Chapter 353: Little Annie's daily life

   The place where Odin, the king of the gods, lives in seclusion is very remote. If Thor flew and searched for this place by himself, he might not be able to find it for half a day.
But now, they were just two leaps. In less than five minutes, Captain Rogers’ spacecraft brought them to the sky directly above the coordinate point of the cliff coast in Norway, which was just tens of meters away. The height of, threw the Thor and Loki from Asgard.
   After jumping directly from the high altitude unprotected, Thor quickly discovered this empty place, a small wooden house and an old man standing on the edge of the cliff looking at the distant sea.
  Sure enough, the coordinates given to them by the little girl Annie are still very reliable. This is indeed the place where his father Odin lived in seclusion.
   "You are finally here..."
   "Let’s take a look at this place first, how about it, are they beautiful? Here, the scenery is different from our Asgard, it’s more peaceful and more real..."
   Odin didn't have much excitement. He just breathed a sigh of relief, beckoned to the two of them, and still looked so intently at the sea level in the distance, as if he couldn't see enough.
   Loki, who was a little cringed, looked at the two people in front of him for a while, thought about it, or bit his head and walked forward, stood on the other side of Odin, and stood side by side with them.
   "Father... we are here."
   Looking at Odin just looking at the sea, Thor is a little puzzled, I don't know why he is like this.
   "I know, Thor, and Rocky... my sons, I've been waiting for you for a long time..."
   turned his head and looked at the same two people. Odin finally sighed in relief. They finally arrived here in time. If it is a month or two later, I am afraid he can't hold on anymore, right?
   "Father, we are here to pick you up. You have been on the earth for too long, and it's time to go home."
  Tor kept winking at Loki on the other side, and motioned to him to give some comfort.
   "Home? Yes..."
   "Your mother, she has been calling me home...Did you hear?"
   I don’t know what happened. Looking at Loki and his son Thor beside him, Odin felt that their abilities and temperament still seemed insufficient?
   "Loki! Dispel your magic immediately!"
  Tor looked at his father Odin, it seemed something was wrong, and what he said was not right. He thought it was because of Loki's charm magic, so he gritted his teeth and looked at a second-rate mage with an innocent look.
   "No, Thor, I am not affected by magic right now..."
   "Forget it, let's not talk about it, you should sit with me for a while, my sons, I am afraid my time is running out."
   Odin, who had run out of oil, with the support of the two, was like an ordinary earthling with a dying year, and finally sat on a rock.
   "Father, we should go back..."
   "I know we have let you down, but please believe that we will work hard to change!"
   Looking at Odin's current appearance, Thor had a vague premonition in his heart, because he found that the opponent's strength was strangely weak. Is this state still the king of the gods Odin? Or is it the reason for leaving Asgard for too long?
   If this is the case, as long as you return to Asgard earlier, your strength will surely recover slowly, right?
   "No, I let you down..."
   "The Twilight of the Gods... It is coming... Everything, I provoke it, I owe you..."
   Thinking about all the sins he committed when he conquered the Nine Kingdoms, Odin slowly sighed. Perhaps, it is precisely because he committed too many crimes in the past that he will have the evil results today?
   The glory of Asgard will soon disappear... and his children will also kill each other... All these are the evil fruits of the seeds he planted by Odin and cannot blame others.
   "I think I might have stopped Ragnarok!"
"You may not know yet. I killed that Surtel the day before yesterday and locked its crown in the treasure house under the fairy palace. It will never have the chance to ruin Asgard again. All Everything has been ended by me!"
Thor, the goddess of Twilight, still has some doubts until now. He doesn't understand that Sirtel is not very strong. In that prophecy, it is that it ruined Asgard and ruined everything. ?
   "No, you are wrong..."
   "Now everything has started, coming..."
   "I used my entire life to stop her, but I have run out of time now... and, forget it..."
   Thinking of his past, Odin sighed helplessly.
Until not long ago, he finally realized that what he had done before was all wrong... Whether it was the brutal methods used to conquer the nine kingdoms in the early years, or the treatment of his daughter, even, including the brutality he used to force. The thing that took the eternal fire from Sirtel.
  Everything is his Odin's own blame, and he can't blame others...
   "Father, who is coming? Who is it that you said?"
   sounds a little baffling, Thor really doesn’t understand what is going on with his father now? This is just a year of staying on the earth. How did it become like this?
   "She is the goddess of death... Hela..."
   "Also your sister, my first child..."
   Thinking of Hela's affairs, Odin sighed and closed his only left eye. Back then, the two of them led soldiers to fight in the nine countries, but in the end...
   "I also have a sister...what are you talking about?!"
   Thor and Loki looked at each other in shock. They never seemed to know that they actually had a sister? It's been thousands of years, they didn't even know any news, what a joke was this!
"At that time, I felt that her tyrannical ambitions began to swell beyond my control... I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her and destroyed all the evidence of her existence... Locked her up..."
   Once upon a time, Odin still felt that what he had done was all right, and he always believed that.
However, it wasn't until he came into contact with a little girl a few days ago that he suddenly realized that it was only his own fault, but he took his own fault before he knew it. Transferred to his daughter.
   "Could it be that she is the key factor that triggered the dusk of the gods?"
  " But if this is the case, then father, you should return with us soon
Scary, I think we can join forces to stop her! "
  Tor doesn’t care about Hela or Sulter. He only knows that Asgard can’t live without Odin, the king of the gods. As long as his father is still in God’s Domain, the Nine Kingdoms won’t be messed up!
  Similarly, as long as his father is still there, he will have the confidence and confidence to break the so-called dusk of the gods!
   "No, it's useless..."
   "I am on another road now, and I can't help you...No matter what the final result is, you have to face it all alone."
   patted the shoulders of the two sitting next to him. Odin enjoyed the rare moment of warmth. In his opinion, now they are more like a harmonious family.
It was also during the period of coming to the earth, after recovering from the pain of losing his beloved queen, that he finally understood that there are actually many meanings of life. Even if he conquered the nine kingdoms and became the king of the gods... …However, he never gave his children a real home from beginning to end...
   "By the way, father, I want to ask one thing..."
"Why did you give the gem of reality to that little girl? I think if we have the power contained in that gem, whether it is the twilight of the gods or the death goddess Hela you said, we should all be able to Have the power to stop her?"
   The three of them sat quietly for a while, and Rocky finally couldn't help but interject.
He still stubbornly believes that since the enemy is extremely powerful, and since the dusk of the gods is also about to come, then the infinite gem containing infinite power and magical power should be used to deal with those enemies of Asgard. !
   But it turned out that this bad old man was fine, and he didn't say a word, so he took it away and gave it away. Is this a rhythm that he intends not to leave a legacy to the two brothers?
   "Loki, do you really think that if you own that gem of reality, you can deal with all the enemies?"
   "In my opinion, no matter what, we Asgardians can't keep the gem...If I'm still young, maybe it's okay, can't..."
   turned his head a little helplessly and looked at the adopted son sitting on his right. Odin didn't know what to say. By now, the two brothers didn't seem to have made much progress.
Thor is still so impulsive, commanding the use of violence, but does not understand the true meaning of power... And this Loki still likes to covet petty bargains and play some intrigues. The warrior's methods are not well studied, and the spells are just learned. It's a nondescript, and it is even more messy for politics and the way of running the country!
   "Don't persuade me anymore, I don't have much time..."
   "Do you know? Actually, I not only saw the dawn of the gods, but also saw the fate of Asgard's destruction... At the same time, I also saw many, many others..."
   Compared to some guy in the universe who is just about to move, the dusk of the gods, what is it? Yuan was in line with everything and proceeded according to the original script, but it was not until Odin discovered new variables that he tried to set up a game and wanted to change something.
   Of course, he will definitely not see what it will become! However, things wouldn't get worse anyway, so he just did it then.
   "Originally, for your sister Hela, I thought everything I did to her was right, until I saw that little girl..."
   "So, Loki, don't peek at that gem, it's not something you can hold."
   Odin smiled and shook his head. There were some things he couldn't say too clearly. He needs his two sons to experience all that, and only then can he grow up slowly. After all, Odin himself is dying and can no longer protect them.
   "But if we have infinite gemstones, will we be more secure in dealing with threats against Asgard?"
Loki didn't understand why Odin pulled out so many inexplicable words. He was simply dissatisfied with the old guy who gave away the reality gems casually. After all, the reason why they got the stone, he Luo Kee is also a bit of credit.
   "Heh... Loki, I still remember, two years ago... when you were on the earth, you had two infinite gems, but the result?"
   At the beginning, Loki was bewitched by people and ran to Midgard, one of the nine kingdoms, which is what caused trouble on this earth. Of course Odin knew about it. At the time, he was just sending his son Thor to intervene, because he knew that Rocky would definitely not get it done!
   In the end, it really proved his judgment. Even with two infinite gems, even with the assistance of the Cherita army, this Loki failed shamefully...
   "Uh... this..."
   As the saying goes, beating people is not slapped in the face, and revealing people is not revealing shortcomings. This may be one of the reasons why Rocky is not satisfied with Odin! Look, just said a few words, and even revealed his own scandals at the beginning, without giving up any face?
   "The matter of infinite gemstones, let's not talk about it... it was indeed my gift to the little girl Annie!"
   "Okay, now is the time..."
   Odin was almost done saying what he should say, so he felt that it was almost time for him to leave now.
   "It's time? What's wrong with you?"
   I don't know why, Thor feels that he didn't understand what his father said today.
   Apart from knowing that he has another sister Hela who was locked up for various reasons, and then he didn't even know about it, he didn't have much other information.
   "I love you, my children, look over there..."
   As if some decision had been made, the expression on Odin's face became more relaxed.
   Then, he smiled and pointed to the distant sea level, where there was the blue sky, the vast blue sea, and the blossoming white clouds...
   This is what they don't have in Asgard, his unique and beautiful scenery that Odin never gets tired of.
   "You must remember this place, it is beautiful and peaceful, this is the most beautiful home..."
After finishing the last sentence, Odin, the king of the gods, suddenly began to flash bursts of golden light, and then gradually disintegrated... Soon, he transformed into a breeze-like golden soul energy, and then followed the sea breeze, gradually Floating towards the distance, until I can no longer see...
   The two brothers Thor and Loki stood up and stared at the soul of Odin, who was heading for death and returning to the Hall of Valor. They originally planned to come to the earth to welcome him back to Asgard, but now they will witness his disappearance here with their own eyes?
   Therefore, now and here, whether it is Thor, the of thunder, or Loki, the evil god, the death of their father, the legendary king of the gods, Odin, is sad...
   They couldn't understand, why did he leave so easily?
   "Hello! Brother? I have something to discuss..."
   "Listen to my explanation first, I swear, I did nothing except charm him with magic for a while!"
Looking at the clear white clouds above my head, turning into the current dark clouds and the thunder of thunder, then I look at the crackling lightning in the hands of Thor, the thunder next to me, and Loki, who was still in grief. Where can't I know what happened?
   Therefore, he is really a little panicked now, his adoptive father Odin's death, in fact, he is also very sad, but he dare to swear that Odin's death has nothing to do with him! He didn't want to be beaten inexplicably by Thor, or the last time that kind of weird electrotherapy or something, it would definitely make him more sad!
Just as Loki was waiting, ready to start a fight and a big fight when their father Odin passed away, suddenly, on the grass not far behind the two people, a black whirlpool appeared, and From it, bursts of bluish-green strange light shone out.
   Then, the vortex grew bigger and bigger, and the light became brighter and brighter, until it was able to allow an adult to come and go, a dark shadow slowly walked out of it.
   It turned out that this was a strange portal that didn't know where it led, and the people who walked out of it, Thor and Rocky brothers looked at each other and had some bad premonitions in their hearts.
   "So, he Odin is finally dead now, right?"
   "Heh! This is really a shame... I actually wanted to see with my own eyes how he died, but I didn't expect it to be late, which is a pity."
   "Never mind, it's fine to know that he is dead anyway! By the way, who are you two?"
   After the portal disappeared, the woman with black hair and dark circles under the eyes and wearing a black tight-fitting robe looked at Thor and the Cthulhu Brothers with such a smile.
   However, whether it is Thor or Loki, they both can see the crazy and bloodthirsty killing intent in each other's eyes.
   In an elegantly decorated park-style high-end clubhouse, Annie is eating her own lunch here after providing a coordinate to dismiss certain two Asgard's strange sweets.
More than an hour ago, she had a fierce fight with the mutant bad guys. Although the fighting didn’t last long, she was actually quite tired. Now, she must fill in quickly while it’s still early. Fill her belly and replenish her strength, so that she can cope with other people's troubles or trouble herself?
However, to Annie’s surprise, it was not long before she sat down. A well-dressed, capable-looking blond woman and a wretched black moustache moustache went straight to her without even saying hello. Opposite.
   "Hi! Lovely little Annie, it's a coincidence, you came here to eat too?!"
As soon as he sat down, Pepper greeted little Annie happily, and the black moustache who was sitting next to her looked a bit wretched and unwilling to sit here, obviously Tony Stark. !
Pepperpots and Tony came here today. Originally, she wanted to have a meal on the second floor, but when she saw sharply on the first floor by the window in a corner of the first floor, there was a conspicuous little girl sitting with a big block of Doying. After that, she hurriedly pulled Tony Stark, who was a little unhappy, to this side and made a table with a little girl who had a better relationship with her.
   "Hi, Hello Annie..."
   Compared with Pepper’s enthusiasm, Tony Stark looked a little unnatural, so he just greeted the little girl carefully, not daring to show his presence too much.
  Because, now, Tony himself, he really kind of counseled this kid!
   After all, this little girl is really cruel! About two hours ago, the prestigious Fantastic Four, plus nine elite men, and the magical Doctor Stephen Strange, a total of fourteen superheroes went to trouble the little boy in front of them. But it was all done for her, and no one was killed!
   The epic battle of the century that took place in the mid-Atlantic before. Although there were not many witnesses on the scene, almost all the earth countries and major organizations knew about this! After they coincidentally included a little girl in the list of extremely dangerous and unprovoking characters, most of them chose to keep secret and silence. Of course, Tony did not have time to mention this matter to Pepper.
Although in the end, I don’t know why this little kid resurrected the hapless ones, but, with her god-like magical restoration spells and extremely brutal one-shot kills against the enemy, it’s enough to keep Tony. Enough awe.
   In any case, Tony's is not very clean. Who made him immortal, but it has something to do with the illumination of Professor Charles Bald? So, the current Tony can only try to persuade him a little bit, and try his best not to attract too much attention from a certain kid.
   "Sister Pepper, Tony is a guys too!"
He raised his head and stared at the opposite Uncle Tin Man, and then turned to stare at Big Sister Pepper next to him. After murmured something inexplicable in her throat, Annie said hello casually, and then continued to bow her head. Eating your own things.
   "This gentleman, and this lady! Excuse me, do you need something?"
   At this time, after seeing Pepper and Tony seated, a waiter dutifully walked over and asked them softly. This little girl just came to their store and ordered a lot of food and drink. Originally, he had discussed with his companions and doubted the little girl's ability to pay.
   But now, since the other party’s acquaintances or parents have arrived, of course he will come to welcome him warmly.
"Please wait……"
  Pepper looked at Little Annie's gobbled food, and felt that her appetite seemed a little better, so he happily picked up the menu and looked at it.
   "Forget it, don't read it! You guys can give me a copy that looks exactly like her!"
Pepper looked at it for a while, feeling a little hesitant in her heart. She didn't know what to choose today, so she simply closed the menu, pointed at the little Annie who was eating with relish, and asked the waiter to do it too. Give yourself a copy of the same.
   She knows that little Annie, the little guy, has very high requirements for what she eats. As long as she is willing to eat and can eat it, it means that the taste is definitely good and it should be to her own appetite.
   "Me? Okay, let me have the same one too!"
   took Pepper and handed it to himself
Tony didn't even look at the menu, and put it directly on the waiter's plate.
  Tony knew that under the nose of the big devil Annie, he might not have any appetite no matter what he said later, so it's better to just come casually!
  Originally, he was planning to have a sweet lunch in the world of two with Pepper today, but he didn't even think that when he met this little boy in front of her, she had no mood for a long time.
   "Okay, okay, please wait..."
The waiter opened his mouth in embarrassment. He glanced at the little girl's food that was almost finished, and then looked at the two guys, who didn’t know if they were a couple or a couple. After thinking about it, he was still something. Without saying much, he nodded and left altogether.
   "By the way, Little Annie, what have you been doing recently?"
"After all, I haven't seen you for a long time. During this period of time, you didn't even want to come to the Stark Mansion to see me? I know, you have that kind of magical teleportation spell, whistling. I'll be here in a minute. This should be easy, right?"
   Regarding this matter, Pepper expressed very dissatisfaction!
   She remembers it very clearly, since the Lake Michigan battle, she has never seen this naughty little Annie again! This time, if you count it seriously, it should be about a month, right? Therefore, she is really a little weird to miss this naughty and troublesome little girl who really pleases her.
   "Sister Pepper, people are very busy these days..."
   Eating her own food gluttonously, Annie answered vaguely without even raising her head. During this period of time, all kinds of things are indeed a little bit more, let alone this big sister Pepper, even Uncle Coulson and Aunt Melinda, she doesn't see many times!
   This is not her excuse, she is really busy, where is the mood to be sent?
   "Damn it! You don't want to lie to me, you are a kid at home, what are you busy with?!"
  Speaking of this, Pepper couldn't help but laugh inexplicably. The way the other party makes excuses looks cute. In the future, if she wants to have a daughter of this kind, she must be well trained.
   "I am busy fighting, busy finding my baby, and saving the world!"
   Annie put down the troublesome tableware, began to break her fingers, and answered with confidence. What she said was all the truth!
   You know, she just had a fight with some bad guys! Fortunately, they weren't fighting here in this New York city at the time. Otherwise, the city might be burned up by the bad guys. If that's the case, her fake Infinity Gloves can definitely not save so many people. .
   "Haha! Damn little Annie, you're making such a clumsy joke with me again!"
  Pepper knows that the world is very peaceful recently. Except for something inexplicably coming out of Missouri not long ago and engulfing the entire town, where is there any major event?
   That’s why she didn’t believe the clumsy excuses made by this tricky little girl! The other party definitely didn't want to come to visit her. Because of her, Pepper was so kind to this little guy during this period of time. She often asked someone to send out delicious and worn clothes. This really made her sad!
   "What I said is true, I am not kidding!"
   Annie glared back at this equally hateful Big Sister Pepper. She swears that most of the things she just said are the truth!
   "Okay, Pepper..."
   Tony wiped his sweat awkwardly, then pulled his girlfriend's arm.
   He knows that this kid is really telling the truth! Not long ago, Annie, the little mage, took a few bear shield warriors and ran to other parts of the galaxy to fight with the alien demon king who looked the size of the earth and saved the world!
   Then, shortly after returning, he fought a second one with the men on earth and the Fantastic Four. What about now? Those who fought with her were resurrected after being killed by her, and then they were all taken away by the people from the Bear Shield. I don't know what happened now.
   Tony Stark didn't dare to ask more about this matter, for fear that others would know that he would have contact with that light.
Now, Tony really regrets it a bit. At the beginning, he really shouldn’t have joined the Illuminati. There is nothing good to say, but it will cause trouble. This is the most unsuccessful one he has done this year. investment!
   That Professor Charles, I think there is a problem with his brain! Annie, this little kid, didn't take the initiative to provoke him. They just got rid of the Hulk. Why would they have the guts to provoke this bear? Don't those know that this one in front of them is actually a lawless, unusual and powerful lord?
As a result, Tony Stark himself had to puck his tail up to be a man, intending to hide his powers for a while, hoping that the damned strange doctor Stephen Strange and the rubber man Reed Richards would not easily confess. Is he coming?
   When Pepper wanted to say something, she had to be interrupted by her boyfriend Tony.
   "Please, Pepper..."
   "Now it’s lunch time. Don’t bother Annie for the time being about your things. Look, I think, let’s talk about something pleasant, or let her eat first?"
   In order to prevent the conversation between the two of them from involving something he didn't want to hear, Tony hurriedly shifted away some sensitive topics. Otherwise, later, Xiao Anni will tell you about the battle with a rubber man's team, and then Pepper accidentally says that she is very familiar with the rubber man, it will really cause a mess!
   "By the way, Annie, I suddenly found a problem!"
"I found out... You seem to be idle like this all the time and don't go to school. How can this work? What the do those Bear Shield think? This is too irresponsible! Annie, you now You can’t just waste your studies so quickly!"
  Pepper finally brought up some things she had thought about before, and began to curse a certain spy organization irritably.
   At this point in time, it should be when the students are in school, but where is this little guy in front of you? She just wandered around the world like this, and now she came here to eat and drink, she was extravagant, she couldn't go on like this! If children don't study hard, they will be abandoned in the future!
   "You talk nonsense, I haven't been idle all the time!"
"Moreover, those schools are actually not fun at all. Those little kids are boring, so weak, and not resistant at all! Also, those teachers, the things they teach all sound boring, I don’t Need it!"
   Annie Now
I am really busy saving the earth, saving the universe, and studying the infinite gems and the deep rules of the world. From time to time, I am also busy beating the bad guys. Where are the idlers?
   Besides, she didn’t want to go to school and learn simple maths with those little kids!
   She herself, but a super master who is proficient in all arcane arts! She has studied the magic of protection system, conjuration system, prophecy system, enchantment system, illusion system, transformation system, necromancer system and so on. If those books add up, they are two big books. The museum may be able to hold it!
You have to know, Anne herself, but she is a knowledgeable master who knows astronomy, geography, spells, the past and the future, and is also familiar with the basic core rules of the world, and is in control of powerful forces, so she should not go with those elementary school students. Go to school to play!
   When she remembered that two years ago, she herself innocently agreed to Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda and they agreed to go to the Juilliard School to study, Annie shook her head with boredom! Anyway, she will never go to school to play with those little kids again! Not only is the class boring, the things to play are also too low-level, there are endless homework and messy things, really meaningless!
   "If it's an ordinary school, Annie, you really don't need to go again..."
  Thinking about Annie's strength carefully, Pepper also nodded clearly. Those ordinary schools are indeed not very suitable for Annie, but what about unusual special schools?
   "That's right! Annie, this little guy is not suitable for those schools, Pepper, you still don't mess up."
   Seeing that Pepper himself dismissed some absurd idea, Tony also raised his hand in agreement. At the beginning, Tony himself was self-taught. For those simple things taught in school, he really didn’t catch a cold. In addition, this little kid knew a lot, even in terms of technology. Can discuss with him.
   If you have to go to school, you might just waste time and delay this smart little girl! Although Tony doesn't like this kid too much, but he admits some things objectively.
   "Ordinary schools really can't do it!"
   "But, I know of a special school, maybe you like Annie? I remember, its full name... seems to be Xavier Genius Youth School?"
  Pepper still didn't give up on guiding the little girl to school, so she finally remembered a special school unknown to ordinary people. There are also many children with special strengths in there. Maybe they can play with Little Annie?
  噗! !
Seeing that he succeeded in persuading Pepper, Tony had just wanted to drink two sips of water to moisturize his throat, but when he heard Pepper's next words, he was so scared that he directed a sip of water to the flowers beside him Sprayed out.
   "Xavier Genius Youth School? What is that place, is it really fun?"
   Annie first looked curiously at an uncle Tin Man who reacted strangely. She didn't understand. Why was he excited? It's not that he is going to school!
   If it is an ordinary school, Annie may not be interested, but if it is this genius school... it seems that you can go and see it first?
   Xavier Genius Youth School...
   Annie had never heard of this name, and she didn't even know that it was actually a mutant school run by a bald head of the initiator who planned a fight with her today.
   "No! That's a boring place! It's not fun at all there!"
   Before Pepper could speak again, Tony hurriedly wiped his clothes while he was so scared that Liushen spoke to stop him.
   "My dear Pepper..."
   "Please believe me, this is definitely not a good idea!"
"I think, Annie doesn't actually need to go to any genius school. Our little Annie uses the word genius, which is not enough to describe it. A shabby school like that kind of mutant is not suitable for Annie at all! She is A powerful mage is not those strange mutants!"
   No matter what, Tony must stop this terrible thing!
If you really let Little Annie go to the Xavier Genius Youth School, then, when you see the little Annie of those soldiers, maybe you will go crazy and burn all the mutants and a certain big bald head. net? This kind of thing must happen, right? After all, this little boy, she is not a good prank, she is also grudges, and the guys who provoke her, don't think about it!
   "Tony...what happened to you today?"
Pepper felt a bit inexplicable. She just kindly put forward a small suggestion. Whether to go to the mutant school or not, she still needs to review by Little Annie or Coleson from the Bear Shield. Need Tony to object so excitedly?
   Why does she vaguely feel that there seems to be something tricky that she doesn't know? !
   "No, nothing, I feel very good today, don't worry about me!"
"Anyway, Little Annie, you must be right to hear what I said! That Xavier genius youth school is just for some mutant freaks. It is definitely not suitable for you! You may not know that there will always be homework. I can't finish it. There are twelve hours of class a day, and evening self-study! Moreover, full accommodation is required, no going out, no holidays, and no good food! I think so, you sure I won't like it there!"
   In order to frighten a certain lawless bear boy, Tony didn't care about anything, so he just said in an exaggerated direction, and he even picked out some things that the boy didn't like and blew vigorously.
   His purpose is only one, in any case, to prevent Xiao Annie from going to that mutant school, must stop!
   frowned. Although I don't know why his boyfriend Tony's reaction was so intense today, after seeing his strong resistance, Pepper thought about it seriously, but still didn't directly refute it.
   Anyway, this is just a proposal from her, and she didn't say that she must go. Since Tony objected, then forget it.
   "It sounds really boring!"
   Posing her lips, Little Annie, who was still a little interested, shrugged indifferently and continued to lower her head to eat her delicious lunch.
   There will be endless homework, twelve hours of class a day, self-study in the evening, full accommodation and no good food? After hearing this alone, Annie even wanted to burn that school of evil mutants. Where else would she want to go? That's just a place that sounds evil, and it's definitely not fun!
   "That's right! That is indeed a boring place, you should never think about it!"
   "Oh, okay, our lunch is finally here, let's eat first, don't think about these bad things!"
   see it
After Gong dispelled the little girl's interest, Tony picked up the tissue on the table and secretly wiped the sweat from his head. Now he has made another great contribution to the peace of the earth. Perhaps, it is worthwhile to go to the basement for a drink while hiding from Pepper?
   "Sir, ma'am...the meal you ordered is here..."
Looking at the two dumbfounded men and women a little bit jokingly, the waiter calmly instructed several waiters behind him to bring several large plates of food, juice, ice cream, etc., one by one, and soon the floor was full. This small table full of three people sitting.
   I can’t blame him for not reminding him, after all, they have to ask for it, this is indeed the same lunch as this little girl! So, I can't blame him for not reminding me, and I can't escape the bill when I will check out!
   "Ann, Annie...that's how you usually eat?!"
   first glanced at Tony, who was also frightened, and after Pepper looked at these things that may obviously be unfinished, he asked the little girl opposite in shock.
"Yes indeed!"
   "It's just that the fight was too hard today, and I was a little hungry, so it was a little bit more than usual? It was really just a little bit..."
   Annie didn't lie, it was indeed just a little bit more than usual today, but... she doesn't seem to be fully fed now!
   So, after seeing the food of the two of them, Annie unceremoniously reached out and grabbed the two big cups of ice cream in front of her.
   "Well, if this is the case, after eating them, I think it should be almost fine."
   After snatching the ice cream from the two of them, Annie was so happy that her eyes were bent. They adults should not like to eat these desserts, so she reluctantly helped them eliminate these nasty high-sugar foods!
   Looking at the food in front of them, Pepper and Tony felt a little difficult to handle... If you don’t eat it, you might be accused of wasting, and you will be greeted next time! But if they have to finish eating, can their stomachs be able to eat it?
   Annie, who was eating ice cream, suddenly raised her head and screamed.
   "What's wrong, what happened again?"
When he accepted his fate and started to pick up the knife and fork, and when he was ready to loosen his waistband and enjoy this exaggerated lunch, UU reading www.uukā heard the startled voice of the little kid, Tony Stark couldn't help it. Raised his head and asked.
   "Oh! It's nothing..."
   "It seems like the uncle with the hammer and the little white face, they are fighting with a strange sister? Then... they have left through the rainbow bridge together now?"
   "Forget it, don't worry about them, eat before you eat!"
   After taking a closer look, Annie realized that it was the old white-bearded man with a cyclops dead! Then, that Uncle Thor and the weird guy named Loki, they quickly fought a fierce big sister, and then they opened the Rainbow Bridge, and they all disappeared after a whistle.
   If this is the case, Annie feels that she is almost ready to work too! After all, she had agreed to the strange old man at first, but she couldn't just break her promise.
  Pepper heard it inexplicably. I don’t know what Xiao Annie was talking about. It was Uncle Hammer and Sister Weird. Couldn’t Annie say a name seriously?
   "Oh? Are you talking about Thor and the others? I heard that they just came to the earth, how come they left after a while?"
  Uncle hammer or something, of course Tony knows who it is!
   This kid likes to give people various nicknames! For example, his own iron-skinned mollusc, Nick Fury’s black charcoal mollusc, bald uncle, etc...
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