Chapter 339: Illuminati establishment

Tony Stark felt that his own fortune in the past two days was truly amazing!
Yesterday, he just ran to a hidden island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and visited a certain kid on purpose. Originally, he thought that a little kid’s new home far away from the route was already secret enough, but where did he think that today, he was invited by an old acquaintance he knew to this place deep in the sea, saying Is it an important meeting?
He doesn't understand, what important meeting needs to be held several kilometers under the sea?
What's more, what makes Tony Stark feel very puzzled is: who, without knowing it, built such a deep-sea base in this trench of more than six thousand meters in the Atlantic Ocean? Which country or organization has this strength? !
He thinks, this difficulty is simply much harder than they Bear Shield from scratch and then build a sub-base on the back of the moon or something! Because working under the sea at this depth, under the terrible pressure of the powerful deep sea water, is simply an impossible task! Had he not been wearing the latest nano-adaptive armor now, maybe even he would dare not sneak into this depth casually, right?
After all, as we all know, the deeper the sea, the greater the pressure and the higher the requirements for equipment!
Under normal circumstances, for every ten meters increase in sea depth, the pressure will increase by at least one atmosphere! That is, when the seabed was one kilometer, the pressure was about one hundred atmospheres... But now at a depth of more than six thousand meters, it is estimated that even the air will be compressed into a liquid like water!
And this is why Tony Stark was surprised at this base.
He could not imagine that this kind of powerful scientific and technological organization was hidden on the earth! Sure enough, the water here on the earth is very deep and dangerous. He must continue to appropriately increase the number of Iron Armored Legions under his control.
"Tony Stark, we've been waiting for you for a long time, come in and take a seat..."
After entering this base and being led by a strangely-dressed waiter to such a meeting room, Tony continues to observe this strange place everywhere, trying to figure out how they built this base At that time, a familiar voice quickly interrupted his thinking.
It turns out that in this conference room, there are already five people in six seats, and the one who just reminded Tony was a big bald head with a bare head? Sure enough, Tony had said to Little Annie that most of the powerful guys in this world are bald heads with a little sense of identity...
"Wow! Let me see, who is here?"
After hearing the reminder from the old acquaintance, Tony didn't care about continuing to observe this weird place, but went directly to the six chairs in a circle in the middle of the meeting room in surprise.
He found that there were five people sitting here, and the last empty one was obviously reserved for Tony Stark, and he was the one who was late.
"Seriously, when I received this peculiar invitation last night, asking me to come to a meeting in a base a few kilometers below the sea at this coordinate point in this sea area, I actually didn't believe it very much! It’s not that the invitation letter is a bit special, and if April Fool’s Day is not approaching these two days, it will probably be thrown into the trash can by me!"
Tony didn't sit down directly. Instead, he looked at the people in the audience vigilantly. He wanted to guess first, what is the purpose of these guys inviting themselves here?
"Aha! You and I know, the leader of the Fantastic Four, seems to be called... Mr. Rubberman?"
Rubbing his beard-filled chin, he walked to the seat where the first person was sitting. Tony Stark just took a look and recognized this guy who also appeared on TV in a large number. come out.
The product in front of him is the head of the Fantastic Four. It is said that the knowledge is not bad. As for the name... I'm sorry, the boss of the Stark Group is very busy. Where can I have time to pay attention to this poor ghost?
You know, Tony Stark is the most jealous of this kind of guys who get nothing for nothing, mutate and acquire special abilities by cosmic ray radiation alone!
He didn't understand, why these couldn't die after being radiated by that kind of high intensity cosmic rays?
Look at him, Tony himself. The radiation from the old reactor made him poisoned and dying. Why didn't he see that he himself mutated and gained some special ability? Therefore, he has long been very upset about this kind of unearned power upstart!
"very sorry……"
"I am not Mr. Rubberman! My name is Reed Richards. When you, Mr. Stark, you can also call me Mr. Fantastic or Captain Fantastic!"
Reed Richards is very disgusted with what others call him Rubberman. Although this statement is indeed very vivid, he does not like this title, he prefers the title of Mr. Fantastic.
However, it is a pity that Tony Stark ignored him after he finished speaking, and walked directly to the next seat.
"Well, the last thing I want to see is this big bald head..."
Tony murmured a little in an inaudible tone. This is the guy who sent him an invitation last night.
"So, you are an old acquaintance of mine... We not only know each other, you have also asked me to fund the construction of your mutant college many times. Am I right? Professor X, Mr. Charles?"
"Oh, God! Please, please don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I know what you want to do! You guy can easily enter other people’s minds and read other people’s thoughts, so I’m very, very I hate people like you!"
No one likes to be entered into their brains by others, and no one is willing to be spied on by others! Therefore, this is also the main reason for Tony Stark who has sponsored x Academy for a long time, but he rarely went to see this bald guy in person before!
He didn't want to know how many secret accounts he had that one day suddenly lost money or made too many teenage friends, what postures he had used, etc. were spied by this old guy!
"You seem to have some kind of anti-intentional device? My reading just failed..."
Professor X. Charles Francis Xavier looked at Tony for a while before shook his head helplessly.
His telepathic ability allows him to read other people's thoughts and memories without physical contact. At the same time, he can also use this ability to deprive and control others' thinking while achieving the purpose of manipulating others' actions. But under normal circumstances, he doesn't do that. His ability is generally just to benefit others or help those mutants control their ability. He doesn't think this is wrong.
Therefore, he did not understand, why some people react so strongly? Whether it is the extreme Magneto or other wild mutants, or the Tony Stark in front of him, why do they resist his ability so much?
Charles himself didn't actually mean anything malicious.
"Oh, my God! Did you hear that?"
"So, this is why I hate people like you who don’t respect others! I really don’t know how the X-Men around you can stand you? Fortunately, I have invented the anti-mage mind control device long ago. Fortunately, the energy of the reactor in my body and the infinite gems come from the same source, and I have a natural immunity to mind control. Otherwise, I might really let you succeed!"
Tony Stark said angrily after he kept away from this bald head who likes to spy on others.
He once thought that the reason why Charles was hostile by many people and not many people were willing to deal with him was definitely because this guy liked to spy on others!
Professor X, sitting in his wheelchair, spread his hands innocently. In fact, he really didn't have any malicious intentions. For so many years, he has seen the thoughts and memories of many people, and he has already seen through the world. In fact, these people really don't need to be so nervous about him.
"As for you... are you the black bat king of Inhuman Attilan?!"
"Why did you come in too? They are really magical. You stay on the moon so well, how did they send you invitations?"
At this moment, after seeing this acquaintance with the Protoss device presented by Bear Shield on his head, Tony was really a little surprised by the energy of this group.
In the blue area of ​​the moon, the Attilan city of the alien race, a place so far away from the earth, had been notified by this group. How did they do it?
"Uh... it's actually like this..."
"A while ago, when we came out to manage and monitor the alien races on earth, we once misunderstood that the mutants are also a member of our alien races... But Mr. Stark, you may also know that the Terrigan Crystal Our alien races don't have any threats, but they are very harmful to the mutants...So, after being relieved a few times, we even know each other!"
This is exactly why Black Bat King Blackcard? Bert has just been invited by these people! Because, they now have a good relationship with Professor X of the mutant, and it is through this Charles's hand that they contacted him this time, and then he will appear here.
In fact, what the black bat king doesn’t know is that mutants should be the experimental products of the Celestial race in ancient times. The mutant genes in the genes can automatically mutate and gain abilities without the need for Terrigan crystals. Moreover, when they are adults, the abilities It is likely to mutate and enhance again!
The Inhumans are the experimental products of the Kerry people behind. They also have mutated genes, but they generally need the help of Terrigan Mist to complete the alienation reaction!
Therefore, humans who acquired special abilities after these two gene mutations can be said to be products with different manufacturers and different manufacturers and companies...
The only thing in common is that the final capabilities of the products of the two manufacturers depend on their faces!
Because, these two kinds of mutant humans can be said to be a group of unqualified and unstable mutant products, the powerful ones can smash the sky and do whatever they want; the weak ones are actually at best some fake and shoddy products. product……
"It turned out to be like this, I understand..."
Nodding, Tony Stark didn't comment much.
But he looked at the expression of the black bat king who admired Charles so much, that this guy must be another poor creature who was crippled by Professor Charles, right?
Sure enough, an old guy who is professionally brainwashed, he better stay away from him!
"As for you...I seem to be a little impressed..."
"Yes, I remember! A lawless kid called you: A mage apprentice who dares to wander around after only two years of learning spells? That's right, that's the tone!"
When he walked in front of a guy wearing a blue cloth robe and a red cape handed down from an ancient era, Tony frowned and stared at this guy dressed like a vampire baron for a long time. Suddenly it sounded who this thing was.
Not long ago, this guy appeared in the battle outside New York! It is said that this kind of guy flew between the two sides to persuade him, but unfortunately, a little kid not only didn't give him face, but he also directly lost four missiles to the other side of the portal?
Thinking of this, Tony Stark felt a chill from the soles of his feet hit his forehead!
Fortunately, the other side of the portal was not the earth at the time. Otherwise, he himself probably wouldn't have the chance to stand here now? Tony didn't quite understand. How could the country called the Federation of Heroes so relieved that they would hand over this dangerous firecracker to a bear kid?
This is really irresponsible, it's all a bunch of bad guys!
"I'm sorry, Mr. Tony Stark, although I have only learned spells for two or three years, I am not an apprentice to a mage!"
"Introduce myself first: My name is Stephen Strange, or you can call me Doctor Strange? Of course, you can also call me the Supreme Mage! Because I have now inherited part of the ancient one mage. Now he is also the leader of the Monastery of Masters..."
Stephen Strange is very dissatisfied with the mage apprenticeship, he himself is already very strong now! Moreover, he has been working hard to learn the knowledge of magic until now, and has never relaxed! Therefore, he would never admit that he was an apprentice to a mage. Now his strength is almost beyond that of the librarian in their monastery.
Also, in the past two years, he has helped the earth resist some threats from the multiverse or monsters from other planets! From the strongest Domam in two years, to the tentacles from the aliens, the ordinary demons from hell, etc., anyway, he has never missed his hand so far, which is enough to prove his power !
"Well, Mr. Strange..."
Tony didn't call him the Supreme Mage of Rao Shizi, because he felt that a certain little girl was much better than the guy in front of him! But if you look at how humble little Annie is, she just claims to be a powerful arcane mage, how can she be as faceless as the guy in front of me who dared to come out and claim to be supreme after only two years of learning?
"Great, I finally found a guy I didn't know! It seems that I am indeed a bit ignorant. May I ask my sir, who are you?!"
Finally, Tony came to the last seat and stood still.
Here, he was sitting with a black-haired middle-aged man who made him feel a little weird, but he was sure he had never seen the other person, and the other person gave him a strange sense of oppression.
"The kingdom of the sea, the king of Atlantis, and the king of the seven seas, my name is: Namor? Mackenzie!"
After staring at the lightly middle-aged man in front of him for a while, Namor finally nodded and said his specific identity.
"Atlantis? I see... You guys actually sank to the bottom of the sea!"
By now, Tony finally knew who built this submarine fortress!
It must be these Atlanteans with submarine survivability in front of you, right? Listening to the other party's tone, it seems that there is more than one such fortress? Of course, this is not about his Tony's business. He just wants to quickly understand the purpose of these people gathering here, and why are they calling themselves here?
"Very well, now that I recognize everyone's faces, then I would like to ask everyone: what do you want to do when you invite me here? I don't think I will have time to have tea with you strange guys here to chat with."
After walking to the empty seat that was obviously reserved for him, Tony took a moment to watch the big guys in the room.
Now here, there are the leaders of the mage organization, the king of the Atlantis underwater nation, and the king of the alien race Attilan and the rubber head of the Fantastic Four, plus a bald Professor Charles X. , Dean of x Academy, leader of x-Men!
All in all, none of the people here are simple guys!
Therefore, Tony knows without guessing that the next thing to talk about will definitely not be a trivial matter! But what he finds strange is: these guys, why should they invite themselves? If something really matters, isn't it more appropriate to invite Director Nick Fury from the Bear Shield?
"Well, since everyone is here now, let's start a formal meeting now!"
After seeing everyone knowing each other and sitting on their chairs, Professor Charles X began his speech:
"I will make a long story short now: presumably everyone has already been aware of the threats that are emerging or about to emerge on our planet now... Some threats may even come from outer space or Different-dimensional universe..."
"So, after discussing it, we decided: we must prepare to set up a special organization to meet those powerful threats, so we will invite you all here!"
"You may have all discovered that the people we are present here are either superior in wisdom, strong in individual strength, or the leader of a force... However, we actually have one thing in common, that is: we basically All above are detached from the mundane world and have not been constrained by too many mundane firms? Therefore, we can unite everyone's strengths and prepare to deal with higher-level crises! Just like those demon gods in other dimensions , Demon, or Domam who has appeared before, etc.?"
"And this is the main reason for inviting everyone here this time!"
While scanning the crowd slowly, Professor X Professor Charles gave out the rough reason why he, Doctor Strange and Namor planned to organize this meeting. He believes that other people should choose to join them!
Otherwise, they can only ask Doctor Strange to clean up the memories of today from those who are not willing to participate, and send them back...
"Wait...I think I have already joined a similar organization? For example, Bear Shield and the Avengers?"
Tony expressed a bit of surprise. The work of protecting the earth is already being carried out by legal organizations recognized by the countries of the world, such as the Avengers and Bear Shield, and they seem to have done a lot of work and solved a lot of trouble?
So, these guys want to start a secret illegal organization, what are they going to do? Is it really okay to block the face of this semi-official legal member and say that a secret illegal organization is to be established?
"No... this is actually different!"
"We are secretly connected and working together in order to deal with the huge crisis that may arise in the future, and we are always ready to make the final battle against the evil forces that threaten the earth and our dimensional universe! This is better than bear shield or you The work of the Avengers and even the X-Men of Professor Charles is much harder!"
"The threats you are dealing with now are all visible, and the level of threat is not too great! The purpose of our establishment of this organization is to deal with those that have not yet appeared or higher-level threats!"
Strange Doctor Stephen Strange, who had faced the terrifying existence of Domam before, knew the severity of the threat from the dimensional world better than anyone! Therefore, he is actually one of the people who most hope to create this new organization!
Because, recently, he has recently felt more and more powerless...
Especially two years ago, after the time gem of his killer skill against Domam was stolen, he has always felt that his strength is insufficient, so he has been studying hard. Even, he almost wanted to learn from their original Supreme Sorcerer Gu Yi, secretly absorbing those near-infinite dark powers from the dark world?
"Why do I sound the same? Does it make any difference? Whether it's the former S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., the current Bear Shield, or the Avengers and everyone here, it seems to have always done this, right?! "
Tony felt that setting up another organization would be an unnecessary act, and it was completely unnecessary!
Now everyone meets here, knows each other and leaves a contact information. If you encounter any major problems in the future, you will greet each other and ask for support. Where do you need to sneak up to the bottom of the sea to have a meeting and set up a new illegal organization?
It was like setting up a cult, which made Tony feel very uncomfortable.
"Tony, you might be mistaken a little..."
"What we mean is: Our more important work is actually doing some preventive work. Sometimes, for the sake of the safety of the earth, we can even expel certain unstable factors from here in advance? Just like: the Hulk Hulk? Another example...a little girl who has been causing trouble to the earth?!"
Professor Charles X stared at the Iron Man Tony Stark, who is the most opposed here. He could see that, except for this big capitalist, everyone else is indifferent?
Therefore, as long as he can persuade this stubborn fellow, the organization they are brewing should be established smoothly.
"If you are talking about the big green and big guy Hulk, I agree with that!"
"That guy is indeed a trouble, and once he turns his face, he doesn't recognize it! In the past few days, he even made a big noise in Las Vegas, destroyed a lot of vehicles, buildings and injured. Few people! Even, the four of you, Captain Magic, were beaten up. Am I right?"
Tony remembered what happened a few days ago: The Hulk made a big fuss in Las Vegas and beat up the rubber group.
"So, if you are going to deal with that green guy, I raise my hands to agree! Of course, the premise is that you can beat him! It’s not that I despise you and beat that guy. Actually, this earth is not too much……"
In the past, Iron Man Tony himself had been beaten by Hulk several times! Otherwise, he wouldn't study that anti-Hulk armor. That green guy, once furious, he is basically a guy who turns his face and refuses to recognize people and beats anyone who is not pleasing to the eye!
In the past few days, many people have been killed by him, and recently, the Bear Shield Bureau has done nothing less to lose money and comfort people!
More importantly: The operating funds of the Bear Shield are all sponsored by Tony Stark! So, if these people are going to deal with the Hulk, he really agrees! It's just that he might not come forward to provoke that guy by then.
"Finally, I want to ask first: the little girl you talk about always getting in trouble, isn't it..."
After Tony bewitched the gang to deal with the Hulk, suddenly the conversation changed, and he narrowed his eyes and talked about another little girl that the other party had just talked about causing trouble to the earth?
For some reason, Tony suddenly felt that he had a somewhat vague premonition...
"Yes! That's the little girl you imagined!"
Hearing Tony's question, Dr. Strange Stephen Strange soon turned out a magical holographic image in the open space in the middle of the conference room with a little girl carrying a stuffed bear floating in the air.
Tony blinked and was stunned at the magical image of Little Annie... He opened his mouth with difficulty, his throat moved up and down, without saying anything.
After a while, he finally took a deep breath, as if he had made some kind of decision.
"I suddenly remembered... I still have some important things in my family. I still have a very important experiment that I haven't done yet? Also, my girlfriend Pepper is very likely to be pregnant. She really needs me to take care of her?"
"So... you guys, if I announce my withdrawal from your organization now, will it be too late?"
This group of people who do not live or die, just rely on their crooked melons, want to deal with that little kid? good, very good! To this kind of behavior, Tony Stark expressed absolutely no objection!
However, there is a premise here, that is: he himself must first quit this so-called illegal organization that hasn't even had time to get a name, and draw a clear line with these people who do not know how to die!
Tony felt that he himself was tricked into a cult MLM organization, right? Now, he is ready to make Jarvis ready to summon other armors at any time! Although, after the Battle of Lake Michigan, many people watched him very closely, whether it was a company or a house, and ordered him to be strictly prohibited from creating those huge numbers of steel legions! However, he himself still secretly used nanotechnology to build more than a dozen at home, and the disguise is very good, those people will never find out.
The combat effectiveness of his dozen or so battle armors is definitely as good as the more than two thousand before! Therefore, Tony never took to heart the ordinances of politicians who kept saying to restrict him. Tony Stark is a rich man, the helm of a large consortium, and the laws of the United States were originally for them!
Therefore, as long as he summons those armors here later, he is sure that he can escape from the hands of the cultists in front of him!
"I don't understand, Tony... You seem to be very jealous of that little girl?"
Professor Charles X had heard of the Lady of Flame of the Avengers. In fact, at the beginning, two years ago, he really considered introducing her to X Academy and training them to avoid the other party going astray. . But how did he think that after investigating, he discovered that the little girl turned out to be a mage instead of the fire-control mutant he imagined?
"Did you know? Charles...I have always admired a saying widely circulated by the Orientals, that is: people can be fearless because they are ignorant!"
Tony didn't clearly say why he was afraid of that little Annie, he just pointed out such a sentence. These people are going to make troubles, to die, he will never stop them, anyway, he is not familiar with these people!
"What I don't understand is, why do you want to deal with that little kid?"
"Let me tell you this: Although my relationship with her is not very good, if she should be unlucky, I would actually be very happy? But right, I will definitely not get involved in your partnership against her. In, I swear to God, absolutely not!"
After shaking his head firmly, Tony secretly ordered Jarvis to launch his dozen or so steel armors invisible to the Atlantic side while talking casually. He has to wait a little longer now, if these people have to pull themselves into the gang to find death, then he will turn his face immediately!
The one-to-five thing, although it seems a bit difficult, if there are other battle armors on the side, it should still be able to resist for a while and successfully escape.
"That little girl, she is really amazing, I have to admit that!"
Dr. Strange first raised his hand to let Professor X not hurry, then smiled and looked at Tony.
"However, what we must also admit is: that little girl, she may be more threatening to the earth than the Hulk!"
"According to the reliable information I got in the morning: The little girl who came to us from a different-dimensional world, she provokes a lot of extraordinary things, and brings two or more infinite gems with her, and... Stay here on our earth..."
"So, I think she will bring serious disasters to our planet sooner or later! At that time, it will be difficult for us to predict what our planet will experience."
Today, Doctor Strange already knows vaguely, who would have stolen his gem of time...
"Yes! I agree with this point!"
"You may not know that she went to an alien planet to grab another power gem, and then beat a group of aliens? And, just yesterday, she burned a copy of "The Dark "The Book of God" and killed a demon clone named Mestophy? It is said that the of that guy caused her to blow up?"
Annie talked about these things with him yesterday, but Tony remembered them carefully.
Now he thinks about it, and feels that a certain lord is really unlucky enough. Hell was blown up inexplicably, and he finally came to earth to find a place, but even the clone was beaten to death by the perpetrator? There is probably no one who can do this kind of thing except for a lawless little girl.
"It's not Mestofi, but Mephisto, a lord of hell, a powerful ancient demon..."
"That little girl, she really is a big trouble! And, I also know that "Dark Book"! It is something from the ancient evil Sithorn... That book was a book in our monastery before. Inside the hall! But... even when the Supreme Mage Gu Yi was there, he never thought of destroying it..."
"This is really bad! The ancient evil Sithorn, it will definitely come to retaliate! Plus Mephisto and Infinite Gems... Guys, I think our earth is really troublesome. The son provokes an ancient plus a lord and other things in the universe..."
Doctor Strange's face suddenly became a little pale, anyway, it was very ugly! Now after sorting out the whole story of various things, he feels that things have become very tricky!
"Listening to what you said, I also seem to think that the little girl should be a big trouble? Or, we will also expel her and the Hulk from the earth by the way, right?"
At this time, the king of Atlantis, Namo, who had been silent for a while, thought about it and pondered it for a while, but he didn't know much about things on the ground, so he tentatively suggested.
The Black Bat King did not speak, nor expressed his opinion.
He is now frowning and looking at these people here, first looking at Tony, then at Charles and the Doctor Strange on the other side, and now he doesn't intend to express any opinions of his own until he has figured out the matter. After all, the little girl's friends, the members of the Bear Shield, had helped their alien clan royal family, so now he plans to remain neutral.
"Aha, I have the final say, if you have to do that, the chance of her killing you will be higher in the end? Maybe then, you may have a 90% or more chance of going to one. A trip to heaven or a free trip to hell?"
"Also, it's not that I hit you! No matter how you look at it, that little guy Annie is much more useful than you guys! Although she is often naughty and mischievous, at least she has saved the earth several times. , You can't deny it!"
Tony shook his head. A group of grasshoppers are planning to eat the elephant. This kind of thing seems ridiculous! Therefore, he decided: If this group of people really want to deal with a little girl, then he immediately withdraws, no one can persuade him!
Moreover, he not only withdrew, but also rushed to vent the news immediately, and to separate the relationship with them? Anyway, Tony Stark must not have even a dime relationship with these terrorists!
"By the way, I also give you a piece of information for free: That little guy, it is said that he also ruled the entire Kepulu region in different time and space, which is about the size of a small half of the Milky Way? Her zerg, humans and protoss combined, Should it be calculated in petaflops?"
"Black Bat King, you should have seen the huge battleship in the Bear Shield Headquarters base, right? Like that kind of big guy, she said she would give it away... So, I guess her federation wants that stuff , At least there will be dozens or even millions of ships, right?"
"Okay, let's just say so much! If you are not afraid of retaliation, but still clinging to it, then you can go and deal with her! But first, you must not call me!"
Tony feels that he and Xiao Anni are more familiar than these people! Even if there is a fight at that time, his chances of helping that kid in the opposite direction may be higher than the chance of helping this group of people?
"Also, to remind you! She is a powerful arcane mage, but she is not incomparable to the pupil who has only taught herself sorcery for two years! So, even if you design to expel her, it is useless! Because of you As soon as the front foot expelled her, she might be teleported back directly with the back foot! That's right, it's the kind of gadget of your mage, the portal that returns after a step!
At this point, Tony really felt that he himself didn't seem to have the need to stay on. These guys, without even investigating the matter and intelligence, dare to make this kind of crooked idea. If you really follow them, maybe you don't know how to die, right?
"Maybe... we should find a way to get those infinite gems on her first, and then expel her?"
Everyone was immersed for a while, and after digesting Tony Stark's words, Dr. Strange thought about it seriously and gave an unreliable suggestion. He felt that the portal of that little girl might be because of space gems? If you get the gem, will you be able to expel her smoothly?
Tony twitched his cheeks and said nothing.
How come these people who do not know how to live and die are so stubborn? Don't they know that those stones are actually the inverse scales of that little Annie? In fact, that little kid, her things, no matter what, as long as she cares about it, and if anyone dares to make an idea, it must be bad luck!
"Well, everyone listen to me first..."
"I think that about the little girl, we can put it aside and continue to observe? Now, let's talk about the Hulk first and discuss the specific matters of the new organization we are about to establish?"
After seeing that there seemed to be two people who were reluctant to provoke a little girl, Professor X, Charles, decided to shelve this issue or else, the Illumination Association in their plan is estimated to be in advance before it is established Broke up!
"Aha! That's right!"
"Compared to dealing with a lawless kid, that green guy is obviously much better at dealing with it! Anyway, I don't mind if you guys add some blockage to him? You may not know, he has been for no reason before. I've beaten me several times, and I've long seen him unpleasant!"
After seeing these people finally stop discussing a certain little girl's problem with the current affairs, Tony Stark finally sat down in his chair with confidence and laughed in relief.
Since these people are not going to die, it should be a good choice for him to join the organization a little bit and get more information from it?
"Gentlemen, now, let's first discuss our upcoming Illuminati!"
"Before the official establishment, I would like to remind everyone here: The organization we are about to establish is a secret organization. As long as you agree to join in, it must be kept strictly confidential, including your closest relatives. Reveal a little bit!"
"Next, please speak up freely..."
He breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing that even Tony Stark, who had originally expressed fierce opposition, and Attilan Black Bat, who had been silent, were eager to speak, Professor X finally nodded in satisfaction. .
The most important thing today is to set up the Illuminati and discuss some precautions! As for the question of a certain little girl, she can only put it aside for now and keep it for future observation. Can't find the latest chapter of the book you want to read? Cough cough cough, this is nothing, I recommend an official account, here is a lady to help you find the latest chapters, and chat with you!
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