Chapter 338: Casual

Located south of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and north of Christmas Island, here is an unnamed island about the size of a football field and only a coconut tree. Apart from a small piece of silver-white beach and the wild coconut grove just mentioned, it basically has no characteristics and no development value.
After all, it is really too small. It is just a football field where it is exposed to the sea, and is it even smaller at high tide? In addition, the location is too remote, so it has been left unused here.
But the strange thing is that since yesterday, this small island suddenly disappeared from the satellites of various countries...
Therefore, the people of the country of origin urgently dispatched a plane to circulate and inspect, and they came to the conclusion that it is suspected that the geological movement of the seabed caused this worthless island, which was not a few meters above sea level, to sink into the sea instantly! Therefore, after this small island was marked as sunk by the ocean bureau of the country it belonged to, no one paid attention to this matter anymore.
However, what everyone may not have imagined is that in the eyes of their satellites and the staff of the Bureau of Oceanography who were flying on the spot, this small island, which should have sunk below the surface of the sea, is still staying well. It was above the sea!
It's just that it has been cast by a certain little girl, shrouded it in a simple invisible magical enchantment and taken over! If it is an ordinary person or ordinary equipment, no matter how you look at it, you can only see a very ordinary open sea.
It turned out that this was after Anne ended her several days of interstellar travel, she returned to the earth, and she did not like the lunar environment, and directly landed her spacecraft on this small island in the inaccessible sea, and she was arrogant. The land has taken over here!
Since yesterday, after her spacecraft landed and occupied half of the island, it has become her new home and territory. Annie thought that she was far away from the crowd and the mainland, and there shouldn't be any strange guys to disturb her anymore, and she wouldn't be afraid that someone would come here to fight or burn her territory.
Now the sun is shining in the sky and the sea breeze is slowly outside. Anne is now lying comfortably on a beach chair, with Tibbs, the bear who was promoted from a pillow on her head, and a book in her arms. The large black cover book was flipping quickly through page by page. And beside her, there is a small, female-looking Transformer who is cutting coconut with her bare hands and adjusting the heat-relieving drink for her owner, Annie.
It is the core intelligent program of Annie's spacecraft, Xiaobai. A bit lonely and wanting to be lazy, Annie has just given it new mechanical life and let it serve as her own housekeeper, bodyguard, nanny, driver, chef, etc... …Anyway, as long as Annie is in need and doesn’t want to do it herself, then this robot must do everything for her!
"Huh?! So it's him..."
Enjoying the cool summer sea breeze comfortably, Annie, who was reading on the beach and the sea, suddenly looked up at the empty sky in the distance. After a little surprise, she soon noticed again. The force was recovered.
The book in her hand is called "The Book of Darkness", or could it be called "The Book of Death"? Anyway, it's probably the same thing, the name is not really important! Anyway, after Anne ended her interstellar treasure hunt and returned, Uncle Coleson and the others hurriedly contacted themselves for the first time, and sent her the book they found and was caught by two magic sticks. Considered extremely dangerous and evil book.
This book is not wrong to say that it is dangerous, but it is only relative, and Annie is not afraid of it! So, after she took action to solve the little trouble they might get into because of reading, she reluctantly confiscated it!
After watching this morning, Annie probably understood the content and origin of this ancient book.
It is said that this thing was in ancient times billions of years ago. Sithorn, one of the ancient gods who had fallen into a devil, was in order to avoid the god-eater Atu born to the mother of the earth Gaia and the creator. The devouring of Mu, he had to flee to other dimensions... But before he escaped, Sithorn wrote all his evil deeds and spells on these indestructible parchments, which were bound into a book, and then it became This thing in Annie's hands.
From this book, Annie saw many interesting little spells, but also saw many secrets, and this is why Annie is now reading it while on vacation! For the current Annie, spells can only serve as a reference at best. Only those secrets about the ancient times on the earth and the universe are what she is most interested in knowing.
"Aha! Our interstellar adventurer is back! How is it? Have you had fun running to other planets these days?"
Suddenly, not far in front of Annie, the air flow fluctuated, and then the invisible module began to flip one by one, and soon a figure wearing a gold-red steel suit appeared from mid-air.
Obviously, this is the reason why Annie looked up and took a surprised look. The Iron Man Tony Stark hurriedly came to visit on the second day that Annie returned to Earth.
She thinks, this guy has nothing to do with diligence, come to her today, there is no good thing!
"I didn't go to other planets to play! Actually, I just went to the space city in the head of a big monster for a walk..."
Annie was really not going to explore or something, she just went out to get a stone, and then had a small fight with some aliens. This thing is as simple as that, not as complicated as some people think!
However, after seeing that the iron suit on the opponent's body would automatically change, from the so-called steel armor to a weird-looking jacket that seemed a bit soft, Annie couldn't help but glance at the other party more.
"The city in the monster's head... Is there such a place in the universe?"
Tony couldn't imagine, how could there be a city in the monster's head? How could there be such a big monster? From his scientific dialectic point of view, this should be impossible! It must be the little girl who ran out to cause trouble again, so she just arranged something to fool herself?
"Oh, this battle suit is my latest research result. I call it Super War Armor Mark60. It uses nanotechnology and..."
After noticing the little girl's gaze, Tony quickly explained it.
It’s a pity that his show-off hadn’t come to fruition, and after only a few words, Xiao Annie’s attention returned to the big book in her arms, so that he had planned to explain it well and in her The triumphant thought in front of him was choked in his throat.
"Ha! The weather today is really good, it is indeed a suitable time for vacation! Moreover, the place you chose is also very good. Although it is a bit remote, at least you are not afraid of being disturbed?"
After walking around on the beach pretending to be relaxed and expressing some opinions, Tony's face was a little dark, because he found that the little girl seemed not to care about herself, still flipping through the book quickly?
"Annie, you may not know: hadn't Jarvis determined the precise coordinates for me just now, it would take at least a whole day to find you on this small island like this big sea!"
Still ignoring yourself?
Gee! Forget it...
Tony feels that this little kid is really too difficult to deal with! So, after he simply smiled awkwardly, he straightened his face and sat on another recliner next to Annie, craned his neck, as if he wanted to leaning over to read the book in his hand?
However, it is a pity that he finds that he can only see a blank page when he looks at it now? Sure enough, this book was just like the information he had seen from the Bear Shields file. Only the person who touched it could see what he wanted to see?
"Uncle Tony blames...Just tell me what you have, I won't believe you came to see me specially!"
After quickly turning the parchment page of the book in her hand to the last page, Annie nodded and closed it with a snap, and then turned her head to stare at the hippy smiling Tony Stark next to her. .
If it was Uncle Coleson or Aunt Melinda who came to visit her specially, then Annie would be a little convinced, but if it was Tony Stark or other people, such as the blackhead Nick Fury If uncle and the others came here, then they must have something to ask for their help!
However, what makes Annie a little puzzled is that even if this Uncle Tony has something to ask for herself, he can just make a phone call or have a holographic communication. Why should he come in person? Her place is just protecting her from being snooped by others, and she didn't shield those communication signals!
"Annie, you really hurt my heart too...Do you know that if a child is too smart, he will not be able to make friends! For example: Sometimes, even if you know I'm here for you? If you have other purposes or things, then you should also pretend not to know, and then...when I ask, you pretend to agree?"
Sure enough, Tony Stark felt that there must be a reason why he didn't like this kid too much!
The little guy in front of me, although he looks smart, well-behaved, lively, innocent, and cute? However, Tony, who knows her very well, knows very well: she is a black-bellied, cunning, insidious, ingenious, and she just doesn't like him!
But I don't know what kind of drug she had poured Pepper, so that his girlfriend was very good to her? Look at the high-end drinks and fruits around her. Almost all of them were sent by Pepper from the Bear Shield yesterday, right? Tony thinks, even when he treats their own daughter in the future, this is probably the case, right?
More importantly: This little kid eats his own, wears his own, and fools his girlfriend Pepper, and then he treats himself so badly? This is a bit too damning, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, little devil!
"Huh! I think your eyes are very wrong, aren't you scolding me from the bottom of your heart?!"
After staring at the other party's suspicious face that was smiling and not smiling for a while, Annie nodded, confirming that the other party must be cursing her own speculation.
"Uncle Tony blames me, I won't make friends with those stupid children. I have my little bear!"
"You see, it can not only stay with me and let me every day, but it can also talk to me, it can also help me fight, or play with me to bully others, and sometimes it can help me or Let me give it a punch? Look, it's much more fun than some useless friends and the like!"
(Master... If you didn't say the latter sentence, the young one will be very, very moved...)
Annie doesn't make friends with other people casually, and she doesn't need it.
More importantly, the people of the same age as Annie are all too weak... She doesn't like to play or muddy with those little kids, that's why she doesn't want to be arranged to go to school again! With her current knowledge, she doesn't need to go to school or anything.
So, she's just like that for the time being, friends or something, it seems that's the case, she has her own little bear Tibbers enough!
"Well, let's not talk about these things for now."
After thinking about it, Tony felt that this little kid was hopeless! This little guy is now a lawless demon king who relies on strength and lawlessness, but no one can do anything to her. Plus, without the control of her parents, what they can do is to pray that she will not be messy or not. Toss this earth too badly?
"It's like this... Annie, I heard... Bear Shield gave you a "Dark Book" that can be displayed no matter what content? Is it the one you have now? That... I recently I encountered some difficulties in the research, can you lend me a look?"
He is currently researching a new steel armor, and has now developed new nanotechnology, which can control and change the shape of the armor at any time, and assemble various weapons or defensive shields, etc.! At the same time, it also has the functions of stealth force field, protective energy force field, energy absorption transformation shield and so on!
For example, he is now, after the change, he looks like he is wearing a heavy jacket. Ordinary people can't imagine that he is actually wearing battle armor anytime and anywhere, right?
However, after experiencing the battle on Lake Michigan and being severely taught by the little girl in front of him, Tony Stark is now working on the protection of magic, and he urgently needs to figure out some things about magic. , So that he can modify or continue to study his immature anti-magical shield?
So, coming here to borrow this book from this little girl is his main purpose!
Of course, he secretly studied the anti-magical shield. He definitely couldn't talk to Little Annie. Otherwise, this little kid would definitely taunt him fiercely, and then refuse him fiercely?
"No! Didn't I tell you?"
"This book, after reading it, there is no major issue, but if you die in the future, your soul will be miserable. You will definitely be taken away by the devil and endure the endless torture! Are you sure, you still Want to see it?"
This book of darkness has been read by Annie. In addition to what was originally recorded, this shattered book has a very magical function, which is to forcibly overdraw the user’s brain and display the knowledge gained in the original On the pages of the blank parchment book and record them for storage! If someone else wants to know this knowledge, it will also be displayed, which is equivalent to a smart magic terminal?
For example, if a person is studying advanced mathematics, if he proves a difficult question himself and comes up with the answer, it may take a long time to prove it. However, if he touches the book and wants to know the answer, although it can be displayed immediately, the knowledge can be researched by the viewer himself. It is only an overdraft of the user in advance. Potential only!
And if Tony Stark watches this book now, it can indeed immediately show the knowledge he needs, but this is at the cost of overdrawing his potential and life! It will instantly show what he may have to achieve after several years, and will seriously damage his brain!
So, instead of doing this, let him study it himself!
Of course, it also has many magical functions! After all, it is something made by an ancient god, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an artifact! However, since it fell into Annie's hands, she would never give this kind of book to mortals who don't know anything to read it casually!
"It's really fake... Then why did I just see you looking through it? It's not that you didn't want to show it to me, so you made up an excuse to lie to me, right?"
Tony is a little skeptical, this is an excuse for a kid! Because, obviously she was still reading page by page just now, but now, she borrowed and looked at it for so many things? Also demons and souls, what is that?
"First of all, I am a mage, a powerful arcane mage!"
"Secondly, the owner of this book, Sithorn, the ancient god, may not be as powerful as I am. Then how could I be afraid of a broken book he made? So of course I can read it!"
Annie is now not only blatantly reading Sithorn's Book of Darkness, but also forcibly reading all the knowledge she considers valuable in it, and forcibly closing the other side's channel to influence the earth and release energy! Anyway, she did so blatantly, what can he do with Sithorn? Do you dare to come to earth and fight with yourself?
It’s not that Annie is blowing, but now she has infinite gems, and she can also use the almost infinite energy in this universe at will. His Sithorn dared to appear in front of her and try it. You can see if Annie can beat him. Overwhelmed or unable to take care of yourself?
Those so-called ancient gods are nothing more than certain existences with powerful energy levels. Look at that Thor, the of thunder. To the people on earth, he is indeed a god, but in fact it is just like that. What's so great? !
"How about this, I'll just watch it for a long time? Or, just for a while, for a while?"
"Then, just like helping Coleson and the others, then help me get rid of the negative state or the soul mark you said, so that Sithorn will not take away my soul. Is it all right?!"
Coleson, Fitz, Simmons, and Barbara can watch them, so why can't he, Tony Stark, one of the founders of the Bear Shield? Therefore, Tony feels that this is unfair! This little girl must be engaging in discriminatory treatment and private revenge!
"No! If you do that again... you may be hostile by other demons!"
"Look, people's books give you knowledge, so you should give others souls of course. This is fair and an equivalent bargain! As an arcane mage, I can't just destroy this casually. Such a rule, it is impolite!"
Anyway, Anne has the final say about magic! Moreover, she would not tell this Uncle Tony that she herself was actually lazy and didn't want to be called too many times by these people. That would be too troublesome, and they would get used to it! She didn't want them to come to herself whenever they encountered any difficulties in the future, and she was so annoying!
(Master, what you said is not convincing... From the perspective of the young man, you are nepotism. If the relationship is good, you will help, and if the relationship is not good, you will not help! What the young person knows and breaks the rules the most is actually yourself That's it! The big fist you have always looked for makes sense, and there is no equivalent exchange or
"It's just such a small thing, are you reluctant to accommodate?!"
After taking a glance at the stuffed teddy bear that was suddenly thrown into the sea by the little girl, Tony twitched the muscles on his face, then he straightened his face and glared at some soft butt. child!
Tony also felt that the other party's words were obviously not convincing! As far as he knows, where is the principle of equivalent exchange for this kid? Her rules are actually bullying, and she must get what she fancy, even if she is kidnapped!
Still exchange? Asgardians and Thor, they lost their space gems and soul gems. What did this girl give to others?
"I said no, then absolutely not! This thing is not good for you, go away, stay away from me!"
This book is not a good thing, and Annie will never let other people read it.
Just like herself, she just took a look and borrowed it before. She never thought of using the evil spells and tricks above!
If you deal with bad guys or fight, even if you need magic tricks, can you just burn it over?
Therefore, Annie didn't understand. Why do some evil gods with sick brains complicate such a simple matter? Things like that kind of soul curse, resurrecting dead corpses, or creating banshees, are completely unnecessary! Just like Annie herself, even if she really wants to use pure shadow form, she will use energy to attack at most, right?
Annie has always been suspicious that the dark energy was originally good, did it all let the bad guys of the diverse world use it on crooked roads and finally make everyone scream? As a result, she hardly dared to use the power of shadow, for fear of being scolded or pointed in private all day long. Although she was not afraid of these, it was too annoying.
"Please, can you do it?"
Tony suddenly felt that maybe he shouldn't be here today? This little girl, really does not give any face!
"Would you like me to tell Sister Pepper that you secretly ran to the Holy Light Church to visit Sister Sally with long legs?"
Annie fumbled for the book she was holding. She hadn't figured out how to deal with it.
If you burn it directly, it is not impossible... But, she is a little worried, will the other party come back to retaliate or something? Then, if you are not here on earth at that time, then everyone who has read this book will be out of luck!
"Okay! You are ruthless!"
He didn't understand. How did she know that he ran to the Holy Light Cathedral yesterday to get a girl? Regarding this matter, Tony dared to swear that although he still missed the silver-haired and long-legged girl, he was also very like to soak in and try to correct each other's kind of indecent sibling relationship, but one thing remains the same. But Perkin's feelings are always the same!
Although he himself wanted to cheat on his body, his heart has never been cheated!
"Then I will go to this spaceship of yours to read and study its design drawings. Is this always okay?"
Seeing that the little girl didn't agree or disagree, Tony quickly turned around and walked into the beautiful silver-white spaceship.
Recently, he has a plan to build a spaceship, and when that happens, he can take his female friend to space for a vacation or something.
After all, he did offend Pepper the last time in Chicago, even if it wasn't his intention, but he must also find a way to make a good guilty guilty and soothe the heart of his little pepper.
Originally, the transport ships of the Bear Shield were a good choice. Unfortunately, Nick Fury resolutely rejected his application for private use of public equipment, and said that he could only carry them to and from the Earth and Moon bases at most. No other uses will work! As a result, he could only dispel this idea and instead planned to build a spaceship of his own.
He Tony Stark has this technology and the financial resources! Of course, if you can prepare a copy of the drawing of this spaceship of Little Annie, it will definitely be of great help.
"Hey! Come out, uncle blame... Tony will not come out again for a while, you have been hiding under the tree for so long, be careful I let the coconut fall and smash your head!"
When Tony Stark happily ran into her spaceship, planning to study Xiao Bai's superb manufacturing technology, Annie directly patted the book in her hand on the small table next to it.
"Hehe... you really are not easy! I think you must be the one who ruined my hell?"
"Don't want to lie to me! I can feel it. The energy fluctuations in the robot next to you are from the same source as the one that defeated Johnny..."
Following Anne’s warning, an elderly white man with blond hair suddenly appeared under a coconut tree more than ten meters away. He was holding a cane and stared greedily at a certain black-covered book. She took a deep look at Annie, her face full of jealousy and alertness.
He only appeared here today after he felt the same energy fluctuation. But who ever thought that there was such a little girl mage that he couldn't see through? Therefore, he has been hiding until now, but he did not expect that he himself would have been seen through.
"You say it... it's called Xiaobai! It's the robot I just made today!"
"As for the you are talking about, I'm sorry, I have never been there, and I don't even know what you are talking about. I don't even know who you are, how could it ruin your hell?!"
Annie glanced at the other person. When she gave Xiaobai machine life today, because she thought it was her own house, the movement made was really a bit bigger. This was also because she wanted to be as perfect as she could. Attracted this thing? !
It's just that in this world of the main material plane, the opponent's power seems to be greatly restricted. What she sees in front of her is just a small clone, so she won't be afraid of him! Moreover, let alone the avatar in front of him, even if the opponent's body kisses him, the current Annie can beat him all over!
"My name is Mephisto...I am a lord from hell..."
"Besides, it's useless for you to deny, I'm sure I won't admit it! The robot next to you, the power on it, is exactly the same as what remains on the New York seaside place!"
"As far as I know, the little girl flying in the air in those videos called the Internet circulating on the earth at that time must be you, right?"
"So... don't you want to say something about the thing that ruined my hell?"
Just standing in the shade of the tree, Mephisto had a gloomy face, looking coldly at the little girl who was still lying on the beach chair and didn't put herself in the slightest.
The other party not only ruined his own hell, but now he dares to be so arrogant and rude. He is actually thinking about whether he should descend directly onto the mortal world, tidy up the little girl, and grab the book by the way?
If he moves fast enough...maybe he can return to his before the other sensations to the hair appear and appear? This matter seems to be worth his risk?
The only thing he has to consider now is: this little girl, what is her specific strength? In the video, is there any scary weapon that was thrown to blow him up in hell?
"New York...Johnny...oh! I remember what you were talking about!"
"But, let me tell you, I never thought about bombing your hell, and I don't know you! What I was about to bomb at the time was actually only a certain flame skull that burned my house, which is called Johnny of!"
"Isn't he dead yet? That's amazing..."
Anyway, blasting or something, Annie didn't mean it! Therefore, there is no need for a bit of regret in her heart!
She didn't hire anyone and didn't mess with anyone. Who let the skeleton burn her own home? Who made this man's happen to be on the other side of the portal? So, it's none of her business, it's all their own fault! This pot, Annie does not carry it by herself!
"Do you think I will believe you?"
Mephisto squinted his eyes in this way, and once again greedily looked at the old black cover book on the small table. Now he seemed to remember what it was, so he wanted to get it first!
If the little girl honestly gave this book to herself, he decided that he could come to her trouble later so that she could live for a few more years? He felt that this little girl would not be his opponent if he were to come.
"I don't want to repeat it, I didn't mean it at the time!"
"Furthermore, what do you want? Don’t think I don’t know. Isn’t that flame skull yours? He burned my house first, and I bombed you. hell!"
"So, I declare now: This matter will be evened out for the time being! As long as you no longer appear in front of me in the future, I won't bother you anymore."
After drank the drink in the cup in one breath, Annie slapped the cup to the table fiercely, indicating that Xiaobai didn't need to be too alert, and then arbitrarily determined what happened at the time! Anyway, she felt that she had done nothing wrong at the time, so she can barely be regarded as the two cleanups, and no one will blame anyone in the future.
(The master...little thinks that you did it on purpose at the time? Moreover, they must be at a loss for this matter and will never let it go!
This matter, Tibbers, who was washed up on the beach by the sea, felt that no one would bear it!
After all, the other party only set fire to the house after asking for something to no avail. However, this little master directly threw four large-yield nuclear bombs... Listening to what the other party just said, it seems that the entire has been destroyed. Blown up? Gee, it's a pity, it can't see that picture, it must be very scary, right? )
"Huh! Ignorant little girl!"
"Don't think you can be unscrupulous if you have a little strength! I tell you, this world is far less simple than you think! I advise you to honestly pay me the book as compensation, and then , The matter between the two of us will come to an end for now?"
Mephisto took a deep breath, feeling that his patience was about to reach its limit!
If it wasn't for the daytime, the sun was shining, and he had a certain degree of restraint on himself, which made him feel uncomfortable, and coupled with the fact that the main material world, the earth, had a strong suppression of his own strength, he would have come over directly Kill this little girl, grab her soul and take the book!
"Of course I know that this world is not simple! Otherwise, you think I will bear your devil for so long!"
"Let me tell you, if you dared to appear in front of me like this before I went to travel a few days ago, and dared to play sideways with me like this, I would have killed your clone a long time ago! Then, I might Will you continue to blow up your hell?"
Sitting upright on the recliner, Annie made a small face and threatened impatiently at the demon hiding under the shade of the tree.
"Forget it, I've decided: I'll burn you directly. Standing here as a monster like you is an eyesore!"
After finishing talking, Annie jumped off the beach chair and stood on the beach with her bare feet. Then she stretched out her palm towards the other party, forcibly sucking the dark energy of from the other party's structure into her palm. come.
Just a clone, dare to be so presumptuous in front of yourself? Therefore, Annie feels that it is necessary for her to add some blockage to the other party! Besides, she is no stranger to dark energy or something!
"Little girl, wait for me, I will never let you go easily, I remember you!"
When he discovered that the dark energy of his own body was poured into the opponent's hand uncontrollably, Mephisto was frightened in his heart, but at the same time he could only threaten in vain! Then, his clone was quickly disintegrated by the opponent, and it turned into a black mist and quickly gathered in the opponent's palm.
"What's the situation?!"
As soon as Tony came out, he saw this amazing scene: an old man wailing and turning to ashes in front of Annie...
"Annie, what did you just... why did you burn an old man?!"
Just now, after he heard that there seemed to be movement outside, he ran out for the first time to see the situation, but how could he think he saw an old man who seemed to be burnt to ashes by Anne's magic? Moreover, it seems to have become the strange black energy in Annie's hand?
And what makes Tony Stark even more strange is that on this desert island, isn't there only Anne and her mechanical servant? When did that old man appear again? He went into the spacecraft to copy the drawings. It was not ten minutes, right? This thing is weird, what is going on?
"Oh... you don't need to care too much!"
"That is a nasty demon! The name... seems to be Mephitus? Mephisto? Anyway, he is not a good person, that kind of thing, if you see it later , Better stay away from it!"
Seeing the black evil energy resembling a shadow in her palm, Annie frowned.
Just when she was about to use flames to completely annihilate it, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the black-covered "Dark God Book" she had placed on a small wooden table, and her eyes suddenly lit up!
She had already read that broken book, and she planned to destroy it! But is she worried that the owner of the book will come to the earth to retaliate?
And if she burns the book with the dark energy of other people in her hand, then, will a guy named Sithorne trouble the demon named Mephitus?
Surely it will? Is this like this demon following the energy fluctuations of the robot to find the door? So, Annie felt that this plan made her feel very interesting just when she thought of it!
"Annie... if you don't give it, I just don't want to watch it, but I won't burn it, right?"
Seeing that the little girl waved her hand, the strange black energy group in her palm directly burned the book and the small wooden table to ashes, Tony Stark's expression was dull for a while, and then Then he glared at the little girl angrily.
Sure enough, there was a reason why he didn't like this little girl! Maybe, according to Dongfang, the two of them should be incompatible? Bad characters?
Take a look at all. A good book, although it has a lot of side effects, it should be very useful. How can it be burned so casually? This is really a waste!
"My book, I can burn it if I want, and you want to take care of it?"
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