Chapter 940: Riding my beloved little motorcycle o(??�第�

As the "Independent Galaxy Federation" formed by a new combination of more than a thousand galaxies outrageously announced the official war with the Galactic Republic, almost one-third of the lawmakers, including the Trade Union, also failed to respond in the Galactic Council. Before, they rolled up all the wealth they could take away and evacuated the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, immediately!
Of course, due to the official outbreak of the war, the large-scale evacuation of those parliamentarians, some entity industrial and commercial groups, and the deliberate disturbance of certain people with ulterior motives, the planet Coruscant soon became chaotic...
The chaos that caught the Jedi Knights and the security robots caught off guard, and caused severe damage to the prosperous planetary city of Coruscant, lasted for several days, until the Hero Federation’s support forces, the unique ships The giant battleship formation with the word'T', the huge battleship formation with thousands of ships collectively leaped above the orbit of the Coruscant planet, the capital of the Galactic Republic, which had been chaotic for many days, was gradually regained by the Jedi Knights and A large number of Republican guards and public security robots were back in control and stabilized the order.
Undoubtedly, under the intimidation of the unique and hideous'T'-shaped battleship, under the intimidation of the battleship fleet that is similar to the flagship of the "Phantom Crisis" but slightly smaller in size, some took the opportunity to cause chaos. , The terrorists and those with ulterior but unwilling conspirators who were beating, smashing and looting everywhere on Coruscant were terrified, so they had to stop their hands quickly before the army did not start to take action, and they would deal with Coruscant. The control of this planetary city was relinquished.
However, the appearance of large-scale warships in Coruscant’s orbit just illustrates one point. That is: Now the war has indeed begun, and it quietly started before almost most of the citizens of the Republic had reacted. Coming, regardless of whether people are willing or ready to accept it.
And this can be probably seen from the fact that most of the residents of Coruscant fled their families during this period of time, and the commercial industry was hit hard! As for Coruscant, the extent to which important planets in the core regions of the republic within a few hundred light years have been lost is currently unknown.
Fortunately, the huge battleship formation of the Hero Federation appeared fast enough, until they used an extremely large and powerful fleet to show to the originally panicked residents of Coruscant that they could protect the planet of Coruscant and defeat the rebellion of the Independent Galaxy Federation. After these permits, this finally stopped the continued flight of Coruscant residents and the rich.
After all, before this, no one was too optimistic about the odds of winning the Republic!
This is because compared to the fact that they have almost become lonely in the Galaxy Council now, and even the internal opinions are not fully unified, and even some of the allies are watching or refusing to send troops to the "Presidents", it is obviously still based on Earl Dooku and Trade The alliance headed by the closely united "independent galaxy federations" have a better chance of winning?
Because it is rumored that the "Independent Galaxy Federation" has gathered the power of thousands or even tens of thousands of galaxies, and those robot armies are starting to attack, and many supporters of the "speaker faction" have abandoned their weapons and surrendered. Or flee?
and so,
The previous chaos on the planet Coruscant and the escape of a large number of residents were taken for granted.
But now it's different...
With the emergence of the battleship formation of the Hero Federation, with the huge size and shields, there is also a huge gun barrel on the hull, which stays in Coruscant all day. Thousands of huge battleships in orbit began to send some warships to attack and some good news came. Only then did they finally give the residents of Coruscant a little bit of confidence, and successfully threatened the planet of Coruscant. Some of the guys on the Internet who are planning to take advantage of the chaos.
What embarrassed the Supreme Speaker and the Jedi Order at the moment:
When the trade alliance and the other party's accomplices evacuated the planet of Coruscant, they even took advantage of the chaos of the entire planet and the inability of the council to perform their functions, while the Jedi Knights were bustling around Coruscant and the core area of ​​the Milky Way. , Saved that important person, the suspect governor of the trade alliance?
As a result, now that they have recovered, even if they want to obtain more valuable information from the other party, or want to use multiple parties as a hostage and as a bargaining chip in negotiation, it has become a luxury?
of course,
What’s worse right now: With the split movement of the "Independent Galaxy Federation" and the complete outbreak of war, the chaos of the galaxies farther from the core of the Republic is also increasing day by day. In these short days, it is snowy. Requests for help and related reports continued to reach the desks of the Supreme Speaker and the Jedi Committee, making the Supreme Speaker and the elder members of the Jedi Committee feel anxious all the time...
In the end, it was Admiral Nova, who is now presiding over military affairs and has announced his appointment as the temporary supreme military commander of the Galactic Republic. He thoughtfully set up a large number of battleship squads, allowing those battleships to carry countless Marines and Armored vehicles, even advanced Viking fighters, and other forces can be regarded as helping the core area around the Republic and the galaxies farther to basically maintain order, and finally stabilize the misty Republic.
Today, on the fifth day after the end of the chaos, after the Jedi Council’s warriors and the Republic’s guards once again completely succeeded in controlling the entire planet of Coruscant, the ground forces of the Hero Federation finally officially landed on the originally prosperous planet of Coruscant. But now it looks like a depressed steel planet!
'stand at attention! ’
‘All of them! turn right! Go together~! ! ’
‘Hi ha! Drink it~! ’
‘Hi ha! Drink it~! ! ’
'fast! Pay attention to all the siege tanks, and immediately follow the assigned tasks and move around to start the siege mode and build defensive positions! ! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Which troop are those banshees from? Bastard, who made them stop there? hurry up! He X let their people drive away to Lao Tzu immediately! The command center will be airborne soon, if I smashed it, I don’t care about it! ! ’
'what? You ask me where to stop? ’
‘Can’t you just find a roof and stop temporarily? Why have to come and stop on the ground of the base, do you think it is not crowded enough? ! ’
'Well? strange……'
‘Why is there a chariot of fire here? His XX will really mess with Lao Tzu! ’
'Hurry up and transport these four-wheeled guys back. This tattered planet is too crowded. There is no need for the flightless thing here. Throw me to another planet right away. Coruscant doesn’t need it here. They are embarrassing! ! ’
‘Luck away! Transport away! ’
'Faster! The transport ship over there is empty, you drive on it yourself! ! ’
On the busy Jedi Square, a grumpy guy is driving a heavy and huge Thor mecha, striding with the rumbling pace, and at the same time using the loudspeaker on the mecha to shout and release one Commands.
What kind of voice is so loud, coupled with the amplification of Thor Mecha, so that the Jedi Knights in the Jedi Temple and many Coruscant residents who have not escaped can clearly hear it!
Of course, it must be the Coruscant media workers who are dedicated to filming and reporting on the spot for fear that the world will not be chaotic. At this time, they are on top of the news hovering vehicles, surrounding the base under construction. Filming with the landing field where soldiers continue to come.
And the reason why the human army in the Kepulu region chose this place is because the planet Coruscant is so rich and too crowded that they can't find a large enough open space or ground?
In the case of unwilling to squeeze those large cargo terminals and tarmacs, there is no alternative. The vast majority of the huge square before the Jedi Temple was gorgeously captured by the engineering commander of the Hero Federal Task Force. It was a little short, and it looked a little fat, but the engineer Rory Swann, who had an unusually grumpy temper, used it directly.
Because this place is large enough, the'ground' is strong enough, has enough bearing capacity, and the terrain is high enough to facilitate the defense and transportation of warplanes and warships. Therefore, the Terran Command Center of their Hero Federation and other facilities of that small ground base are also It can only be placed in such a place temporarily, and there is no other better choice for the time being.
At this time, when the Terran forces began to land on the planet Coruscant on a large scale, on the tower of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Temple, Jedi Master Yoda, Council Chief Master Mes Windu, and visiting Na Senator Schiff Palpatine of Busin was condescending, and there were still some serious faces looking at the soldiers of the Heroic Federation busy in front of the Jedi Temple, watching them quickly and efficiently constructing them. A military base located on the crowded planet Coruscant.
Watching those Marines who are holding up a battle flag with a bear head badge printed on each side, wearing all-colored heavy CMC armor, lined up in a neat formation, and walking past with rumbling steps; watching those engines roar , Quickly drove to the edge of the square and arranged them neatly, and then quickly switched the siege attitude, and gave the muzzle of the terrifying-caliber electromagnetic percussion gun to the terrifying heavy tanks that turned high towards the periphery; and those swings. Flew towards the Jedi Temple with a light movement, and then stopped at the row on the roof of their Jedi Temple without any kind of politeness. At a glance, there were almost a thousand invisible banshees. Fighter, the three of them didn't know what to say.
After all, the scene before the war, the powerful force of the army, is indeed a bit far away for the Republican and Jedi masters who have been pacifying for a long time? They seem to be a little unbelievable. They were fine a few days ago. How come the world is going to be in chaos and there is still a big battle in the blink of an eye?
But there is no way, no matter whether they accept it or not, there are certain things that they have to face.
"It can be seen that their fighters are indeed very strong and elite, even stronger than most of our Jedi Knights..."
"What worries me even more is that there are so many that we see now... and we haven't seen yet, is there more?"
Looking at those below who are wearing heavy CMC armor, holding C-20 Gauss rifles, and carrying a large sword or giant axe behind their backs, they walked up and down, shouting all kinds of terrifying slogans, and at the same time. There were also obvious energy fluctuations. It was coming down from a transport ship, and then it soon filled most of the square area. It was soon sent by a small and medium transport interstellar spacecraft sent by the Coruscant Planetary Command For those Marines who pretended to be deployed to perform security and patrol missions throughout the city, Master Yoda sighed after reaching out and slowly pointing a few times.
For those heavy equipment, such as Banshee fighters, siege tanks, or Thor mechas, etc., Master Yoda and Jedi warriors don't know much, so just take a look and don't want to comment too much.
But, he saw now, those Marines, they looked very unusual...
The very ordinary Marines he has seen, that is, the ones who clashed with the Jedi and were beaten by the Jedi the last time. He has already seen them, and he does not want to comment more. ...However, the strength of these newly-emerged fighters in front of them is not the same level as the batch under Admiral Nova they met last time!
Perhaps these are the regular army of the Hero Federation?
Because Master Yoda discovered that the color and battle flag of the bear head badge on the opponent's chest, as well as the equipment and the aura on the body, were all different from those they had seen last time.
And what made Yoda even more shocking: In less than ten minutes of the three of them standing here to observe, they have seen the large landing craft of the Hero Federation unload at least tens of thousands of land battles. The team members, all of them are those who carry the same flag and wear the same badge!
You know, in the heyday of the Republic, the Jedi Knights in the Jedi Order were no more than 20,000 Jedi Knights at most! And now, it has already dropped sharply to the point where there are only a few thousand Jedi, including apprentices...
Under this circumstance, Master Yoda is very worried. He feels that with the arrival of the regular army of the Hero Federation, the functions of their Jedi Temple and the Jedi Committee are likely to be further weakened. Then, by then, this precarious Galactic Republic will end. Where they will be taken by the "chariots" of the Hero Federation is beyond their ability to guess or influence.
Thinking about it, Master Yoda couldn't help but sighed.
Even if he thought of something deeper, he didn't have any way...because now, the thing that their Jedi committee least wants to see has happened!
Large-scale wars have begun to quietly erupt in this galaxy that has been peaceful for countless years. Presumably on a certain galaxy or a certain remote planet that they can’t see, the fleet of the Independent Galaxy Federation has already followed the temporary lead by the Hero Federation. The mixed fleets of the'Great Republic Army' are fighting, right?
There is no doubt that the possibility of that kind of thing will definitely exist! !
"Master Yoda, aren't they the powerful protoss warriors you once said?"
At this time, Senator Palpatine, who was standing next to the two Jedi masters, suddenly asked curiously. Obviously, he was also interested in those warriors who looked unusual, and tried to get more information from the mouths of the two masters.
As the Senate of Naboo, but also the leader of one of the two remaining neutral factions in the Galactic Council, Senator Palpatine is still working hard to maintain the role of the Galactic Council and unite with the other neutral. The members and representatives of the faction wanted to supervise and obstruct the actions of the more and more powerful "Presidents" as much as possible. Therefore, he will come to the Jedi Temple today and visit these two and his own Jedi master with a good relationship.
But now, Palpatine suddenly felt that he did not seem to have any intervention at all in the'Great Republic Army', which holds the power of the Republic and whose main force is composed of the fleet of the Hero Federation and its partisan armed forces. Room?
In the absence of force to maintain, how much effect the parliamentary neutral group he strives to balance, maintain and aggregate can play is open to question.
"Do not……"
"The templars of the Protoss are not like that. They are completely different from the warriors below... Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin said that those templars of the Protoss are better at using what they say The kind of psionic energy, and the skill is also extremely skilled, with purple skin and a different appearance from the "human race" below, and also like to wear that golden energy matrix armor..."
Having said that, Jedi Master Yoda sighed gently.
Following his disciple, who was unwilling to abide by the regulations set by the Jedi Organization, he was maverick and too idealistic, and he often colluded with the Jedi master Earl Dooku, who was often against the Jedi Committee, and the people of the trade alliance and established an independent galaxy federation , After the war with the Galactic Republic, things became different...
The disciple of Earl Dooku, the excellent Jedi master he just said, Quigang King, actually took the apprentice who has not been recognized by the Jedi Committee two days ago. The little boy Anakin left the department directly. Lausanne Jedi Temple, as for where it will go now, it is temporarily unknown.
However, considering that the opponent often echoed the words and deeds of the Earl Dooku in the committee, it is not difficult for Master Yoda to guess where the opponent will be now.
And to this day, the Milky Way has been splitting out thousands of galaxies one after another. Nearly one-third of the territories and franchisees of the originally powerful Galactic Republic have now declared independence and joined the independent galaxy federation. As a result, the situation of the Jedi Order is now becoming more and more awkward...
After all, a Jedi master with extraordinary personality and noble blood, recorded in the Jedi Archives, started a war to split the republic. I don’t know when he also gathered people from the commerce guild, trade alliance, and interstellar banking. Groups, technical alliances, and many parliamentary countries formed a new federation and blatantly confronted the republic. Such things have never occurred to them all.
Especially, when that Earl Dooku or his Master Yoda’s apprentice is a prestigious Jedi Master in the Jedi Order? So now he is very worried, afraid that there will be more Jedi like that Kui Gangjin, but he has no other better way.
"Master Yoda is right!"
"They are just human forces of one of the three races in the Hero Federation country, and the Protoss fleet is still operating on Naboo near the outer edge of the galaxy, except for the last time the prisoners were escorted. Besides, I have never seen reports that they have been to Coruscant."
At this time, Master Mess Windu on the side also added a few words, which was regarded as answering some doubts for Master Yoda to the Congressman Palpatine next to him.
Because he saw that Master Yoda's mood looked a little unwell, and he didn't know what he was worried about.
"So it's like this..."
"It's a pity, speaking of it, I haven't been able to see with my own eyes what the Protoss troops and the Golden Fleet look like!"
Palpatine pretended to look regretful, watching the human forces in the Kepru district below set up missile towers and steel bunkers on the square of the Jedi Temple, and then looked at the rows of guns on the periphery of the siege. After the tanks, they frowned slightly and grinned.
in fact,
He has learned about it specifically. The heroic federation from the Kepru region, the country of the vicious woman Nova who damnably robbed him of the throne of the highest speaker and disrupted all his plans, he tried his best to investigate pass!
That is said to be a huge federal state mainly composed of humans, Protoss and Zerg?
And now, the Protoss has seen it from the intelligence, whether it is their appearance, technology or fleet, he knows and is vigilant! He also saw the human forces and the task force with his own eyes. The strength of the opponent is beyond doubt, but he has never been able to see the last race, the so-called Zerg.
"That is……"
Suddenly, without waiting for the two Jedi Knights to answer, Palpatine raised his head in surprise for the first time, his eyes slightly rounded, and he looked at the giant giants that were falling from the sky at this time. building.
Rumbling rumbling...
In the sky, huge command centers, barracks, siege wars, and supply depots are slowly descending directly from Coruscant's orbit with huge and roaring engines, and they are soon being planned. Fall on the square of the Jedi Temple!
An originally empty square was quickly filled with dangdangs. At the same time, a Terran base was quickly enclosed in the metal wall of SCV construction machinery, only leaving a narrow road for the Jedi Knights to enter and exit. After that, this Terran was located in Coruscant, and the small forward base that the Jedi Temple was besieged by Tuan Tuan was completely completed.
"It's really amazing..."
"Although I haven't seen how the Protoss set up their bases, judging from the efficiency shown by these Federation humans who completed the construction of a base in less than twenty minutes, they are indeed with us. The army that the Republic has seen in the past is completely different..."
Mace Windu doesn’t know how to describe those troops. Anyway, he only knows that after seeing the strength and extremely high efficiency that the opponent currently shows in front of them, he is secretly celebrating that their Jedi Order is not the opponent’s. enemy.
"This is an efficient war machine in operation..."
"They don't even want to waste the time to build the facilities and houses of the base. If it is not for site restrictions, they must be able to complete it faster..."
"I can't imagine what kind of existence their country is like..."
Shaking his head, Master Yoda sighed and controlled the suspended anti-gravity seat he was sitting on. He turned around and swayed away from the huge floor-to-ceiling glass in the corridor, intending to return to himself. Go to the room and think about it.
Because, Master Yoda does not know, and does not want to understand whether the existence of the Hero Federation is a blessing or a blessing for the Galactic Republic, let alone where the other party will take this galaxy...
But now, what is basically certain is: war, that kind of large-scale tragic war broke out in the Republic, is already inevitable.
"Master Windu, I'm sorry, I still have something to discuss with our Majesty the Queen, so shall I come here first, and I will visit you another day?"
"I hope the Jedi Order can seriously consider my previous proposal?"
"Then, let's say goodbye."
After finishing speaking, after finally glancing at the hideous weapons of war and the huge and self-powered military buildings on the Jedi Square, Senator Palpatine was not prepared to continue. After apologizing directly to the chief master next to him, he hurriedly turned and left.
He was very busy, especially after seeing part of the strength displayed by the Hero Federation, he had to go back and arrange it in advance.
"No problem!"
"Your Excellency, please feel free to..."
Mayes Windu, the chief master of the Jedi committee, did not take care of the Master Yoda who seemed to be in a bad mood before leaving, nor did he care about what he didn’t know what he was thinking, and it made him feel a little confused. Or the weird Congressman Palpatine, who just continued to stand at the floor-to-ceiling windows of the tower of the Jedi Committee, looking at the human forces underneath that had almost completely occupied their Jedi Temple Square.
As for the other party's proposal just now, he certainly can't reply immediately, because it still needs to be discussed by the elders of the Jedi Supreme Council! However, it is basically certain that it is, and it is unlikely that the proposal will be passed.
"It turned out to be a few large transport spacecraft, how many troops will they have to transport down?!"
I saw several huge transport ships whizzing down again in the sky, and then when they stopped at the still empty square area in the distance, they quickly unloaded rows and rows of heavy CMC armored armors. After the Marines and the siege tanks, Mace Windu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.
You know, during the time he was standing here, he at least saw a full hundreds of thousands of Marines and countless military equipment of all sizes being transported to Coruscant, even in the sky constantly. Roaring in groups of Viking fighters and invisible Banshee fighters, roughly estimated to be at least tens of thousands...
At this level, the guys from the Heroic Federation are still constantly transporting troops to the restored planet of Coruscant. That woman, the guy named Nova and the supreme commander of the Galactic Republic, really wants What do you do?
Whoosh! Whoosh!
Oh oh...
Watching countless Marine Corps members and various military equipment quickly emerge from the transport ship, and then the kind of spacecraft that has been unloaded quickly leaves. After vacating its position, the sky continues to fly in the sky. After that kind of small medical transport ship transported or dropped new troops again, it didn’t mean to stop at all, Metz Windu could only sigh deeply and turn around and leave without going. See more.
For Terran ground bases like theirs on the Jedi Square, Master Metz Windu knows very clearly that there are four of them on the planet Coruscant, and the one in front of them alone has airborne nearly 200,000. Army, then, the number of troops on the entire planet must be close to or even more than one million, right?
If this is really like what the Nova provisional "Supreme Military Commander" of the Republic said, the task force that is still mostly in orbit, they are just a scrap of the military power of their heroic federation. , Then their true military strength is too terrifying!
Of course, Master Metz Windu felt that it was probably just false news that the other party deliberately said in order to intimidate the enemy, just as the other party is now deliberately sending troops to Coruscant to stabilize the security and order here. Same effort?
Maybe it was just part of the fog of war that the cunning woman threw at the Independent Galaxy Federation?
After all, the task force sent by the opposing country is already very strong, and there can be no more, certainly not...

On the planet Coruscant and other places, the Republic’s
Great Republic Army
is in full swing. When preparing to launch an action against the
of the Independent Galaxy Federation, Little Annie is in a certain Gobi desert. Her mission was performed on a barren planet with a breathable atmosphere.
Of course, she would not tell others that she was really bored, and then in order to retaliate against the bad guys who opposed and assassinated her, in order to find something for herself, so she is the little head of the Hero Federation and the best. The most powerful ghost agents took part of their subordinates, and after forcibly robbing Nova’s flagship, they slipped out to take over the reconnaissance missions performed by those ghost agents that have not been scattered throughout the galaxy. Up.
And now, this broken planet, whose name was not even remembered by a little girl, ushered in a ‘motorized’-like vehicle hovering close to the ground and galloping forward?
‘I’m riding my beloved scooter...’
"It will never get stuck in traffic~!"
A little girl in a beautiful ghost suit of red, white and gold, riding on that suspension vehicle with a carefree attitude, while humming her little ballad, desperately pressed forward against the ground and turned left and right. Galloping on the ground.
And behind her, followed by a large group of at least dozens of AAT suspension tanks controlled by combat robots. They are facing their target, which is the little girl riding on the motorcycle in front of them. Reluctant to chase.
boom! !
boom! ! !
Two explosive energy beams came, but they were cleverly used by Little Annie to use those rock obstacles and so on to avoid the attacks of their foolish machine heads.
Boom~! ! !
!? (??\'\'????)??
After another explosive beam hit the rock next to Annie, under the action of the ultra-high energy beam, the rock seemed to be burnt red instantly, and directly due to the backlog of energy and changes in cold and heat. It turned into a large pool of magma and exploded.
Fortunately, the light, invisible, low-moving, fast, and very suitable for the ghost troops to sneak into the'little motorcycle' underneath Xiao Annie's side dangerously and avoiding the explosion of the gravel shock waves and the splashes. There was magma everywhere, and once again turned a corner, the AAT tanks behind him were thrown away.
"They guys, why are they chasing so hard? Don't they just walk around in their production base!!"
Although very angry, although I really want to turn around and blow up those guys one by one, or even use my own magic to give those guys a good look? However, due to some reasons, Little Annie thought about it, and then reluctantly continued to rush forward.
"Suddenly running on the road..."
"Oh, hey, the wind is so strong on the road, people are about to be blown stupid..."
She turned her head and glanced at the lingering AAT tanks behind her. At this speed, she couldn't get her "little motorcycle" into a stealth state, and she didn't want to jump in the car to lurch and fight back, so she had to Continue to gallop forward.
Because there is still the "Phantom Crisis" monitoring on the top of the planet, her Lord Anne can't use power other than ghost agents to clean up the enemies that are catching up behind, so as not to be underestimated by those stupid guys. Gone?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
?? (??`▽????)╭︻デ═一??呯!
Seeing that the tanks behind her were chasing so fast, there was no way. After passing a rocky hill, Xiao Annie took advantage of the chance that she was no longer in the opponent's line of sight, and quickly turned around in the car, and then copied I got down the large-caliber electromagnetic sniper rifle behind me, and I didn't even look at it.
boom! !
Soon, there was an explosion sound from behind!
The AAT tank that was first abducted from the rocky hill was directly penetrated and exploded, causing the other AATs to jump up and down. When they continued to chase them, they had been given by Annie. Pulled a distance.
"Tibbs! Look, people say they can't catch up, right?"
After the fight, Xiao Anni did not continue to stay, but continued to gallop forward. Although she stopped to struggle with the opponent, she would not be able to beat the opponent, but she did not know why, she did not choose to do that?
(Dear master, you should hurry up, there should be only a dozen seconds left in the last, it's too late...
ε=(????`●))) alas
Sigh, although that kind of thing is not too important, but Tibbers couldn't help but remind him a little when he saw his awful little master having such a good time. )
"Is there such a fast? I remember it was five minutes..."
Turning her head and looking at the back, she was still unwilling to give up, still chasing her own AAT tanks, and after looking at her own position displayed on the navigation system of the small motorcycle, Xiao Annie was agitated, and quickly fell down, intending to let herself Give less help to the unbreathable atmosphere on this broken planet, so that her scooter can run faster?
However, her movements still seem to be a little slower...
Soon, with the waves of shaking mountains, and with the shock waves that slammed into the surroundings from somewhere under the ground, those AAT tanks and Xiao Anni’s small motorcycles were caught. Flew out fiercely!
Rumbling rumbling...
Then soon, as the sound of the explosion went from far to near, a huge orange-red hot mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and then the powerful radiation and light instantly enveloped this place on this planet!
Of course, those AAT tanks and a nasty little girl and the other's small motorcycle were all included.
for a long time……
‘Hello? Your Excellency Head Anne, please answer! ’
‘Hello? ’
"Stop feeding! I'm not dead yet!"
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!
It's really annoying...
I stood up directly in the dusty and high-temperature radiation zone, looked at the fragments of the AAT tanks scattered around the ground, and then looked at my little motorcycle that was burned to the point where only the skeleton was left. The little girl wearing the plasma shield spit angrily.
She never thought that she was just playing with those AAT tanks, and accidentally put herself and her small motorcycle in?
‘My ship has just detected the energy response of the fusion strike, Lord Führer, is it you who initiated the attack? ’
‘How is your mission going? How many enemies are there below? ’
As their heads of state, they have to run to play. This made the female officer in charge of contacting the officer who couldn’t figure out how. However, since their head of state launched a fusion strike, it proves that the other party must have encountered the enemy. Up,
"It seems that there are no enemies..."
After looking around, using the special eyepiece of the ghost suit to scan, and discovering that none of the ATT tanks that were on the edge of the fusion strike range like her were in good condition, Xiao Annie said confidently.
‘Why not? ’
‘Then why did you launch the fusion blow? ! ’
"That's because there was it just now, but it's gone now..."
'why? ’
The female officer of the Hero Federation in the newsletter expressed confusion.
"Because there are all kind of small-headed robots here, they still have to shout and scream. When people get angry, they use tactical fusion bombs to blow up their entire base, so now there is no..."
‘Good, good! Lord Führer, have you found anything below? ’
∑(??△`)? !
"Does that big pit that have just been blown out and a lot of combat robots turned into broken copper and iron count?"
Little Annie said that when she had just sneaked into the secret factory where there were no human beings, and all of them were combat robots, she just wanted to plant a bomb. How could she have time to investigate intelligence?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers would not say that the original mission requirement was to investigate first and then explode, but it turned out... after a certain sneaked in, it just fumbled and touched, and did not drop the mission at all. For the messy little girl I found, I had to leave the timed fusion device in a hurry and ran out, almost getting bombed. Where can I find time to investigate?)
‘Your Excellency, did you find anything before you bombed it? ’
The female officer still asked dutifully, and at the same time began to scan the specific location of a little girl's head of state, but unfortunately, she didn't know why, she didn't scan it.
"There seems to be a robot factory inside, specializing in the production of robots with small necks and small heads, and a new type of robot without a neck..."
There is only so much that Xiao Anni remembered. As for other things, I'm sorry, she was really chased out by a large group of robots before she had time to see it, and was chased by the other's AAT tanks several times. Ten streets are so far away.
‘Ok, is there any information? ’
"Oh, don't say it! People's small motorcycles have been blown up. You send a transport ship down quickly, otherwise they will directly send it up!"
Master Anne, who didn't want to stay in such a tattered place, directly sent back a coordinate to the other party, and then went directly to the wreckage of an AAT tank that was destroyed by a nuclear explosion.
‘! ! ’
‘Good, good! Your wait, the medical transport ship will arrive in three minutes...’
After discovering that the current position of the head of state is on the edge of the nuclear explosion area, she quickly locked the coordinates and found a little figure sitting on some kind of damaged mechanical equipment with a shield on, the female officer went With an exclamation, he immediately issued an order to a nearby medical transport ship that was on standby to set off and'recover' their little head of state.
Although the results of this investigation were not quite satisfactory to her, since it is known that the Independent Galaxy Federation has a secret factory here and it has been destroyed by them, that's it! Then, they will go to the next mission target point, and above the orbit of this planet, they only need to deploy an automatic observation post to stare at any enemy or suspicious spacecraft that may come here.

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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