Chapter 148: Illidan and the Flame Alliance (4)

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"Now, the order! The lava giants attack! Destroy the enemy's walls! The three air forces are responsible for supporting them, and the dwarves' heavy artillery battalions bombard valuable targets in the city!"
After several Paladins brought Queen Kalia of Lordaeron back to the safe zone in the alliance army, General Garithus once again returned to the command station near the front.
When he saw that the commanders in charge of coordination of the various races came back to report, all the legions of all races entered the attacking position and were ready to attack at any time, the General Marshal, who had been waiting a little impatiently, waved his hand at the commander. , Issued the command of the total attack.
Up to now, what should be said has been said, those who should be scolded have been scolded, those who mocked have been mocked, and those who have made trouble have made trouble (Annie: You must not be talking about me, are you?) In his opinion, this There is no point in a word-of-mouth dispute. It is better to quickly take down this Lordaeron city and to wipe out the undead and natural disasters is the top priority!
Since the walls of Lordaeron’s city are still there and are basically intact, and there is still an army of undead gathering hundreds of thousands in the city, Garithus will not care about the destruction of buildings.
Therefore, when ordering the lava giants to start moving forward, he also ordered the fire eagles to start setting fire everywhere in the city, and the dwarves’ siege heavy artillery battalion will also carry out large-scale free shelling in the city.
Hundreds of lava giants, large and small, arranged on the two wings of the main array, when they saw the offensive flags erected on the podium, they finally began to move slowly under the roar of the lava giant lord Otuk. stand up.
Their huge bodies, every step they take, can take a distance of ten digits, and every time they land, they can cause waves of vibrations, and then slowly speed up among hundreds of giants, and begin to run wildly at the same time. After getting up, the whole earth trembles like an earthquake.
"Huh! Catapult, fire and smash them!"
After seeing those lava giants rushing toward the walls of Lordaeron with amazing power, Arthas's expression began to change unnaturally. Then, he ordered the large catapults that had been prepared in the city to Throwing boulders started outside the city.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Alsace’s order had only just been given. Soon, when the lava giants ran less than half the distance, countless huge rock masses made a whistling sound as they rubbed the air. The long-arm catapult was thrown out.
Then, a dull bang... bang... sound rang out, and quite a few of the boulders were lucky enough to hit the target. Except for some smaller lava giants that were smashed to pieces on the spot, those large ones were just smashed. It has to be staggered or knocked to the ground.
"Reporter sir! We just calculated the trajectory of the rocks they threw, and found that their large catapults were mainly concentrated in these areas of the city!"
The dwarf heavy artillery battalions, which had been loaded long ago, had not had time to launch, and finally waited for the simple survey data returned by the bombardment observers. On the sketch of Lordaeron’s city defense, they used red pen to draw several big The red circle, inside the red circle, is probably the approximate location of the large catapults of the undead.
"Good job, buddy! Now, it's our dwarf heavy artillery show! All artillery commanders, hurry up and lead the mission!"
After getting the data, the bearded dwarf artillery commander quickly spread the map on the ground. Then, he immediately set about letting the artillery commanders who had been on standby for a long time come here to assign the artillery mission.
"Did you see these areas? According to your pre-numbered, bomb this red area!"
After marking the numbers on the red circles, the bearded dwarf shouted at the commanders.
Now, the task of their dwarf artillery has finally arrived. In any case, they must not allow the enemy's catapult to have a second chance to launch, let alone allow them to survive until the large corps is overwhelmed.
Soon, after assigning the tasks of each gun position almost instantly, the dwarf heavy artillery who had been preparing for a long time finally let out a roar when the cannon roared.
After the countless heavy artillery shells propelled by the gunpowder explosion, they passed over the lava giant that was still advancing, dragged the trail of thick smoke and whizzed, and slammed into the city of Lordaeron. Then, the undead catapult In those areas where it was located, there was a sound of explosions mixed with thick smoke and flames.
These are all heavy explosive bombs of the dwarves, they have the function of fragment explosion damage and set fire.
Generally speaking, the heavy artillery battalion of their dwarves will have a better effect on the city walls. However, because they now have more practical lava giants to deal with the city walls, they had no choice but to support the artillery and use the projectile bombs to bombard the threatening targets in the city.
The first round of shelling by the dwarves had just exploded, and the fire eagles in the sky swooped down at the same time.
They first used violent flames to breathe several times towards the place that had been shelled by the dwarves, turning those areas into a sea of ​​flames, and then cooperated with the griffon riders of the dwarves or the dragonhawk archers of the high elves. Let's deal with the few gargoyles who have begun to take off.
Regardless of the number of air forces or the power, the Flame Alliance forces occupy an absolute dominant position. After all, the gargoyles of the undead are also limited. Most of them, in winter, follow Archimonde’s crossing. The sea attacked the continent of Kalimdor, basically it was consumed on the side of Mount Hyjal.
Therefore, the remaining and newly created gargoyles in Lordaeron’s King City, their pitiful numbers, are completely not opponents of the Flame Alliance Air Force! You know, there are at least tens of thousands of air forces of the three tribes. Except for a small number of guarding the Lordamere Lake, almost all of them have participated in this battle.
This made the three or two thousand gargoyles who had just launched into the sky, before they could flop a few times, they were beaten to lose more than half and fled in embarrassment. Often a gargoyle needs to face more than three fire eagles or at the same time. Griffin riders, even beware of dragon eagle archers who take the time to put cold arrows in the distance!
Therefore, their gargoyle's decisive counterattack did not have any effect, and the undead and natural disasters underneath could only watch the fire eagles circling and flying above the city at will and dropping a burst of flames from time to time. The seemingly dilapidated King City of Lordaeron has created a large fire scene everywhere.
"Huh! Looking for death!"
Arthas had no time to see the catapult positions in the city destroyed by fire and shells, or the gargoyle legion that was beaten over Lordaeron, because, now, the lava giants, they have run close and scattered. He slammed into the wall of Lordaeron.
Among them, a medium-to-upper lava giant, did it dare to reach out and grab Alsace?
This made Arthas incomprehensible. This kind of awkward flame monster with an empty size, this kind of thing that can't be on the table, is it really bully?
Therefore, after a cold snort, Arthas jumped sideways slightly, and easily avoided the giant hand that the other party shot against the wall. Then, he completely ignored the fragments that splashed and shot on himself. Shi stepped directly on the opponent's huge arm, followed the enemy's arm, and jumped onto the opponent's shoulder in three or two steps.
When the opponent's other hand was about to return to the defense and grab him, Arthas just slammed his Frostmourne. After the black sword light passed, a huge scorching lava head was still braving flames. , Slid off the opponent's neck suddenly and fell under the city wall.
Then, the lava giant, who had lost his head, collapsed on the wall half-collapsed by it, and its flame spirit was also expelled back to the land of flames, waiting for the long time to rebirth.
It's just that its huge body that fell apart is still directly on the middle wall, forming a small for humans or dwarves to run up.
"Your Majesty Arthas, maybe, it's time for us to leave."
Kel'Thuzad didn't do anything, nor did he pay attention to the surrounding battles. He just let those fire eagles or dwarves' heavy artillery shells explode flames and smoke everywhere in the city behind him.
Lava giants like this do not have much deterrence for their existence. Having decided to withdraw from Lordaeron, taking action against them was just a waste of his own magic power, so Kel'Thuzad didn't want to do it. You know, the opponent's high-end combat power hasn't been used yet!
"A bunch of bastards!"
Standing on the shoulders of the dead lava giant, looking at the undead being beaten up on both sides and the city wall that was almost instantly demolished in half, Arthas himself knew that he was delayed here, there was nothing left. Meaning, the burden is a foregone conclusion!
Arthas took a look at the surrounding battles. Not every undead had the ability to easily kill a lava giant like him.
Except for a few death knights and necromancers who have cooperated to eliminate many small and medium-sized lava giants, other zombies, skeletons or ghouls can only be swept into piles of fragments or trampled into flesh by their huge arms in vain. Mud, and their sharp blades, spears or fangs and claws can't do anything to that kind of stone monster that is not only huge, but also full of flames!
Arthas even saw that a lava giant of only medium size was already filled with countless steel arrows, but it still rushed into a phalanx of skeleton archers regardless. And in less than two or three breaths, the phalanx of thousands of archers was smashed... When the necromancer hurriedly ordered the archers to retreat, only the ground was left in that place. Broken bones...
After only a short while, their undead lost at least hundreds of shooters, and the lava giant with at least thousands of steel arrows stuck in his body, like no one else, continued to turn his head and rush towards another undead infantry. Array...
Just as Arthas was about to order the elite undead knights and Abomination to clean up the lava giants raging on the city, he heard that before the coalition army formation in front of the city, a line of light armored cavalry finally blew their hands. Those huge horns on the sky.
Then, on the two wings of the coalition forces, countless fire elemental creatures-lava dogs rushed out!
There are all kinds of them. There are large dogs that are as large as a buffalo, and some are slender and agile like a domestic dog; some have two heads, and some have only one head; but without exception, their bodies are all They were all bursting with hot red flames, roaring, barking, and rushing towards the city wall that had been messed up by the lava giant at high speed.
That number is at least 30,000 to 40,000. At a glance, it is like a large red wave, sweeping towards the wall of Lordaeron...
Arthas knew that he had to go now!
He also understood the method of the opponent commander. It was nothing more than using lava giants to destroy the city walls, air force attacks to disrupt the layout of the city, artillery free artillery to kill, and then use the high speed rock dog army comparable to the elite cavalry to directly charge the city. Head, further expand the lava giant's battle results and rushed into the city in one fell swoop, and then followed, I am afraid it is the more elite big army?
Sure enough, after seeing the lava dog rushing halfway through the distance, the cavalry who passed the order once again blew the huge horns in their hands.
Subsequently, the alliance's military formation finally began to slowly move.
Countless human infantry plate formations, dwarves’ heavy guards, high elves’ archers and wizards, and fire elemental corps of various colors began to divide into multiple batches according to their own predetermined route. Slowly and steadfastly moving forward, the city of Lordaeron that had already seen billowing smoke and flames marched.
At this time, there were only less than one-third of the Chinese Corps remaining in the coalition army. However, without exception, there are still those who continue to stay here at the moment, all of which are the most elite troops responsible for defending the alliance leaders and queens.
For example: Firehawk Lord Celia of the Flame Kingdom and dozens of high-ranking elite heirs under his command, as well as those thousands of fire demon royal guards; a group of high elves and some spellbreakers and them The Queen’s Guard; the Human Knights of the Silver Hand and a large group of Paladins; the dwarf goat rider and an entire Royal Griffin Guard.
Obviously, for the upcoming Lordaeron street battle, General Garithus did not want the cavalry to join in. That kind of short handover with no tactics is very unfavorable for the cavalry to charge and fight. And he, who had seen the fire element capture Stratholme for a long time, had enough reasons to believe that the infantry would follow the fire elemental creatures well to slowly destroy the evil undead.
Actually, in the opinion of General Marshal Garithus, if the loss is not counted, the Fire Elemental Legion alone would be enough to take this Lordaeron!
The reason why he also sent the corps of the three tribes in, on the one hand, is to exercise mutual cooperation and form an absolute advantage over the undead, and on the other hand, to give the various races the opportunity to participate, by the way Exercise and take credit for those recruits.
"O...tu...K...found...good prey..."
Otuk, the lava giant lord who was raging everywhere in the battlefield, went around for a while and wiped out countless undeads, it found Kel'Thuzad and Arthas who were watching the battlefield situation on a roof.
Thinking that it had caught a big fish, it rushed forward unsuspectingly. While taking a step forward, it also grabbed a huge gravel and headed directly towards the two undead on the roof. Dumped it.
Otuk thinks very well, even if this stone can't smash them, he who catches up later can crush or trample them to death!
With a cold face and waving Frostmourne, Arthas directly cleaved the huge flying rock into a pile of rubble, and at the same time looked coldly at the huge lava giant still rushing towards them.
He had already planned to leave, but Arthas suddenly changed his mind now. He decided that before he left, he could take away this peculiar lava giant and let out a breath of evil in his chest. Say it again!
Soon, Otuk, the lord of the lava giant, rushed to Alsace and Kel'Thuzad, and raised two huge fists at the same time. He planned to smash the two undead directly with one hammer and one man!
Humph! It's ridiculous!
Arthas sneered in his heart, watching the tall flame giant in front of him raised his fists. He planned to perform the same trick again when the opponent smashed it down. He jumped up directly with its arm and cut off the opponent's one with a sword. Ugly head on fire!
As Alsace looked coldly at the opponent's sudden fist, and planned to dodge and rush to chop off Otuk's head, suddenly, there were waves of violent vibrations on the ground, like a big earthquake!
At the same time, the power of dark death in his body unexpectedly rushed out wildly. This kind of accident made him unstable and caught him off guard, so he could only watch the huge fist heading towards him. Smashed down...
What exactly is going on?
Arthas didn't know at all, what happened to his sudden weakness?
His original near-infinite power suddenly burst out like a flood bursting a bank?
How can this sense of unreasonable weakness? How could such a thing happen? After Arthas acquired the artifact of Frostmourne, this abnormal situation has never occurred before!
"Your Majesty! Be careful!"
Without waiting for those two fists to fall, Kel'Thuzad next to him quickly grabbed Arthas and quickly avoided the huge double fists of the lava giant.
The prey... how could it suddenly disappear?
Otuk removed his hands and looked at the house that was smashed into ruins in doubt. There was no sign of the two enemies inside.
Then, it could only stand up in confusion, and turned its head around to search, looking at the battlefields around it, trying to find the traces of the two undead.
In the field in front of the King’s Capital of Lordaeron, on the side of the Flame Alliance’s middle army, little Annie, who had been waiting so boringly, immediately jumped on her after seeing the army had begun to invade the city and start a melee. Fire Eagle Celia, she is going to play in the city, by the way, let's see if she can catch the death knight who bullied her.
"Huh? What's the situation?"
Annie had just climbed onto the fire eagle Seriyad’s back and sat down. Before she could take off, she felt the ground begin to vibrate violently.
At the same time, behind this Lordaeron, somewhere further south, bursts of huge energy fluctuations began to be heard. This huge energy actually caused the entire planet to start shaking? Annie thinks this is really incredible!
Annie bit her finger and thought for a while, she even thought that this was probably a big killer trick prepared by the undead! Are they going to control the lake to directly submerge the city of Lordaeron? Or to tear this piece of land directly? No matter what the other party's purpose is, she is ready to see and see if she can stop him by the way.
Therefore, she did not care to explain to the people next to her. Soon before the army, she opened a huge portal, and then greeted Celia, leading her group of heirs to rush towards the portal. Go in. At the same time, the thousands of Fire Demon Royal Guards behind her, led by the general manager Shan Knox, followed behind them and quickly followed.
"This earthquake, what is this shocking feeling? And, where are they going? This portal, where does it lead?"
Although Garithus was also surprised by this inexplicable earthquake, he was more concerned about the flame queen who could only make trouble. At this critical time, she opened the portal and led her guards. Where are you going?
Therefore, after seeing all the 1,000 fire demon royal guards entering the portal, Garithus quickly turned his head and looked at the high elf wizards on the other side. This kind of professional question seems to only be asked of these high Fairy, this is their profession.
"It seems... a huge energy wave came from the south, and that should be the cause of the earthquake! And Queen Anne’s portal seems to lead to the place where the energy wave comes... and the specific location seems to be right there. Near the original Dalaran..."
The commander of a high-level wizard group of high-level wizards quickly came to their conclusion after discussing a few words with his surrounding companions.
"Energy fluctuation? Earthquake? Dalaran?"
Of course Garithus knew that Dalaran was on the opposite bank of the huge Lordamere Lake behind the King City of Lordaeron. Hasn't it been turned into ruins? How could such a powerful energy fluctuation and earthquake come?
Could it be... the conspiracy of the undead?
"Quick! Pass the order, let the offensive troops suspend the offensive, and don't let the battle with the undead fall into a stalemate! Dathrohan, you now lead a part of the Paladins of the Silver Hand to support the Queen of the Flame Kingdom! Take advantage of her teleportation The door hasn't closed yet, hurry up!"
Regardless of whether the southern side was a plot by the undead, Garithus quickly issued what he thought was the right order.
On the one hand, he asked Dathrohan to lead the Paladin to support Queen Anne. On the other hand, he also slowed down the offensive forces in the capital of Lordaeron a little bit. Once it was discovered that the situation was not good or the undead had some terrible conspiracy, he would be the first. Time withdrew from the city at full speed!
"Lor'themar! You are in charge of the troops here, and the remaining Dragonhawk Archers and Guards will follow me!"
After seeing Dathrohan leading hundreds of paladin cavalry into the portal without saying a word, Queen Sylvanas thought for a while and led the more than one hundred dragon eagle archers and nearly five hundred remaining here. The Queen's Guard, made up of elite rangers, rushed in.
"Well, there is nothing wrong with me here anyway, then I'll go over and help!"
Falstad Wildhammer shrugged his shoulders and patted the giant griffin under his crotch. Without taking off, he ran towards the portal and followed him with dozens of others. Gryphon riders and hundreds of dwarf goat riders.
"The others are ready! Always respond to any threats that may come!"
After the portal slowly dissipated, General Marshal Garithos, while staring at the battle in the distant city, issued a warning order to the more than 30,000 elite coalition forces remaining here.
He only hopes that at the moment of preparing to win, there will be no major changes!
In the ruins of Dalaran, Vasiqi looked in shock at the ceremony that had already begun under the guidance of the four naga wizards. Now, she felt the huge power emanating from the Eye of Sargeras, which had already caused the entire planet of Azeroth to start to vibrate slightly, like... a major earthquake!
"Master Illidan... Is this the true power of the Eye of Sargeras? It's terrible."
After staring at the ceremony ahead and leaning towards Illidan with a little fear, Vasiqi asked worriedly.
This terrifying power, in her opinion, is too dangerous! If this kind of power level is improperly manipulated or some mistakes are caused, maybe something really will happen, right?
"Yes! The power is really amazing! But, Vashj, you don't actually need to worry too much. As long as the Icecrown Glacier is destroyed, I will immediately stop this ritual, and it will not cause more damage to Azeroth. "
As for the power of the Eye of Sargeras, Illidan is actually a little underestimated, but now that he is difficult to overcome, he can only do so temporarily.
Now he seems to be a little bit suspicious of Kil'jaeden's true purpose, maybe... the other party is not to destroy the Lich King Ner'zhul, but to destroy the planet of Azeroth? Or is it both?
When Illidan was suspicious and unpredictable, a group of night elves rushed out of the jungle in the distance. This made Illidan sigh in his heart. Sure enough, he knew that things would not go so smoothly. Look, now, the change has happened again. happened.
"Stop it! Illidan! You are too much!"
Suddenly, a familiar roar came from a distance.
Then, Illidan discovered that his elder brother Malfurion, Tyrande and the watcher Maiev, the three of them were leading a large group of night elf nightsaber hunters, rushing out of the distant forest. Confronted with the naga under him.
"Ilidan! You must stop your ritual immediately! Do you know what you are doing? You are splitting the earth and destroying the roof of the world! You will destroy the entire planet of Azeroth!"
While looking at the ritual circle and the evil green gem in the distance, Malfurion felt a scream from the earth, and then he began to glaring at Illidan who was standing beside the ritual in the distance. , All this is really a good thing he did!
"Of course I know what I'm doing, my brother. Because I'm casting spells trying to destroy Icecrown, the Lich King of the Undead Scourge!"
Of course, Illidan knew that the destructive power of the ritual was too great, so, didn't he just tell Vashj that once the Icecrown Glacier was destroyed, he immediately stopped the ritual!
He still needs the evil power in the Eye of Sargeras. Without these huge evil powers, what would Illidan use to fight against the powerful demons like Kil'jaeden?
"You are crazy! Illidan! I am sure that before you start destroying the so-called Icecrown Glacier, this evil force will also tear the planet of Azeroth to pieces at the same time! Stop it, while it is still Too late!"
After feeling the scream from the earth for a while, Archdruid Malfurion angered Illidan again.
In his opinion, this is just a mess! Where can anyone destroy an enemy at the expense of a planet like this? This is simply going to the end! Maybe, his brother Illidan, is he really crazy? He turned himself into a demon before, and it really wasn't unreasonable!
"Humph! I don't believe you! I think I have to try it first!"
Illidan sneered, he still didn't want to listen to Malfurion and stopped the ceremony that had just begun.
Besides, Illidan always felt that his elder brother had always been a stubborn, conservative old man! Perhaps, he deliberately made the matter very serious, maybe he wanted to scare him to stop.
"Ilidan, you should stop doing it..."
At this time, Tyrande, who was on a huge white tiger, also stepped forward and tried to persuade Illidan.
In the original timeline, she should have been chased by a group of undead and disappeared.
However, the current undead are all shrunk into the King City of Lordaeron and are being beaten by the flame alliance's big army. Where is the extra force to contain the night elves who sneak into the Silverpine Forest from the west coast? It is estimated that the scattered undead scattered outside are not enough for their elves to wait and kill, let alone to contain Tyrande.
"No... Tyrande, I don't owe you anything... Therefore, I refuse to listen to you!"
Illidan still shook his head firmly. This ritual must be stopped after the Icecrown Glacier is destroyed. This is his bottom line. No one can stop him, even Tyrande!
"Offensive! Destroy these monsters first, and then forcefully interrupt the ceremony!"
Seeing that the negotiation failed, Malfurion did not dare to delay any longer. With a wave of his hand, a large group of nightsaber hunters and night elf archers surrounded the naga and murlocs standing in front of him. He planned to use As soon as possible, destroy these monsters first, then go to subdue Illidan and stop the evil ritual!
For every extra second of time wasted, this evil ritual will cause an extra second of damage to the planet of Azeroth, which is something his archdruid cannot tolerate!
Malfurion swore that this time, Illidan would definitely pay the price he deserved for his crimes! What he did was beyond his tolerance!
"Humph! Stop them!"
Illidan also unconvincedly let more naga and murlocs swarm up, blocking each other's path, the night elves and naga murlocs gradually approached, and the battle was on the verge!
"Hey! I said..."
When the night elves and the naga were about to start a melee, a clear voice from the air that seemed to be a little girl interrupted them.
"You big group of blue-skinned monsters (Naga), purple-skinned monsters (night elves), and red-skinned big-headed fish (deep-sea murlocs), what are you doing? This is the territory of our Flame Alliance. What do you want to do when you run into my territory now?"
Leading dozens of huge pure-blooded fire eagles, hovering in the sky, looking at the two sides who were about to fight below, Xiao Annie was a little annoyed. She was planning to go to the city to catch the bad guys. Was attracted to these people here!
"Say it! Are you trying to steal things from my house? Or do you want to do something bad?"
Originally, their Flame Alliance played well against the undead, and even Annie herself was ready to find a chance to catch the death knight.
However, the big movements made by these people have attracted here, in case, if the undead let the nasty death knight run away while she is away, can these people afford it?
Besides, this area called the Silver Pine Forest, as well as the entire northern continent, can be regarded as the territory of their Flame Alliance. They these people come here casually, are they still here to prepare fights and hold rituals? Has her consent been obtained?
"If you don't make things clear to me, be careful I hit you!"
Now, they have made Little Annie very unhappy. She feels that even if they can make things clear, she will hit them!
Standing on the back of Firehawk Lord Celia just like that, Little Annie raised her pink fist and threatened the night elves and naga below!
"Also! The half-devil over there! You also quickly stop your superficial magic circle! The weird antlers over there is right, your broken magic circle will really tear apart. The whole planet!"
"I will give you ten minutes to stop it, otherwise, be careful I kill you!"
After warning the night elves and naga who were about to fight below, Annie turned her head and threatened Illidan on the other side.
She had just sensed that the half-demon ritual seemed to be destroying a certain continent in the north.
It's just that the other party's understanding of spells is a little too superficial. It must not be a mage from a regular academic class. A second-rate mage like him who has turned halfway is really a layman!
If he really allowed his circle to operate like this, Little Annie estimated that in about half an hour at most, this Azeroth planet would probably be torn to pieces by his ritual!
"Don't listen to her! Like this evil fire creature, it must be a gang with Illidan, all attacking!"
Malfurion knew a lot. Of course he knew this kind of fire creature. He thought these were all helpers summoned by Illidan, just like the previous naga.
So, when Annie wanted to say something, the antler-grown monster slammed some natural spells on the fire eagles in the sky, driving Celia's heirs into a panic. Get up, and at the same time let the night elves' troops launch a full-scale attack on the naga and the murlocs. The other shooters also began to attack the fire eagle with the largest aerial target.
"Keep shooting! Don't let these fire eagles come down! The others stepped up their time and broke through the defenses of these naga with the fastest speed, ruining the circle!"
So, while Little Annie was preaching triumphantly, Malfurion below violently directed the archers to start shooting towards the fire eagle in the sky. The dense arrow rain forced Celia to the fire eagle. Accelerating up to the high altitude, the sudden rise caused a sense of turbulence, if it weren't for Xiao Anni to catch the saddle too soon, she would almost fall off her.
"Wow! You dare to bully me, right?"
Standing on the back of Celia, who was too afraid to go down by the rain of arrows from the night elves, Annie jumped angrily.
Those bad guys, dare to treat her like this? This is really great!
Seeing the more and more purple-skinned weirdos rushing out of the dense forest, and the two groups of monsters fighting together, Annie felt that they must think they are too many, right? Then, she decided to let them know who there are so many people!
"Come on! There are two groups of bad guys here. They not only want to occupy the territory of our Flame Alliance, but they will also blow up the planet!"
The following two groups of people seem to be very powerful. Whether it is the half-demon or the antler monster, it seems that both of them are not very good at bullying. In addition, there are too many people. Therefore, Xiao Anni felt that it would be better to call a little helper first.
After the decision was made, while using the amplification magic to speak, Little Annie immediately cast a fireball spell and caused it to burst in the sky above her, so as to give directions to other troops who followed her from the portal. .
She had actually seen that in the distant sky, there were the dwarf griffin and the high elf dragon eagle, they were flying towards her.
On the ground a little further, there are her Royal Fire Demon guards, a large group of Paladins from the Silver Hand, and Goat Riders from the Eagle's Nest Dwarves, oh! And that sister Sylvanas and her large group of rangers, they ran so fast in the forest!
Humph! Very good, you guys show me!
After gritting her teeth and looking at the bullies who were fighting underneath for a while, Annie finally resisted the urge to throw down a few big fireballs. She felt that after all her helpers arrived, she must let the two groups of people below know who had more people!
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