Chapter 149: Illidan and the Flame Alliance (5)

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In the streets and alleys of Lordaeron’s King City, here, the fierce street fighting between the four armies of the Flame Alliance and the undead is still in full swing.
Originally, that kind of fighting style that was advancing by leaps and bounds, under the scruples and orders of General Marshal Garithus, began to gradually shrink the front, from the full blow at the beginning to the current step by step, steady and steady attack.
However, even so, so far, the Fire Elemental, Lordaeron Humans, High Elves and Dwarves of the Four Powers have already occupied more than half of the city area of ​​Lordaeron, and their battle lines have gradually begun to move to the south. The original Lordaeron Palace is advancing smoothly and is gradually compressing the space for the undead and natural disasters in this huge city.
By now, the cooperation between the fire element and the armies of the other three races has become more and more tacit. Their current combat methods are generally carried out by the fire element army with special abilities. When the undead is disturbed or burned into chaos , The Dwarf Musketeers or the Rangers of the High Elves began to shoot one by one in the distance, while Lordaeron's Plate Legion followed to clean up the missing enemies.
"The humans below, you have to be careful! There is a large group of ghouls, at least one hundred in number, they are about to rush over from the street on the left!"
A high elf ranger is squatting halfway on a four-story wood-stone structure that has been burned to the beams, stepping on the logs that are still covered with ashes and blackened by the fire, observing the situation on the front line .
She didn't quite understand why the humans below would rush over so fast. Didn't General Garrisus order to slow down the attacking rhythm? At this moment, they should follow the big army and push it slowly, right?
"Alert! End the battle!"
A sword and shield phalanx infantry in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, who was cautiously marching in a street burned beyond recognition by the elements of fire, heard the warning sound of the high elf ranger who was shooting on the roof of a house beside the street. , Hurried to the streets on both sides, carefully formed a formation and stood by.
More than a hundred ghouls are still very threatening to their infantry squad of just one hundred and five people.
Sure enough, these recruits of Lordaeron had just formed a formation. On the other side of the street, a large group of ghouls with fierce claws and fangs, who used both hands and feet, roared and appeared at the entrance of the street. After they saw the humans here, they immediately began to charge toward these living people, and that kind of power caused many recruits to tremble with shields.
"Attention everyone! Hold on to the shield in your hands! With the help of your shoulders, we must maintain our formation and withstand their first wave of impact!"
"Don't worry, our big army is behind you! We only need to hold them for a while, and our big army of the Flame Alliance will soon come over!"
In this Lordaeron Hundreds Team, a lieutenant captain is shouting loudly in the formation. As a veteran and commander, he must boost the morale of his men.
While shouting, he also sighed in his heart. It seems that these people still rushed too far forward.
The reason why they rushed so fast was that they were bewildered by the easy victory before. In order to gain a little more military merit, he ignored the order and led the recruits out of the large army and rushed to the coalition army. The front of the battle line, here, is still the area where the elven scouts are investigating. It seems that the loss of their troops today is going to be great!
Seeing the large group of ghouls rushing over in the street, the veteran captain felt that even if they succeeded in annihilating these ghouls, they would have to lose more than half by then?
It seems that it's really finished now, so I can even go back alive, and the lightest punishment is probably to be kicked off, wiped out the rank and become a big soldier?
boom! boom! boom!
Just as the lieutenant captain was encouraging morale while lamenting in his heart, suddenly, a violent explosion sounded in the not-so-wide street in front.
The group of ghouls who were rushing towards them were suddenly knocked to the ground by the explosive air currents and flames in that small space. Somewhat unfortunately, they were directly blown up and turned into countless remnants. Broken arm...
Is this a dwarf cannon? People like themselves... were saved?
Sure enough, when the lieutenant turned his head and looked behind him, there was a small group of dwarf artillery units over there, and a small cannon that could be carried by two people was in front of them. At this moment, their muzzles were emitting a little gunpowder, and it was clear that they were responsible for the shelling just now.
"Good opportunity! Everyone, charge forward! Chop it up!"
Seeing that a large group of ghouls had lost more than half of the bombing and was in a state of confusion, this lieutenant reacted in an instant and quickly ordered his recruits to charge!
He has already seen that behind the dwarf artillery, more coalition forces are coming. Now, they must take advantage of the brief chaos after the group of ghouls were bombed, and directly disperse the formation and rush to take this Let's talk about the credit that has been obtained.
It turned out that this was just a group of dwarves' mortar team that helped them a lot. These dwarf artillery also ran into the city as the front line advanced, and began to bombard the frontline troops in depth.
Although their heavy artillery is hopeless, dragging those cumbersome things in the current street fighting, it is estimated that when they can't be dragged into the city, the battle will be over, right?
However, their dwarves have many kinds of artillery. In addition to the heavy artillery battalions outside the city that can serve as naval guns, they also have the kind of light mortars in front of them. These small guns are very light, one or two strong. The dwarf can run! Therefore, they can even follow behind the combat troops, shelling while on their way, and they will never fall behind.
At this time, after the group of Lordaeron soldiers chopped up the remaining ghouls, a large group of pure blood fire eagles swooped down from the sky, and they continued to set fire to disperse or destroy the nearby undead teams trying to gather. , Or use the fire to isolate the streets, so that these undead have to fight separately, unable to form a large-scale cluster impact on the coalition forces on the front line.
At this time, on another street not far from the Lordaeron squad, a group of dwarf warriors, human infantry, elf rangers, and fire elements, they were besieging a group of zombies and an elite undead squad composed of sew abominations.
"Aha! Well done big dogs! Get out, you guys get out of me quickly! Don't grab this, it's mine!"
When several lava dogs bite a chain hook thrown by a small hatred, and worked together to drag it to the front of the coalition, suddenly, a loud voice came forward to a group of plans. The soldiers of Lordaeron who sliced ​​this hatred roared loudly from behind.
Then, before the abomination that fell to the ground and was dragged for a long distance had not had time to stand up, a wildhammer dwarf warrior with a huge hammer in his wheel walked funny his short steps while waving. The huge warhammer in his hand, which was comparable to his size, took a few steps forward and slammed his hatred head.
At the moment when the sledgehammer hits the ground, red, white, and black splashed all over the ground. In this way, his abomination directly smashed this hated head into a pool of disgusting pulp, the dwarf warrior's own. There were a lot of disgusting and unknown things all over his beard, but... he didn't care about it, instead he started laughing.
The war has reached this point, and there is no more suspense at all.
The middle-level officers in charge of battle command on the front line felt that if the generals didn’t seem to be scrupulous about something and didn’t dare to order them to attack with all their strength, they might have liberated all the ground areas of Lordaeron City. ?
Compared with the fierce battle on the ground, under Lordaeron, in this underground city dug out by the undead, it looked rather different.
Except for the blue soul fire in the eyes of the surrounding skeletons and zombies, which is still beating, adding a weird atmosphere to this place, the rest is completely silent.
"My Majesty, you...what's wrong with you?"
At this time, on the second floor of Lordaeron, in this underground labyrinth-like city dug out by the undead, the legendary Lich Kel'Thuzad is carefully supporting Arthas, who is half-kneeling on the ground and wailing in pain. .
Now, even Kel'Thuzad didn't know why Arthas, their undead, suddenly became so weak? Just now, if it weren't for his quick eyes and quick hands, grabbing the opponent and directly teleporting to the second underground floor, I am afraid that he would have been smashed by that huge lava giant with a fist, right?
Master...just now, what happened? Why... Why is the power you gave me been constantly losing? I feel very weak now...
Arthas ignored Kel'Thuzad's questioning on the side. Instead, he firmly grasped the artifact Frostmourne, which was starting to become heavier, and quickly contacted the Lich King Neo, who could exist in his mind all the time. Zu, his nominal "master"!
(Alsace...My knight...Icecrown is being shaken by enemy spells...Now, my throne has begun to burst...My power is also losing a lot...)
My great master, then, what should I do now?
Hearing this, Arthas nodded secretly while his eyes were cold, as if he had made some kind of decision. Sure enough, as he thought, there was a big problem with the Lich King, otherwise, he wouldn't suddenly become like this.
This made Arthas firmer in his original idea. Relying on the power of other people's charity is really unreliable. He must try to plunder his own power and the power that can be controlled by him! And now, the Lich King, who has entered a weak state, seems to be a good choice?
(Don't worry about Lordaeron's affairs... Let Kel'Thuzad cast spells right away... You will come to Northrend right now... The enemy's plot to destroy me will not succeed... Alsace... Come to my side...I will give you even more powerful power...infinite power...)
Yes, my master.
As the voice of the Lich King faded away, the death knight Arthas slowly recovered. Then, he started struggling to support the floor with Frostmourne, and slowly stood up, and after a while, he gradually adapted to the feeling of weakness after losing a lot of strength.
"Kel'Thuzad, let's start... Now, go open the portal and bring the most elite undead troops. Let's go to Northrend now. The Lich King is calling us..."
Arthas knew that now, they had to leave.
In his current state of weakness, if there is no Kel'Thuzad next to him, he only needs to rush in a high-ranking soldier of Lordaeron, and it is estimated that he can easily kill Arthas! Therefore, if they don't leave as early as possible now, they will not be able to leave if they want to go if they wait for the coalition to attack!
"Yes, my Majesty, I will prepare now. I will take care of me. Soon, I can open the portal in a little time."
Although I don't know what happened to Alsace, or why he became so weak, looking at this look in front of him, it is estimated that even Frostmourne is almost impossible to lift up, right?
This is really interesting...
However, Kel'Thuzad still didn't say anything interestingly. He also knew that Arthas must have been in contact with the Lich King just now, and the lives of these Lich Kings were all pinched in the hands of the Lich King. Here, then, he can just obey the order.
Anyway, the retreat from Lordaeron to the Northrend Continent was originally an established plan. It is estimated that the battle situation in the city above is no longer optimistic. If he doesn't leave quickly, if the coalition forces find the underground entrance and attack in, it will be in big trouble.
"Go ahead, try to be as fast as possible."
Arthas waved his hand laboriously. He was not used to the current state. He had to respond to the call of the Lich King and return to the Northrend continent in the shortest possible time.
To the south of Lordaeron’s battlefield, in the ruins of Dalaran across from Lordamere Lake, at this ceremonial site carefully selected by Illidan to destroy the Icecrown, three groups of men and horses are gathering. They are now facing each other. .
The night elves and naga who were at war also began to cower and retreated to their respective fronts, leaving behind the corpses of night elves and naga or murlocs in the middle. When a third-party army appeared After that, they no longer dared to easily go to war on the opposite enemy.
At this time, the three men and horses facing each other here are the night elves who secretly landed from the west coast and rushed out of the dense forest not long ago to capture Illidan. They are led by the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, the priest Tyrande Whisperwind of the goddess Elune, and the warden Maiev Shadowsong. There are about three to four thousand people here. Some are nightsaber hunters and archers, and a small number of druids and horned eagle archers. As for whether there are more in the landing camp on the west coast, it is not clear.
And those who are located to the south and are closely guarding the still-running magic circle are the demon hunter Illidan and the leader of the Naga tribe, Vaschi. They now have nearly two thousand strong Naga. With the deep-sea murlocs, just now, they were able to compete with the night elves.
In the end, the most elite troop in the flame coalition led by Xiao Anni and the most powerful troop in the north and southwest.
"What's wrong? I don't want to fight now?"
Now, after seeing her helper finally arrived, it was Little Annie's turn to be proud.
"You guys keep fighting? I still want to watch the excitement for a while!"
Little Annie felt that this was really amazing. These two groups of strangers, these monsters came to their own territory, and even dared to behave like the master? They must not know, who is in charge on these sites under their feet?
She had just let Firehawk Lord Celia land. At this moment, Annie was standing on Celia's back, looking at the front triumphantly. The two groups of bad guys who had to separate because of the arrival of her reinforcements.
Little Annie at this moment, of course, has her capital!
Because, next to her, is Chief Shanknox, a thousand of the most elite royal guards in the Flame Kingdom led by this legendary survival hunter! Among them, pick one or two at random, both of which have at least a high-level strength level, and their two principal and deputy commanders have reached the lord level, which is what humans call the hero level.
Of course, this is not over yet!
To the right of the Fire Demon Royal Guard phalanx, is the Commander of the Silver Hand Saidan Dathrohan and hundreds of his most elite paladin cavalry!
These are not new recruits who have just been recruited and trained. They are all ruthless characters who have survived the raging undead. Whether it is the use of light or the proficiency of combat skills, they are among all current human paladins. Exist at the top!
On the right side of the Fire Demon Royal Guard phalanx, there is the Great Lord of the Wildhammer Dwarves of the Eagle's Nest, dozens of Royal Griffin Riders led by Falstad Wildhammer and the hundreds are gearing up and shouting. A legion of goat knights ready to fight.
These dwarves were originally annoyed by the Grand Marshal Garithus for not letting them enter the city to fight, but now it's okay, God sees you, there is a fight here? They said that the warhammers in their hands that were bigger than their heads were already hungry and thirsty!
Behind the fire demon and the humans and the dwarf cavalry, there is the Queen's Ranger Guard, which is ready to go, with the most well-equipped high elves of Quel'Thalas. They have been lined up behind the phalanx slightly away from the battlefield. The sharpest shooters in the Eastern Kingdom are ready to provide long-range sniper support for the charging paladins or goat riders.
If you count the dozens of fire eagles still flying in the sky and more than a hundred dragon eagle shooters of the high elves, there is already a little Annie who is a demigod mage in their flame alliance; the existing chief saint The knight Dathrohan; the ancient survival hunting for Shanknox; the dwarf who can fly in the sky and fight in the ground to fight Fustard; the former ranger general of Quel'Thalas, now the legendary ranger Sylva of the Queen of High Elves Nas.
Coupled with the words of those little-known Fire Demon Lords, their big group of powerful heroes up to the level of heroes, plus the most elite guards of the Four Kingdoms with nearly 3,000 people, all of this is Little Annie Now the capital of Biss!
She is very confident. Just now, whether it is the green head monster in the west, or the naga and fish head people in the south, the two of them together are probably not enough for them to fight!
Besides, on the battlefield of Lordaeron on the opposite side of Lordamere Lake, there is still her 200,000 Alliance army! If she is in a hurry, it is not a problem to open a few portals at such a close distance and get another thirty to fifty thousand troops!
"That green monster with antlers on his head over there, didn't you just hit me with an arrow and hit me very enjoyable? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Why don't you dare to speak now? Are you still mad?"
Little Annie has a deep resentment towards this deer-like green head monster!
Just now, it was this green-headed monster who didn't agree with each other, so he directly ordered his archery troops to disperse and shoot her, which made her dare not approach the ground casually!
"Also, the half-demon over there! Are you with the Burning Legion? Now you come to my house casually and perform such dangerous rituals. Have you agreed with me?"
Looking at the ritual that was still running on the opposite side, Annie darkened her face, and if she kept going for a while, she would smash it with a big fireball!
"Wait... Are you human? And dwarves?" head monster? Is she... talking about them night elves?
Well, although Malfurion wanted to refute the little girl loudly, not all night elves are green heads! But after thinking about it for a while, he took a deep breath and decided not to get to know this little human girl!
Now, after seeing that the situation began to take a turn for the worse, Malfurion was also a little embarrassed. He had never thought that this human kid riding a fire eagle would be so hard in the background? Now he didn't dare to say anything harsh.
After all, when they came to the Eastern Kingdom this time, they brought only less than 5,000 troops. At the beach landing site on the west, there were more than 1,000 troops staying at the camp. They are here now. These are all the troops that can be dispatched.
"Let me say something, humans, I think, is there any misunderstanding between us? I think..."
After Malfurion saw the humans and dwarves standing next to the fire elemental creatures, he immediately opened his mouth and tried to explain.
Because, on Kalimdor's side, their night elves and humans get along very happily. Not only did they resist the Burning Legion together, they also reached a preliminary intention to form an alliance. They are going to meet soon and form an alliance, preparing to deal with the threats from the tribe of tauren, trolls and orcs.
"very sorry!"
Seeing that the green-headed monster in Queen Anne's mouth seemed to be talking to herself, Dathrohan directly raised his hand arrogantly and interrupted the other party.
"The one you just attacked is the leader of our Flame Alliance, the queen of the Flame Kingdom, Your Majesty Anne Hasta! Therefore, our Kingdom of Lordaeron reserves the right to counterattack you by force!"
Paladin Dathrohan replies coldly to the green-haired antler freak who came out to talk, without showing any face to him.
Anyway, Dathrohan didn't recognize these weird people, so what kind of thing did he run out to deal with himself? Seeing that you are better here? Where did the prestige just now go?
On the way here, Dathrohan clearly saw that the densely packed bows and arrows actually forced Queen Anne to raise her height. That kind of arrow rain is definitely a rhythm to death! How could this be a misunderstanding? Do not make jokes!
Although their flame alliance was founded not long ago, almost all the four countries were rebuilt after the disaster, and the other three countries owed a lot of kindness to the flame kingdom. And now, they united in adversity, like a closely connected federal kingdom, and the current leader is like the common king of their four nations!
These people, now running here, dare to attack the co-lords of the four countries. How can this be a misunderstanding? Anyway, Dathrohan would never let it go!
Queen Anne was right, these bastards, dare to come to their Flame Alliance site to make trouble, have they agreed with the Flame Alliance? He also marched casually here in Silverpine Forest. Dathrohan didn't remember that the opponent had signed a military pass with Lordaeron!
Besides, these bastards, just now dared to beat their cute lord so embarrassed by the crowd, that is to not give them the face of Lordaeron's kingdom, not to give them the face of Lordaeron, that is to reach him. Sohan can't make it through!
Therefore, Dathrohan has decided in his heart, as long as Queen Anne orders, he will pick up the warhammer behind him, and order the Paladins to charge and him! If they failed to participate in the liberation battle of Lordaeron, they had to vent their anger with these in front of them!
"The Kingdom of Lordaeron? The Kingdom of Lordaeron...isn't it already perished?"
When Malfurion heard what reached Sohan, he asked in surprise.
According to the intelligence he obtained from the humans at Theramore, the Kingdom of Lordaeron should have been destroyed. Why is there another Lordaeron here? This made Malfurion very puzzled. Could it be that Theramore provided him with wrong information? Or is it outdated?
This bastard!
Hearing that the other party actually said that their Kingdom of Lordaeron was destroyed, Dathrohan was so angry that he grabbed the warhammer behind him, and at the same time he squeezed it tightly, his face began to look ugly.
He has already decided, wait a while, once the fight starts, he will give this green green-headed monster a disciplinary stun, and then take the opportunity to drive invincible and then directly ride the horse to drive a sacred storm to kill him. Damn it!
"I'm sorry, everyone in the Flame Alliance, we have no intention of being an enemy of you. We came here only to hunt down the fugitive over there."
After thinking about it, Malfurion decided not to worry about this problem for the time being, but to solve Illidan's matter first.
As everyone knows, his unintentional words just now have completely offended the Paladin Dathrohan. The other party was thinking about him as quickly as possible.
"The demon over there, his name is Illidan... The magic ritual he is performing will destroy the entire planet of Azeroth... So, I think we'd better stop our differences first. Let him stop the ceremony first!"
Malfurion pointed to Illidan to the south and the magic circle that was still holding the ceremony behind him and said that this matter is the most important thing. He can discuss everything, but first destroy the dangerous thing. Let's talk about it!
"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, this ritual of mine is to destroy Icecrown Glacier! And on Icecrown Glacier, there is the master of the undead natural disaster you are attacking, the lair of the Lich King Ner'zhul !"
Seeing his brother Malfurion throwing the pot to himself, Illidan retorted loudly, unwillingly.
"In a sense, the purpose of me and your Flame Alliance is the same, and I am also for the destruction of undead natural disasters!"
Illidan knew a little bit more than Malfurion. Before that, their naga and fish people had already surveyed the north, across the huge Lake Lordamere. These so-called coalition forces of the Flame Alliance, but there were Countless powerful troops, they are besieging that undead city!
Therefore, Illidan does not intend to have any conflicts with humans, dwarves or fire creatures here. Once they send the army over, they will just find it difficult for themselves!
"Ilidan, you let me down..."
"I told you long ago, magic, but a very dangerous thing! And what you are using now is even more crazy! So, Illidan, stop quickly, while it is still too late! Otherwise, the whole The earth, the entire planet of Azeroth, will be torn to pieces by your evil rituals!"
Malfurion wished to rush over right now to destroy those evil naga and murlocs, and then directly destroy the terrifying circle that was still running.
But... the flame coalition forces between them were so powerful that he had to restrain the troops while trying to persuade the other side.
Now, in less than a second, the ritual’s damage to the earth will increase by one point, leaving them with little time... He only hates himself, so why didn’t Malfurion bring more troops here? Now, he could only watch Illidan continue to hurt the ground under his feet, but he did not dare to stop the opponent forcibly.
"Magic is evil? This is ridiculous!"
A crisp sound suddenly sounded from behind the army of the Flame Alliance, and then, a slender female elf dressed as a ranger, riding a white chocobo, trotted to the front row of the alliance team.
"Huh! Ten thousand years have passed, and it seems that what the book says is correct. You are still so stubborn and stupid, the bottom elves!"
At this time, Sylvanas in hardcover walked to the front from the back of the next team, looking at Malfurion with a sneer, who was about to continue explaining.
Their high elves are said to have been expelled from Kalimdor by these bottoms. She Sylvanas has read a lot of Quel'Thalas’s historical records and is very clear about these things. !
"Are you... the descendants of those upper classes?"
Soon, Malfurion was surprised to see from Sylvanas the shadows of the upper elves who had been expelled by them.
It can't be wrong, although her skin color has changed a bit and her figure has become smaller, but the outline of the upper elf can probably be seen.
Moreover, in her body, Malfurion can still feel the strong remnants of magic. It seems that after so many years, their upper class is still dead and still studying those evil magic!
"Okay! Stop arguing!"
Little Annie wanted to continue playing with these people for a while, but... she just wanted to feel a strong magic wave from Lordaeron to the north. It seemed that someone in Lordaeron had opened a large portal. ?
Could it be that those undead villains want to run away? In that case, she couldn't stay here for too long. Annie decided that she must go back as soon as possible to see if she was run away by the undead knight?
"Now! I announce: You green-headed monsters, get out of our territory right away! Also, the half-demon over there, I don’t care if you are targeting the undead or the earth, I will give you ten seconds, Stop your ceremony now!"
After speaking, Annie immediately began to gather in her hand and grabbed a huge Firehawk Lord Celia also began to carry Little Annie into the air.
"Otherwise! I'll kill you guys!"
The fireball in Little Annie's hand began to grow bigger and bigger, and the energy inside began to become more and more explosive. It seemed that in the next second, she would throw the fireball towards a pile of people below. .
After hearing what little Annie said, the paladins and dwarf knights below, as well as the fire demon royal guards, all took up their warhammers, two-handed broadswords or other war blades. Rarely summoned its two pets with split limbs and crazy faces that have not been used for a long time, these two poor lord-level dogs, at the beginning, in the land of flames, the bear Tibbers was grabbed by the neck. After being beaten in the hand for a while, he was never called out again.
Now, the battle north of Lordaeron is coming to an end and is about to end. When the Flame Alliance is about to usher in a great victory against the undead and natural disasters, in Dalaran to the south, the night elves, Naga and the Flame Alliance are fighting among the three parties. Is about to be triggered.
Because, because Little Annie was worried about the battle in Lordaeron to the north, she had just given her final notice to these two groups of bad guys. Now, just look at the two groups below and how they will respond.
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