident or a conspiracy..."
‘At present, the parliament has dispatched Jedi Knights to start the investigation. I believe that a satisfactory result will be obtained and announced to the public soon...’
The above is the latest authoritative report given by the Coruscant Council on the ‘traffic accident’. Although I don’t know whether it is true or false, it has finally calmed down the slightly turbulent Galactic Republic.
Although so far, even if the incident has passed for three full days, no one knows why a steel interstellar spacecraft with a mass of at least one million tons, even if it is empty, without any cargo or personnel. After all the engines were completely destroyed and smashed to which airport, which completely destroyed the building and caused terrible explosions and fires, how could the people who were hit on the spot be well? Isn't it the kind of dead bones that normal people imagine and speculate, or the bad situation where only a little poor body tissue can be found? !
So at the beginning, people thought it was the official efforts to reduce the impact of the incident, or to prevent the situation from continuing to expand, allowing the parties to reach some settlement agreement privately or compromise due to some factors?
As a result, various reports began to fly in the sky after the official announcement, and various vicious speculations or questions with ulterior motives, fearing that the matter was not big enough, once again pointed the finger at the foreign media speaking organization of the Galactic Republic that tried to hide the truth.
But the result...
When the young Queen Padmé Amidala who was supposed to be smashed into meatloaf or burnt to ashes and some kind of good looking girl, there was no less head of hair jumping around After the earth appeared in the eyes of the public, people finally completely dispelled the last trace of doubt in their hearts.
But soon, the media who were not reconciled to sinking down on this issue unanimously launched more reports, but this time the content of the report, in addition to the previous conspiracy theories and guessing whether it was a'normal accident' or was deliberate In addition to the murder, more topics were brought to the important point of what the two hapless but lucky young queens and little heads of state did to survive.
You know, before this, many media and related'authoritative organizations' have used supercomputers to simulate on-site monitoring. In that terrible situation, such a large interstellar spacecraft crashed down. Under the circumstances, the chance of survival of the Queen Amidala and Head of State Anne will not exceed one in a billion!
To put it bluntly, they are dead, they must be hopeless! But as a result, who knew that such a big reversal would come? !
Now after a period of fermentation, many media have attributed the reason why Queen Amidala and the head of Anne were spared to the most likely three points of speculation.
First, the shield hypothesis?
Some media believe that the Queen Padmé Amidala or the head of state Anne Hasta, or his subordinates? For example, those guards, maids, and even robots, etc., who have some kind of portable and powerful shielding device on their bodies, so that when the spacecraft hits, they not only successfully resisted the huge weight of the spacecraft and subsequent The explosions and flames that came, successfully persisted in the arrival of the rescue robots of the Republic?
However, almost the entire Republic of the people and authoritative experts in related fields have never heard of such a small one, which can be carried by a single person and rely on low-power operation to withstand a million-ton weight class object from making a free fall And the explosion that followed.
Even if I search the entire Galactic Republic, I’m afraid I can’t find the kind of miniaturized and powerful portable shield device, and no one has the ability to make it, because the current shield in the Galactic Republic is mainly used to resist. The impact of the blasting beam!
Second, lucky guess?
Although there have been enough facts to prove that it was indeed a deliberate assassination of two national leaders...
But, fortunately, the time for the mobs to do it might be a little late? When the huge and terrifying spacecraft crashed down, the lovely little head of state Anne and Queen Amidala had boarded the shuttle boat for reception at a critical time and left the center of the explosion in time?
However, this assumption is not accepted by most people! Because the surveillance footage on the scene had long been disseminated, Queen Amidala and the little girl were on the platform at the time. Counting from the time, they had no time to run to any shuttle boat and Start the machine!
Therefore, the last guess is very marketable, that is:
At that time, Queen Amidala and the little head of State Anne and his party escaped at a critical moment with some advanced technology! For example, some novel transmission technology that enables people to conduct ‘super-light-speed navigation’ even without protection?
To this day, the teleportation techniques that the races in the Kepulu zone named Protoss are good at have long been known on the planet Coruscant and the entire Galactic Republic! After all, in a world where technology is developed, free interstellar navigation is possible, and information sharing technology is extremely fast, what happened on Naboo has long been no secret...
If it is the kind of terrible advanced technology that is said to be able to teleport even large warships and buildings in an instant, when the interstellar spacecraft smashed down, the little head of Anne must have enough time to use the advanced technology of their federal state Technology took the other people to teleport away in an instant, and successfully escaped! Therefore, now things have reversed, and the result of the assassination of certain malicious thugs is not so unacceptable.
Anyway, at present, in the Galactic Republic, people are most willing to accept the third guess as to why the people at the assassination scene have survived!
What the media and authoritative experts don't know is that their guesses are indeed accurate, but they are not completely correct?
Because, at that time, the life of Queen Amidala and her party was saved. Although it was indeed teleported, it was not the teleportation technology they thought the protagonists had mastered, but a little girl who kept talking about it. On the side-magic! !
"It really makes us self-righteous Jedi masters a bit unable to imagine that the Force can actually move and transport people away to the degree... It seems that our Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense. The application is indeed far from enough. It has more non-offensive skills waiting for us to develop..."
"I really look forward to that level of force application..."
Master Yoda first glanced down lovingly at the little fire dog that was dozing beside his feet, and at the same time using the heat from its body to warm himself, then slowly raised his head to face the other elders and those present. The guests said with a smile.
At this time, in the top conference hall of the High Tower of the Supreme Council of the Jedi, in this place where a little girl was destroyed and almost burned last time, the elder of the Jedi Council, Master Yoda, is discussing some important things The little girl with an impatient look, Anne, Queen Amidala from Naboo, Senator Nova of the Heroic Federation, and Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren discussed.
The investigation results of the vicious incident three days ago have already come out. The spacecraft that fell down was just like the outside world guessed. It was not caused by an engine failure or an explosion caused by some reason. It was because someone deliberately installed a powerful explosive bomb with a remote control device on all the engines of that spacecraft!
Moreover, what makes people feel terrified and angry is:
After an urgent investigation by the Jedi Knights, they soon discovered that in the low-altitude route passing above the airport platform No. 066, there are multiple identical ships, which will go back and forth on that route almost every day, acting as freight or'urban All the main engines and sub-engines of the interstellar spacecraft with the bus function are equipped with remote-controlled explosive devices!
So, now the matter is clear, it is indeed an extremely bad and premeditated assassination of the Queen of Naboo and the head of the heroic federation! It is indeed a man-made disaster, not the ridiculous ‘machine failure’ that some people take for granted!
However, what is even more terrifying at the moment, makes the Jedi committees reluctant to believe a fact:
The interstellar spacecraft that fell and launched an assassination attack, as well as the many spacecrafts that were investigated but were only equipped with bombs, ready to launch that kind of "coincidental" attack at the "just in time" timing, are impressive An interstellar spacecraft that belongs to a transportation company under the trade alliance and performs missions on the route! !
This is the reason why so many important people gathered in the conference hall of the Jedi Committee tower at this time. The Jedi masters feel that it is necessary to reassure Queen Amidala who is the ‘victim’ and the little head of state who represents a country, and persuade the other party not to expand the matter as much as possible?
"That is really wonderful, far beyond what I expected..."
"and so……"
"Your Excellency, Head Anne, regarding the application of The Force, I wonder if you can give us more inspiration at your convenience?"
Master Yoda, who intends to temporarily ease the atmosphere of the scene, cleverly extended the topic to the application of Force. He intends to talk about some topics that can relax each other, and then discuss the more serious ones. Things.
Otherwise, if their meeting today fails to achieve the desired goal, I am afraid that the republic they have worked hard for for countless years will be in trouble... At that time, what will be waiting for the galaxy is not what they can do. Imagined.
Little Annie stopped her eating behavior, then raised her head, and squinted at the old goblin Yoda.
"No time!"
"And what people have told you many times is that it's magic, it's arcane, it's not the kind of messy force you said!!"
o(??^`)o hum!
First glanced at the other person disgustingly, then Annie turned her head with a cold hum.
Although, she does have a way to make the other party use that kind of force to achieve the degree of teleportation or long-distance teleportation... However, for these stubborn old guys in front of her, Little Annie does not want to pay attention to them at this time. , And don’t want to say more, because she doesn’t want to teach more!
So, after just answering one sentence, she immersed herself in her job of destroying delicious food, and then left here as soon as she was ready to eat, so that she would not stay here with these long-winded old guys. The meeting!
You know, her Lord Anne is the most hated meeting, especially when she is in a bad mood or not?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Well, let's talk about the Force in the future, let's get back to the subject now..."
Seeing that the little girl didn’t intend to pick up her own topic, Master Yoda turned her head in disbelief, and looked at the true principal, Senator Nova, and the Supreme Speaker Valoren and Naboo. The three of Queen Amidala.
Now the three of them were cold-faced, posing as if they were a thousand miles away. Master Yoda couldn't help but sighed again, and vaguely knew that today’s meeting, it seems that they won’t get them. The kind of result that the Jedi Council is satisfied with.
Therefore, he had to slowly look at Metz Windu next to him and gestured, hoping that the other party would talk about topics that made him a little difficult to express.
"Congressman Nova, and Speaker Valoren..."
Unfortunately, Metz Windu, as the elder and chief of the Jedi committee, the Jedi master who was jokingly called the'Black Tantou Director Shumiao' by a little girl, had no choice but to bite the bullet and look sincerely at the present. Of the two most important figures.
"Is such that……"
"We heard the results of the Jedi investigation and some clearer conclusions, but you really made up your mind, are you going to do the kind of thing you are preparing?"
"Although you may not believe it, but we have seen it. The Force tells us that the world is facing disasters, and darkness is covering us. If you really continue to do your own way, the Galactic Republic may soon fall into war. And the divided..."
In fact, inviting these important people and friends to the Jedi Temple today is not only the will of these Jedi masters, but also part of the reason for the trade alliance's mediation and request.
Because the people of the Trade Union hoped that when their Jedi Committee came forward to mediate, they promised: That was really not what they did. They admitted the despicable act of assassinating Senator Nova on the spot and said they would provide the other party with corresponding compensation? However, the assassination of Queen Amidala and that little head of State in the spacecraft three days ago was really not done by them, and they were really wronged!
They are still at a loss until now, they are indeed ignorant of the incident, and indeed they did not intend to blow up the spacecraft engines of their trade alliance companies and cause them to crash into the airport apron No. 066! !
And they also said that if their trade alliance is really going to do that kind of thing, they will certainly not be stupid enough to choose their own spaceship! So, is that obviously a conspiracy laid down by a third party outside of the Trade League and League of Legends? !
"and so……"
"Our Jedi Committee hopes that the two of you can act cautiously? If you need any compensation or want to make some request, we can convey it on your behalf."
Therefore, after the Jedi masters used the Force to sense from the representative of the trade alliance who came to mediate that the other party did not lie, they had today's private summit meeting that was not announced. Or it can be said that this is actually only a private meeting?
"Master Mace Windu, whether you want to see that situation or not, now the war has begun!"
Without waiting for the highest speaker on the side to speak, Nova discovered that her head of state did not intend to compromise, she immediately spoke first and gave the matter sex!
"It's not the first time they have done that despicable assassination!"
"Neither I nor our Federation will forgive the repeated assassinations of the Trade Alliance! Therefore, it is foreseeable that our country’s targeted retaliation will be officially launched soon, just like those people are worried. The same!"
"Master Yoda, as well as Master Mays Windu, I advise you that the Jedi Committee should not easily get involved in this kind of thing. You never care about politics, do you?"
Although Nova is a newcomer and is still not familiar with Coruscant and the Galactic Republic, she said that she knows one thing very well, that is: the Jedi Order has never been involved in politics!
But now it's better, the other party will actually intervene for the trade alliance, and even want to mediate and advise herself for the other party, but that makes her Nova feel very upset! You know, her Nova has always been a decisive master, and she has not directly directed fusion attacks to the trade alliance's resident or factory, and she has been more restrained!
In fact, she did think of that kind of retaliation, but unfortunately, the planet Coruscant is too troublesome. It has five thousand layers of crust and extremely crowded streets. If fusion strikes are used easily, even if Is it a small-scale tactical attack, it is also very possible, or can it be said that it will affect many innocent people? Therefore, she has waited until now, waiting to use more ‘legalized’ retaliation measures.
"Congressman Nova, there is no clear evidence yet, but you plan to launch countermeasures at this time. Isn't that a bit too rush?"
"Perhaps, you can wait until we have completed the investigation first, and after we have found out the truth, it is not too late to make relevant preparations?"
The chief master of Mace Windu was a little anxious and helplessly persuaded. Obviously, they can actually foresee some results now. After all, the Force is a wonderful thing, but he still wants to do the last thing. Work hard and see if you can save something.
Because, once the tough Nova Senator and the Supreme Speaker in front of the trade alliance take action, the scope of the matter will be very wide by then, and it will definitely cause a huge impact and turmoil on the Republic. It is not their Jedi Knights. Want to see.
After all, now, in this galaxy republic that has already had some signs of twilight, their Jedi Knights are already struggling to maintain the order of the galaxy and the dignity of the republic, and once a new crisis or major turmoil occurs in the republic , They may really be unable to deal with it anymore.
Especially the kind of melee between the two sides that they least want to see. Once it happens, the Jedi Order without the support of the army will be very passive to the changes caused by the war, and it may even be impossible to maintain it. Fragile order?
"Huh! Investigate?"
"There is no need! In fact, it is no longer necessary to investigate whether they did it or not. It is not important whether they did it. The important thing is: we think they did it!!!"
In Nova's view, the endless wrangling should also come to an end in advance. After all, she could not have been in the parliament with the choppy for too long, she was already impatient!
Those things they said were done by the trade alliance, that is what they did, not too! Where is the evidence needed? The so-called evidence is sometimes just an excuse or fig leaf! But now, the excuse they needed has been found, so evidence or something is irrelevant.
"But we Jedi Knights found some evidence, those you think are just speculation..."
"Our Jedi Committee now has reason to believe that there must be some dark black hand hiding behind the scenes manipulating all this? So Senator Nova, we sincerely hope that you can..."
However, before the chief master Maes Windu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the impatient Nova reaching out.
"Master Mace Windu!"
"Needless to say, there is no doubt that the facts are already clear. This is the warfare of the Trade Alliance against our Heroic Federation and against the Galactic Republic! In fact, when their warships surrounded and invaded Naboo, the war It has already started."
"So, what you do is destined to be futile, because we will take the necessary countermeasures before sunset! And your Jedi Committee request, I heard, but you have no right to stop!!!"
Looking coldly at the Jedi Knights who didn't know which side they were on, Nova turned her head and looked at the little head of state next to them who didn't intend to speak, and then assuredly said some of her decisions.
Since Master Anne does not intend to get involved, nor does she intend to let these self-righteous Jedi warriors interfere, she can be completely relieved!
"All the elders present..."
"Now, their trade alliance has shot me and our head of state twice in a row, and we won't let them shot a third time!"
Some people really think that the people in their Hero Federation are bullies. After they shot her Nova, it didn't count, but they even stepped up their heads of the Führer? This is really great. Some people may just be idle, like they are going to die or make trouble...
If that is the case, then she will surely not disappoint those people soon! !
Speaking of it, Nova is really struggling for a while, how can she find a reasonable excuse to mobilize more troops from the star area... After all, the fellow Protoss of Thrandis is not hers, the Golden Fleet She doesn't listen to her orders, even if she wants to use them to launch wars or attack the trade alliance, there is no good way to show the clutters a little bit of color...
But now it’s different. Now, their head of state was brutally assassinated by people from the trade alliance. Such a serious incident, even if it was unsuccessful, was enough to make the tribal members of the tribal council and military committee in the constellation angry. Understand!
Although it is still unclear who did it, the trade alliance is only the biggest suspect, and the matter has not been investigated in detail, but that kind of thing is actually not important, because, since she said that the trade alliance did it , Then they must have done it, not too!
"Master Mace Windu, and Master Yoda..."
"I also think it's time to take necessary measures against the trade alliance. You must also know what they have done on Naboo. If you condone them in this way, I am afraid that in the future, it will not only affect our safety. Threatened!"
At this time,
Queen Padmé Amidala, who had been sitting in her place and hadn't said anything, finally spoke.
However, she has always yearned for a peaceful life and advocates the maintenance of the rare fragile peace of the galaxy. She does not know if she has been stimulated. This time she strongly expressed her support for the proposal of the Federation of Heroes to take tough measures against the trade alliance. ?
"Your Majesty Queen Amidala, it is safe for you to live in the Jedi Temple now. We will send our best female Jedi master to protect your safety throughout the entire process. As for the head of Anne..."
"We all know that Head Anne is very powerful, as strong as we have never seen before. Even the strongest Master Force is probably not her opponent, so we don't actually need to worry about her safety... and she There is also the mysterious way of using the force, the ability to directly teleport away, right?"
Seeing that Queen Amidala, who had always been amiable in front of her, expressed a tough attitude, Metz Windu was already a little frustrated and could only try to save her.
"No matter how powerful it is, it is not a legitimate reason for people to repeatedly attack repeatedly!!"
Nova said that if the other party is only targeting herself, that's fine, she can just play with the other party... But if it's targeting the little head of their federation, then I'm sorry!
Because now things have been completely upset, the tribal councils in the constellation already know what will happen next, it’s no longer her Nova has the final say...So now these ridiculous Jedi elders want Come to persuade her, it makes no sense at all!
Anyway, the military action of revenge is already brewing, and their preparations are about to start in the parliament. Now it is useless to persuade anyone. What should happen will happen after all, except for their little head of state. No one can stop it now!
"Although I know we shouldn't ask..."
"But, Sir, can I take the liberty to ask, what is the council going to do next?"
After listening to the gunpowder-scented words from the opponent of the council, Master Yoda, who knew that the matter might not be able to be restored, had to sigh and turned to look at his friend Phoenix Valoren.
Although he also knows that it is not the speaker of the other party who has the final say in the parliament now, it is more that the powerful member Nova next to the other party is manipulating it, but he still wants to know something in advance, even if he makes some arrangements for it in advance. It is also good to avoid being caught off guard.
"We intend to pass a special resolution in the afternoon parliament: freezing all credit points of the Trade Union and freezing all the legal cargo licenses of the Trade Union in the Galactic Republic until the Jedi Commission's investigation reaches a satisfactory result!"
After taking a look at the Senator Nova next to him, after seeing that the other party did not intend to stop him, he has been doing pretty well recently, even if he is half a puppet, but Phoenix Valoren, who has a lot of waist and confidence, is thinking. After a brief comment, he told me the response and countermeasures I had prepared.
"I know that people in the trade alliance will definitely object, but..."
"I will use the power of the speaker and the presidium to force this resolution to pass. It will prevent the trade alliance from making any resistance for at least the next month! I think the Jedi should also be able to investigate by then Is the truth about the matter?"
In Phoenix Valoren’s view, after repeated assassinations of parliamentarians and national queens and heads of state, the trade alliance at the cusp of the storm must be investigated, and the measures he has just said are irrelevant. No one can fault it.
"If that is the case, I am afraid that it will really lead to the division and war of our Galactic Republic. At that time, I am afraid that the war will even sweep into Coruscant..."
"The strength of the trade alliance is not as simple as you think. Are you really ready for a war?"
In fact, according to the intelligence held by the Jedi Committee, the power of the Trade Alliance has long surpassed that of the Galactic Republic, which has no outstanding army except for the military power of the participating countries and the Jedi Order!
At that time, once the funds and trade licenses of the trade alliance are frozen, there must be an extremely severe armed conflict between the two sides!
Therefore, Master Yoda is a little worried about the safety of the galaxy and the Republic. At that time, if the trade alliance can be resolved as soon as possible, it would be fine, but once it is delayed, the threat to the Republic will be devastating! In particular, when almost one-third of the people in the parliament support the trade alliance, it will be a situation that no one wants to see.
"Of course I'm ready!"
"When they launched that despicable assassination operation, the war had already begun!!"
Nova did not give the speaker a chance to continue talking to each other. She stood up and said that she was tired of it and did not intend to continue talking nonsense with this group of people who would only be ‘peacemakers’.
"Head Anne, what do you think about the trade alliance?"
Seeing that the tough Senator Nova, the young Queen Amidala, and the always kind-hearted Speaker Phoenix Valoren all expressed the attitude that their Jedi committee least wants to see, and they are still very determined, no way. Master Yoda had to turn his head slowly, pinning his last hope on the little girl head of state who might not change the status quo.

"Ask me?"
Little Annie has never heard these people talking nonsense from just now, so how does she know what they say?
However, she felt that the other party might be asking her thoughts about the attack. After thinking about it, she honestly stated what she had wanted to do three days ago:
"At the beginning, people were really angry, and wanted to directly take out a few'Super Ivan' missiles and hit them on the heads of the bad guys who attacked them in the distance!"
"But after thinking about it later, I resisted and forgave them temporarily..."
Yes, anyone who takes the spacecraft down and is hit by a large iron block will definitely not be in a good mood, but Xiao Anni still dangerously resisted some impulsive thoughts at the time.
After all, her Master Anne is also a clever, well-behaved and cute little girl. Although she throws bombs, she usually doesn't do things indiscriminately, at most...only occasionally when she is particularly angry. Just do it?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers would not tell others. It was it who persuaded the little master of his family who wanted to'get it to death' regardless of the consequences! It was Tibbers who successfully saved it again. This planet of Coruscant and the terrifying number of residents on this planet are a trillion!)
Super, super big Ivan? !
Suddenly, Nova, who was standing next to her, suddenly turned her head and looked at her little head of state, and opened her mouth... However, after her face changed several times, she finally said nothing.
However, the careful Master Yoda still found that Senator Nova had a rare cold sweat on his forehead?
"Your Excellency Head Anne, did you really find them at the time? Was that also your special application of the force? But I don’t understand. Head Anne, you always have grudges (careful), since you have the ability To counteract the other party, why did you suddenly change your mind at that time?"
Master Yoda, who was planning to'save the country by the curve', continued to talk along the other party's words, and he also said that it was a bit strange...because he had been in contact with the little girl head of state for a while, plus in the Jedi Temple He himself often taught those elementary students to sense the force and training, so he was quite familiar with and understood some of the little girl's qualities.
"Humph! Very short answer!"
"Because once the missiles are fired, it is not just the bugs who attacked that will be unlucky!"
Without waiting for her head of state to explain, Nova snorted coldly and gave a green-skinned old man angrily.
Nova thinks, that old guy, don’t rush to rejoice to save a little life. Now listening to his tone, there is even the kind of meaning that wants to instigate the head of her family to throw missiles. What's your heart? !
"Indeed, it is really bad to injure the innocent. A single missile is likely to destroy an entire building. Such indiscriminate retaliation is really not good..."
"Just like our Jedi Knights, only use the force for knowledge and defense, never for offense?"
Master Yoda nodded, expressing gratification for the Nova Senator's explanation and the little girl who did not take countermeasures at the critical moment.
"Do not!"
"Old Yoda, you are wrong, it is not just a building that is affected!!"
With a cold face, Nova corrected some low-level errors in the other party's words again.
What's the joke, how could the toys that can be packed and carried with them by their head of state, can only blow up a building? You know, even an ordinary ‘Lanzel’ flying thunder is enough to blow up a battleship.
"Could it be that those missiles are so powerful that they will spread to a whole block?"
Under normal circumstances, the weapons of interstellar war are very powerful, so Master Yoda was stunned for a while before he asked carefully and humbly again.
If that's the case, the little girl was right to hold back her anger in time. Otherwise, if she killed a few thugs and caused more serious casualties and losses than the attack, it could be considered a crime. Behavior, it is indeed undesirable.
And this is like the reason why their Jedi Knights have always used only a lightsaber as a weapon, and have never actively used the inelegant weapons of firearms.
Nova gave the little green-skinned little old man again, a little bit angry.
"Ha! Master Yoda, believe me, it will only be countless times more powerful than you think!"
"Forget it, let me tell you this: The'Super Ivan' missile in our Kepulu region is an advanced and extremely powerful fusion weapon. Its internal code is'Planet Destroyer'. The equivalent of a piece is 10 billion tons of'T'N'T'! Under normal circumstances, it is a quadruple, and it is launched by a specially developed suicide robot. No one wants to carry that kind of stuff. Because its explosion radius is far beyond the range...Although, it also has the function of short-distance bending?"
"If it was detonated on the Coruscant planet, probably one could break up a quarter of the planet, right? If the four are launched together, I am afraid this Coruscant planet will be terrible."
After finishing talking, Nova first glanced at some old man who had fallen into a sluggish look, and then looked at their little head of state with grateful eyes.
Now she would like to thank their head of state for not killing. Fortunately, the other party had resisted and didn't throw it out directly. Otherwise, she would probably end up with Nova herself! !
"you guys……"
"How can you develop that terrible weapon?!"
You know, the reason why the Galactic Republic and the Milky Way have been peaceful for so long is because the Republic prohibits the military application of certain terrible technologies, and also prohibits countries from developing powerful offensives, especially against planets. Level of super weapon!
Therefore, Master Yoda expressed extreme fear and incomprehension about the understatement of the Nova Senator in front of him and the little girl's head of state who almost carried out a devastating attack on the planet Coruscant!
"You have to ask our Federal Academy of Sciences about this kind of thing!"
Nova is noncommittal and does not comment, because, in a sense, her Nova itself is a weapon, and even herself was'made' by the previous emperor Mengsk, who killed them. There are not many at all, what position does she have to comment on the military items in the Federation?
Soon, after seeing that the ‘meeting’ that was mediating on their behalf was about to fail, and hearing some news that shocked the Jedi masters present, they all fell silent and did not plan to say more.
Because they knew that it was destined to be futile...
∑(??△`)? !
"Why do you suddenly stop talking?!"
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
After the visit to the Jedi Temple, on the afternoon of this day, before the assembly was announced, the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren used his little power to forcibly pass such a resolution:
Temporarily freeze all the credit points of the Trade Union in the Galactic Republic Bank and related institutions, freeze all the legal cargo licenses of the Trade Union in the Galactic Republic, and detain all the interstellar ships of the Trade Union on Coruscant until the Jedi Knights of the Jedi Council Our investigation has reached a satisfactory result so far!
After this news was announced and executed, the entire planet of Coruscant and even the entire Galactic Republic were in turmoil! Because people know that terrible things will happen soon!
That evening, the trade alliance and the party members that were sanctioned by the parliament for ‘violating the rules’ also used fierce methods to deal with the unfair resolutions made by the Supreme Speaker:
The group headed by the trade alliance and a certain Jedi suddenly entangled countless giant commercial entities and at least thousands of galaxies (similar to the existence of the solar system) to form a new union-independence Galaxy Federation!
They issued speeches attacking the Galactic Council and the corrupt republic, and declared war with the Galactic Republic to end the rule of the galaxy by the corrupt and morally corrupt countries?
As a result, in the same day, before everyone had reacted, the flames of war had quietly ignited in the galaxy...
As for where this vain war, which has caught most people off guard, will take this galaxy and the Milky Way Republic, it is temporarily unknown.

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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