Chapter 725: 1 point cold light first, and then shot out to kill the dragon? ひ?

Cruel facts often tell us...
When the strength or ideology of the two sides cannot be agreed, peace is often based on the fact that everyone is unlucky together, or is dragged by certain things at the same time and has no time for other people?
Isn't this?
In the Noxian Empire, due to the fact that the senior leaders of the Trifali Council were almost caught up in a pot, they fell into the chaotic state of poor command, poor government orders, and various domestic cities, large and small, almost scattered, and even the army did not know who to listen to At that time... the Demacia Kingdom, which was still discussing whether to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack against the Noxian Empire, soon unexpectedly fell into a mess that was even more serious than the chaos of their enemy Noxus. In the'devil disaster'!
The cruel facts forced the Demacians to give up all the unrealistic ideas they shouldn’t have, and instead single-mindedly wanted to find a certain way to remove the capital of their kingdom from those evil and powerful. Retake the hands of the magical creatures?
At the same time, the Ionians, who had a great opportunity in the first place on the other side of the sea, don’t mention them. They didn’t do better than the Demacians!
Because, on this land full of natural beauty and original magic, the Ionian people who live here are not aggressive, and those creatures who claim to advocating spirituality and pursuing a harmonious way of survival have always been It was scattered across the provinces like an unorganized state... and many years ago, when they successfully fought the Noxian invasion back to the west coast of Ionia, they fell into a standstill.
After they have defeated the enemy, in addition to the necessary precautions and some activists are still trying to counter the enemy, most of the Ionians have once again experienced the kind of "nothing to do, high-hanging." The quiet and idyllic natural life...
It seems that war has become an obligation for a few talents?
Therefore, expecting their Ionians to take advantage of the great opportunity to push the Noxians who have occupied several islands and peninsulas on the west coast of Ionian to the sea, it is obviously impossible...
Here in Ionia, on this piece of nascent soil, when the Noxian army tortoises retracted, most of the aboriginals here naturally felt the dawn of
bestowed by heaven. And hope that one day, those Noxians will return to the Valoran continent to the west by themselves?
And Freljord...not to mention it!
In the harsh, harsh and bitter cold land north of Valoran Continent, although demigods are rampant here, almost everyone is born to be the most powerful warrior... However, this place was originally full of tribes who attacked and attacked each other. The world of ice and snow, full of contradictions, was not originally a well-organized community or a unified country!
For example, the Avarrosans, Winter Claws, Frost Guards, etc. in this area, even during the period of the Noxian invasion, most of them were fighting separately... Of course, strictly In fact, most of the time, are the people of Winter's Claw fighting against the invading army of Noxus?
And now, when the Noxian soldiers voluntarily retreated and shrank back to the other side of the southern mountain range, the largest and strongest Avarossa tribe ruled by Queen Ashe, of course, had to fight with Se Zhuang. Under the leadership of Ni, the cruel and combative Winter's claws that had slowed down were rubbing...
As a matter of course, no one will look at the vast Noxus Plain in the south.
As for the kind of turmoil and drastic changes brewing in the Noxian Empire, they were obviously ignored by their Freljord people who would only fight in a nest...
Finally, let’s not mention the Shurima Desert Empire in the southern continent!
Because, their desert emperor Azir, who is said to have ‘returned the king’, and the sun disc city hidden in the deepest part of the desert, have not been verified by outsiders whether they are true or not! Therefore, those Shurima people who have been with the yellow sand all day long will certainly not jump out at this time to embarrass the deadly Noxian people on the northern coast.
Ever since,
The current world of Runeland, due to all kinds of coincidences, has become rare and peaceful, and there is no more cruel scene of mutual attacks and fierce battles between countries?
This world suddenly became better...
Of course, some clear-headed people actually know that this situation can only be temporary.
Once Noxus returns to calm, or until they try to rescue their three high-ranking Trifari councils from a wizard organization called the "Gray Order", then there is no one in Noxus. The blocked'chariot' will surely start rumbling again until the car overturns all the countries and forces in the entire Runeterra! !
Or was their Noxian ‘chariot’ smashed to pieces by their enemies?
However, those troublesome things obviously have nothing to do with our little Annie.
Because, she is now talking and discussing with a certain mute person who lives in Bouville Manor all day, that is, the big sister Sona, and discussing the battle of those magical magical babies!
Pokémon and magic baby that cannot be used to fight, it has no soul! Therefore, after flicking and instilling'correct' common sense to a certain big sister of the rot house, she finally got her wish and had a friendly match with the magic creatures under the opponent, and announced the first training of Runeterra The home championship is going on!
The final result of the game, it seems a little bit unsuitable for a nasty little girl?
"This kind of battle is not fun at all, so sister Sona, let's not play anymore, even if it's a tie!!"
It’s a pitiful day. After an afternoon and a night of turbulence in the capital city of Demacia, just early in the morning, little Annie finally convinced that piano playing is so good, and even attracted a lot of Pokémon. The big sister Sona, who was watching and listening, persuaded the other party to have a fair magic baby battle with herself!
For this reason, she also deliberately ran out and caught three different magical babies. The strength is not too powerful, nor is it too rare. The magic baby comes back, just because she is afraid that a big sister loses too ugly and prevents her from playing in the future. ?
But the result...
Her first one-horned worm, before she could see who its opponent was, was swooped over by one of the opponent's swift claws and swallowed it in one bite! Birds are born to eat insects, that is a matter of course, even if both sides have become magical creatures, no exception, no one can deny this fact.
Therefore, her first Pokémon and Magic Baby was killed gorgeously!
But the fire mouse who played in the second round didn't dare to send a fireball, so it was shocked by the cat boss who had been raised in Bouville Manor for countless years. Then, it was chased and its shadow disappeared. I don't know if it was caught or eaten by that old cat?
As for the fat Duck from the last round that looked delicious, and also very honest and good at fighting...
Annie doesn't want to mention it now!
Because, that guy just came on the field, he was beaten up by an extremely irritable Karamon who was waiting to listen to the music with a bone to his head! As a result, now it has been watching a group of substitute opponents, holding its head and ran to the big pond of Bouville Manor, and it is no longer seen...
In short,
Annie didn't feel that she had lost, all that was the fault of that big sister Sona!
That annoying guy, who didn't follow the rules at all, even cheated and pulled out the creatures specifically targeted at her from the pile of Pokémon and Magic Baby creatures that ran over to listen to music, and finally even wanted to be more to one. , Alive has turned the battle she was expecting into a ridiculous and awkward behavior?
Sure enough, the game is all deceptive!
When it's really fighting, who will be the rule with the opponent?
Just like this big sister Sona, the other party can attract a large number of magical creatures by playing the piano casually, so that now there are hundreds of those messy things gathered in this Bouville Manor. In this case, Anyone who doesn't have eyesight dare to provoke or challenge her?
That guy, he must exist like the curator of Taoism now, and most people must not be able to win, and there are still not a few gods who dare not come!
‘Let these funny little guys fight against each other, it’s very cruel, we don’t have to base our happiness on their pain...’
With a pluck of strings, the magical and magical creatures who gathered to watch know that there are no piano sounds to listen to today, and let them disperse by themselves, only then did Sona patiently persuade a little girl who was sulking. Two sentences.
After a day and night of understanding and side-knack, she now probably believes that these strange magical creatures with various magical abilities, these are endless in number and variety, and they have ravaged the entire Demacia. The royal city, even the animals and plants that are raging in the entire Demacia Kingdom, they are indeed made by the little girl in front of them!
Based on her inquiry and the answers she got...
The opponent seemed to use powerful magic power and some kind of magic to interfere with the forbidden magic stones throughout the Demacia Kingdom, and then used some terrifying means she didn't know about, like a miracle, directly used those forbidden stones. The magic stone has stored thousands of years of huge magic power, and has instantly completed the transformation of those animals and plants?
Sona doesn’t know if this kind of thing is good or not...
However, she can feel that now that after successfully turning into magical creatures, those strange and interesting plants and animals seem to have become easier to communicate... She can easily use this hand in her hand'叆Hua's guqin sound, to communicate with those weird creatures, and more comfortable than ever?
She Sona likes it very much, enjoys the feeling, and is happy to see this kind of magical change happen in this Demacia Kingdom... But, do other people like it or not, or the high-levels of the Demacia Kingdom Whether she likes it or not, then she can't care about it.
After all, she Sona is just a female musician playing the piano now. What do those big figures think, she can't interfere with Kendy!
She faintly felt that, like this time, taking advantage of this opportunity, taking advantage of this great change in the Kingdom of Demacia, this stubborn country has to make some changes, and has to deal with magic Be more tolerant and have to accept someone with special abilities like her Sona herself. In that case, maybe it is really a good thing?
If those countless magical creatures can live in this country, in this beautiful King City of Demacia, surely, the great figures of the kingdom must have no excuses or no other reason to expel and judge them. Are you a kind of heresy that has been tainted with demons?
In the future, she may no longer have to sneak in to practice piano, and she will definitely not worry about those magic seekers anymore.
Tell me a bad guy, base your happiness on my Queen Anne’s pain, that is the cruelest thing! !
Of course, Xiao Anni wouldn't be so easy to say this kind of shameless words and admit it!
Although today's match, she can barely be regarded as losing...
However, it was just that she was not prepared enough, and despised the enemy, and greatly underestimated the thick-faced, sinister and cunning nature of the seemingly honest sister Sona before her. !
"I won't play with you anymore, I want to go out and go shopping!!"
o(??^`)o hum!
The'trainer' who is not the trainer in front of me is not too easy to provoke. The various Pokémon and Magic Baby elves that are'raised' in the other's house are really too many...So, Annie is now going to die. Avoid the enemy's front, wait for her to catch a more powerful guy another day, and then come to the other party's trouble?
Of course, a big guy like that kind of gear monster, she would definitely not catch it!
Because the other party is really too big, once caught, this Bouville Manor will definitely be messed up, so let it continue to wander around the city to harm those Demacians, right?
‘Wait! ’
‘Now that the city is so chaotic, do you have any good ideas? For example, using a certain kind of magic to let those magical creatures who are too dangerous go out of the city by themselves? ’
Even if I didn't go out yesterday afternoon or this morning, Sona can guess what is going on in the current Demacian capital!
Not to mention other places, her life at Bouvier Manor alone has been greatly affected.
Today, her servants complained to her that because many poultry, small animals, and even insects have mutated and turned into terrifying magical creatures, their food sources have become much less. Coupled with the chaos in the city now, none of the shops are open. Therefore, even if they want to go out to buy food, they don’t know where to buy, and they don’t know which animal to slaughter if they want to eat meat. , Can only continue to hide in this Bouville manor, relying on the grain and those cheese and bacon to barely maintain a decent life...
However, if this continues, it will definitely not work!
And if it wasn't for the dangers outside, it is said that there are such terrible magical creatures in the wild, and if they dare not travel far, I am afraid that the servants will all go back to their homes in the countryside by themselves. Where else would they stay here?
So, Sona hopes that, if possible, the little girl who caused the instigator, can control the magical creatures she has made a little bit?
"There is no such magic!"
"It's so interesting now, why are you chasing them out? I tell you, Sister Sona, driving those magical creatures away from their homes is evil and cruel!"
"Look, how nice your house is now. If we live with so many'cute' animals, isn't it okay? So, please don't worry too much. There will be no such things. What's the problem!"
You know, her Queen Anne has finally thought of such a wonderful idea to harm those Demacians, to harm those bad guys who are full of food all day long and want to ban demons and persecute mages. Before enough, how could she help them?
Besides, she actually didn’t deliberately make things difficult for the Demacians, because the magic power she used to transform this country was all'stored' in those Forbidden Magic Stones by the Demacians for thousands of years. Queen Anne really doesn't have much relationship!
The number and quality of those magical creatures, as well as their power, etc., depend only on the degree of hostility and persecution of the Demacians towards magic for thousands of years! The more Forbidden Magic Stones they bury, the more magic power they store, and the more mages or people possessing magic powers persecuted, the more magical creatures that appear, the stronger and stronger!
So, it can be said that all of this today is what the Demacians asked for themselves?
In fact, Annie herself had already decided when she saw the children in their cages: Unless the Demacians think of a way by themselves, no matter how miserable they are, she Nor will he care about or help their bad guys!
That kind of thing is decided in this way now, no one can persuade it!
o(??^`)o hum!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"I won't talk to you, Sister Sona, I'm going out to play first!"
"If you don't have something to eat at night, there are a lot of tongs crabs in your pond. You can catch a few to steam and eat. That's it!"
Annie has been thinking about those big claw crabs for one night!
Because, after Demacia’s ‘catastrophe’, they became bigger, and she ran to the shore early in the morning to catch the sun. If possible, she hopes to eat them when she comes back at night? Of course, part of the reason is... she doesn't want to eat the pickles and bacon in the kitchen anymore!
Those small animals that know magic are also animals, so you can eat them! !
Look at the little girl jumping and leaving the garden, then look at the large group of lazy crabs on the edge of the pond, and even larger ones...the ones are usually only in the harbor. The fresh seafood that you can buy is really delicious!
Looking at the opponent's huge pair of tongs, steel-like shell, and powerful arthropods, Sona thought about it seriously, she still felt that she shouldn't, and she didn't dare to let the chefs or servants provoke them. Those terrible big guys!
After all, these strange animals are becoming more and more difficult to understand...
Unless she can be sure that they are just a group of ordinary animals, no matter whether it is her or the servants in her family, there must be no one who dares to attack those magical creatures!
Sona insisted that those animals and plants that became magical and magical creatures, unless they prey on each other, should not eat those creatures that suddenly become smart and easy to communicate, even if they fight You can't get past them!
Because she feels that they are already a group of intelligent species...

"Quick! Array, palace guards, raise your shield, pay attention! Watch out for its flames!!"
Before the dawn of the castle, the German director Xin Zhao and Wushuangjian Ji Fiona are leading a group of palace guards with a number of about 300 people. They all hold heavy shields and long steel guns. Neatly formed, surrounded from all sides by the flame-spraying dragon that they had driven from the castle to the palace square...?
That's right, it's a giant dragon!
And now, on the other side of the Dawn Castle, the bigger gap that appeared and the billowing flames and smoke that were rising inside were all its masterpieces! !
"Your Excellency Xin Zhao!"
"I'm very curious, who hid such a huge monster in Dawn Castle, is he crazy?!"
Although, Fiona felt that this matter was probably done by an old and faint Jarvan III!
However, as the patriarch of the Laurent family, she did not have a direct position in the military and political departments of the kingdom. Of course, she didn’t need to be indifferent to something. His Majesty the King, who had a group of messy creatures in the palace, gave it to her. Take it to heart.
Of course she knows the low-key of the royal family and the king's fondness for pets, such as the giant carp monster that broke the wall on the other side before?
But now?
What even her Fiona didn't expect was: In the Castle of Dawn, in addition to the previous monster carp, His Majesty the King actually kept such a dragon in captivity? I am afraid that only lunatics will do things that are terrible after thinking about it. Otherwise, how could they be so embarrassed at this time? Before the meeting on the second day is ready to begin, they have to deal with it. A fight happened to a big guy?
"Believe it or not, it wasn't such a dragon before it!!"
After hearing Fiona's ridiculous tone, Xin Zhao snorted angrily, and then did not explain much, so he simply replied.
He now has to think of a good way to see how to deal with the monster that is staring at him maliciously? Although, with a large number of people and a group of elite spear palace guards assisting him, Xin Zhao didn't persuade him much, even if he was a dragon spraying flames!
However, he was worried that the opponent’s flame magic would cause great damage here...because, for unknown reasons, the Forbidden Magic Stone of their Demacia Kingdom turned out to be completely ineffective at the time of the cataclysm. Just like a bunch of ordinary hard rocks?
"Isn't it? Is it possible that it was a little guy before?"
"Ah! I remember..."
"Don't you mean to say... It's like a woman with a purple-red skin on the front line now, that Shivana, can transform from a human to such a giant dragon? I understand... Your royal family, isn't it? Do you really like collecting such weird guys so much?!"
Fiona remembered the strange fuchsia-skinned woman brought back by Prince Jarvan, who would also transform into a female monster that spit out a flame dragon!
It's just that the opponent doesn't seem to be here in Demacia's capital, but has been dispatched to the front line a long time ago, and has not come back yet... Or can't it come back temporarily?
Xin Zhao did not continue to talk to each other.
Because he still doesn't like this Wushuangjian Ji Fiona who has been ridiculing himself at him, so he didn't tell the other party:
The big monster they were facing in front of them had a wound on its body. It was staring at itself fiercely. In fact, it was just a little lizard with a flame on its tail. Made?
When their palace guards were cleaning the basement of Dawn Castle, they found each other...
Originally, they planned to follow the proposal of Grand Marshal Tiana, the title defender, and just kick the opponent out, instead of directly using thunder means to beheaded as before?
But no matter what I think, the other party is reluctant to leave Dawn Castle, so...
The inevitable conflict has occurred!
Maybe the monster with a tail of flame has something similar to the carp raised by their King before? Anyway, when the opponent was frightened and fatally injured, they were not killed on the spot like the magical creatures they cleaned up yesterday. Instead, in a strange light, they became the incredible pair in front of them. Looks like.
So, after a fierce battle, the palace guards paid a lot of casualties and burned down several palaces and made a lot of noise. They finally forced the opponent out of the Dawn Castle. , And surrounded here! Immediately afterwards, the other party was still on the way to flee in embarrassment, let Xin Zhao charge him fearlessly, and directly left a big bleeding wound on the huge soft abdomen of the other party!
The next thing is the current situation...
In short, he Xin Zhao successfully obtained all the hatred of the other party! And this is also the main reason why the opponent's huge angry eyes have been staring at him.
"Xin Zhao..."
"Don't blame me for not reminding you, if it's an ordinary enemy, I will definitely help you! But this kind of giant monster is not what Fiona is good at..."
"Unless, you let it hang its head down and let me chop?"
"So I'm sorry...I don't want to participate in this dragon slaying battle for now!"
After exposing her rapier, which is good at dueling and assassination, to the opponent, and then looking at the big rough-skinned guy in front of him, Fiona put away her weapon and inserted it with regret. Returning to the slender scabbard, he sent an apologetic smile to Xin Zhao who was preparing to confront the enemy with a calm face.
Although she was not afraid of the dragon, the next battle was really not what she wanted!
Now, so many people here are besieging a fire dragon. Not only are there heavy shields and spears, there are huge siege crossbows, there are also artillery carts, and countless soldiers and strong men are preparing in the periphery. This is doomed to end. Fighting, in her opinion, there is no honor at all!
Because of this, she didn't want to participate in it, even if their king was watching the battle from a window in the Dawn Castle behind.
"Palace guard! Throw a spear!!"
The danger of an angry dragon is beyond doubt.
No one wants to leave such a terrifying uncontrollable monster in front of the palace in the core of the Demacia Kingdom!
Therefore, the director of Debon, Xin Zhao did not pay attention to the ridicule of a certain woman, but after holding the gun in one hand and allowing the dragon blood on the tip of the gun to drip to the ground, he let Dema give a cold drink. The elite and most powerful palace guards of the Kingdom of West Asia projected a Demacia steel spear in their hands!
'drink! ’
'drink! ! ’
‘Demacia! ! ’
'cast! ! ! ’
Hundreds of long rune-steel spears, under the command of the commanders of the palace guards, followed the tidy shouts and slogans. Soon, they uniformly adjusted the long The weapons were projected from their hands in turn! .
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Those spears, under the action of their huge arm strength, made a piercing whistling sound that cut through the air, shaking and rotating slightly, causing the sharp barbed tip of the spear to carry the spear body and panic. The flame dragons that flew up to escape shot past!
‘ vote! ! ’
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
‘Vote again! ! ! ’
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Hundreds of rune-steel spears were divided into three batches from four directions, and they quickly pierced toward the besieged dragon in the middle! If it can't avoid it in time or has sufficient defensive capabilities, then it will definitely not end well.
‘Roar! ! ! ’
The next second, a roar of anger and pain sounded!
It turned out that even if it flapped its wings and flew in an emergency, the huge fire dragon was still deeply pierced by the several spears of the elite palace guards who had been prepared and predicted. The chest, abdomen, back, neck, and other vital parts, and even several spears directly tore through its huge wings with several huge gaps that leaked air, making its rapid ascent movement suddenly become Slowly and crookedly.
However, fortunately, the unbalanced body was sluggish, so it was lucky to avoid more fatal attacks.
The body was hurt by the enemy's attack again, and the fire dragon, who was dazzled by anger, finally decided this time:
It wants to use its most powerful force to destroy all the enemies here in the flames!
Although it does not know why it changed from a large lizard living in the basement of Dawn Castle to a giant dragon now, it only knows that the enemies that hurt it must pay. cost! !
"Ballista, launch a siege crossbow, and destroy it for me!!"
Now, the steel guns and spears in the hands of the three hundred palace guards under the attack range were all projected out, and they were all replaced with stainless steel long swords, obviously helpless to the enemy in the sky! Therefore, Xin Zhao made a decisive decision and did not intend to give the fire dragon the slightest chance to continue to rise or escape, so he resolutely issued the order to attack the air.
There is nothing to be afraid of for a lonely dragon.
Because, whether in the Castle of Dawn or the commanding heights of the ground around the Palace Square, their Demacia Kingdom has always prepared the kind of terrible siege crossbow that can attack the air to a certain extent! It is foreseeable that anyone who dares to fly close to here, or who is delusional to sneak into the castle palace by flying, will definitely not please!
Although they have very few records of being used, Xin Zhao, as the chief of the palace, knows very clearly that their heavy siege crossbows are definitely still usable now, and they are very powerful and deadly! !
Hum! Hum!
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
After the terrible vibration of the bow of the heavy crossbow, the heavy crossbow arrows that were faster and sharper than the spears projected by the palace guards just now flew towards the dragon in the sky!
And the same,
Almost at the same time, the fire dragon with its slanted end and several spears stuck in its body, with flames brewing in its mouth for a long time, and like a flood that bursts its dyke, it is endlessly facing the palace guards and heavyweights lined up below. The crossbow positions and the Dawn Castle cover are submerged!
At this moment, Fiona, who had just retired from the battlefield, only saw the red in the eye...
Growing up in a country where there is almost no magic to stand on, she can't imagine that the dragon flames or flame magic released by the monsters is so terrifying? The other party was just a spit, and actually flooded most of Demacia's army formation and the gate at the bottom of the Dawn Castle, turning the extremely spacious Palace Square into a sea of ​​fire?
Tuk! Tuk!
It seemed that the muffled sound of some kind of huge arrow hitting a tough object clearly spread from the fire in the sky.
Then, a scream came from the fire!
Obviously, the dragon that had not had time to rise to a sufficient height must have been accurately hit by a large number of heavy crossbow arrows! Moreover, listening to the sad roar, Fiona knew that the other party had been hurt by the ground, and it must be no small amount.
"Success to death!!"
A bit of cold light came first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!
Another roar of anger sounded in the fire, and then, Fiona, who was still in a state of consternation, only saw:
In the light of the fire, there seemed to be a vigorous figure. He was facing the giant dragon in the sky, desperately facing the opponent’s fire, piercing the opponent’s dragon flame with the tip of the spear, using mental power. The condensed armor protects himself, and the human spear is unified, shooting up into the sky like a sharp arrow? !
"He won..."
Without thinking about it, Fiona can tell that Xin Zhao, the Debon manager, he succeeded in slaying the dragon!
Although, that is under the situation of being overwhelmed by more bullying and less equipment?
boom! ! !
at last,
After the flames that filled the audience, the flames that enveloped the palace guards, the Demacia formation and the Castle of Dawn in a sea of ​​flames gradually became smaller and contracted, Fiona could only see a huge The figure of, was rolling, and fell from the sky feebly, and made a loud crash that hit the rock floor...
"Save people!!"
Xin Zhao appeared step by step from the flames. When he saw the mess on the scene and the Dawn Castle that had been ignited by the dragon flame, he pulled out his spear that was inserted into the head of the giant dragon. At the same time, he gave orders to the soldiers who were dumbfounded.
Xin Zhao could see that the casualties of the Demacia soldiers were not too great...
Because they have the kind of armor made of Demacia steel (rune steel) that has the decent ability to resist magic! However, the current situation is still not too optimistic...
Look now, the place outside the palace has become a sea of ​​fire, it looks chaotic and miserable... and in the Dawn Castle, there is even more smoke! Even the thick and gorgeous huge white wooden door was ignited and burned by Long Yan. I don't know if that huge fire can be saved?
Of course, Xin Zhao didn’t worry about the safety of the king and the nobles of other kingdoms in Dawn’s Castle, because that palace also had a back door to allow His Majesty the King and them to leave calmly, and the flames wanted to destroy the entire castle so quickly. It will not be that easy.
Now just a giant dragon transformed from a burning lizard can make the soldiers of their Demacia Kingdom so embarrassed, and even make the entire Dawn Castle burn up... This fact makes him Xin Zhao didn't even dare to imagine where the future of their Demacia Kingdom would be?
Can they really take back this land from the hands of those seemingly endless magical creatures?
If this continues, there is no need to talk for ten days and a half. I am afraid that their Demacia Kingdom, which has existed for thousands of years, is about to collapse directly under the ravages of those magical creatures, and declare the country annihilated!
If Demacia, who has always been committed to destroying magic, is ultimately destroyed in the hands of magic, maybe their Demacia might really become the kind of joke laughed at by all nations in the Runeland?
If that happens, then, Xin Zhao thinks, it must be very ironic! !
"What have you done..."
"Xin Zhao! Didn't I tell you yesterday, don't conflict with them first? Look, what have you done now!!"
At this time, the Grand Marshal Tiana of the Demacia Kingdom, who was riding a horse galloping from a distance at high speed, was the title defender. After riding the horse to the front of Xin Zhao and restraining her mount, she After looking at the tragic surroundings first, and then at the soldiers struggling in the sea of ​​flames and the Dawn Castle, which was burned with thick smoke, she took a breath of air-conditioning and couldn't help but turn to someone who was going to leave. The palace manager of the palace scolded angrily.
She didn't understand, how did these palace guards provoke such a dragon? Although they managed to kill the dragon in the end, the situation in the Demacia Kingdom is not the time for them to show their bravery!
Her Tijana title defender does not need a group of dragon-slaying warriors, she only needs a Demacia kingdom to restore peace! !
"Sorry, Your Excellency Marshal, I will not allow any dragon to appear within the safety of the palace. This is my duty!!"
Xin Zhao didn't tell the truth to the Grand Marshal in this violent state, nor did he say that the current battle that has ended here was actually all due to His Majesty's orders?
As the head of the royal family, he directly carried all the responsibilities on himself, without rebuttal or explanation...
Then, he didn’t care about the reaction of the female Grand Marshal from the crown guard’s family. He just dragged his spear that was contaminated with fire dragon blood and walked forward step by step, leaving only the Grand Marshal Tiana. Flickering in the fire, but an unusually firm back.
Tiana, the crown defender gritted her teeth and threw the whip in her hand, wishing to rush up and knock the German director who had messed up to the ground, and then stepped on it again and again. In order to vent her hatred?
However, she finally resisted...
What happened here before her eyes was definitely not what her Tiana title defender wanted to see. In her arrangement, there shouldn't be such a fierce battle again!
You know, she couldn't go home to sleep last night, and she has been guiding and guiding the soldiers in the city to deal with the precautions of temporarily coexisting with the magical magical creatures in peace, and finally after sunrise, Let the entire Demacia city basically restore calm.
But it's better now...
The chaos was finally calmed down in other parts of the city. The soldiers stopped blindly attacking the magic creatures. A large number of urgently printed notices were being posted by the soldiers to every house, every household, and every house. Distributed, and a large number of messengers are conveying her orders to cities, towns, rural areas and border fortresses throughout the Demacia Kingdom...
Presumably, their Demacia kingdom will gradually calm down again soon!
After she took great efforts to calm the chaos in the city, the palace manager Xin Zhao turned the palace into such a terrible appearance, and even caused a conflict in the eyes of a powerful fire dragon, causing a lot of Casualties and material losses?
She didn't understand, his fellow, what was thinking in his head, why did he want to provoke such an existence at this time? !
Choosing to kill the dragon at this time?
"It's really a bunch of bastards!!"
Turning the horse's head, after seeing the huge corpse of the dragon behind him hidden in the fire and countless soldiers lying motionless on the ground on fire, Tiana, the crown defender, couldn't help but curse fiercely. There was a cry.
Is the name of the dragon-slaying warrior more important than the interests of the Demacia Kingdom?
Those guys, isn't it good to keep your life and contribute to the great Demacia Kingdom? Why do you have to choose to deal with a dragon at this time? You know In their King City of Demacia, there are a lot of creatures that are more powerful than the dragon. Can they kill it? !
Just as Tijana was in grief and indignation over the meaningless battle that took place here, another cavalry with a panic expression rushed towards here from a distance.
"Report the marshal!"
"There was a rebellion in the Forbidden Magic Prison, and now all the prisoners and wizards have escaped!!!"

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