Chapter 226: Demacia and Noxus Project (3)

In this special map of Stratholme in the Azeroth world, which little Annie used her authority to order Zhi Brain Dawn to display based on her magical memory, on the edge of the bridge below, Galen and Drey Ers’s two elite marine squads are being surrounded by a huge, tattered abomination and a group of ghouls, either intact or with broken arms or legs, surrounding their "corpses" on the ground. , In the big piece of Duoying.
Thanks to Sugon's powerful computing capabilities, it gave these monsters described by Little Annie the intelligence and behavior that fit their identities.
No, now that huge hatred is pulling out half of his body and head vigorously from the chest of a Marine Corps member who has been chopped off, and then, just throw it into its big mouth, chew it. He chewed, and from time to time some splashes of white brain and red blood belonging to humans burst out of the corners of his mouth.
And those ghouls, although they dared not rush to eat with that great abomination, they are now in groups, surrounding the "dead" Marines and pulling out from the tattered armored power combat uniforms. A cut of fresh meat.
Among them, a ghoul finally took out a section of white thighs from the "corpse" of a certain female team member, before gnawing a few times, and the other ghouls nearby opened theirs. The hideous big mouth rushed up, only three or two, and after a tumultuous argument, he divided the thigh clean.
After a while, when these ghouls dispersed, there was only a small blood-stained little finger left on the ground, which was trampled on the plagued soil of blood, water and sand...
"Huh? Already eaten up? Then... just refresh it!"
At this time, Little Annie was floating in mid-air with a smile, and nodded with satisfaction after seeing the hatred and ghouls underneath almost dividing the Marines for food.
Although the scene below is slightly and nauseous, as long as the twenty Marines know the cruelty of this Azeroth world, it will be worth it!
After that, she waved her hand gently, using Dawn Brain to give her absolute authority in this special game map, and instantly refreshed all the wreckage of the following hatred, ghouls and marines, and then Then, the twenty players in civilian clothes stood again in front of the stone bridge below.
"How? This monster on Azeroth is super fun? Do you still want to continue to settle in this place?"
Looking at the team members who were still in shock and resurrected by her, Little Annie landed down, still thief, and asked unconsciously.
Although this is just a game, when they are killed by monsters, they still feel a certain amount of pain and fear. In addition, after they die, their vision stands aside, watching the game belong to His "body" is being eaten by a group of monsters, and the blow to their souls must be huge!
Fortunately, they have gone through a variety of similar tests. In other simulation training, they have been beaten into a pile of meat or fragments by shells or bullets. Therefore, they are relatively calm at present.
There were only a few female players who rubbed their goosebumps body or arms a little bit, so as to eliminate the discomfort in my heart.
After all, they had just witnessed their beautiful and toned broken "body" by a group of disgusting monsters who took them out of the armored powered combat uniforms and ate them with mouthfuls...
"Little Annie, you are a bit too much like this! How could there be such an undead monster? You must make it up?"
Think about it just now, when he was cut in half by that huge, Roshan-like monster with a bone-chopper, Dreyus felt a bit cold in his back.
This kind of monster is not very powerful, but it seems to be unkillable? Don’t know the pain and fear? Moreover, there seems to be some kind of magical ability?
Think about it carefully before, when the big monster rushed into the formation of the remaining Marines, the fat body suddenly burst out like something like green energy?
What the is that? How could he still blow up a few Marines directly?
"I didn't make a mess! This is a kind of undead monsters on the planet Azeroth! You can't kill them by normal methods! Now, take a closer look!"
After that, Xiao Annie waved her hand again, and directly on the bridge on the game map, two undead monsters were refreshed.
One of them is the huge Roshan-like belly monster with three arms and flowing green intestines that the Marine Corps fought before!
The other one was a kind of humanoid monster with sharp teeth and claws, a hideous face, crawling on all fours.
Seeing that Little Annie had created two more such monsters, the Marines who had just had a little bit of a shadow on their hearts backed up for a few steps, until they saw that there was no response from the other side, they came back to their senses, and then talked. She looked at Little Annie, wondering what she wanted.
"You can see clearly, this huge monster, it's called abomination, is a very ordinary undead creature in the world of Azeroth, it belongs to a kind of Scourge Corps! Its ability is immense. The skin is thick and fleshy, and there is a plague of undead that can infect human creatures, and then... it seems that there are some special abilities like trampling skills?
Nodding, Annie felt that her explanation seemed quite reliable.
Monsters like this, for their advanced existence, are things that can be wiped out with a wave of hands.
The Scourge is nothing more than relying on quantity and undead magic or plague to win. When they lose the advantage of quantity, they are not fart. In minutes, her flame coalition can be beaten by her head, and she will be rushed to Azer. The Arctic continent of Lars has gone.
But anyway, these monsters are still very threatening to ordinary people or ordinary fighters.
"Then, it's the little guy next to him. It's called a ghoul! It was transformed by the undead spells and plague after the undead plague infects humans or human corpses. Its ability is to run very well. Fast, it is estimated to be about the speed of a war horse! Then... the teeth and claws are barely enough, and the others seem to have no characteristics! There are not many high-end things like this, and the low-end ones, like The ones you wiped out just now are the same."
The existence of a low-level cannon fodder like a ghoul made Little Annie even less eye-catching.
Randomly draw one or two from the elite fire demon troops of her royal guards, and they can easily and comfortably tortured hundreds of these low-level existences!
What they have is at best a quantitative advantage!
"Have you just discovered these monsters? These monsters are not afraid of ordinary physical damage. Unless your bullets can destroy more than half of their bodies, or you can directly crush their heads, you can't easily kill them!"
While talking, little Annie gathered a fireball in her hand, and instantly smashed towards the huge hatred.
"Only with magic, can they easily be destroyed!"
After touching the magic fireball of Little Annie, the huge hatred instantly wailed, and was quickly burned into a large mass of ashes by the blazing flame.
"Or, using the Holy Light can easily purify them!"
After speaking, Little Annie snapped another finger, and Dathrohan, who was wearing a silver-white heavy plate armor, simulated by the brain based on her memory, the silver hand and the chief paladin of the new Kingdom of Lordaeron, suddenly appeared In front of everyone.
"Holy Light! Purify these evils!"
The Dathrohan Paladin who just came out, as if unable to see everyone, raised his huge warhammer after a loud roar, and then, a burst of golden light roared on him and that one at the same time. The body of the moving ghoul flashed up.
In the next instant, the golden light burned violently on the body of the ghoul like a flame. After that, the ghoul made a more tragic neigh than the hatred just now before it had time to take two steps. , Fell to the ground, and was gradually burned into a pool of ashes like ashes by the golden light.
Like everyone else, Galen looked at the armored knight who had disappeared a bit face to face, and then looked at the two pools of ashes on the ground. He was a bit unable to understand these gods and monsters.
This is magic again, and some of them are of the Holy Light. Isn't Little Annie going to teach them this?
Isn't it a good idea to train melee skills? This, this seems a bit digress, right? Now that these people don’t understand...
"I don't believe it! These are ordinary monsters? I think, they must be the strongest? Little Annie, you might be fooling us again!"
Delius shook his head. He absolutely didn't believe that this kind of monster was just ordinary!
How could the two most elite Marines on the Hope team fail to defeat these ordinary monsters? They must be the strongest or top existence on this planet called Azeroth, so they can easily defeat their own twenty people!
"Okay, then, I will let you see, the most powerful monster I have ever seen in this world of Azeroth!"
Seeing this group of people still dare to question herself, Little Annie was angry!
Therefore, she decided that she must let them take a good look at what kind of existence is the strongest!
Then, she smirked so smirkly, as soon as she stretched out her white fingers, all of them were equipped with Marine Corps armored power combat uniforms and C-15 electromagnetic rifles.
"Uh...Little Annie, what are you going to do?"
Looking at the equipment and weapons that were worn instantly, Galen was a little unsure.
Does she want them to fight those monster haters and ghouls? There is no need to try this at all, it will definitely not work!
"It's nothing, don't you want to meet the most powerful monster on this planet of Azeroth? It just so happens that I have really fought each other! I promise, he must be the most powerful!"
After finishing speaking, Little Annie flew up again, pulling a little distance from the group of them.
Then, she smiled and waved to the open space in the distance. In the next moment: a huge, with gray-blue skin, golden armor, strong and huge hooves, a thick tail, and a beard like tentacles. And the giant with eyes burning with green flames suddenly appeared on the ground in the distance.
This is the second person of the famous Burning Legion. He carried one of the handles, and then was angered by the little Annie herself and drove him away. It was said that poor Klein was killed by the green-haired night elves. Total polluter, Archimonde!
Of course, this is just a data image that was revealed by Little Annie in this game, not an entity.
However, this alone, the opponent's terrifying figure, and the incomparably powerful deterrent power, had already shocked the twenty Marines standing on the ground a little bit speechless.
"Oh? It is said that it is you idiots who want to challenge the great Archimonde?"
The rumbling voice sounded, and Archimonde finally began to speak.
"Only you? Humph... It's just a bunch of ignorant little bugs... Stupid mortals... You may never understand what kind of existence you are facing right now. ?"
After this Archimonde was manifested, he didn't move, but he slanted his eyes and looked at the twenty Marines by the Stratholme Bridge with disdain.
With such a low-level insect existence, he didn't even have the desire to do it! This kind of cat and dog are there, dare to challenge yourself? I'm afraid that Archimonde only needs to breathe a little bit, and he can blow them all up, right?
"Asshole! This monster dares to underestimate us? Everyone is standing side by side! Fire with all your strength! Fuck it!!!"
Even if he knew that the opponent was just a game data, but now he was so underestimated by the opponent, Delaeus was also a little angry!
Therefore, regardless of the other party's terrifying awe-inspiring field and size, he took the lead in grabbing his 8mm caliber electromagnetic rifle, and strafing towards the opponent's huge head!
Da da da! ! !
At the same time, the other people also started to react, raising their rifles in their hands, facing Archimonde's head, and starting to shoot frantically.
They learned a good thing this time, thinking that this huge weird person is the same as those undead, the head is the key? Therefore, almost all the nail-piercing bullets fired were rushed towards the huge head of the opponent.
Da da da……
The opponent's head, the target is too big, there is no need to aim at all!
Twenty electromagnetic rifles, the metal storm caused by that momentum, looked very weak.
Countless 8mm spiked nail bullets, after being super-accelerated by the electromagnetic rifle, sprayed out of the muzzle that rubbed the air and braved the flames, instantly facing Archimonde’s tentacled face. Shot away.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Then, what horrified countless marines was that the 8mm spike electromagnetic bullets with powerful kinetic energy, destructive power and penetrating power were seen for a while before they almost touched the opponent's facial skin. Things that seem to be distorted and similar, blocked a few inches from the opponent's skin?
Then, after making strange noises like crashing glass, he was bounced off?
How can this be?
Soon, after lighting up a magazine, the Marines stopped looking at each other. They even forgot to change the magazine, so they looked up at each other in a daze.
"Hmph! A group of ignorant bug scum, just because you dare to challenge the great Archimonde?"
Standing still, Archimonde narrowed his eyes in disdain until the opponent stopped attacking.
Like the twenty little bugs below, the stupid burst of kinetic energy weapons in their hands, even the force field shield formed by the distortion of the rules caused by the overflow of energy, can’t be broken. Just like this, they dare To challenge yourself?
What a bunch of ignorant scum!
After thinking about it, Archimonde lifted his right foot casually, and then slammed down on the opponent's formation...
Existing like this kind of bugs, Archimonde couldn't even bring up the slightest interest in casting spells, so since it is a group of bugs, just trample to death!
boom! ! !
After the loud noise of the hoof landing, along with the smoke and dust emanating from the ground, then, after Archimonde raised his giant foot, there was an extra twenty at the top of the ground bridge in Stratholme A peculiar discus made of flat steel with flesh and blood...
"Well, the one just now is the most powerful great demon ever seen in the world of Azeroth. Do you want to experience other things? I have also seen a big and powerful black dragon!"
After refreshing Archimonde and the twenty discus on the ground, Xiao Annie asked with a smile at the twenty Marines who appeared again.
As far as she knows, in the world of Azeroth, there are more creatures that can kill these twenty Marines in seconds!
"I'm not convinced! Little Annie, this monster is so big, it's almost like a god! You change to the same shape as us, one-on-one, preferably an ordinary humanoid on this planet, I will definitely be able to do it it!"
Dreyus, who had died again, still refused.
Regardless of whether it was the undead just now, or whether that Archimonde was true or not, he wanted to try again.
He felt that it was impossible for them humans to be so far apart from the creatures on the planet called Azeroth. How could there be such an outrageous and powerful creature in the universe?
The alien bugs on planet JNO.3 are the existence within their understanding!
No matter how powerful their insects are, they will still be injured or killed if they are shot! No matter how mighty the mammoth-shaped bug is, it will blow up with a few 120mm arc-light shock cannons, and it will still be blown up and dry down!
So, this time, he plans to at least change to a normal creature with a size similar to his own. He has the confidence to lie down on each other in a one-on-one situation.
"Oh? It's not impossible... But what kind of existence are you going to fight against? Ordinary human civilians? Low-rank fighters? High-rank fighters? Or, heroic powerhouses?"
Seeing that Dreyus, the guy, was still not convinced, Little Annie was also happy to play with them again, anyway, she had time!
"Um... let's try it out with a strong hero first! However, it can't be the heavy armored knight who emits golden light just now! The opponent can't have those strange abilities!"
Delius felt that if he fought ordinary civilians or low-rank high-rank fighters, even if he won, he would lose his face?
Think of his dignified Lieutenant Dreyus, but in the HMS Hope, there is a heroic presence!
So, of course he has to fight against the heroic powerhouse!
Of course, he also kept an eye on it, like the heavy armored knight that glowed golden light just now, that would definitely not work! That kind of existence with weird and weird abilities, he definitely couldn't beat it!
"'s Jiangzi..."
Little Annie was a little embarrassed when she heard Dreyus' condition.
Even if you are a hero, you can't have strange abilities...
If it is a warrior, then it must be angry, and it should be considered a supernatural power... So, the powerful warriors of the dwarf lord and human Lordaeron are definitely not good...
correct! If you have, choose her!
After scratching her head and thinking for a while, Little Annie stretched out her hand and waved directly on the bridge in Stratholme, and she refreshed a woman dressed in a ranger tights, with a hood, holding a long bow in her hand and carrying a long bow behind her back. The quiver, the slim figure with a delicate dagger slung around his waist.
The opponent stood in front of the twenty Marines in such a pretty manner, looking at the surroundings a little puzzled.
"Okay! This is the queen of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas of Azeroth! A strong man at the pinnacle of the hero level, she is a ranger general, Sylvanas Windrunner! She should not use those other than bows and arrows. Strange abilities, then you can try it with her?"
Soon, based on her own memory, Little Annie directly realized except for the big sister Sylvanas in her own memory. Presumably, she should meet Dreyus' request, right?
This big sister of the elves, who only likes to play bows and arrows, must not easily use arcane magic.
Then, Annie waved at the same time, instantly making Dreyus put on the Marine Corps armored power combat uniform and equipped with an electromagnetic rifle.
"You... are you here to challenge my steel weirdo?"
Sylvanas asked with a clear and beautiful voice, tilting her head.
She looked at Dreyus, who was standing opposite her less than twenty yards away, and the strange structured armor he was wearing with a little doubt.
"Wow! What a beautiful girl!"
Dreyus slammed a big whistle, and then, he opened the mask of his armor, unscrupulously admiring the exquisite and charming face, long golden hair, delicate skin, and slender body. , And, those charming long ears...
Is this... a humanoid creature in the world of Azeroth? You look so charming?
Seeing this, Dreyus even thought of settling on this planet...
"Hey! The beautiful lady on the opposite side, or, let's stop fighting? Why not, let's find a place where no one is there to have a good heart-to-heart talk, and then...hehehe..."
As soon as he saw this charming big beauty, this kind of existence that would normally only appear in fairy tales stood in front of him alive, and Dreyus couldn't move in an instant.
Therefore, his mouth began to confuse.
Anyway, the other party is just a bunch of smart data, and he won't really offend people, so he seems a little bit open-mouthed.
"Insolent! Looking for death!!!"
Suddenly, a cold light flashed on the pretty face of this Sylvanas, and the arrow in the quiver on the back was missing one in an instant.
After a while, all the people around, hardly seeing the other party's bow movement, suddenly heard an inexplicable sound when the bowstring fell.
"Uh... what was the sound just now?"
Dreyus was still a bit inexplicable, and he didn't see the other party pulling a bow and arrow. Then, where did the bowstring sound come from? That's weird!
"Team,, your chest..."
Inexplicably different from Delius himself, on the side, his team members, as well as Galen, were looking at the position of Delius' chest in horror inexplicably.
"Chest? What happened to my chest?"
Then Dreyus looked down inexplicably.
I saw that in my own armored power combat uniform, a hole with a big mouth appeared in the chest with thick composite armor?
What exactly is going on?
When did this hole appear?
When Dreyus finally found the transparent holes in his armor that he pierced back and forth, blood and some broken internal organs slowly flowed out.
Then, he felt a burst of intense pain...
"It turns out... it's like this..."
When he turned his head hard and looked not far behind him, he discovered: On the trunk of a big tree, there was an arrow with its tail feathers still trembling deeply inserted. ?
"Well, now, who of you still wants to challenge the strong in this world?"
With a wave of her hand, after refreshing the "corpse" of Sylvanas and Dreyus who fell dead in the place, Little Annie asked again.
Now, she is already feeling a little impatient!
"No, no more! Please Colonel Annie give us the most stringent melee special training! We promise to complete the task!"
The role model is in front, coupled with the two previous experiences of being abused, Galen stood up for the first time, and answered loudly in the same tone as when facing the chief.
By now, Galen is also a little convinced!
That charming and terrifying alien woman with long ears reminded Galen of the dagger that little Annie had enchanted him before. It could easily cut off a thick armor plate!
Therefore, he now somewhat believes in this so-called Azeroth world! This world is indeed a bit weird!
If this is the case, Galen faintly felt that they seemed to be able to learn some special skills or life-saving skills from Annie's hands?
"Sir Anne, please instruct!"
Seeing Galen's statement, Dreyus and others, who had already received profound lessons, quickly stood in a row, raised their heads and stood upright, shouting loudly Oh... "
Seeing the two straight lines of Marines standing in front of her, Xiao Annie nodded with satisfaction.
She felt a little bit difficult...
It seems that she herself does not know how to train a qualified knight or warrior...
Gee! Actually, let alone knights or warriors, even if she was asked to teach an ordinary mage apprentice, she wouldn't even be able to teach it?
Forget it, let them practice it by themselves!
Anyway, training in the game will not really kill people, so let them go and fight with the undead in the city, slap, maybe, they will do it themselves?
That's right! That's it!
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