Chapter 354: Uncle Hammer

The next day was approaching noon. On the bedside table in Annie’s bedroom, the communicator that she had always used as an alarm clock had been ringing since just now. Annie remembers it clearly. Last night, she didn’t It is not set to ring at this time! &1t;/
In fact, she didn't have a timer at all today, so for the alarm time that she didn't set, she didn't want to pay attention to it, just let it ring constantly. &1t;/
(Little master, your communicator has been ringing for a full five minutes... The one who wants to contact you seems to be the unscrupulous guy in Coulson, don’t you plan to pick it up?&1t;/
Tibbers, who was placed on the bedside table with the communicator, just leaned against the metal bulkhead, looking at the communicator placed next to it and the name of the person on the display screen, it has been waiting for its little The master came to connect, but unfortunately, even though she was awake, she pretended not to hear? &1t;/
So, in no way, Tibbers had no choice but to move on his own, took two steps, stretched out his furry paws, and grabbed the thing that kept ringing. )&1t;/
After a while, Annie didn't react too much. She still curled up under the blanket on the bed. She stretched out only half of her own head, then squinted her eyes, staring at being held by Tibbles the bear. The communicator is still ringing. &1t;/
She doesn't want to talk now, it's still early, and it's not until noon, why are those people arguing about themselves? &1t;/
" said, when will it stop by itself..."&1t;/
Annie knew how annoying it must be. Otherwise, Uncle Coulson would definitely not come to communicate at this time, and because of this, she didn't want to connect it. &1t;/
(Listen, it has been ringing for so long without any intention of stopping. It must be something a little bit more important. You really won’t answer it?&1t;/
Tibbers put the communicator in front of it and took a look. That's right, it must be the bald man of Coulson who is a bit like a Mediterranean type. )&1t;/
"Important...Is it important to have me sleep?"&1t;/
After taking a look at the communicator with half-flopped eyes, within a few seconds, Annie's head slowly retracted into the quilt, leaving only a golden length scattered on the pillow. &1t;/
"Well, you can help me connect..."&1t;/
"Tibbs... they are so annoying! Why do those people have so many hot things? A little bit of things, they have to make people sleep... ̄へ ̄"&1t;/
Annie, who had been curled up in the quilt, reluctantly sat up after thinking about it for a while, but she still had no plan to get up, so she wrapped the quilt so that only half of her head and her head were exposed, drooping. Eyelid, staring bitterly at the very annoying communicator held by his little bear Tibbers. &1t;/
(Okay! Don’t do this earlier, or you won’t be quarreled for so long!&1t;/
After seeing his little master finally succumb to the sound of the non-stop communicator, Tibbers stretched out a paw to click on the connection button above. )&1t;/
[Annie! You are finally willing to connect... uh... are you... are you Tibbers? 〕&1t;/
Coleson, who was far away at the Lunar Bear Shield Headquarters, insisted not to hang up for nearly ten minutes before he finally waited for the communicator to be connected. Then, before he could say a few words, he actually saw it. A stuffed bear playing with the holographic image capture device on the communicator? &1t;/
After being shocked suddenly, he finally came back to his senses, knowing that this was Annie's teddy bear Tibbers. Coleson also knew that this teddy bear, which only had life, would always take time to run around at home when he was not hugged to sleep by his owner. Therefore, he was frightened by the hideous bear face at first sight. Besides, there is no too much fuss. &1t;/
〔Tibbers, hurry up, the little master who helped me wake you up. Here we have something important that needs her help. It's very urgent. 〕&1t;/
Coulson knew that Tibbers, a toy bear, not only understands people, but is also very smart! However, it is a pity that it seems to only use telepathy to talk to its little owner, while for others, it can only communicate by gestures or other means. &1t;/
Of course, most of the time, outsiders will definitely not be able to see how it acts, and generally think that it is just an ordinary toy for a little girl. &1t;/
"Uncle Coleson...Why are you so spicy that you come to make me sleep so early..."&1t;/
The lazy voice of a little girl rang so vaguely. &1t;/
Finally, after Tibbers stretched out its bear paw and turned the front of the communicator, Coleson finally saw a little girl sitting on the bed wrapped in quilt, only showing half of her head above her nose. The figure with sleepy eyes. &1t;/
[That... Annie, it's late now, it's almost noon...]&1t;/
This is also the reason why Coleson insisted on linking and calling communication so stubbornly and never hung up, because he didn't have to think about knowing that an uncontrolled little girl must be lying in bed! &1t;/
Think about it two years ago, when she was in school, most of the morning Melinda forcibly lifted the bed and dragged it up to wash and eat breakfast. And now, after no one controls her, although there is still a responsible robot taking care of her daily life, the option of going to bed early and getting up early will definitely not appear. &1t;/
Annie didn't speak, she meant very clearly, it was very early for her now! Say something quickly, if it's all right, then she will hang up the communication! &1t;/
"You are on the moon, and I am on the earth now. The time zones of our two places are different. It is obviously still very early here. You see, the sky outside is still very dark!"&1t;/
Annie glanced at the spacecraft window above her head. The sky outside was covered with dark clouds. The weather today doesn't seem to be very good, it looks like it was when it was dark in the morning. &1t;/
(Master, your time zone here is actually the same as the standard time used by Coleson and their Moon Headquarters. It is dark outside because it is about to rain...&1t;/
Tibbers, standing on the bedside table, originally wanted to continue to say something to refute a mischievous little master who opened his eyes and said nonsense, but at this time, a pillow hit it accurately and let it directly It fell on the metal deck behind. )&1t;/
[You seem to be right, I forgot about this...]&1t;/
〔Okay okay, then Annie, I will make a long story short now, it's like this, do you remember that Banner? 〕&1t;/
Seeing the little girl’s room was really dim, and when he was coaxed by the truth that it was the time zone and the sky just now, Coleson scratched his head in embarrassment. He seemed to believe that he really didn’t. Be careful to noisy Annie's normal sleep time. &1t;/
But since he was awakened, he could only bite the bullet and continue talking. &1t;/
"Who is Banner... I don't know..." &1t;/
Now Annie just wants to make Uncle Coleson turn off the communication early, and then go to sleep by herself! As for Banner or anyone else, she didn't know all of them, and didn't want to know them! &1t;/
[Bruce Banner, that's the big green guy, Hulk! Now, should you always remember? 〕&1t;/
Coleson touched the sweat on his head a little embarrassingly. It seems that he did not choose a suitable time today. Looking at the little girl's half-dangling eyelids in the holographic screen, even the familiar Banner said she didn't know her. Thinking about it this way, should she really have not woken up yet? &1t;/
"Oh... You mean Fat Green, what happened to him?"&1t;/
At this time, whether it is Fat Hulk Green or Fat Banner White, Annie doesn't want to care about it! &1t;/
[Actually it is about Banner who disappeared last time, we need to find him...]&1t;/
However, before Coleson had finished speaking, he was arrogantly interrupted by the little girl with a more ugly face. &1t;/
"Uncle Coleson..." &1t;/
"That guy who turns green, he's so hot...he disappears if he wants to disappear, do you want me to look for it? The earth is so hot, I don't want to go!"&1t;/
Annie quickly understood the meaning of Uncle Coleson in the holographic call interface, but she still dragged the troubled long tone and refused to find someone! &1t;/
When she wanted to come, that green guy, Anne didn't care if he was Banner or Hulk. He wanted to play missing, so let him disappear. This is not about Anne's own business! She had already told them about this matter last time, so why bother yourself now? &1t;/
[Not like that! 〕&1t;/
〔Annie, listen to me first. The thing is actually like this: Yesterday, the group of people we captured, do you remember? After our interrogation, the wizard named Stephen Strange has honestly explained, and we now know the specific whereabouts of Banner......]&1t;/
Seeing that the little girl seemed to have the meaning of hanging up the communication, Coleson quickly stretched out his hand to signal to wait and hurriedly told the matter. &1t;/
"Humph! You all found it yourself, so what are you doing now? I don't like playing peek-a-boo games with you! If everything is fine, then I will hang up!"&1t ;/
Annie was a little angry. They found out why they came to inform herself? &1t;/
This is really inexplicable! &1t;/
She and that Bruce Banner or Hulk or Hulk are not familiar at all, and the relationship is so-so. They have not seen each other for almost a long time. Whether he is missing or found, they actually There is no need to remind yourself again! &1t;/
[Don’t turn it off, wait...]&1t;/
[Annie, let me just say it straight: The mage yesterday, he has now explained that he was indeed the one who exiled the Hulk Hulk to an alien planet, and he also explained the specific coordinates of that planet! But, Annie, you also know that we in Bear Shield are actually only you as a mage. We can't understand exactly what the coordinates he said, and even more can't understand where the planet is! So......]&1t;/
The book is still a bear shield of a spy organization. It is not too easy to deal with a mage who has lost his power! &1t;/
Just last night, after the actions of their interrogation experts, the mage simply confessed everything, and they and Professor X’s conspiracy to exile the Hulk and the plotting of the infinite gems of Little Annie were all done. I explained it. &1t;/
"Oh... and then?"&1t;/
Annie still looked at Uncle Coleson in the communicator cutely with her half-opened eyes. She was a little puzzled now. If you don't understand those magic coordinates, you can't understand it! &1t;/
Now, why does he come to find himself again? It was very troublesome and time-consuming to explain things like the kind of magic, so she didn't want to give them magic lessons to ordinary people! &1t;/
[Annie... When we need you to have time, open a portal for us to help pick up Hulk. Or, you can bring him back by yourself, anyway, you can do whatever it is convenient for you! 〕&1t;/
This is the purpose of Coleson, after all, Hulk has been exiled for a while, and that poor big guy, it's better to get it back as soon as possible. In any case, Banner is not only their friend, but also one of the members of the Avengers. At the same time, he is also an important member of Bear Shield. They are such easy-to-use meat shields and powerful thugs like Hulk. The important deterrent of Bear Shield will never give up easily. &1t;/
"Speaking of speaking, you still want me to play that boring peekaboo game with that big green guy! This is not fun at all!"&1t;/
Having said a lot of things, she also quarreled her sleep, but it turned out to be such an annoying thing. Annie's half-dangling eyelids were about to blacken. This kind of annoying thing, she is the most annoying! &1t;/
This is really hateful. How could they be the only Mage in the Bear Shield, wouldn't they cultivate some of them by themselves? Annie knew that they had confiscated a lot of magic books from that temple before, but as a result, they were all locked in the vault? &1t;/
The matter has been explained clearly, and Coleson smiled so pleasedly, waiting for the little girl's reply with expectant eyes. &1t;/
"Okay, I know now!"&1t;/
"You take the coordinates or descriptions that the mage said directly to my communicator. When I have time, I will bring back that nasty green head!"&1t;/
Angrily, Annie began to move to the edge of the bed, then stretched out her hand. &1t;/
"Unpleasant Uncle Colson, goodbye~ See you!"&1t;/
With a slap, Annie slapped which communicator, and turned off the communication with a pat. Then, when she turned her head, she curled up on the bed and prepared to continue sleeping. &1t;/
(Little master... they have already given the coordinates, do I need to read them out for you? Let me see, although the description is a bit strange, it should be a correct coordinate...&1t;/
Tibbers wanted to continue talking, but after feeling a wave of fierce killing intent, it closed its mouth consciously. )&1t;/
"Tibbers, please shut up now! Wake me up in the afternoon..."&1t;/
"When I wake up naturally..."&1t;/
(But, since you want to wake up naturally, why should I call? Dear little master, what you said seems to be contradictory, the little one told you...&1t;/
Tibbs doesn’t understand. If he wakes up naturally when he sleeps, what kind of call is it? &1t;/
However, it suddenly discovered that together with the communicator, it immediately floated up, and then at the same time that the hatch opened automatically, it and the thing in its hand that made the little master sleep, were both severely affected. Throw it out! )&1t;/
Huh! &1t;/
When Tibbers and the communicator it was holding hit the bulkhead opposite the door and gradually slipped to the ground, the door was closed by a robot in the first time. &1t;/
Obviously, an angry owner threw out her toy bear and communicator together. &1t;/
Soon, in the room, on the comfortable big bed, from the curled up bed, there began to hear a series of slight exhalations...&1t;/
Planet Saka, here is surrounded by various large and small passages or wormholes between the universe, here is the junction between the known world and the unknown world, because those hubs that connect various worlds, you never know that they lead to where. &1t;/
Here, it’s like a that has been thrown away by all races in the universe, some hard-to-recycle or a good place to exile some criminals. Of course, there are also those weird wormholes like collapsing neutron stars. Throw down the debris of various warships, garbage in the universe, and even large pieces of asteroid fragments on this planet! &1t;/
One day, this planet will be destroyed and torn apart by these weird space wormholes and the increasing mass of the planet...&1t;/
Of course, that may be countless years later. &1t;/
And now, at this moment before the night on this planet is about to fall, an outside visitor was not thrown down from those wormhole-like passages, but instead opened a portal on his own initiative, and then walked easily. Come here, come to this destroyed planet. &1t;/
That's right, the ones who came to this planet are Little Annie and Tibbers, the toy bear in her hand! When I was on Earth, it is now after dinner. &1t;/
After playing for half an afternoon, and then eating her own lunch, she remembered such a thing, so when she had nothing to do, Annie had to come here reluctantly, planning to bring back some The poor guy who got lost. &1t;/
For Annie, the Hulk or Bruce Banner is really terrible! &1t;/
At the beginning, she herself came to their earth in a cross-domain world plane, and she had crossed countless planes away from home, much farther than the distance between two planets in the Milky Way! In the end, she found her way back home after many tossing around. &1t;/
But now, let’s take a look, a certain dumb guy, who is such an older adult, wants her as a child to come here to pick him up? &1t;/
Stepping out of the space portal, Annie first looked around and slightly observed the basic environment of the planet. &1t;/
"Tibbs... is this the place the mage apprentice said? It really is a garbage dump. It's easy to recognize. It looks dirty and smells too bad!"&1t;/
Only at the first glance, Annie knew that she didn't like this tattered and smelly place! &1t;/
Seeing the wormholes of all kinds of space in the sky, and the power of this chaotic torn space, coupled with the various cosmic garbage or pieces of rock fragments that are constantly being discarded, Annie couldn't help but curl her lips again. &1t;/
There is no blue sky and white clouds, and no green plants in this ragged place. The air is filled with a stench, and there are those mud pits that accumulate rotting water. Looking at it, you know that it will definitely not be fun. &1t;/
Annie now regrets it a little bit. She shouldn't have been confused before and agreed to Uncle Coleson. She actually made her want to come here to find the green guy. What a terrible trip! &1t;/
Suddenly, Annie found something wrong! &1t;/
When she raised her head to look, she actually saw a small wormhole above her head above the place where she is now, and then a dozen large and small battleships fell down towards her inside it. The fragments also cover a large area. It seems that you still want to crush yourself? &1t;/
After a boring snort, Annie waved her hand to the top so arrogantly, so that the fragments, which were as large as dozens of tons, were like being shot by some kind of wild beast, directly changing their freedom horizontally. The direction of the falling body made them suddenly increase, and slammed into the garbage dump or sewage pond in the distance! &1t;/
After a while, there was a louder sound from a distance than when ordinary objects landed freely. &1t;/
This abnormal phenomenon, the spicy chicken flying sideways and the special signal on the life detector, soon alarmed the scavengers near this area. Needless to think that they all know that since there is an abnormality here, then there must be a new outsider, or some valuable gadgets have fallen? &1t;/
So, just when Little Annie was going to take action to find a certain lost fat green man, several spaceships were like cubes, just as small spaceships assembled with modules, they sprayed their particle engines like that, added from a distance, towards Annie Surrounded here directly. &1t;/
"Huh? It turns out that there are aliens here? That's just right, you don't need to ask people to ask questions!"&1t;/
Originally, Anne was still sorrowful, how could she find a guy who had turned green or hadn’t turned green on a big planet? Now, if someone comes, it’s just right. She can ask first to save her going everywhere. Wandering around is a waste of time. &1t;/
When the spaceships stopped in the open space between the garbage dumps, a group of weirdly dressed guys burst out from the small spaceships with various weapons. &1t;/
There were more than one hundred of them, and when they came around, they saw a teddy bear carrying a teddy bear, just as high as a person with two feet off the ground, just floating in mid-air like that. I was taken aback at first, and was stunned for a long time, before finally reacting and quickly encircled. &1t;/
"Hey! Little girl, what race are you from and where do you come from?"&1t;/
After looking at the clean little girl who was floating in mid-air in front of her, she felt that the other party seemed to be different from the people here on Saka, the first scavenger leader asked suspiciously. One sentence. &1t;/
They scavengers generally search for useful solid materials or usable technological items on these garbage dumps, and then return them to recycling factories in the city to exchange for money. Of course, if they encounter creatures that live here, then they can be said to be rich! &1t;/
After being caught, whether they are caught as slaves, hard laborers, gladiators or female slaves, they can make a fortune for these scavengers! Especially the little girl with delicate skin and tender meat in front of me, the price is higher and more valuable. &1t;/
Annie didn't answer them, she just continued to look at these weirdly dressed weird guys with all kinds of weapons. &1t;/
"Hey! Are you a fighter or an ordinary person?"&1t;/
The little scavenger boss hesitated, because he couldn't see why the other party was flying in the air like that, coupled with the horrible look of the other party's cold face, it made him feel a little jealous, so he didn't. As usual, the strange creatures went directly to catch them. &1t;/
"Head! Don't be silly, this must be just a little girl who is lost. If we catch her, we will definitely be able to sell for a good price!"&1t;/
"That's right! Look, she has a delicate skin and tender flesh, and she is a rare commodity here in Saka Star!"&1t;/
"I also think that she must be worth more than ordinary gladiators!"&1t;/
"Grab, grab it?!"&1t;/
"Then let's catch her first and sell it to Gao Tianzun?"&1t;/
"Of course, grab it and sell it!"&1t;/
Before their leader could make a decision, a group of scavengers quickly negotiated a plan and planned to capture this enemy! &1t;/
However, they are not stupid. When they saw that the little girl could fly without using any technological equipment, they slowly dispersed so cautiously, took out their kind of arresting weapons and surrounded them. &1t;/
Here in Saka, the intelligent creatures of various cosmic races, they have seen many scavengers, and there are not a few who have supernatural powers. So, in general, this little girl who can fly seems It's not too strange. &1t;/
It's just that they are now a little curious about the race and origin of this little girl. In their opinion, the other party seems to be a bit like the people of Shandal Star? &1t;/
"You guys, are you trying to catch me?"&1t;/
"It's a pity, now I don't want to accompany you to play the game of eagle catching chicks here in this garbage dump, so..."&1t;/
A stern smile flashed across Annie's mouth when he heard that these people wanted to grab themselves and sell them. This is really great, she was a bit hesitant just now, whether she wanted to arrest these people for torturing. But now that these people dare to say such things, it must be the bad guys who abduct children. &1t;/
Anne was never polite when dealing with such bad guys! &1t;/
So, when Annie’s hands lit up with a ray of flame, she didn’t see any other movements. The long fiery red flame ropes appeared out of nowhere, and then they were like dexterous snakes. Soon, in less than a second, he quickly twisted and rushed out. &1t;/
In the next instant, these hundreds of scavengers here were all with ropes, and hung up one by one to the volley. As Annie sneered and waved, the hundred scavengers here soon appeared. Here comes an alien villain who was hung in the air and bumped into each other. &1t;/
"Oh, no! Damn, what is this?!"&1t;/
"Help, who can help me, I can't earn them, they are so hot!"&1t;/
"Which little girl must do it, who is she, she?!"&1t;/
"It's over, it's over..."&1t;/
"Which just said he wanted to catch her to sell money?!"&1t;/
"Don't make a noise! ​​Give it a try and see if you can get rid of them!"&1t;/
These scavengers, no one expected that the little girl who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals in front of her would have such a powerful ability, and there was even this more weird means of controlling the enemy! &1t;/
They never thought that the other party could catch so many of them in the blink of an eye! You know, there are not no powerful people of various races in the universe who usually live here, such as those of Cree, Kronan, or Asgard, etc. As long as they get here, they will still be caught by them. And be sold to the arena, and used as a gladiator for entertainment? &1t;/
However, what they never expected was that today, people like them would have planted such a big somersault in Sakar Star, on their own territory! &1t;/
"Whoever makes any noise, I will burn him directly!"&1t;/
Seeing these bad aliens who were caught and hung in the air by herself and didn’t plan to be honest, Annie was warned and waved her hand to make them the ones who struggled the most and made the most noise. Take it out. &1t;/
Then, let them be in front of the other aliens, let the flame ropes on their bodies be tightly wound and soon screamed of the flame dross that was burned into masses of human form...&1t;/
"In this way, all will become honest, right?"&1t;/
After looking with satisfaction at these aliens who were so scared by her own cruel methods and never dared to struggle and noisy anymore, Annie landed with a smile and stepped on a piece of fairly clean steel scrap. &1t;/
"I'm here to find an idiot named Banner, but I don't have time to play with you bad guys! I will let whoever speaks first!"&1t;/
"Now, tell me! The earthling I am looking for named Banner, where is he?"&1t;/
The environment here is not so good, and Annie didn't want to stay here any longer, so she waved her hand, and directly controlled the magic rope to bring it over. She was the first to ask herself, and it seemed that she was still a small boss. &1t;/
"Bah! I... I don't know... I warn you, but here is... Ah!!!"&1t;/
When the hard little boss just wanted to say something more, the flame rope on his body suddenly burned, and instantly burned him to ashes. &1t;/
For this kind of bad guy who refuses to cooperate, Annie has no time to waste time with him! Anyway, there are so many bad guys here to ask questions, someone will say, right? &1t;/
"Okay, now it's your turn!"&1t;/
"Do you know the person I am looking for, where is he? Or, you can tell me where he has appeared!"&1t;/
After blinking, Annie waved her hand again, once again recruiting the biggest guy in the group. She thinks that this person is big in size and might have great power, and then the status is a little bit higher, so maybe he knows more? &1t;/
"Asshole, I don't know what you are talking about! I don't know the Banner you are talking about, you..."&1t;/
The alien seemed to be a bit grumpy, so he scolded Little Annie! &1t;/
Then, he couldn't finish saying the same thing, so he was instantly burned into pieces of fiery coke-like things by the flame ropes that suddenly exploded on his body. After falling onto the garbage dump on this planet, he immediately It broke into a ball of coke with some embers and sparks...&1t;/
"It's annoying, next, who should I choose?"&1t;/
After getting rid of the two hard-mouthed guys, Annie squinted her eyes and looked badly at the remaining aliens who flinched and dared not breathe. &1t;/
"Huh? Here again!"&1t;/
Bang! ! ! &1t;/
With a sound, when Annie frowned and flew away from this place a little bit, a huge object that fell from the sky slammed into the position of the prisoners! &1t;/
After a while, when she had to call out a strong wind to blow away the foul-smelling smoke and dust, she realized in amazement that there were just a lot of prisoners here, but there were only four lucky hapless ones left? &1t;/
"I'll tell you that I'm very busy! So, you'd better not waste your time. Now you tell me, that Banner, where is he?"&1t;/
"Chip Chi Chi La Chi Chi..."&1t;/
However, when the alien just wanted to say something, Annie frowned and waved her hand directly, causing her to scream and throw it hundreds of meters away. &1t;/
Because Annie felt that the face of this monster that looked like a caterpillar was so ugly and disgusting that Annie didn't want to talk to it! Moreover, its words are too difficult to understand and too chaotic. For this kind of ugly alien who is not very good at language expression, she would definitely not look at it. &1t;/
"It's up to you now, do you know? If you know, I will let you go!"&1t;/
Annie turned her head and floated in front of the other prisoner. She felt that the bad guy in front of her seemed to be very bullied, so she should explain it honestly, right? &1t;/
" don't know... Your lord is forgiving..."&1t;/
It's a pity that this alien didn't know who the Banner was looking for. He was so scared that he almost peeed his pants on the spot, so he asked for mercy. &1t;/
"It's a shame! So, it's the two of you in the end, I guess, you certainly don't know it?"&1t;/
Without even thinking about it, another hapless crooked star was instantly burnt to ashes! &1t;/
After burning the one just now, Annie felt a little misguided. Because she found that there are only two left here now? &1t;/
She didn’t seem to burn a few just now...&1t;/
Gee! Annie regretted it a bit. She herself should have blocked the shell fragments of the big spaceship that fell just now. Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this now. The prisoners who had been so hot would have died so that only two were left. &1t;/
"Respect, respectable great...sir..."&1t;/
"The Banner you are looking for, at least tell us about his looks, right?"&1t;/
"Yes, that's right! How can we know who it is based on the name alone?"&1t;/
"Most of the people here only have one number, the name is not important at all! Moreover, if you can give a specific appearance, we might be able to recognize it?"&1t;/
The last two aliens who were left didn't care about anything else, and began to protest loudly. &1t;/
This little girl is really too cruel. She came up and asked for an inexplicable name. She didn't give any information about her appearance. How did they know? Besides, although there is only one city in Sakar, the population is hundreds of thousands! &1t;/
Where would they know who the name of a stranger is and where it is? &1t;/
"Huh? You seem to be right when you say that..."&1t;/
When the remaining two lone aliens said something to me, and protested in grief for a while, Annie finally recovered. She seemed to be a little bit silly just now... She really wanted to ask these hapless people for questions based on a person's name. &1t;/
"Well... the one called Banner, he is very ugly and looks very frustrated..."&1t;/
"Moreover, he will become a big green guy! We all call him the Hulk Hulk, like this! Do you know where they are? If anyone knows, I will let someone else!"&1t;/
Annie immediately changed a magical image of the Hulk Hulk. A guy with a green body from head to toe should be easy to recognize, right? &1t;/
Anyway, there seems to be a lot of people here. If the two of them don't know yet, then Annie can only ask other people. And if she asks a few more times and no one knows, then she will simply burn the planet directly, and see if Hulk can't come out by then? ! &1t;/
"I, I know!" &1t;/
"I know too!!"&1t;/
"He is the champion warrior, Hulk! He is in town now, and he will also appear in the championship tonight!"&1t;/
"Yes! As long as you rush to the arena in the city before the sky turns completely dark, you will definitely be able to see him!"&1t;/
Hearing that it was Hulk that the other party was looking for, the two hurriedly said it out! Then she looked at the little girl expectantly. Since the other party just said that only one of them can live, of course they hope that their companion will die soon! &1t;/
Moreover, they have a little bit of resentment against this hateful and fierce little girl. She said earlier that she was looking for Hulk, didn't she end up? He also said what banner to look for, who knows who banner is? &1t;/
"Oh? The arena... the battle of champions? This thing sounds interesting!"&1t;/
Annie was a little surprised. She never thought that on this planet, the green guy would be so famous, so she turned her head to look at the blurry city in the distance, then turned her head and flew over. . &1t;/
"Hey! Your lord, you haven't let us go!"&1t;/
Seeing that the little girl was going to leave, the two aliens who were still tightly and hung in mid-air were anxious. They felt that the weird energy ropes on them were weird and the temperature was very high. If they continue to be hung here like this, they will be burned alive before long! &1t;/
"Yes, sir, I said it first in the period just now, please let me go first..."&1t;/
"You're talking nonsense! It was obviously I said it first!"&1t;/
"No, it's me!"&1t;/
"It's me!" &1t;/
Turning to look at the two quarreling guys in the distance, Annie tilted her head and thought about it, and just kept doing it, and after a cold snort, she immediately burned both of them to ashes. &1t;/
At this point, the group of alien traffickers who had just come to surround Annie and planned to capture her and sell her for money have finally declared annihilation...&1t;/
"Because I forgot who they said first, and each of them said that they said it first, so ah, let's burn them together!"&1t;/
"In this case, you don't have to think about such troublesome things!"&1t;/
These guys just threatened to catch themselves and sell them. Annie hates the kind of kid-trafficking guys the most, so it's better to burn these bad guys directly. &1t;/
"Huh? Tibbers... I seem to sense three familiar auras, but how come they are all here?"&1t;/
The closer to that city in the distance, the stronger Anne's feeling, and then, she quickly showed three familiar auras. &1t;/
Among them, two of them belonged to two Asgardians, that is, the bad guys of Thor the Hammer Thor and Cthulhu Loki, and the other was her target this time, someone was unluckyly thrown here. Then Hulk, the Hulk who still stupidly couldn't go back, that big green man! &1t;/
(Just go and take a look? And, little master, have you noticed? This planet, the space here, seems weird, not only chaotic space, but also connecting countless star fields, even time, it seems They are all weird and seem to be inconsistent with the external time flow?&1t;/
Tibbers was originally curious about the countless natural wormholes above this planet, but now, after studying it, it quickly discovered that not only is the space distorted, but the environment is dangerous. It seems that even time is a bit messy, not consistent with the external time flow? )&1t;/
"I've seen it long ago!" &1t;/
"Tibbers, let me tell you, sometimes the time here on this planet is faster than the outside; sometimes, it is slower than the outside. Anyway, it's very annoying. Let's find the stupid named Bruce Banner. Guys, then go back early!"&1t;/
This kind of space rules are chaotic, and time rules are also chaotically broken places, Anne is not rare! &1t;/
Besides, there are tatters everywhere here. The whole planet is full of wormhole-like things attracting and discarding all kinds of rubbish. It is simply a planet, and it smells stinking. The air on the whole planet is there. It has a sour smell, and there is no decent green plant. She doesn't want to stay here for a moment. &1t;/
"Tibbers, this looks so lively... and the game seems to be about to start! Or, let's watch them play for a while before looking for some stupid guy?"&1t;/
In the next instant, Annie directly teleported to a place close to a kilometer high above a lively open building above the garbage planet city, and looked down at the lively scene below. &1t;/
Although it is in a questioning tone, but Tibbles bears no human rights, and the reason Annie asks it is just a basic process in her heart to convince Once She said so, that is something that no one can stop! &1t;/
(Honorable little master, look quickly, the guy coming out below seems to be your acquaintance?&1t;/
At this moment, the sharp-eyed Tibbers quickly appeared below. The man who walked out of a heavy metal gate in the arena, his opponent had a short head, two long swords behind his back, and one in his left hand. Shield, with a small hammer in his right hand, it recognized it at a glance! )&1t;/
"Huh? That person, he really seems to be Uncle Hammer..."&1t;/
"But...his electric hammer, how can he use that kind of broken weapon now? Also, why did he come here to fight and play after cutting such an ugly short end?!"&1t;/
Annie said she was puzzled by Uncle Hammer, who just died yesterday and left the earth, and came here to fight today! Could it be that after the one-eyed grandfather Odin died, he was unhappy, so he came here to fight and vent his anger? &1t;/
But... even if that is the case, there is no need to cut such an ugly short, right? &1t;/
And, more importantly: shouldn't he rush to Asgard to fall in love with his sister and kill him, taking advantage of his father's deadly stall, to grab the throne of the Asgard king? You know, in TV, but it will always act like this! Once a certain king dies, those children of his should go and fight to get their heads out of their heads, and then perform a play of seizing a prostitute? &1t;/
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