Chapter 227: Demacia and Noxus Project (4)

The base on the planet ground, Colonel Doug, the commander-in-chief of the ground, watched the armored transport ship carried by Captain Leona lift into the air from the barracks, and began to return to the HMS Nozomi. Only a trail of the ship’s tail flame was visible in the sky. After that, she herself was picked up by a fully enclosed ground armored transport vehicle in the base and returned to her command center.
Although the scale of this ground base has become larger and larger, and various buildings are increasing day by day, in fact, in the open space between the buildings of the base, except for the busy SCV engineers and marines. Outside of us, it is rare to see other back office or staff members.
This is actually because this ground base for humans is not a closed base. In addition to the safe environment inside the building, when outside the building, it is necessary to walk in places without fully enclosed passages. To wear troublesome protective clothing, or need to be transported by enclosed armored vehicles to travel between buildings.
Otherwise, those strong acid and highly toxic vapors in the atmosphere are likely to kill those rash people in a short time!
"How is the mission of the investigation team performed? Did you find anything unusual?!"
As soon as he walked into the central command hall on the second floor of the command center, Doug asked a military deputy who was in charge of following up the matter in the first time.
Since three days ago, after experiencing the burrowing and sneak attack by the insects that night, and causing heavy casualties, Doug, who has learned the lesson, has always felt that they are humans, their ground base, Can't defend passively like this anymore!
They must have more information about bugs, and they must take the initiative to kill the danger in the bud!
Because, now their human ground base, whether it is air firepower or ground forces, has achieved considerable development, and it is no longer the distressed state of being stretched and insufficient in strength!
Now they have not only nearly fifty heavy siege tanks, and the same number of vulture tanks, but also fifty space and planetary environments supported by the second base in the asteroid belt in space. Wraith fighter!
Therefore, Doug believes that they have enough military power to carry out active combat, instead of sitting in the base waiting for various attacks by bugs!
In the original plan, Base 2 in space, this time the number of fighters supporting their base No. 1 on the ground was originally a full 100, but after the bugs were found to appear in the air force, out of cautious considerations , Captain Leona intercepted half of it and used it as a basic protection for the colonial spacecraft Hope.
After all, those bugs have appeared as flying dragon-like air combat units. Although no one knows whether they have entered synchronous orbit or the ability to fight in space, the Hope is currently almost in an unprotected state, which is obviously impossible!
Before the heavy battlecruiser was built and entered the combat sequence, the security loopholes of the Hope were too great. Therefore, the captain could not tolerate the captain's carelessness and intercept some of the fighter planes from a security perspective.
"Report to the commander! The 19-member reconnaissance team led by 031 has reached the big rift in the canyon. Now they are preparing to install the rigging and plan to slide down into the canyon as planned for field reconnaissance!"
After seeing the commander's questioning, the adjutant quickly took over and reported the report.
In front of him, there are really several holographic lists, showing several satellites scanning the canyon and the big rift, as well as the short-range radar topographic map of the armored transport spacecraft hovering high above, and the Marine Corps members. The opened video equipment shows the situation on the ground.
Prior to this, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft had been dispatched to ground bases for such dangerous reconnaissance operations.
However, within the fissures of the Grand Canyon, it is not known whether it is due to the magnetic field or some special energy. As long as the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft enters it, it will soon lose contact with the base and crash.
Even if they specially modified intelligent autonomous unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, they could not go too deep into the cracks. Often after reaching a certain depth, they would lose their way, and then they had to return automatically, or never again. came back……
In this strange place, the electronic equipment does not seem to work very well?
Therefore, until now, although the ground base has conducted multiple reconnaissances, they don’t know much about the situation in this canyon. Coupled with the previous bugs’ sneak attacks and satellites discovered the canyon, there seems to be bug activities. Signs, so this is the special action of these twenty marines preparing for close investigations on the ground.
After hearing the adjutant's answer, Doug didn't say much, but stood silently and watched the Marines in the holographic image were busy.
From the holographic image, Doug could see that the twenty Marines, under the command of the captain, were trying to install two rappelling tools to ensure that they could land safely and quietly to the bottom of the valley.
"Very well, you continue to stare here, if anything happens, report to me immediately!"
After looking at it for a while, Doug felt that these Marines would take at least ten minutes to install the tools, so she didn't look at it much, just reminded the adjutant and went to the other side.
"Yes! Sir!"
At this time, on the Hope game platform, in this exclusive training map made by Little Annie, after being taught twice by the undead of Azeroth and the boss of the Burning Legion, it finally became The twenty Marines, who were honest, stood in two horizontal rows in a regular manner, with their hands behind their backs, neatly standing upright, waiting for their chief's instructions.
In front of their team, there are two weapon racks. On one of them, ten heavy two-handed swords are neatly stacked; on the other side, ten huge two-handed battle axes are hung.
These are the enchanted weapons that little Annie promised them!
Of course, they are just data items in the game, not real objects, but thanks to Sugon's powerful computing power, they are not much different from real objects.
Before, Xiao Annie had studied some special products on this planet, the kind of high-energy crystal energy minerals!
After that, she quickly found a suitable magic circle, and smoothly transformed the powerful energy contained in the crystal into the magic energy she wanted, and quickly realized the enchantment of the sample.
Now in the barracks outside, she has already ordered the equipment department to order the staff to use the best materials to build the twenty enchanted weapon blanks of her specified size.
"Okay, so what? Well, everyone, take a break! Now, you have listened to me carefully! I will only say it once, and I will never repeat it!"
Seeing that these people didn't dare to grind anymore, but only dared to stand up and look at herself, Xiao Annie nodded in satisfaction, pretending to be those instructors, and walked to the two weapon racks.
These bastards, they just don't know why the flames are so red after being ruthless a few times! Without teaching them severely, do they really think that their Marines are number one in the world?
Annie felt that if they were allowed to go to Azeroth, it would definitely not take more than three months. By then, it would have to be all done, right?
"This kind of two-handed sword is called Saint... No, in fact, its real name is: Demacia Justice!"
But in fact, this is a holy light energy long sword based on the kind of non-attribute high-energy crystal in this world, transformed by magic circle, a kind of not pure holy light power, anyway, it is almost What's this?
Before, after making a successful sample, Xiao Annie directly scanned the game and gave her all the settings in the game that were in line with the mature product she was going to develop.
After all, in the previous world of Azeroth, in her Flame Alliance, there were quite a few Paladins. As for the positive energy called Holy Light they used, Little Annie was quite familiar with it, and it was transformed. Not too difficult.
Originally, Little Annie didn't bother to name it, so she wanted to call it the Great Sword of Light.
I don't know why, when she was about to call out, she suddenly remembered that she seemed to be about to force Galen's Cobra team to be renamed Demacia team?
Then, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and immediately changed the name of the Light Sword to: Demacia Justice!
Later, while explaining, she secretly used her authority to directly change the sword and the original names of those axes in the game map.
"When you hear their names, you should know that what they use is a kind of righteous power!"
Having said this, Little Annie's eyes suddenly became shining. In her big, sly blue eyes, there were all the triumphant colors when the strategy succeeded.
"As long as your Demacia squad, when using it, shout: Demacia! Then, the more concentrated you are, the stronger your will, and after resonating, the deeper you understand its power, the more How about stimulating its power and giving feedback to yourself in time? Isn’t it super powerful?"
After picking up a two-handed sword that was taller than her height from the weapon rack, Xiao Annie started to introduce it triumphantly.
These gadgets are the great inventions of her powerful demigod mage with extraordinary knowledge!
After kneading the energy transformation array, the special energy crystal of this world, and the power of the Holy Light that can successfully manifest in this world, they become a kind of magical energy weapon.
They are little Annie's own exclusive inventions, there is no semicolon!
"Okay, now, Galen is a big guy, do you try it first?"
After finishing speaking, Little Annie didn't even think about it, and directly threw the heavy weapon towards Galen on the opposite side.
"Oh! Ah? Why... so light?"
Galen was really nervous for a while when he saw the other person throwing it over casually, for fear that this heavy weapon might hit his feet or something.
But he didn't expect that after starting, he would find that this heavy sword is a bit outrageous? It feels like it is made of wood?
"Of course! In the game, it is set to feel like holding this long sword when you are wearing armored power combat uniforms!"
Little Annie gave each other angrily.
If you don’t set it this way, relying on their weak physical fitness, I really want them to lift this at least one hundred pound sword and train them for ten years, but they may not be able to wield it!
She doesn't have so much time, so wasting with them like this!
Now, she can take a long time to explain to them, it's already amazing!
"Well, that's how it is..."
After nodding, Galen also understood little Annie's thoughts.
After weighing the long sword in his hand, he himself felt that this was not bad!
In any case, it is impossible for them not to wear armored-powered combat uniforms, and just carry cold weapons to fight the insects directly, right? If that is the case, then it is really a crime!
"Okay, try it quickly!"
Seeing Galen's big guy still weighing it, Little Annie became a little impatient. Even a mage could see that the other party was a novice, so who would she pretend to show?
Her own time is precious, so she urged her.
"Uh, then... then I will try?"
While curiously studying the two-handed broadsword in his hand, Galen scratched his head and walked out from the queue.
Then, he first glanced at the other players a little nervously, then coughed twice with a little seriousness, and finally raised the big sword in his hand.
By the way, what is the slogan that Little Annie said just now?
"De... Demacia?"
A little hesitating, after a long time, Galen learned a little bit the slogan that little Annie had just taught them, and tried to yell it in a small voice.
After Galen’s voice fell, the broad sword in his hand suddenly lit up strangely. The strange golden light instantly penetrated the blade, flashed, but quickly extinguished. .
Not only Galen himself, but even the nineteen Marines standing in the queue felt a bit inexplicable.
They don't quite understand, what is going on with the golden light just now? Then, why did it go out again? Finally, the most important thing is: its sword body has a golden light, what is the use? Like before, do you purify the so-called undead?
However, on this planet on the ground base, there are no undead for them to purify...
"Um, little... sir! Can we... change a slogan? I always think that the current slogan is a bit weird!"
Scratching his head again, Galen put away the long sword, held it on the ground in both hands, and turned his head to suggest to the little Annie.
"And...what's the use of this kind of power? In addition to luminous and beautiful, it is probably not as good as a searchlight on an armored-powered combat uniform!"
Galen always felt that he was holding a long sword and shouting something like Demacia. He always felt silly. Couldn't it be Xiao Anni who made it up?
If he remembers it correctly, she seems to have said: Where is the Kingdom of Demacia in her hometown of Varoran? There is also a general named Galen?
Even if this kind of power really has to shout this slogan, he really doesn't have that sense of belonging...
He is the lieutenant captain of the Marine Corps of the Hope, and the general of the humans on the Hope in the future! It's not a general of the Demacia Kingdom, why should he make such a call?
"This is the slogan, there is no way to change it! As for the power, I'll let someone demonstrate it to you!"
As for the slogans, they can of course be changed!
It doesn't matter if it is changed to the Holy Light, or long live human beings, or justice will prevail or whatever! However, Xiao Anni is not willing to change, she thinks it is very interesting now like this!
The reason why she bothered to do this was to make people like them familiar to her, so that she would have a sense of accomplishment in pranks!
If one day, this fake Galen was taken to the Valoran world, it must be super interesting, right?
Thinking of that picture, Little Annie was excited: Two Galen shouting Demacia slogans, each brandishing a big sword, the genuine Demacia justice and the copycat version of the Holy Light fight together. How fun is it?
So, this slogan must not be changed! It must be called Demacia, anyone persuaded it to be useless!
"Dathrohan, show them the power of the Holy Light!"
With a wave of her hand, Little Annie created a paladin Dathrohan of the Knights of the Silver Hand in front of these people again.
"Follow your orders, my lord! Long live the Flame Alliance!"
Dathrohan, the intelligent NPC that was created, first showed courtesy to Little Annie and praised the Flame Alliance before carrying his huge silver-white warhammer and walked to the side of Stratholme Bridge.
"Holy light...please bless me!"
Dathrohan didn't even look at the group of Marines, walked directly to the front of the Stone Bridge, and then raised his silver-white two-handed warhammer.
As he called for the Holy Light, a golden beam of light appeared on his body in an instant, and his warhammer also became golden light.
The next moment, his eyes suddenly became sharp.
When the energy of the holy light on his body was gathered, Dathrohan jumped up suddenly, and then, his two heads tightly grasped the golden sledgehammer, twisted around, and hit it hard. Above the deck of the original stone bridge in Stratholme.
Disciplinary skills: the ruling of the Paladin!
boom! ! !
After a sound like the roar of a cannon, in the golden light burst, the entire stone bridge nearly ten meters wide was blasted to pieces by the surging power of the holy light!
Even, the lake water was overflowed by the huge power of the holy light, hitting a huge water column, and directly poured the twenty Marines lined up against the bridge into a soup...
The golden light gradually dissipated. When everything began to calm down, they discovered to their horror that a large part of the entire stone bridge was actually alive by the knight named Dathrohan, relying on his own power. Smashed the ground?
This kind of incredible power, even if they are wearing armored power combat uniforms, don't think they can do it?
The members of the Marine Corps, including Galen, ignored the dripping water from their bodies, but stared dumbly at the expressionless Paladin Dathohan who turned around after the demonstration.
"Well, now, any of you have any questions?"
After nodding satisfactorily, Little Annie waved her hand. Whether it was the destroyed bridge or the NPC Dathrohan, all disappeared, and everything was restored to its original condition.
Of course, she deliberately didn't restore the water stains on their Marines.
"Oh! My mother?! It's so amazing? Galen! Do you want it? If you don't, then you can get the axe and let's play the sword!"
Seeing the gleaming, domineering, powerful, and particularly bright and blinding effect, Dreyus was the first to sit still!
"Wait! Don't hey, let me try again!"
Seeing that the golden light could cause such a terrifying power, Galen was also willing to act seriously, and finally let go of his previous playful thoughts.
Afterwards, Galen took a deep breath, closed his eyes and stabilized his emotions for a while, then thought about the slogan and imagined it as something just and positive. He suddenly raised the long sword in his hand to the top of his head again.
Suddenly, while raising the long sword, Galen shouted loudly!
In the next instant, the long sword in his hand began to flourish.
Although there is not one percent of the warhammer knight just now, it makes him look golden all over, and he feels so majestic!
Thanks to the powerful calculation and simulation capabilities of Zhibrain Dawn, as well as the excellent magic conversion design of Xiao Annie, this turned Galen from an ordinary warrior, just after focusing on his own spirit, he instantly sensed the holy light. The presence.
This, I have to say, it is a great invention!
If at that time, its physical object can be consistent with the situation simulated in the game.
Of course, this sword, like those axes, they all need to be recharged! And energy is the kind of special energy mineral they dug up on the JNO.3 planet: high-energy crystal!
Without the aid of this weapon, you really have to wait for people like Galen to sense and call for their own holy light. It will probably be many years later...
"Ahaha... now, I feel like I am infinitely powerful! I am fearless! Who is going to stand against me? Just let them go!"
Feeling the turbulent and somewhat false sense of power in his body, Galen laughed a little smugly.
Now, he can't wait to let Little Annie quickly make those big swords in the real world.
By then, he, Galen, might be able to call himself a Marine with abilities, right?
With this kind of power, those bugs, after waiting for them to get close, Galen felt that he would be able to beat a hundred of them alone! ?
"Okay, Team Demacia, you can find a sword for yourself! Now, it's the Noxus team's turn."
Signaling the members of the Galen team who were a little impatient for a long time, after picking a big sword on her own, Little Annie took the same huge battle axe and walked to the front of the group of Dreyus.
"You are also optimistic: this axe, it is called the Hand of Noxus!"
"They use the power of anger. When fighting, as long as you get more angry, the fighting will be stronger, and you shout at the same time: Noxus! Then the more you can use its power, you have to pay attention. !"
Little Annie decided that she could demonstrate for them herself?
So, she carried the axe in one hand and frowned, as if...want to brew her own anger?
"Tsk... let's try another person."
Within a minute, she found that Little Annie, who had no response to the axe, quickly gave up.
Obviously, she is a serious mage, but she is definitely not a warrior! It's not even someone who can arouse his anger inexplicably, and he doesn't have the ability to make a rod with his left hand and sell a sword with his right.
In the eyes of Little Annie, Faye, it is a rational creature! How could it be possible to get angry casually and swing a sword at someone? Too informal!
Maybe, only crazy people can do that, right? Like the kind of no-brained warrior who can only get angry?
After the failed attempt, Xiao Anni slandered the warriors with muscles and brains while screaming in her mouth, waving her hand to transform into a rugged, tall orc warrior.
Then, with a wave of her hand, she threw the axe towards the opponent.
She has seen orc warriors with green heads, green brains and green skin. They fought hand-to-hand, super awesome!
If it is to demonstrate this kind of weapon that uses anger to inspire strength, perhaps no race is more suitable than them.
"Now! Show them the power of your orc warriors when they burst into anger."
Little Annie looked at the orc warrior who was still a little stunned after catching the axe, and pointed at the ten Marines lined up in Dreyus and said.
"Yes! Powerful mage!"
There were four sacred fangs on the chin of the big mouth, and the body was almost a strong orc warrior NPC with a height of one and a half of the Marines. After holding the axe in one hand and saluting the little Annie, he turned and walked to the bridge.
Then, he looked around and seemed to want a target that he could attack?
"too weak……"
A group of weak scum!
After looking at Galen's party over there, who was having fun playing with the Holy Light, the orc warrior shook his head in disdain.
Those people, not even the apprentices of the Paladin, he can abuse them without a weapon, and he is completely unqualified to be his opponent!
Then, when he turned and saw the huge Stratholme gate in the distance, his eyes lit up!
Immediately afterwards, he took the huge two-handed axe, and walked a few steps forward, and then stopped when he reached the bridge and faced the far gate not too far away.
"Power and glory!!"
After the orc screamed loudly, his body, as well as the axe in his hand, suddenly flashed a stream of brutal, bloodthirsty scarlet energy. They were like flames, directly enveloping his whole body. .
Then, after yelling another word that all the Marines did not understand, he slammed the tomahawk with scarlet energy group in his hand directly towards the far gate... …
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
The scarlet battle axe, under the tremendous power of the orcs, and under the blessing of the power of anger, whirled, making the terrifying whistling sound as it pierced the air, and blasted directly at it with lightning speed. Stratholme city head in the distance.
boom! ! !
There was another explosion sound that was not inferior to that of the Paladin's strike just now, and then, after a wave of smoke passed, Stratholme's city gate and tower were turned into ruins...
Originally, Delaeus and his party, who were envious of Galen's ability to be assigned that kind of golden sword, were watching the terrifying blow caused by the green-skinned creature at this moment.
This kind of power rushed past, even a small warship. It can be beaten, right?
Moreover, this kind of thing related to anger and fighting spirit is more suitable for them as Marines than justice and the like!
After all, they were originally fighters, anger and fighting spirit were originally their profession...
"Okay, you should become proficient in this map first. If you think you can master the weapon proficiently, you can go into Stratholme and kill the undead by yourself!"
"Here, I set it as a copy! If you don't understand, just ask Suguang!"
After three minutes of heat, Little Annie didn't bother to care about them anymore.
You know, she has never been a teacher!
Now, being able to waste time teaching them so much is already amazing! What if they want more? Then go into the city and fight with the undead!
Anyway, this is just a game map made by Dawn Brain, and it won't really die!
As for warrior or paladin skills, Little Annie doesn't know much about it herself!
Perhaps, if they hit and beat themselves, they will be able to use the skills themselves?
When they can clear this Stratholme copy, it's almost... they will be graduated, right?
Watching Dreyus's team rush to the weapon rack to grab the axes, little Annie waved once again, restoring Stratholme to its original shape, opening the city gate for them, and refreshing it by the way. Those endless army of can play first, I am going to eat now! "
After speaking, Little Annie directly transmitted this special map and returned to the lobby of the game platform.
Huh? just……
It seems that I have accidentally put all the powerful dreadlords like Varimathras into it?
For Jiangzi, will they be repaired miserably by the undead? For them, those undead are still very powerful, right?
Forget it, just leave them alone. Anyway, they won't really die. If you die a few more times, they will get used to it, so let's do it!
After thinking about it, Xiao Anni decided not to care about her mistakes just now. She felt that it would be too troublesome to make changes again, so just let them play?
After thinking about it, she just quit the game on her own.
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