Chapter 119: Anne of Darkness

In the ancient times that are longer than the ancient times, before the world of Azeroth could be discovered by the Titans, the Void Lord, in order to corrode the star souls in the universe that have not matured into Titans, launched into the physical universe. Countless dark seeds of corrosion.
   These evil seeds of corrosion soon automatically searched for and lurked on every planet with a star soul...
   Among them, as far as we know, at least four ancient gods (Y'Shaarj, C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, N'Zoth) transformed by the seeds of corrosion were cast on the planet of Azeroth.
   And when the Titans discovered this planet of Azeroth, the entire surface of the planet was about to be corrupted by the rule of the ancient gods, and the degree of corrosion was very serious.
This situation made the Titans angry, so Aman Sur personally took action. After forcibly destroying the most powerful one of them, Y'Shaarj, the Titans suddenly discovered that these evil existences are harmful to the planet. The corrosion is too deep, if they rashly kill the ancient gods, it is likely to cause huge damage to the star soul of Azeroth, which they don't want to see.
   Therefore, in order to protect Azeroth, the mighty Titan that may grow up in the future, they shaped the guardians and sent them to seal the remaining ancient gods in the depths of Azeroth.
It is a pity that even if sealed, these ancient gods did not obey so obediently. They are still brewing plans in the underground of Azeroth, ready to stir up the wind and rain at any time, re-ruling and corroding the target. world.
Among them, C'Thun, as one of the ancient gods, was defeated and sealed in a battle in Silithus, but with the loss and confusion of the guardian Raiden, and the eternity caused by the invasion of the Burning Legion With the explosion and impact of the ground and the ground, the guardian's seal has gradually weakened. As the master of Ahn'Qiraj, he finally reappeared.
   Unfortunately, he still underestimated the guardians left by the Titans.
Finally, in the ancient battle of the quicksand, the dragons once again sealed the wall of beetles. Before he had time to make trouble, he was also deeply trapped under the abandoned Temple of Ahn'Qiraj... …
In that desert, for thousands of years, he used his powerful abilities of fragmentation and flickering, (the ancient whispers) slowly controlling the worms of Ahn'Qiraj, and finally, he finally gradually controlled The entire underground world of Silithus.
   Speaking of this, I have to mention one more thing: at the beginning, why did the Titans seal the four elemental creatures, especially those lords? Is it just that the elemental creatures like to make trouble? Or do you like to burn things like fire?
   Actually otherwise, the most important reason is that he is meowing, those elemental beings are under the hands of the ancient gods, and when the Titans have cleaned up the ancient gods, how can they let go of the elemental beings who were once the doglegs of the ancient gods?
   Even the titans who are the creation gods are no exception. After the autumn is settled, they are more cruel than anyone! Who made those element lords so happy to help the ancient gods?
   So, after sealing the ancient gods, they built prisons separately, and imprisoned all the four elements, including the flame land of the fire elements! Moreover, this level is tens of thousands of years...
   When Little Annie just entered the land of flames, the ancient C'Thun didn't find anything unusual, and she didn't even find Annie. After all, even they themselves are still being held in prisons, how can they visit other prisons?
But when Xiao Anni came to the Eastern Plaguelands and began to summon fire elements in a large number of flames in the Canyon, the ancient C'Thun's eyes finally noticed the situation far away on the eastern continent, and noticed this The flame kingdom formed by the fire elemental brothers, and their flame queen-Annie...
   Today, Annie’s nap took a very deep nap, and she quickly fell into a deep sleep...
   She also dreamed that she herself returned to the Valoran continent, returned to her voodoo land, returned to her long-lost home... and had a sumptuous dinner prepared by Amoryn's mother for her.
This dream, it’s so real, so real, even if Little Annie knows it’s just a dream, but she doesn’t want to wake up, she desperately wants to stay in this dream for a while, even if it’s just a small one. Will be fine...
"Ha ha ha... Is this... your dream? Is this... what you desire the most? Little girl? So... you are not from the world of Azeroth... Interesting... But this is also It doesn't matter..."
   "Then, now...Sleep..."
When Annie was lying flat on a grass outside the voodoo land, with the breeze and fine grass, looking up at the sky of Valoran, missing her favorite habit before, a low and hoarse whisper suddenly sounded. It broke the moment of peace that she had finally achieved.
   "Huh! Who are you? Say! Why break into my dream without permission!"
   Annie is angry now, very angry! very angry!
   It was so hard for her to take a nap in the daytime, and successfully had a good dream. She dreamed of her return home, her voodoo land, and the sky of Valoran.
   And now, something unconsciously broke into her own dream? Also peeped and broke her memories? Is this impatient to live? Don’t the other party know that daydreaming is a difficult thing?
   "I... my name is C'Thun... Maybe you can also call me the ancient god... I... omnipotent..."
   The voice was still faint, coming from all directions, as if it came from Annie's entire dream world, so that the real dream she had finally created began to shake and collapse slowly.
   "Bah! What ancient god, isn't it just a shadow creature turned into a shadow? You want to lie to me? See if I won't catch you!"
   Now that the daydream has been disturbed by others, Anne will not stay any longer after she wakes up.
She stretched out her hand and grabbed it towards the void, and the whole dream suddenly shattered like glass, and then...turned back to the dream world of nothingness. In addition to Annie herself, a huge...octopus with countless eyes appeared. strange?
   is really a twisted shadow creature!
You know, Annie is very familiar and sensitive to the shadows, even if not to mention her shadow toy bear Tibbers, the title of her dark girl alone is enough to explain everything, she is very familiar with the dark, or the shadow What, but I know it well!
   Just now, it was this ugly shadow monster that broke into his dream and destroyed his thoughts about home!
   "Huh! I can't spare you!"
  Anni suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed at the huge monster, and he melted, turned into pieces of broken particles, and slowly disappeared into her dream.
   However, Annie discovered that the annoying whisper did not disappear, it rang again...
   "Hope... is a meaningless illusion... Little girl, you can never go back... Give up... Don't struggle..."
what? After being discovered by yourself, dare not to leave?
  Anne suddenly turned back and laughed! You know, here is her dream, here, she can do everything! And now, this shadow monster broke into his dreams casually. Does he really consider himself a fool who knows nothing about dreams?
   If he is a powerful existence like a great demon who specializes in nightmares, then Annie will definitely not dare to stay in her dreams anymore, she will definitely run away immediately and wake herself up immediately!
   But now, the other party is just a powerful shadow monster. What came to her dreamland here was just a small thought and distraction. Does he really think he can't help him? What an international joke!
   "Huh! How dare I curse me for not going back? If you're daring enough, don't run away, when you look good!"
   Annie started to look for it, she needed a little time so that she could investigate and find out where the other party was hiding.
   "...All of this... is your fault... You... have already lost yourself... Give up... Embrace the darkness..."
The whispering continues, here is the only way the ancient gods aimed at the gods of Azeroth. They have been whispering in your ears, until you confess, you have a mental breakdown, or you Until successfully brainwashed...
   "Hmph! My understanding of darkness is far beyond your imagination!"
   Little Annie felt that this monster must not know herself now, and she must have never done any investigation! Look at it, you still want to fool yourself into the darkness? Sorry, Anne herself has embraced the darkness a long, long time ago!
   And her mother is called the Shadow Witch, a powerful existence that plays with the Shadow!
   And what about Little Annie herself? The name of the Dark Lady is not for nothing! Once I played with Shadow, when I became crazy, even mother Amoryn looked scared! Otherwise, how could she keep playing flame? Are you afraid of scaring others?
   "... fear... wailing... indulge your inner fear... the darkness is coming..."
   got it! Now, this guy named C'Thun hasn't finished talking?
   "What's so scary about darkness? Inexplicable! You are really annoying~!"
   She has just found the other party hiding in the first place, but Xiao Anni is not in a hurry to immediately watch the other party, she needs to follow the vine and follow the relationship between the other party's distraction and body, and directly give him a cruel! So, she was talking herself, and tried to delay for a while.
   Annie wants to let the other party know why the flowers are so red! Let him know that it is not right to just run into someone's head and talk, it is very rude, and it must be paid!
   " a shadow...your death is approaching..."
   Ke'Thun didn't know that Annie had discovered his clone, and she continued to flicker and mutter, just like he used to be the worms and other existences who were tempted to fall by his whispers.
   "Death period or something, it doesn't exist at all! Yesterday there was a bronze dragon told me, for a while, I am afraid I want to die but can't die!"
what! found it!
   Annie suddenly got a shock, and she finally followed the ethereal connection to find the other party's subject.
   really is a powerful shadow creature! However, Annie will not be afraid of him! The other party is far away from me! Annie is ready to switch her posture, give him a cruel! Then, will he dare to come to him casually in the future?
   "...All people will abandon you..."
   Ke'Thun didn't know that the danger was coming, and he was still making whispering thoughts according to his previous routine. He had already rushed through this kind of thing many times, and he was already familiar with it.
   "So what, whatever you say, anyway, as long as the people I care about don't abandon me, as for the others? Who cares about them?"
Annie has been casting spells silently, but now she is in a dream, so in order to cause extraordinary damage to the other party, she must take her time, she needs to use some extraordinary spells, wait a while, wait for her to cast the spell quickly When it's over, hum!
   "...Even your followers look down on you..."
   Ke'Thun found that the other party seemed to be preparing to cast a spell, but he didn't care too much. It was a dream here, and it was not his body.
   What if this seemingly powerful little girl really breaks his distraction? He will send one more at that time.
   In any case, he must successfully fool this little girl, and then control the other person, and then, he can use those fire elements controlled by her to execute his ancient plan.
"You are wrong. The entourages who look down on me are dead, and the rest are all obedient like Shanknox! Their souls are in my hands, dare you Look down on me? Let them courage!"
   "No! Wait, what's going on?"
   Ke'Thun still wanted to continue, but suddenly he saw a special change in the opponent's body in his dream!
The little girl's body turned dark, whether it was her hair color, her pupils, or the energy fluctuations escaping from her surroundings... it all became extremely dark, as if everything in the dream world had been swallowed by her. ...
   This is... the shadow? What a pure shadow energy! What a powerful dark realm!
   is actually more pure than the shadow energy created by being the Void Lord, and purer than the shadow energy of this ancient god? Is this little girl the illegitimate daughter of a certain Void Lord? How can this be?
   Right now, C'Thun really wants to say: I'm the bad guy, OK? Why do you look even darker than me now?
   "Ha! Eat me a shot of dark matter!"
   After finally casting the spell, Annie suddenly switched her posture, from the usual Anne of the Lady of Flame to the Lady of Darkness version!
At the same time, a huge group of dark matter violently bombarded the opponent's hiding place... This spell can not only completely eliminate the opponent's, it can also follow the opponent's line and ignore it. The distance hit the opponent's body fiercely!
   "No! Wait, this is really a misunderstanding! In fact, we should be regarded as a group! I don't know you are also dark...Ah!!!"
   K'Thun still wanted to explain a little bit when the dark matter had already annihilated his distraction, and at the same time, along the link between him and the distraction, directly bombarded his body...
   "Ha! Did I say that? It looks good with you! The world is finally quiet now, and a distracted person dare to be so presumptuous. Do you dare to come back and quarrel with my dreams?"
   "Huh? Sister Lana? What's wrong with you? Are you cold?"
   After tidying up the guys who came to disturb the dream, Annie finally came from her nap. But as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the maid Lana shrank in the corner, holding a blanket and still trembling.
   "Female... Your Majesty the Queen, you... You just suddenly became so terrible..."
Just now, when the maid Lana saw Little Annie lying on the throne alone in the morning while she was sleeping and talking to herself, she wanted to take a blanket and cover her with the queen, but she suddenly burst out from her body. This terrible breath shrank directly into the corner with fright.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Forget it, don't care too much, it is because I had a good dream, and then I cleaned up some bad guy!"
   Annie waved her hand unconsciously. This is why she is usually reluctant and doesn't want to switch to the dark posture. It will scare the little friends! You see, I almost freaked out Sister Lana even after switching in a dream.
   The code word is tired
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