Chapter 1146: - = ???? = ????? (…

at last……
A certain ‘Jean of Arc’ whose whole body was frozen by the ‘refrigerator’, by the icy barrier, and his feet frozen by the ring of frost was almost released at the same time.
"Come on for life! Lady of Darkness!!"
Undoubtedly, the last moonlight was obviously more than half a second faster than Annie to release the restraint, so after she broke free of the slowly dissipating ice, she screamed and charged forward directly. After he flicked the Iris gun that was inserted diagonally on the ground between the two of them, he flicked the spear violently, with the long Iris gun tip as the main point, and directed it directly towards the one that had just released the invincibility. As a result, the temperature of the surrounding air rushed past!
The "Endless Breathing" buff on her body is still more than an hour, enough for her to destroy the enemy in front of her and return to the base to find the guild warlocks to help her re-add it, so she is not in a hurry! When it's hot, it's useless to be anxious. If you don't destroy the enemy in front of you, she may die.
Anyway, she didn't want to be cleared at all, and then started from the beginning to train hard for a month or two, even if she had the material support of the guild when she re-leveled!
"You counterfeit, die soon!!"
Arcane Barrage! !
In an emergency, Annie couldn't take care of those powerful game spells that required casting time. She stretched her finger and instantly consumed a portion of her mana, and dozens of blue arcane energy arrows were like The barrage was normal, and it continued to blast towards the opponent's body, head, arms, thighs and the deadly spear!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
While the continuous arcane energy arrows exploded, she blasted a certain'Jean of Arc' back several steps. However, she barely suffered any major damage, so she held the Iris gun again. Counterattack rushed up!
Mirror! !
Seeing the other party's movements so fast, Annie, who was too late to cast other powerful spells, had to gritted her teeth and instantly summoned three magic mirror images in front of her, and then asked them to join her and cast arcane missiles instantly. Joan rushed over as she rushed forward again.
"Not worth mentioning!!"
Huh! Huh!
With a wave of a long spear, completely ignoring the arcane missiles and magical energy that bombarded him and exploded, a certain'Jan of Arc' directly smashed the three mirror images to smash, and cast a shot without stopping. Piercing the enemy's true body.
!? (??\'\'????)?? I flash!
It's a pity that she missed it so much, and Annie flashed into the distance with a single flash, and started rubbing spells at an enemy who was still reluctant to charge again.
"Huh! I fought with you!!"
Awakening: Recover 100% of maximum mana within 6 seconds!
Arcane enhancement: Your spell damage is increased by 30%, and the mana cost of spells is reduced by -30% for 10 seconds.
Proficiency: Mana experts, greatly increase the speed of mana recovery!
Energy Rune: Place an energy rune on the ground for 10 seconds. When you stand within 8 yards of the energy rune, your spell damage will increase by 40%.
Spell torrent: During battle, magical energy flows throughout your body, increasing your damage by up to 20%, and then declining to 4%. Cycle every 10 seconds.
Arcane Charge!
Calm down! !
Seeing that the opponent is so resistant and the melee attack is so powerful, so difficult, Annie finally no longer keeps it, and after instantaneously sending out several useful and useless buffing spells and runes, she spread her hands directly and blessed the effect. With the greatly reduced gain of the holy white wand, the two'Arcane Blasts' directly rushed in front of him, and even the enemies who had already rushed with their spears rushed past! !
‘! ! ’
boom! boom!
'Ok! ! ’
After two explosions, an inaudible muffled sound rang out. However, a silver gun tip still stubbornly broke through the violent energy and pierced directly toward Annie's eyebrows.
"Ha! You can't hit me!!"
!!!∑(^▽^ノ)ノI flash!
Flashback: Teleports you to the starting point of the last flash, and resets the cooling time of flash. Can only be used within 10 seconds after flashing.
Annie immediately disappeared in place and appeared where she had released the refrigerator before. Then, when she raised her hand, there were dozens of arcane energy arrows, guiding those arcane barrage towards the opponent's back. Go!
boom! boom! boom!
A series of explosions sounded, and the chaotic arcane energy from the arcane barrage exploded directly overwhelming the opponent's figure in the place where Annie had just cast the energy rune.
'you! ! ’
A certain Joan rushed back with a carbine, and the tip of the gun and body began to flash with golden light, and it was obvious that there was a real fire.
"Haha! You are fooled again!!"

‘! ? ’
A shot came over, and he successfully shot a certain hateful mage into a certain ‘Jean of Arc’ who was so heartbroken that she discovered that she was attacking a mirror image? As for when the other party put the mirror here and ran away in stealth, she didn't know.
"I am here!!"
slow down!
Arcane Missile! !
Annie appeared in the place where she just released the energy rune. Obviously, for her arcane archmage, she would definitely not give up that buff.
boom! !
‘! ! ’
‘Asshole! ! ’
A certain ‘Jean of Arc’ who was struggling with his life turned the gun head and turned his back against the opponent’s magic bombardment, and directly launched the charge again.
At this time, the originally beautiful purple cross cloak on her body has been beaten to ragged, and the armor on her body has also begun to crack slightly. Obviously, the durability has also been knocked out a lot. As for the health value, I'm afraid only she knows it.
"Aha! People can flash again!"
(??????????????)??~ I flash!
Ring of Frost!
Magic explosion technique!
‘Ah ah! ! ’
‘Go to hell! ! ’
"Can't die, I will flash again!!"
Frost Nova!
Arcane Barrage!
Arcane Barrage!
Arcane shock!
'Uh! ’
'you! ! ’
‘Hey? ? ’
When ‘Jean of Arc’ just wanted to pounce on it again, she suddenly realized that her legs and feet seemed a little awkward, and even her sight became weird?
"You are so difficult!"
After seeing the other party successfully turned into a sheep, Annie finally had a chance to breathe, and after retreating for a certain distance, while quickly regaining her mana, she was ready to make a final blow to the opponent.
Mastery: Ignite!
Energy rune!
Turbulent magic!
Boundary Blaze!
Dragon Breath: Roar~! !
Seeing that the arcane magic is not very harmful to the opponent, Annie directly switched to her best fire specialization, and then a dragon's breath technique, a flame directed towards the cone in front of her, towards the enemy It sprayed out, and while interrupting the sheep-changing spell, it also caused the opponent to enter a brief state of confusion.
"Burn you to death!!"
Flame storm! !
First, two large and small fireballs blasted past, and then, under a fire pillar that was summoned soaring into the sky, a large group of flames was directly ignited at a place centered on a fake "Jan of Arc". It included everything nearby into the terrifying fire.
"Humph! It should be dead now..."

Even if the opponent is really strong, but, unfortunately, as a warrior, the opponent is definitely unable to challenge himself as a senior mage! Therefore, Annie felt that the defeat of the other party should definitely be doomed.
‘My Lord is here! ! ! ’
Suddenly, just as Annie thought that a certain false Joan of Arc would definitely die, in the sea of ​​flames caused by the terrible flame storm, an iris gun was raised high, and then the golden rim and white background that was burnt pits A strong golden light burst out suddenly from the flag of Iris.
Treasure-my lord is here!
Enchantment treasure, grants invincible status to all of your side for 30 seconds! !
"Wow! Are you still invincible? You are ruthless, people are afraid of you!!"
!? (??\'\'????)?? I will flash again! !
Seeing the other party standing majestic and shining in the sea of ​​fire, and knowledgeable, Anne, who has even seen the real "Jan of Arc", doesn't know what skills the other party uses? Therefore, she felt that the player of the'Oasis' was different and played a similar role, and she had complete skills, so she had to temporarily admit her, and directly flash and add an invisibility technique, so that the opponent would lose the target instantly. There is no way. Attacked her against the invincible.
‘! ! ’
All the last tricks were used up. Moonlight ‘Jan of Arc’ who was just preparing for the final decisive assault had not had time to lock on the enemy, but found that the opponent had disappeared after a flash?
"How can you be like this..."
Holding tightly the iris gun that continuously provided him with sacred power,'Jean of Arc' started to tremble involuntarily in her wrists.
Of course, it wasn't because she was scared, or because she was tired, but because she was angry with that wretched mage! !
She knew that the other party must have not ran far, she must have been secretly observing herself somewhere, waiting for her invincible state to disappear, and then jumped out to launch a fatal blow to her? However, knowing that Gui knows, she has nothing to do...
Sure enough, it took a while to appear in the Oasis game, and then immediately burned, looted, looted, and committed crimes, causing countless storms, and doing whatever he wanted, offended almost all game guilds. The terrible little girl mage who has made countless casual players change their voices. The guy called the "daughter of darkness" by the players is indeed not something that can be easily handled by herself, even if she is prepared and goes all out. The same goes for the next!
'Humph! ’
‘Wait, I'll settle the account with you another day! ! ’
and so……
After hurriedly leaving a not-so-relenting remark, the fake'Jean of Arc', the last moonlight immediately dragged his spear downside down, taking advantage of the invincibility effect has not disappeared, directly turned and charged, and kicked. Run in the direction of the base.
"Is this going to run invincible?!"
Of course Annie had seen the other party's actions, but she was secretly observing the enemy's situation behind a certain tree, but she still did not dare to rush out. Because she doesn't know if the other party is really going to run or pretending to run, if after she rushes out, the other party relies on the remaining few seconds of invincible time to rush towards her regardless, wouldn't she be miserable? Up?
Therefore, Annie decided to wait first, wait to see the situation, wait until the opponent's invincible time is over and it is safe, and then rush out to clean up the opponent?
The light has dimmed, it should be almost there, right?

????ω??`)? ?
Seeing the golden light on the opponent's body getting dimmed, Annie, who guessed that the opponent's invincibility effect was almost over, just when she wanted to flash out and intercept the opponent, she suddenly discovered something was wrong, and then hurriedly interrupted the flash that she was about to use Spell, continue to lie on the back of the big tree and spy.
‘! ! ’
‘Faketuan! ! ’
‘Frapo-awsiteng, takuk! ’
‘Takuk! ! ’
It turned out that at this time Annie discovered that in the surrounding trees, she did not know when dozens of Nawei hunters with bows and arrows ran out! Obviously, they must have been caused by the abnormal sound and movement of her previous spell bombardment!
So soon, when they saw a lone alien escaping with a spear, they shouted loudly on the trunks of these towering trees in Pandora, and pulled away the one in their hands. All the arrows are about two meters long.
Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
In an instant, the dense bows and arrows shot down from a high place, from various directions, toward a fleeing enemy.
‘! ! ’
Why are you so unlucky today? !
Hearing the shouts of the Nevilles and the sound of arrows flying, a certain Joan who had just escaped from a terrible wizard could only sigh in despair, and then had to turn around and use his spear to death. Block.
clang! clang!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
Although she has worked very hard, she, who is already a little exhausted after resisting several long arrows, still lets several arrows shoot into her body...
Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
Then more arrows came, and instantly she was shot as a hedgehog, and the special neurotoxin painted by those arrows began to work... Soon, a certain false Jeanne, the last one Moonlight's eyes rounded, and slowly fell on the mossy ground in Pandora's jungle.
On her body, arms and thighs, there are at least a dozen terrible arrows as thick as a thumb and about two meters long! !
"Those guys dare to grab the head?!"
Seeing this kind of change, when Annie just wanted to go out for a theory and give the nosy Neville a good look, she suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a lot of people in the distance coming towards this side?
"So it was them..."
"People should run quickly!!"
Seeing that in the distance seemed to be the high-level officials of the Fan League and a large number of helpers, she felt that she must be unable to fight, and Annie, who could not stay here, simply turned around and ran away! !
If it is the main character of her game, that is, the VR game character who is still lying in the neural link center of the submarine base here, those guys in the fan alliance, any one of the guys in the fan alliance will come out and single her out!
However, if it's a group fight, then forget it, she won't go to be familiar with those guys!
‘In front! ’
'attack! ! ’
‘Brothers and sisters, beat me fiercely and destroy those Na'vi! ! ’
‘Kill! ! ! ’
Soon, after the arrival of reinforcements from the guild members of the fan alliance, under the command of a righteous angel'Tyrell' who is flying in mid-air with wings and wings, those fans who came to help Alliance patrol, those all dressed up as StarCraft Terran Marines, dressed in CMC armored power suits, and armed with an old-style C-14 electromagnetic spike rifle, Ma Run roared towards the Na on the big trees. The Weiren opened fire.
clatter! clatter! clatter!
clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!
Soon, after wiping out most of the Na'vi hunters and letting them plant dozens of corpses, the remaining Na'vi people fled, and soon disappeared in Pandora's dense forest.
'okay! ’
‘Don’t chase it! ’
‘Qihan, how is it, is there any help? ! ’
The fallen angel with the appearance of'Tyrell' saw the enemy escape and did not continue to order the pursuit. Instead, he landed directly and walked to a certain person wearing a StarCraft white medic CMC armor with a thick armour in his hand. The thick multifunctional shield asked, the patrol captain who was squatting next to the'Jan of Arc' to check the opponent's injuries, and also the head of the union.
‘No help! Dead, pack her gear and prepare to re-train when she comes back! ’
Shaking his head, the captain of the medical squad, the sigh of the nondescript "Lieutenant Morales" engraved on the stamped nameplate on his chest, said with a sigh.
‘I found something strange...’
'what happened? ’
'Look, when we received the request for help, they were two people. One of them was in charge. The body of Peter Gandalf was wiped out, and the gold coins over there were dropped all over... But this Moon Guangzheng De's body was still there, and nothing or gold coins had been exploded! ! ’
‘! ! ’
‘You mean...’
'Humph! That's right! ’
‘Among those Na'vi people, at least one should be a player like us! And she should have been killed by an NPC! ’
‘! ! ’
‘But this is a closed copy...wait! Could it be that you mean that little girl mage, that girl of darkness? ’
‘Yes! Probably! ’
'Do not! Or it must be her! Who else but her? ! ’
‘Wait a minute, they created a trumpet and reapplied to join the guild, wait for me to contact them! ’
Soon, the fallen angel dressed as Tyrael clicked on the holographic panel of his game character, and entered the guild channel for the first time, and began to operate it quickly.
‘Okay, I figured it out, it is indeed her! ’
'Ah! ’
‘I also saw their But how could she be a Na'vi? ’
'do not know! ’
‘Maybe, some kind of magic or disguise? ’
‘Forget it, no matter, let’s go back first! It will get dark soon, and it is dangerous in Pandora's dense forest at night. It is not necessarily safe for so many of us here! ’
‘Good too! ’
After struggling for a while, I scanned the surroundings, and found no more abnormalities or a cunning little girl mage, the top of the two fan guilds had to wave their hands dingyly. Leading those Ma Runs slowly withdrew back.

(^_??)☆?? Don't forget the ticket??
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