Chapter 118: Arrived

"So far, there are more than 10,000 fire demon tribesmen in our Flame Canyon; there are more than 1,000 fire eagle troops as an aerial combat force; there are about 20,000 lava dogs of various types; the elite lord Terope The flame tortoise family led by Nei also came over, there were about a few hundred; there were also more than 5,000 Balrog troops led by various Balrog Lords and Ember Lords, and there were more than 300 lava giants of different sizes..."
On the evening of the second day after Archimonde descended, the chief general of the Kingdom of Fire, Shane Knox, was giving their Queen Anne a routine weekly summary. Although Her Majesty Queen Anne might not listen, but, This kind of report still has to be done every few days.
   Up to now, the total number of fire elements in the Flame Canyon is estimated to be about 40,000. Perhaps, in the near future, their Fire Elemental will execute their expansion plan, after all, the Flame Canyon now seems a bit crowded.
   If those humans can move away, maybe there is still a lot of leeway here. It's a pity that according to the return from John, according to his statistics, after waiting for more than ten days, when the generals of Lordaeron sent soldiers to them, at most only half of them were willing to leave with them, and the rest Half of it will continue to stay in the relatively safe Flame Canyon...
   "Shann Knox! The construction speed of your Flame Gate has to be accelerated. Build a few more and send one more ignition element."
   Annie, who was eating dinner, raised her head abruptly and said something, shocking the head of the fire demon who was planning to continue reporting.
   Queen Anne, who almost never cared about these trivial matters, actually spoke, which made Shanknox stunned for a while, almost didn't react.
   "Don't you feel the breath of the great devil yesterday? You can summon a little flower if you can."
   After being prompted by Tibbers, Little Annie decided to get more of her fire element army. Little Xiong said, this is called being prepared.
   There are more fire element brothers under him. It is very useful whether it is to gang fight others, or to prevent others from beating yourself.
   For example, the great demon that just descended yesterday, if Annie now has an army of millions of fire elements under her own hands, the great demon who feels so powerful would dare to come over and give a fart? Don't die him!
   "Yes! Understand, my majesty, I will deal with it in a while, try to collect enough resources, and open two more small flame portals."
In fact, it’s not that Shanknox doesn’t want to open more, but that a large number of portals are not suitable for opening too many in the same place. On the one hand, it will cause space shock, on the other hand, it is also afraid of those space forces torn away. , Have a bad influence on the earth. Besides, their current materials and energy reserves are indeed insufficient, and at most they can build two more small ones. Otherwise, no matter how much they are built, if there is no energy supply, it is not just a decoration?
   "Hey! Come out, little dwarf, I've found you for a long time, stop peek-a-boo."
   The satiated little Annie suddenly said this to an empty position on the left side of the palace, and once again stunned Shanknox below.
   "Guard! There are assassins!!!"
   Shanknox, who finally realized something, immediately drew out his weapon, guarded the empty place, and at the same time made a shout, summoning the royal guards who stood guard outside.
   It knows how powerful the queen is. Now that Her Majesty said so, there must be some invisible enemies in this place! Is it a stealth thief?
   This can tick the teeth of Shanknox with hatred. Yesterday a deformed dreadlord arrived. After being shown to the public and burned to death, the cross was still standing outside! Now there is another invisible thief? Does anyone really think of the Flame Kingdom as a bully?
   "Hey! I little boy, what do you want to do here again?"
After waved back the palace guard who was about to rush in and Shane Knox who wanted to go forward and fight, little Annie looked at the little kid who suddenly appeared in her palace. The one in front of her could be regarded as Annie. She's an acquaintance, and the other party shouldn't come to fight with her, there is no need to be so nervous.
   Annie certainly remembers this guy. At first, she had seen it in Silvermoon City before she was blown up by herself. At that time, she also used this kind of invisibility spell called the time gap, and most people couldn't see her! As for the name...what does it seem to be Cromi?
Huh? and many more!
   Silvermoon City was not destroyed by itself, but by that bomb! This matter has nothing to do with Annie, yes! That's it.
   You have to know, Annie didn't know that the bomb was so powerful at the time. Otherwise, she would keep it and wait until she needed it the most. Now it hurts when she thinks about this, that kind of powerful thing, she is the only one, it seems a pity to use it to blow up those undead.
   "Don't talk nonsense anymore, I am not a little underdog!"
After Chromie showed his figure, he slid her tall staff to the ground and jumped onto the large stone table in front of Anne's Throne. He stood still and stared fiercely. Annie glanced.
"I forgot to give an introduction last time. I am actually a bronze dragon. My name is Kromi! I am not what I am now! The reason why I became this dwarf is just for the convenience of mortals. The world is just walking. If I become a dragon, I will be much taller than you. Besides, if I really want to become a dragon, your palace may not be able to hold me."
   When Anne was interrupted like this, Chromie didn't care about his purpose of coming here this time, so he quickly introduced himself and explained it.
   "But you are a little short now, look! You are as tall as me when you stand on the table."
   Annie jumped off the throne, walked to the stone table, looked at each other, and compared the heights of the two with her hand.
   "Forget it, I don't want to tell you this now. I now want to tell you another important thing: You have now severely damaged the original timeline of Azeroth!"
"Let's take a look. Now, under your intervention, Silvermoon City has not been destroyed by the undead, but it was blown flat by you, and the undead has suffered heavy casualties from natural disasters! The spirit named Sylvanas is still there. Living well, on the contrary, Prince Kael'thas of the high elves died first...Now, you have created such a flame kingdom entrenched in the Eastern Plaguelands. What do you want to cause trouble?"
   As he talked, Chromie started to cry a little.
   This little girl from an alien planet who entered the world of Azeroth for no reason will come to add chaos to herself. She wants to fight but can't fight, and can't control it! Up to now, the timeline has been messed up by her. Such a situation definitely cannot be repaired or reset. At this point, Chromie can only let it develop.
   "Huh? What are you telling me about? What are these things to do with you? I want you to take care?"
   Little Annie seemed a bit inexplicable. You came to me in a hurry and told me these strange things like timelines. In the end, you blamed all the blame on me? Is it wrong for me to fight the dead to save people? What is the name of Kael'thas who is dead and blame me? I don't know him, and I didn't kill him!
"Well, these are really not very important to me. If the timeline is changed, please change it. Anyway, there are so many timelines. It is not bad for you to play the broken one. But... I am going to talk about another one now. Something about me!"
   After a pause, the bronze dragon little Lori Cromi began to raise her eyes and aim at the little pocket of Annie. She knew that there was the thing she wanted in that space pocket.
"Remember the gem you showed me the last time? I went back to investigate and found out that it was really the reason that locked our current timeline and prevented me from getting out! So... could you give it away? Give it to me? I might be able to use it to unlock this timeline! And it's good for you too!"
   Kromi looked at Little Annie Baba, holding her big staff, and vowed to say.
   "Ha! It's so funny! Do you think I'm a fool? Just tell me if you want to lie to me, and say it's for my good? Believe it or not, I will let the bear bite you now?"
   Little Annie looked at the bronze dragon Cromi standing on her stone table with contempt. She has seen a lot of liars, but it is really rare to cheat things so arrogantly!
   "Why don't you believe it?"
   Chromie is a little anxious, why is the little girl in front of me so stubborn?
   If she can't get the gems, she can't unlock the timeline by the power of alien time, and if the lock is not unlocked, she will always be trapped in this timeline!
   She Chromie still wants to go to other timelines, take a good look or slowly guide their healthy development. As for the current article, she has no hope anymore, and now it has been broken by the other party, and there is no value and need to repair it!
More importantly, in this timeline, Chromie could not see the past and the future at all. This situation made Chromie feel very uncomfortable and lost control of time. She felt that she herself This bronze dragon seemed to have become useless.
This is a terrible thing for Chromie, as if everything is out of her control and surveillance, and even her own fate can no longer be seen. This feeling is very bad, very not good!
   "You are so strange! Why should I believe you?"
   Annie tightly covered her pocket, this little kid is still thinking about her gems! It shouldn't have been shown to her at the beginning, but now it is really troublesome.
"Well, I have one more thing to tell you: You have abused that treasure of time, so now your body is entwined with an abnormal force of time, which causes the washing of time to be ineffective for you, which will make your body forever Stagnation! It is precisely because of this that you could easily see me hidden in the cracks of time when you were in Silvermoon City and just now!"
Chromie quickly stated what he had investigated from the Caverns of Time during this period of time. A different kind of time power appeared in the world of Azeroth. This is a terrible thing. Now this timeline is The lockup is caused by this. Moreover, Chromie believed that this was only the beginning, and she did not dare to think about what would happen later.
   "Entangled with the power of time? Time or something. It always sounds weird, so, does it do any harm to me?"
   Annie frowned and thought about it. She really didn't understand time very much, but she had read some related books roughly.
   "Of course there are disadvantages! You may never grow up after the washing of time has no effect on you! Isn't it terrible?" Cromi exaggerated.
   "You may always be this high, you will always be eight years old, and you will never grow up! But if you give me the gem, then I can help you relieve this entanglement!"
   "Huh? If this is the case, it sounds reasonable..."
   Annie frowned and thought for a while, and put her hand in her pocket. What the other party said seemed to be justified. Annie didn't believe it all, she just subconsciously reached out and held the gem in her pocket.
   Xiao Anni is not very familiar with this Cromi, it is impossible to be fooled into taking her treasure away with just a few words, she is thinking? If you never grow up, it indeed a very troublesome problem...
   "That's right! That's it, just give me that gem..." Chromie looked at the other party's pocket without blinking, as if she was going to convince the other party right away?
   Miss Annie, even if what the other party said is true, then you still have one great advantage, that is, you have now gained immortality.
  Tibbers finally couldn't stand it anymore, sighed, and reminded Annie a little bit. After all, this is its master, and it doesn't want her to be fooled by a strange dragon.
   "Yes! If this is the case, then, will I never die?"
After Tibbers’ reminder, Annie froze for a moment, the expression on her face suddenly turned into surprise, she quickly retracted her hand from her pocket, then grabbed the teddy bear Tibbers and gave a strong kiss. When it was critical, Sure enough, her own little bear is reliable, she almost got fooled just now.
" seems to be the case. If you weren't killed by someone, you would definitely not die, but you will never grow up, so don't you think about it? Give me the stone? Anyway, you He is a demigod, and he can live for a long time, as long as you give me that gem..."
   Chromie tangled for a while, but still told Annie the truth, she didn't bother to lie. The fact is as the other party said, this little girl has indeed gained an alternative immortality.
"Absolutely impossible! How could such a fun thing be given to you? So..., when I want to grow up, I will consider it, but! It will definitely not be now! Well, if you are fine If you are up, you can leave. I'm very busy! If I don't want it by then, I will find a way to notify you, so I decided happily!"
   Annie started to issue a eviction order, so what, now Annie will not be fooled, this little guy wants to cheat her baby? No doors!
   The Time Gem is a super good baby. Even she has only used it once. Until now, I haven't studied its other uses. How could it be given out in vain? This stupid dragon must be thinking too much!
   Within the ruins of this huge imperial city, the original prosperous scene is gone forever, and what is left is full of broken eaves and undead wandering around. This is a city that has completely died.
   The lord of the demons, Archimonde the Defiler returned here after destroying Dalaran. He had to understand the situation of the continent before he could execute the plan to destroy it.
   Ten thousand years ago, their Burning Legion made a big mess in this world! And ten thousand years later, his Archimonde finally came here again, but... this time, he will never fail again, his polluter will definitely complete Sargeras' unfinished business and completely conquer this Azer Russ world!
"Tichondrius, Malganis, Varimathras... Well... if I didn't count it wrong, there seems to be a bug missing here? Where is Banazar? He dare not come to meet me ?"
   Archimonde looked down at the three dreadlords crawling in front of him, and soon he discovered that something was wrong. Nathrezim among them... seems to be missing one? Where is that Banazar?
"Great Master Archimonde, Barnazar seems to be on Stratholme's side. It is said that he is planning a plan against the fire element in order to collect the opponent's forces for use by the legion, UU reading www.uukanshu. com so..."
   This news was learned by Tichondrius a few days ago. As for how Banazar's plan was implemented now, he is not too clear, but he still carefully defended the opponent.
"Hmph! Forget it, since that little bug hasn't come, just leave him alone! Go and prepare right away. I'm going to open the Legion Portal and let us conquer a continent! You just... wait, what that feeling... is it? ?"
   When Archimonde the Defiler was about to give the order, he felt a strange fluctuation... a familiar feeling from the far west... That's... that's right! That is the power of the Well of Eternity! what! There is even the Well of Eternity here. They aboriginal people think they use something to cover it, so they can't feel it? What a fool!
   can't be wrong, after Archimonde perceives it carefully for a while, he is sure that what he found is indeed the well of eternity! If it is before he descends, he may not be able to easily find out, but when he descends into this Azeroth world, the other party's stupid concealment method can no longer conceal his incomparably powerful perception...
   Maybe, I can change my original plan a bit? First go to conquer the continent to the west, get the power you desire, and become as powerful as Sargeras... Then turn around and destroy the world?
   Ha ha ha... That's how it should be done!
   recommendation ticket
   The original is the Well of Eternity and the Tree of the World that were discovered after chasing the orcs, but now the plot is messed up, so let’s change it a bit.
   After all, the official novel and the plot are all covered in one stroke, and the explanation is not too clear.
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