Chapter 958: They didn't do anything today! (?????...

It's already late afternoon, and the sunset on the horizon illuminates the autumn withered grass near Hogwarts with golden...
At this time, on the edge of the three broomsticks bar west of Hogsmeade Village and this remote meadow one mile south of Hogsmeade Station, a large group of proud people from the Ministry of Magic and the North American Magical Congress on the other side of the Atlantic Luomen, this place has already been surrounded.
They each clenched their wands in their hands and slowly approached the sneaky and desperate wizards in their encirclement.
However, they did not rush to do it, because the person in charge of their operation has not yet arrived, so they are still waiting for the final order... However, if the opponent resists stubbornly, they will definitely not be polite to the other party. .
While the Aurors were holding their wands and threatening the wizards, finally, behind them, a cloud of mist suddenly flashed like a black shadow, and there was another wand holding a wand, dark brown hair, and thick With wisps of gray in his eyebrows, the man who looked like an old lion apparated to the outside, and walked towards the encircling circle in stride.
‘Sir! ’
‘The goods have been seized and confirmed to be correct. They are all in the carriage that has been cast with the Unmarked Expansion Curse, including the precious Thunderbirds, without any defects! ’
After seeing the incoming person, two Aurors hurriedly ran towards each other on the periphery of the encirclement and reported urgently and briefly.
‘Those guys, how about them? Is it in front? ? ’
However, the leader of the Auror, who looks like an old lion, does not want to care about the magical animals. He only cares about the group of dark wizards who are caught by his Aurors who capture and sell wild magical animals for their own benefit. They.
'Yes, sir! ’
‘They’re right in front, all blocked by us! ’
'Humph! ’
‘Where is that buyer? Did you catch him? ! ’
‘I’m sorry sir, we didn’t find the buyer, we just caught a guy who seemed to come to the joint...’
‘Go! Go ahead and have a look! ’
'Yes! ’
When Rufus Scrimgeour of the Auror office used Apparition to arrive at the scene and listened to the advice of the two long-awaited Aurors, and after the two of them explained the situation in a few words, they all went together. Before, hurried to the crowd ahead.
In fact, the Aurors have been staring at this small group of wizards for a while...
They followed the other party to the outside of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry all the time, and finally closed the net after discovering that the other party was in contact with an unknown person, and gave this group of transnational smuggling criminal wizards and buyers together. Surrounded here.
But what was unexpected to the Aurors was: What they caught didn't seem to be the heinous illegal buyer they wanted to arrest, but it seemed to be just a certain connector of the smuggling wizards?
Therefore, after discovering that they had been stunned and exposed, some helpless Aurors had to bite the bullet and continue their actions, intending to arrest the group of stubborn wizards in front of them, and then try to use Veritaserum. Potions like this get other things they want to know from the opponent's mouth.
‘Listen to the wizard inside, you are surrounded by us! ’
‘Immediately put down the magic wands in your hands. We have over a hundred Aurors here. No matter how stubborn you are, it’s useless. It’s still too late to disarm! ’
‘Remind you: "Phantom Shifting" in this small area has been banned, you must not escape, hurry up and surrender! ! ’
An Auror from the Ministry of Magic was doing business as usual, screaming at those surrounded by evil wizards who were curled up back to back and hidden in black hoods and hoods a hundred meters away.
The facts are just like what he said. The Floo network nearby here has been closed, and Apparition has been restricted by their Auror’s special enchantment, and even their Auror Office Director can only Apparate in the distance. And walked over, so those who were surrounded by them would definitely have no way to escape, and there would be no more choices other than surrender to them.
At this time, the wizards surrounded by them just looked at each other. Then you look at me and I look at you, and they don't have any intention of responding or surrendering.
Obviously, they seem to be hesitating, or have some concerns? Of course, it is also possible that they still intend to resist, and have no consciousness of catching it at all?
‘! ! ’
‘Take them, save your weapons! ! ’
Seeing that those guys weren’t ready to surrender in this situation, and looking at the carriage pulled by the night sky that was captured by them in the distance, Rufus Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror’s office, was angry. Under the control of his emotions, he directly raised his magic wand and cast a disarming charm on the guys surrounded by them.
Because from the situation reported by his two subordinates just now, it is not difficult for him to guess: I am afraid their action today failed...Even if they blocked these guys in front of them, even if they could catch each other alive, Presumably, there is definitely no way to get more valuable information from the opponent, even if it is illegal to use Veritaserum, it will not have much practical significance.
‘Except your weapons! ’
‘Except your weapons! ! ’
With Rufus Scrimgeour's outrageous action, his subordinates naturally sprayed red beams of light from the heads of their rods at the same time, and instantly hit the encircled evil wizards. And directly knocked out the magic wands in the hands of those few cringing guys...
'Humph! ’
‘Catch them up and take them back! ! ’
After many days of arrangement, Rufus Scrimgeour must be dissatisfied with such a result. Therefore, when he was feeling upset, he waved his hand and motioned to his men to step forward and remove the wizards who were easily disarmed. The wands of the opponent and the other party were all packed and taken away. What questions can you wait until you return to the Ministry of Magic and then slowly interrogate?
‘Fainted! ’
‘Fainted! ! ’
‘! ! ’
‘??Ναεμπ??διο! ! ’
Suddenly, just as the Aurors took their orders and stepped forward to cast a coma spell on the illegal wizards who had been disarmed, one of the wizards who had just been disarmed on the opposite side actually cast the Wandless Curse, directly casting a genius a few days ago. The barrier spell just passed by Hogwarts, and directly blocked the two coma spells? !
'damn it! ’
‘Wand-free cast spells in places outside the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, and smuggling of precious magical animals, plus arresting and resisting...’
‘There are three serious crimes, do you guys plan to stay in Azkaban for a lifetime? ’
Never imagined that these weasel-like guys in front of them, there is a guy who can master fast and wandless casting and the latest barrier spell? Therefore, Rufus Scrimgeour once again raised the wand in his hand, preparing to forcibly break the barrier of the opponent, and then give the opponent a good look!
You know, due to the management requirements of certain wizards, the Ministry of Magic strictly prohibits any wizard from performing magic spells in places other than his home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, or other specific areas, because, that Very bad for management?
‘Bone to pieces! ’
‘Bone to pieces! ! ’
‘Reducto! ! ! ’
A scream of curse was yelled from the Aurors’ mouths, and then soon, a burst of strong light burst from the head of their rods, and several curses instantly cast barrier spells towards the Auror in a bitter posture from all around. And slammed away the golden shields that protected those people together.
After verification by the Aurors, no wizard's barrier or magic level can withstand the attack of the three smashing spells, especially without the blessing of the magic wand? Therefore, including the leader of the Aurors, Rufus Scrimgeour, they absolutely did not believe that the barrier that protected the lawless wizards during the period could sustain their attack.
Whoosh! Whoosh!
A few spells of shattered bones flashed, and instantly hit the golden shield, and then broke the barrier shield in an instant, and bombarded those who were crowding inside, seemingly still trying to escape. The wizards!
Boom~! !
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ? ’
‘Where did they go? Was blown up? ! ’
"No, I didn't see the flesh..."
‘They ran away? ’
After several curses of crushing bones burst and blasted countless amounts of mud, the officials of the Ministry of Magic and the Aurors around, and even the guests coming from across the ocean, could only look at them face to face. The big pit in the encirclement was silent...
Because they somehow lost the prisoners they had tracked for many days. After arranging for many days, they had nothing except a big pit and a carriage full of smuggled precious magical animals. get?
'This is impossible! We have set up an Anti-Phantom Shifting Curse and related arrangements around here! Find them for me! ! ’
'Yes! ’
'fast! Use Visibility Curse! ’
‘Watch the ground! ’
'report! not found……'
'go there! ’
'report! Not here either! ’
A group of Aurors began to rummaged in their encirclement like headless flies. They did not let go of any inch of land or any possible objects, but, unfortunately, they did not find anything after searching for a long time...
‘Report sir! ’
‘We have not found anything. The prisoners have confirmed that they have successfully escaped. What should we do now? ’
After checking the surroundings for a long time, it was found that the suspects were indeed no longer there, and they were definitely not invisible or hidden by other means. An Auror could only bite the bullet and walked to their chief and asked.
'damn it! ’
'Humph! I always feel that this matter should have nothing to do with Hogwarts...’
In the hate, Rufus Scrimgeour turned his head and looked at the huge castle on the opposite side of the railway and the lake to the northeast.
Those dark wizards smuggled goods here, not elsewhere, and they were strangely missing here under the noses of so many people. If you say, this matter is a bit like Hogwarts. If there is no connection, no one will believe it if you say it.
'go with! ’
‘Send someone to act as Crouch’s assistant, let me go in and check! ! ’
Such a big thing, and with the presence of other Aurors, Rufus Scrimgeour would definitely not be able to give up so easily, because it is related to the face of their British Ministry of Magic. He will never let it go!
However, it is obviously unrealistic to go directly to check Hogwarts, because Dumbledore would never allow it, and Minister Fudge did not dare to disobey Dumbledore’s meaning, so now they can only use the three powers to fight for hegemony. I went to secretly investigate the game.
'Yes! ’
"Please rest assured, sir, we will make arrangements as soon as possible..."

When the Aurors were packing up their things in frustration and preparing to leave, in a hidden place further north of the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest, the wizards appeared abruptly and fell to the ground. , And then Qi Qi made a cry of pain...
"You guys are really useless... People have waited for you for so many days, and you are late at the end, don't you tell me, you can't even do a little thing, and you were almost caught by the Auror? "
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!
Annie didn’t want to save these guys who were
violating the law and discipline
. However, considering that the other party might confess herself and cause some unnecessary troubles, she had to take action at a critical time and directly remove these few The unlucky guy teleported here in an instant.
'She is……'
‘Yes, she saved us? ’
‘Are we really saved? Oh! Merlin bless...’
‘Shut up, you guys! ’
At this moment, without waiting for the embarrassed wizards to continue to say something, the man in front severely reprimanded them.
"I'm sorry, Professor..."
"We have done our best. We thought that the people from the Ministry of Magic would not come so soon. If we want to make a time difference with them, how can we think of..."
They actually knew about being stared at by the Ministry of Magic, but they thought they could deliver the goods to the little girl in front of them before the Ministry of Magic collected the net and caught them, and then they could escape early. They were going to take the risk, and there would have expected that they and the others would be blocked by a mad woman, making the plan wrong at the last minute?
After speaking, the leader gave a glance at the crazy woman who was standing up slowly.
Although the other party is his acquaintance, he usually has a lot of business dealings, and he is still the subordinate of a terrible guy, but for the guy who broke his big deal, he will definitely not be happy with the other party. of.
Annie has no idea what the other party is doing. Anyway, she only knows that this time the mission has failed. Those guys don't seem to be as reliable as the other party promised before?
"But you don't need to worry, we will find a way to prepare for this batch of goods, as long as you give us some time..."
However, before the man in charge had time to finish, he saw the little girl waved at him impatiently.
"no need!"
"People suddenly don't want those things anymore. If nothing happens, you can go back!"
Annie is never afraid of trouble, but she hates troublesome things. So, after hearing the conversations between the Aurors before, she suddenly doesn’t want to play peekaboo with a group of Aurors for those things. The game is now, because next, she has to think carefully about the subject two of the Triwizard Tournament, so she has no time to toss with these useless guys!
Unexpectedly, the other party directly planned to cancel the transaction, which made the wizard who seemed to be the leader of this group very embarrassed.
"Professor, your deposit..."
If ordinary people dare to cancel the transaction directly to them within the time limit, they will definitely not refund even one silver sicor deposit! However, for the little girl in front of them, they didn't dare to do that, so he couldn't help but feel a little anxious at this moment, wondering if he should contact his boss at this time.
After all, their boss may not be able to pay back such a large order and the deposit, but he knows that for this action, they have spent a lot of money, how can they rely on each other casually Spit out all of his words?
∑(??△`)? !
"No more! You can go now, if you want to buy something more, I will definitely go to you again!!"
Jin Jialong or something, Annie never put that kind of thing on her heart, so she waved her hand generously, even if the deal was closed.
With such a large sum of money, this little girl said that she didn't want it? !
"As, as you wish..."
"So, Professor Anne, let's go now?"
But soon, the man came back to his senses and remembered some of the other's deeds and after taking a large sum of Jin Jialong that was said to have been taken from the Gringa not long ago, he nodded in relief, and then turned towards He nodded with his comrades, and directly displayed the phantom shift without a rod, which turned into black smoke and disappeared in place.
Of course, only the wizards who escorted the goods were left, and the witch who didn't seem to be seen by the wizards before stayed.
"Hello, Your Honorable Professor Anne?"
After discovering that only herself and the little girl were left here, the witch with fluffy curly hair finally opened her mouth after bowing to the little girl sitting on the rock with her short legs. .
"Please allow me to introduce myself?"
"My name is Bellatrix Lestrange. I belong to the Dark Lord. I'm glad to meet your Excellency..."
If it’s an ordinary person, Bellatrix Lestrange would definitely not take it seriously. However, he has many glorious achievements and achievements for this one in front of him. Auror rescued the little girl of himself and others under his nose, and she could barely maintain a trace of respect.
However, in her heart, the other party seemed to be a little bit worse than her master?
"what do you want to do?"
Annie didn't understand, what exactly did the uncomfortable guy in front of her want to do?
You know, she is not in the mood to talk to each other now, because the subject of the Triwizard Tournament will begin as soon as the subject is over, and subject two, which is solely responsible by her Professor Anne, will be put on the agenda, and she But until now, I haven't figured out what super interesting things the warriors should do, and where is there time to talk to this strange-looking aunt in front of me?
"of course!"
"I was ordered to find your Excellency, there must be something important..."
In Bellatrix Lestrange's opinion, meeting or contacting the little girl in front of her is not easy, because she once sent two owls to secretly deliver letters to each other at night. But all there is no reply, even she doesn't know if the other party has received those letters?
So, in no way, after learning from some channels that some of her'old friends' had some connections and transactions with this little, she uninvitedly got into Hogg. Maude, a place very close to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was finally able to see each other.
"My master, the Dark Lord wants to see your Excellency. I don't know when you will be free?"
Bellatrix Lestrange showed a seductive smile, and carefully approached the opponent.
"The Dark Lord..."
"You mean that Voldemort? He's really not dead? However, people are not in the mood to meet his guy now, goodbye~!!!"
??????(??????)?????? Bye!
What about Voldemort? Little Annie said that she burned a piece of the other's soul two years ago? However, she has never put such small things in her heart, and she does not want to see another soul of the other party again after'two years', because she has more important things to do!
Just now, she suddenly had an idea, and remembered what she was going to do in Subject Two of the Triwizard Tournament that she was in charge of. Therefore, now she is very busy, so she has no time to meet the dark lord who she doesn’t know. !
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Huh! !
Bellatrix Lestland had just stretched out her hand, but she was helpless to find that the other party had instantly disappeared into a blue light similar to Apparition, and she didn’t know where she was. The place went...

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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