Chapter 726: 70 gold for river crabs? (°°)?

Beyond the towering walls of the capital of Demacia, there is a vast plain, where there are ancient forests, dense river networks, extensive rural roads, and fertile wilderness that has been developed for thousands of years.
They are the strong guarantee that the closed farming feudal kingdom of Demacia has stood up thousands of years ago and has been fighting the Noxian Empire for hundreds of years, but there is no sign of decline!
Now, in this vast and fertile Demacia basin plain, it is rare to see the usual situation of pedestrians on the road and busy farmers in the fields!
Whether it is the lively and noisy cities of the Demacia Kingdom, or the quiet and peaceful countryside, they have become different from the past...
After a day and a night of chaos, those Demacians who were taught severely by various degrees of magic naturally became more cautious... So they began to hide in their respective homes, cities. Within, and with their own curious eyes in fear, they began to examine their quietly changing world.
At this time, the same is true for the capital of Demacia, which is gradually calming down!
What many Demacian people who are surprised and have no time for him do not know is...
Outside of Demacia’s majestic capital, on the huge forbidden stone base beside the war stele road, the war colossus that was supposed to stand high here was all carved from hard forbidden stone. The colossus of justice, which should have been seen from any height in the capital of Demacia, had disappeared miraculously at this time.
However, the Demacians, who are now being entangled by other more important things, will definitely not care about such details at this time, and they will not know:
The colossus made of stone, the inanimate stone, changed its previous standing posture at this time. Instead, it turned into a squatting position and contracted its pair of gold-decorated wings, hiding its figure. Between the huge forest and ancient trees?
At this moment, it was lowering its head, sitting on his pedestal, with his hands supporting its huge stone head. I don't know if it is still sleeping, or is it thinking?
If other Demacians pass by this place, or look at this forest from a distant city, I am afraid they will be surprised by this, right?
After all, the "magic-eating giant" who has built countless feats for their Demacia kingdom and has a mysterious ancient legend, the justice colossus of Demacia, at this time, will be true and legendary. In general, he moved, no longer the way he stood before?
Hundreds of years ago, after the Battle of Green Tooth Peak, there were indeed many legends about the justice colossus of Demacia that could absorb enemy magic on the battlefield, but... with the passage of time, now, Except for the fact that the relevant high-level people in the kingdom faintly know the justice colossus who never knows when it will suddenly come back to life, ordinary Demacian people have almost forgotten it.
Think about it...
In the past few hundred years, the magic in Runelands, especially when the magic in the Kingdom of Demacia began to become thinner, only got a few justice colossus that was pushed onto the battlefield as a magic absorption shield. It was never again to act freely and show its power in front of the heroic soldiers of Demacia.
There are very few people who know it exists...
Compared with it, human life is fragile, and the life of Demacians is also short, and has existed for hundreds of years, witnessing the prosperity and decline of the entire kingdom, and hundreds of years are like taking a nap. Generally speaking, time is not worth mentioning on it.
Of course, not everyone is unaware of its existence!
Isn't this?
When a caring person inadvertently discovered the abnormality here, she hurriedly risked the danger and rode alone, rushing out of the gradually safe King City of Demacia, and rushed to the forest where the war monument road is located. ...
"that is really good!!"
"Gario, you are exactly what I expected, you finally came back to life?!"
A girl with long golden hair and big light blue eyes, riding her tall and majestic mare, followed by a purple cat with big ears also running wild, stepping on the road to the monument Those small pebble roads that were covered with moss and few people set foot on, scared away countless magical creatures, and successfully attracted countless small eyes that dared not speak, she finally came at noon time Arrived by this huge pedestal, and began to raise his head to exclaim at a giant sitting on the pedestal.
The facts in front of her told her that the big friends she had met inadvertently were now alive again!
"It is you……"
"Little girl...Yes, I still remember you..."
Galio, who was thinking, naturally stopped his thinking amidst the girl's exclamation, and after looking for the sound, he found the little girl who was riding a horse to his feet. .
Of course, in addition to the other party, it also saw the strange one behind him...
Or a cat?
Anyway, Galio knew that the other party was the kind of magical creatures that were everywhere in the nearby forest... After this period of thinking and observation, he was concerned about these magical creatures that suddenly appeared in the Kingdom of Demacia , Already a little bit strange.
Because they are too much...
Therefore, seeing that the little girl whom I like very much came here in time and welcomed her awakening. In a happy mood, Galio did not care about other things, but directly leaned down and started to be careful. Observed the other party carefully.
"Um... little girl... you... seem to have grown a little bit taller?"
"It doesn't grow much, just a little bit..."
Galio stretched out his own huge and thick white rock finger, and then gesticulated about the length of one of the knuckles of the finger, and that was obviously the little girl it had identified with him in a few years. The gap when it first met each other.
Thinking of this, it couldn't help but sigh again, and it became more and more aware that the humans of the Demacia Kingdom and its Galio were two different existences...
Compared with the current guilds who grow taller, grow old, change constantly, and don’t know when they will suddenly disappear and never show up again, Galio is indeed a stranger. The presence.
Because, in these hundreds of years, its height and appearance have never changed...except for the few scars on its body that had to be left due to war and magic. ?
"Of course it is! Because many years have passed and she has grown into a big girl now!"
"I still remember, how old was I when I met you? But now, people have grown up and have begun to take charge of the affairs of our crown defender's family. Even mother Ogsha has no longer been in charge. My business is up!"
When Lacus saw that the other party recognized herself easily, she proudly lifted her sleek and plump chin, then slid and jumped off the back of her beloved horse Xingguang, laughing so happily Then, I fell directly on her big friend who had been sleeping for several years...
On the instep?
That’s right, although Lacus’s height is not short, but a slender tall and proud figure, but compared to her big friend, she really can only hold each other’s feet like this. .
"grow up?"
"No... girl, you didn't grow up much, you are still so small..."
After watching the little girl rubbing her big instep for a while, Galio slowly shook his head and spoke with an urn.
"You humans are really weird..."
Galio, who had been pondering for a long time, didn’t plan to argue with this little guy he liked too much on such small issues, so he directly bent down on his huge rocky body, gently gently touching the opponent with both hands. He lifted it up and placed it on the high pedestal where he was sitting, letting the other person sit in a row with him, ready to speak.
Although, compared to Galio's own huge body, the opponent looks very small?
However, it doesn't mind...
For countless years, it has long been accustomed to a person observing the world silently, and it has long since had to get used to that kind of speechless loneliness... Therefore, now that a little girl can talk to herself and chat, it really is Very satisfied.
"We humans are not weird!"
"Gario, you are the strangest person, right? You have been looking at you for years, standing motionless, I have seen you more than a dozen times, but I never talk to you every time. Take care of others, until now you finally wake up!"
"You are a weird big guy! Isn't it tiring to stand for so long?!"
At the time when his secret could not be known to outsiders, there were not many friends who could let Lacus talk to the fullest. And this one knew his secret accidentally from a very young age, and he even tried to save himself and even talked to him. The Galio Stoneman who has become a good friend is one of the best!
But it is a pity that the other party has never responded to her in the past few years, even if she has secretly sent a little of her own'magic light' energy to the other party, she has not lost control like she used to be a child. At that time, he could easily wake up this big guy.
But it’s okay,
Fortunately, now when Demacia has undergone this catastrophe, it is as she imagined, the other side is really like other small animals, undergoing a magical change, and living again. Came over, and can talk to her again.
"Little girl... why are you sitting on a burning horse... is your okay?"
At this time, Galio found the strange steed that started to burn with magic flames... If it were changed to the time when he just woke up yesterday, I am afraid it would have been in anger, slapped to death or kicked. Stomped the opponent!
However, after a long time of thinking and careful observation all day and night, it has long since lost the impulse to destroy all magic monsters or magicians, although, that is actually the real purpose of its creation?
"That's my partner Spark!"
"It's the same as you, and all the strange changes have taken place on it. It's a strong flame horse. Many small animals are afraid of it... But don't worry about it. It is actually very good. When I was riding, It will carefully put away those flames by itself!"
Although that can still make Lacus riding a horse feel a little hot in his butt, but in the current capital of Demacia and outside the city, this kind of danger is full of various dangerous magical creatures. Place, only with her spark and her magic cat, Ibrahimovic, can she have a little sense of security and can safely sneak out of the city at this time. Come, ran to the woods of this war stele road far away from your home and the city wall.
"That's it..."
Sure enough, Galio knew that Demacia Kingdom must have undergone some kind of huge changes that it didn't know about, so that it didn't recognize this place that allowed it to exist for hundreds of years.
prior to,
It has been very confused!
As far as it knows, the little people of Demacia have always hated magic and have always been committed to destroying magic...
And this is the reason why Galio will exist!
But now, why here, after it wakes up, it sees the endless magical gleam and the endless magical creatures as soon as it opens its eyes?
At that time, it almost thought it had entered a magic kingdom...
That's why it sits on its pedestal and thinks, and never knows, whether it should try its best to destroy the endless magical creatures, or continue to observe?
Or, it doesn't need to do anything?
"Gario! Do you know how you woke up?"
"I have always wanted to figure out what terrible things happened in our Demacia Kingdom that caused you, those animals, and other weird things to undergo such amazing and tremendous changes. ?!"
In addition to coming here to confirm whether the other party is awake, and talking to and chatting with her big friend, what she wants to do most now, I am afraid, is to figure out the reason for this matter!
She thought, perhaps, she could help her brother Galen and Aunt Tiana figure out all the truth about the matter?
As far as she knows, in the Kingdom of Demacia, anyone who knows more about magic, or is more knowledgeable, and who is likely to know what happened, is definitely the only one who has lived for hundreds of years. Friend Galio, right?
"Sorry, little girl..."
"I don't know why I wake up...I don't understand, I seem to have infinite power that can continue to act..."
In fact, after suddenly waking up from a wave of magical fluctuations at noon yesterday, Galio, who was able to move freely, has been sitting here and thinking about this interesting question like it is now.
And more interesting is...
After thinking and observing for a day and night, it still hasn't figured it out until now!
It still remembers...
A few years ago, Galio knew the little girl in front of her. However, she was not as big as she is now, she was a little smaller than now?
Anyway, Galio, who was sober at that time, liked this little girl very much...Although the other party was a mage, she was the first mage that Galio liked and didn't want to shoot to death!
It likes the smell on her very much, especially the warm and wonderful magic light, which is something he finds extremely delicious, without any other evil atmosphere...
I don’t want to absorb all the magic of this little girl, and I don’t want to ruin the other person’s talent, so it has to take the initiative to move away from the other person and enter the dormant state again, which has become what it has done in hundreds of years. In that way, in the trance of half dream and half awake, quietly observe the world.
But I don’t know why. At noon yesterday, it suddenly received a huge blessing of magic. The magical power and the special magical fluctuations are already strong enough to make it easily awakened and guarantee that from now on Never need to sleep again?
Yes, from today...
No, it should have been since yesterday. It Galio, this colossus of justice, has come back to life again! Moreover, it firmly believes that it can live soberly forever! Although, it doesn't know why... This is a question that it can't get any answer after thinking about it for a day and night!
It has gained real life, and powerful magical energy begins to flow in its body. It no longer needs to absorb the magic power of others to maintain its existence, although it can still do that consciously?
And more interesting is...
It also discovered that the Demacia Kingdom seemed to be a little different from what it had seen before? !
"Gario, really don't even you know?!"
After hearing the other party's words, Lacus, who was originally expecting it, collapsed in disappointment.
Fortunately, she suddenly noticed the changes here, thought of this big friend, and thought of Galio, the colossus of justice who had not moved for several years, no longer standing here, so she bravely risked a huge risk from Demacia. The manor house of the defending family in the royal city ran out of the city and ran here...
But as a result, even the greatest existence in the legend of the Demacia Kingdom didn't know what this "catastrophe" was all about?
"Although I have existed for hundreds of years..."
"Although I have been incapable of moving for countless years, my consciousness has always existed, and I have been silently paying attention to every trivial matter that happened around me and everyone I walked by..."
"But, the little girl..."
"The time I can move freely... is far less than you humans, even less than you..."
"There are some things that I know... Actually, they don't know more than you know..."
"and so……"
"I'm sorry, I really don't know why this is..."
Galio was still a little upset that he didn't help this little friend.
In fact, since yesterday at noon, when I didn’t know why I woke up and was able to move freely, I saw that there were no abnormalities around me, and no wizards or other people gave me magic power. Solved it.
It itself wants to know what happened more than this little girl...
Therefore, it will sit directly on its pedestal, like a real stone statue, thinking motionlessly for a whole day and night, until the arrival of this little girl, it also failed to understand. What happened?
"Well, that's really regrettable!"
The other party didn't understand the reason, and Lux ​​was gone! Therefore, she could only sigh lightly, planning to stop thinking about those troublesome things, and plan to have a good chat with her ‘big friend’.
"Forget it, let's not talk about these boring things..."
"Anyway, Galio, I'm really happy that you can wake up again! Also, you may have heard me say my name before, but I still want to officially introduce it!"
"My name is Lakshana?? The crown defender. I am now in charge of the Demacian crown defender's family. It's not the kind of ‘little girl’ you said!"
"We are friends, so you can call me ‘Lax’, I really like people calling me like that!!"
Speaking of it, in the past, when she first met Galio, the righteous colossus of the Demacia Kingdom, she was actually shocked and afraid of this big guy!
However, now, after a few years of time, after several times sneaking up to talk to it a lot of whispers, especially now that the magic of the Demacia Kingdom has begun to overflow, it has begun to gradually let go of some parts. With her heart, for her old friend, she finally no longer had the complicated feeling of fear and curiosity before, instead she became a kind of spiritual harmony-like comfort?
She likes this feeling very much, and she is also very happy that her big friend can move on her own without her being'charged', and can continue to chat with herself in the future!
"I like you little girl... the smell of magic on you... it smells so good..."
After chanting two silently in his heart, Galio said that he had remembered the first name with special meaning that appeared in his long life!
Even if, in the future, the other party will slowly change like the other Nasians, become taller, become older, and then disappear suddenly one day... Then it can guarantee that it will always remember this woman. The name of the little man, forever.
It swears, it will...
"Thank you!"
"Gario, I also like to chat with you very much, which makes me feel relieved!"
"do you know……"
At this moment, Lacus no longer wants to care about the crown defender’s family, the drastic changes in the Demacia Kingdom, and the situation in the city. She just wants to stay here, and she hasn’t said this for many years The big friends who have talked to have a good chat!
In the future, if her friends knew that she had such a big friend, they would definitely envy her, right? Perhaps, she can let her sit on its huge and generous shoulders today, and take a stroll in the royal city of Demacia together? Anyway, the city is messy enough now, it doesn't matter if it is a little messy?
Moreover, she also felt that, if possible, she seemed to be able to ask this Galio to help in the city to help the Demacian Kingdom maintain order and rule. Presumably, it must be very happy to do that kind of thing, right?
After all, it is the justice colossus of their Demacia Kingdom, and their patron saint! !
While Lacus was having a good chat with her old friend Galio, the colossus of justice, before she made some kind of request that was not too excessive, she suddenly discovered that Galio, who was originally a bit clumsy, suddenly Raising his head, those huge and luminous eyes looked straight at the edge of the base, somewhere not too far away from her.
Sure enough, the next second...
A little girl wearing a red dress, carrying a plush toy bear in her hand, and a little girl with beautiful long blond hair and cute blue eyes, jumped out cheering from the light of the arcane teleporters. Frightened her boss!
"It's really great, but I found you, a guy who is stunned!"
Little Annie, who just jumped out of the gradually dissipating portal, didn't even notice that a huge statue was looking at herself and the other side's gaze full of vigilance and scrutiny.
She just carried a light red magic rope on her own, with three listless ones tied to it, ‘pickup! Pickup! The lightning tail of the electric mouse whispering to the ground, holding them bluffing, rushed directly to the side of Miss Lacus who was sitting on the edge of the pedestal and was not afraid of falling down. Cheering and urging loudly:
"Hurry up! Hurry up! Miss Lux, let's play the game of Pokemon Battle now, right?"
"Look, I managed to catch three funny electric mice. They were just amazing, and they beat an old cat away directly, so I think, they will definitely keep us playing for a long time! "
In Bouvier Manor, there are too many dogleg magic babies under that pesky big sister Sona...So, I don’t want to, and don’t dare to use the electric mouse I caught to find the troublesome little Annie. But after catching three relatively terrible electric mice, he hurriedly located the coordinates of Miss Lacus, and sent them directly here in a hurry.
She thinks, the face lost by her Queen Anne, perhaps, should be earned back from Miss Lacus?
After all, now in this Demacia Kingdom, everyone she knows, except for this Miss Lacus and another Sona, it seems that there is really no one else... It seems that her friends are indeed a little bit. not enough?
However, this kind of thing is not important now, to be able to play happily, that is the most important thing!
"Battle, Pokemon Battle?"
"Pokemon...Ah! Annie, are you referring to them? But, why do they fight and who do they fight? How should they fight?!"
Lux was bewildered by this little guy who suddenly jumped out of the portal and frightened herself. She didn't understand at all. What the other party said about the "Pokemon Battle" game is, let alone understand. , What happened to the three electric mice that the other party grabbed with that seemingly magic rope, and why did they want to grab them?
"Of course it is to let them fight for us to see, using my electric mice and your magic pet..."
and many more!
Just trying to explain the rules to the other party, and then started to bully the other party's pet with the electric mouse that she had caught, she stopped suddenly because she seemed to realize something was not quite right...
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
∑(??△`)? !
It seems... something is wrong? !
Looking up at the moving stone giant behind this Miss Lacus and still staring at her fiercely, Annie knew that something was going to happen!
Then, she lowered her head to look at the fire horse and the purple furry big-eared cat that were frolicking under the pedestal. When she was about to export, she immediately had to choke back and her face changed. It was extremely difficult to look.
"They seem to be blazing horses, sun Ibrahimovic and... etc., what's the matter with this big guy, it looks so amazing..."
"Wow...It's really big, isn't it a beast and spirit?!"
Seeing this, Little Annie knew that she definitely couldn't find her place from this Miss Lacus today! Because, the electric mice she finally caught, the guys who only barked ‘pickup’, would definitely not be the three opponents in front of them!
How can these people be like this...
How come the Pokémon and Magic Babes they caught one by one were more or more powerful than her, the omnipotent Queen Anne who created it all?
That huge colossus, which can surely crush the gate of Demacia’s capital with one foot, is not to mention, even if it is the flame horse and the sun Ibrahimovic, it is definitely not the three that she just caught. Can the electric mice known as the "strongest" resist?
There must be something wrong with this kind of thing. If you think about it seriously, it is clear that Queen Anne has changed everything and created it! But in the end, how come these guys seem to be on and off one by one, and they don't follow the rules at all?
Pokémon and so on, you should look for it slowly, slowly grab one or two of the weakest, then defeat the strong with the weak, then slowly cultivate and evolve, and then defeat all the enemies with it. Is the correct way to open!
But now it's better. Whether it is the big sister Sona who lives with hundreds of pets in the house, or the young lady Lux who caught the beast at the beginning of the scene, they are too unruly, how can they just mess around like this Cheating by cheating?
"It's my friend. It's called Galio. It's the righteous colossus of our Demacia Kingdom!"
"Annie, do you know? It woke up suddenly yesterday, and then I couldn't see it, so I ran here to look for it, and I realized that it has become different!!"
Seeing the little girl Annie looked up at her big friend Galio several times, Lacus quickly introduced her to her.
She hadn't noticed such a big thing before?
What a pity...
If she knew this was the case, Annie felt that she should take the shot earlier, taking advantage of the fact that Miss Luxi didn't notice it, she directly caught the other person! This big guy who is big, cool, and looks good at hitting, is definitely the best kind of magic baby!
It's just that, now that the other Miss Lacus's sister is now, she also put out the idea of ​​grabbing the other party.
"Annie, you haven't said yet, what exactly is that kind of Pokemon battle?"
Lacus looked curiously at the little girl next to her, and the three she was carrying with her that looked cute, but had the golden hair, pointed ears, and tails that had electric her once severely. The mice.
She has a deep memory of such little things that are everywhere!
Because, her house now has a lot of these things, but fortunately, her pet cat Ibrahimovic, which has been raised for many years, is very considerate to chase away all the evil electric mice that dare to approach her room. Ran away, and didn't let them get close to him casually.
"No! It's okay, you must have heard it wrong! There are no pet battles!!"
Annie decided, maybe, she should go to the big house in Demacia, the large group of flaming birds in the Hall of Valor, and let them be her own doglegs?
In that case, maybe she is not afraid to fight against any "trainer" of Pokémon?
Although, now they and Demacians don’t know that there is a profession like a ‘trainer’, nor have they developed the correct way to use those magic babies...
"Then what do you want to do to catch these mice?"
Although in yesterday’s cataclysm, many Demacia animals have undergone magical changes, such as these guys who were originally stealing food and crops, digging holes at home and spreading diseases, even if they were in the cataclysm. They become more'cute' or possess magical lightning and fire abilities, but Lacus is sure that no matter how they change, they are still a group of rats!
For mice, she would definitely not like it!
In fact, in the entire Demacia Kingdom, it is estimated that no one would like such a group of rats that have become more powerful, and ordinary people can't deal with it!
Lacus has been deeply worried about this kind of thing...
Maybe, in the future, the people of Demacia can, like her Lux, raise a magic pet cat that can catch mice at home, and use these magic creatures to deal with harmful magic creatures?
"Ah! I just grab them for fun, Miss Lacus, you don't need to pay attention to them!!"
~( ̄0 ̄)/I lost~!
With a shake of her hand, Annie originally held the hands of the three electric mice, and then slammed it back!
Then, at the moment when the magic rope in her hand disappeared, the electric mice who were finally caught by her were panicked, ‘pickup! Pickup! In the scream, he flew directly high and turned into three rays of light with lightning, disappearing into the sky, without knowing where he was thrown.
"Okay! Miss Lux, what were you talking about just now?"
????(??˙??˙)?????? Hey...
Her Queen Anne is not so rare about those electric mice now. She needs to observe, research, and wait until she finds a more powerful and fun magic pet baby before she starts to catch it.
As for whether there is no poke ball or master ball, you don't need to care about that kind of thing. Anyway, she has a way to catch those cute little animals.
"No! I didn't want to say anything!!"
This little girl, Annie, is so cruel. She can bully that kind of so annoying and terrifying electric mouse, so Lacus feels that she shouldn’t be too serious with this kind of little guy on this issue? After all, the other party is a genuine little mage, or the kind that can be sent casually, maybe she can't keep up with the other party after learning for a long time.
"Hi! Big guy, how are you! My name is Annie, what's your name? By the way, can you tell me what you became, and why are you so big?!"
Although Annie knows herself, the other party must have become like this after she manipulated Demacia’s Forbidden Magic Stone yesterday, because ah, the other party’s body has the kind of life magic fluctuations she deliberately created. She is very familiar!
But, she really never thought that she could make such a big magical creature out of it.
"You are a magician..."
"I'm Galio... the colossus of Demacia..."
"Little girl mage... Galio doesn't like you... The magic on you makes me feel very uncomfortable..."
Yes, Galio doesn't like this little female wizard, because of the power of the opponent's body, it reminds her of the evil and powerful ‘Arcane Fist’ organization of wizards with which it fought before! Hundreds of years ago, those evil wizards inflicted heavy losses on the Demacians, and for the first time they made Galio ‘moved’...
Although the process was short and the battle ended quickly, it never forgot the tragic image of the powerful magic bombarding the Demacian and the feeling when it bombarded it.
Therefore, it doesn't like this human little girl, especially when the other party just teleported over, the thing on the other party is so powerful that it feels ‘scared’...
Galio, the colossus of justice, has never been afraid of any enemies, especially mages... But this time, its instinct told it that this little girl’s spells could not be resisted...
"I don't want you to like it!!"
o(??^`)o hum!
"Let's go! Miss Lux, let's go back and go shopping, so we don't stay with this stone monster!"
Annie is not familiar with this weird stone giant, so she doesn't need the other person to like herself or not! So, after discovering that there is no fun game of Pokémon and Magic Baby to hold today, she grabbed Miss Lacus’s hand and jumped directly from the high boulder base.
"and many more!"
"I still have something to tell Galio..."
Lux struggled, however, her hand was held firmly by the little girl, and her unsteady struggle could not make her break free.
"What do you have to say with that kind of guy?"
"Hurry up, come back with me, let's listen to Sona's big sister playing a small song, and then catch her crabs at home to steam and eat!!!"
Her Excellency Queen Anne said that she had been hitting the crabs in the pond in Bouville Manor for all night! Now, since we have enough outside playing, then it's time to clean them up!
It's just that, whether it is steamed or braised, she hasn't figured it out yet.... The taste of braised may be better, but if it is steamed, it may be fresher and more delicious?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Lacus was stunned, letting the little girl slip herself onto the back of her mount Starlight with magic, because she didn't understand, and didn't remember that there were crabs in Bouville Manor...
"Of course those magical creatures!"
"Let me tell you, they suddenly become very big, they must be delicious!!"
"No! Annie, my aunt Tiana said, before we understand those magical creatures, we'd better not fight them?"
Lacus originally wanted to say goodbye to her big friend Galio first, but she didn't think that the little girl sitting behind her could command her beloved horse and slap Starlight's fiercely. Make it run towards the city at high speed?
"do not worry!"
"We can cook them first, and then slowly'understand'?!"
Annie hasn’t rode a horse for a long I don’t know, what happened to the horse of Gandalf that I ‘borrowed’ for the little sister Altria last time?
Of course, there are also the few unused apprentices under her, the fellows of Tosaka Sakura and Tosaka Rin, should they be okay now? Anyway, she wasn't too worried, that sacred Griffon Camelot Kingdom couldn't beat others and the undead in the north! Maybe, those militant guys have unified the whole earth!


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