Chapter 743: Hard work can easily make people bald (=??`)?

"Grandpa Ritz blames..."
"The fluctuation just now must be just your illusion, you should stop looking for it...If you waste your mental energy like this, your head will definitely become even bald~!"
What? What?
Annie knew that the energy fluctuation just passed was indeed that of Miss Ari, but because she didn’t want a bad old man to really find each other, she had to partner up because of her promise. She doesn't seem to have any good ways to arrest people, other than jumping out to cause confusion or misleading at this time?
Although that kind of thing can't be delayed for long, but if it can be delayed for a while, she doesn't want to take care of other things now!
"Anne, Master Keritz is now a bald head, can he become even bald?"
Since the people in Wuji Village were killed by the army of the Noxian Empire a long time ago, the Wuji Sword Sect has only one seedling of its own. The lack of communication at ordinary times leads to a somewhat straightforward and dull personality of the Wuji Sword Master. After the little girl's words, she first touched her curly hair and half of his beard that had been burnt messily by a certain bald master's magic, before asking the little girl in a puzzled way.
The question of why a big bald head became even bald due to excessive mental strength made him unable to react a little... He also subconsciously thought that this was some kind of joke to ease the chat atmosphere.
∑(′△`)? !
It seems... the hot Ritz old man is indeed the same as the bare head... It is indeed a little bit difficult to want to become bald or something when the upper half of the forehead is not left. ?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
The wandering archmage Ryz, who was involved, ignored the two guys who were both big and small, who were discussing the silly topic of his own head. He just closed his eyes and frowned in contemplation, using his powerful mental power. Feeling the fluctuations that I had noticed before, I was ready to search for the exact position of the nine-tailed monster fox.
"That one……"
"Maybe... He will lose all his beard if he consumes too much mental energy one day?!"
To be honest, Annie has always had this question: she just doesn’t understand why people consume too much energy or use their brains too much, but only the hair on the head will be lost, but the hair on the chin. But more and more, longer and longer?
They all grow on the head, so why do they only fall on the top of the brain and not the bottom?
"Does the beard fall, I have never heard of..."
Finally, as straight as a swordsman, he shook his head dumbfoundedly. He didn't plan to discuss with this little girl whether someone else's forehead was bald or the beard could not fall off.
Because, now his own hair and beard don't seem to be any better?
"Great, I found it! It's just to the south, not too far away, so you can send it a few more times, and get closer, and you will definitely find the correct location!!"
Suddenly, Ryze, who sat cross-legged on the rock, closed his eyes and meditated searching for something, and stood up abruptly. Although one hand was still covering the wounded chest with herbs and bandages, his face But it was all the joy of cheering.
I don’t know why. On Ionia, an island continent covered with a thick original magic, the Ba, who has been invaded by the Noxians and poisoned with vicious alchemy potions, has led to the weakening of the magical atmosphere. In the southern area of ​​Lu'e Island, a powerful magic storm has once again set off?
As a result, many of the magic tides around Ionia have been severely affected, and even the land that had been abandoned by the magic elves once again gathered to the south, like a whirlpool. Is absorbing the power of magic crazy?
He, the wandering archmage Ryz, who was seriously injured, did not need to wait until the next day, which is tomorrow morning, and he could not wait for the potion to completely heal his wound before setting out to find someone who was missing. , A vixen with nine tails!
Just now, after he felt the horrible magic tide, he hurriedly dragged his still hurting body to search...
So now, after discovering something, he is going to use his tortuous path to jump spells, with the puzzled Sword Saint Yi of the Promise Sect, and a certain face because he could not eat lunch on time, or for other reasons. The reluctant little girl, Annie, is going to go south for the first time, and send it to the direction where the energy fluctuations of the world runes are mixed in the magic tide he felt!
Although he does not yet have accurate position and coordinates, Wandering Archmage Ryze believes that if he teleports a few more times, he will slowly narrow down the search range and take advantage of the obvious energy tide, and he can always find the opponent! After all, the convergence point of the magical tides and the direction in which the energy fluctuations of the rune stones are transmitted are quite obvious to him, and it will certainly not waste too much time.
So, decisively, he immediately anchored the coordinates to a line of defense to the south.
"Anne, Master Yi, time is urgent, please stand by my side quickly."
A circle of blue arcane magic circles instantly lit up at the feet of Ryze, who had rune marks flashing on his forehead. After he was ready for his tortuous jump, he moved towards the two not far away. The person greeted.
"Happy to be of service!!"
Sword Saint Yi did not refuse, nor complained. He just stretched out his hand and grabbed his green double-ringed big sword into his hand with a trick to catch the dragon, and he gladly stood by the great master.
"It's really troublesome, don't you guys have lunch first and take a nap before going?!"
Actually, it would be even better if you could rest here for a long time, and linger until tomorrow morning!
Seeing the little guy who was dawdling in the distance, still twisting his waist, kicking the pebble on the ground, with a reluctant expression on his face, Ryz couldn't help but urge again.
What he cares most about is the safety of the world of Runeterra, and whether a little girl is happy or not, or what her mood is, then it is not a problem that he needs to care about...because, as long as they can successfully rely on the two The power recovered the rune from the nine-tailed demon fox, and his task was completed!
When the time comes, he can cross the river with peace of mind and tear down the bridge, unload the grinder and kill the donkey, and throw the other party away, and will never bring the little burden of mischief and money back to himself! !
"If you want to remind you, you know... people are still hungry. If you are hungry, you can't afford to pay for it!!"
o(′^`)o hum!
Although very reluctant, but...
In the end, Annie reluctantly walked into the circle of the other party's "backward" twists and turns to teleport magic. She planned to let the other party toss and slowly find the lady Ari, but she didn't tell the other party. Accurate coordinates and directions, he is anxious to death! !

When the wandering archmage Ryze discovered the clues and hurriedly sent to the south, in the Noxian fortress barracks, the formerly neat formations, shouting slogans, were about to be shot to death. The enemy's elite Noxian pikemen with heavy armor and shields, suddenly stopped at this critical time?
For no reason, when the enemy in the middle of the tip of their front row, who seemed to be completely missing and planned to resist, stopped about half a yard away, they stopped and stood still, as if someone was standing there. Commanding and issuing new orders?
They didn’t go on to attack the weird Vastaya Fox woman they were ordered to kill before, and they didn’t even want to go to the front of the gun and capture each other alive, and even ignored the commander behind. We asked and yelled inexplicably...
They are a group of heavy pikemen of about three to five hundred people, watching the point of their pikes about to pierce into the body of the seemingly weak nine-tailed demon fox, satiating each other’s blood and enjoying the victory of the enemy. At the time of that sense of honor, they all rushed to the ground and stopped at the same place, just standing in front of at least thousands of Noxus soldiers nearby?
If it hadn’t been for the commander in the rear to keep calling, I’m afraid others would have thought that they had really received an order to capture or surrender an enemy, right?
‘! ! ’
‘Warriors of Noxus, what are you waiting for? ! ’
'attack! ! "
"We Noxians have never shown mercy to the enemy, hurry up! Immediately follow the general's order and kill her for me! I will hang the head of that and those ridiculous tails to our empire before tonight. Go up the gate of Noxtola as a decoration!!!'
Seeing this weird situation, seeing that the soldiers did not follow the orders of the commanders. Although he was not very strong, he looked white and wore a delicate leather armor inlaid with steel sheets. It seemed that he was a battlefield commander from a certain nobleman, and without waiting for the fortress general to continue speaking, he rode his horse forward, waving his whip in his hand, facing those heavy armors, and holding a huge shield in his hand. The elite pikemen with spears shouted loudly.
Although he still does not know which spearman front commander in the queue secretly ordered the soldiers to stop, but such stupid behaviors as rebelling against the commander’s orders and being kind to the enemy on the battlefield are An incredible felony!
Therefore, if these do not want to violate the military law because they disobey the order, and have to take off their armor to act as a coolie...then it is best to step forward and use a weapon to directly pierce the demon fox they besieged in the innermost part. Make a sieve, and then cut off the opponent's head and those very obtrusive tails? !
‘! ! ’
In front of this strategy horse, the noble officer preparing to supervise the battle at close range was surprised to find:
Even if he had already shouted loudly, even if he had reiterated the order in the name of a general, but the heavy armored pikemen in front of him did not even listen? And the two soldiers who had just been beaten on their helmets with horsewhips a few times, even dared to leave the formation without authorization, and turned around to stare at him with that look?
‘Assholes, scumbags who ignore honor, do you know what happened to you? Do you want to go to the quarry to dig a lifetime of stones like the group of pigs yesterday? ! ’
Seeing this weird situation in front of him, the aristocratic officer was anxious and frustrated. He didn't think much about it. After a bit of wicked threats, he raised the whip in his hand again and planned to stay there. The two refused to obey orders, and even dared to turn their heads to leave the battlefield and stare at their bastard's faces under the half-closed helmet with marks, leaving a deep lesson for them! !
puff! puff!
The dull noises of two times when the metal was submerged in the flesh rang out here...
Before the aristocratic officer finished his teaching the soldiers and suppressed them, he planned to let the heavy armored pikemen who stopped to continue to complete the mandatory order to kill the enemy. Two huge spear heads shining sharp black lights, they Viciously pierced through the soft armor under his left and right ribs. After breaking his ribs and shattering his heart, spleen and lungs, he crossed his back and directly penetrated the gorgeous set of The battle armor revealed two grim-toothed spear heads with scarred red blood and visceral fragments!
‘You, you guys....’
This situation made this noble officer very confused. Why did this group of elite heavy-armored pikemen, all from Noxus, choose to disobey the order without warning and attack themselves at this time?
You know, these people, but the roots of the Noxians, most of them come from the immortal fortress of the capital, but they are not comparable to the submissive army supported by the servants or other races!
It is a pity,
Now that his heart has been shattered and his spleen and lungs have been pierced through, he just struggled to spit out two or three words from his throat. His eyes went black, his head tilted, and he knew nothing.
after that,
As the two silent heavy-armored pikemen pulled back their spears together, the body of the noble commander slumped from his horse to the ground, leaving only one leg still hanging on it. In the same exquisite stirrup, and with the fright and screams of the war horse, he was dragged to the ground by his beloved horse, and ran to the rear of the barracks, leaving only for the silent Noxian soldiers. There was a trace of rubbing the ground and those conspicuous blood...
‘! ! ’
'not good! ’
‘Her eyes have a problem. Come on, everyone, don’t look at her eyes, stay away from her! ! ’
At this time, before the other soldiers and generals of Noxian in consternation around him figure out what happened, a black rose entourage mage from the Noxian Empire suddenly exclaimed, and immediately He warned loudly to the unknown soldiers around him.
Others may not know what happened, but the same enlisted mage from the Black Rose, who is also a mage, can tell at a glance: the nine-tailed monster fox in the distance, her pair of orange mid-tones These scarlet pupils are constantly exuding a strange wave of magic towards the soldiers who trapped her around!
At this time, the behavior of those soldiers who did not obey orders and counter-attacked was enough to explain that their state at this time would definitely not be too good!
Maybe they have been controlled by the enemy?
However, on the battlefield, in such a short period of time, I did not see any obvious spells cast by the other party. Just relying on the eyes to control so many spirited and determined soldiers at the same time... This kind of ability, even if they were replaced by them. Surely that pale lady can't do it, right?
However, even though they thought it was incredible, they still did their best to provide the Noxian troops with the most possible reasons and countermeasures.
'Wow! ? ’
'fast! Go back a little! ! ’
‘Can’t see her eyes? Shit, should we stare at her soles or tails to fight? ’
‘Chief! What shall we do? ’
‘Don’t ask me, I don’t know, wait for the order first...’
‘Damn it! ’
‘Get out of the way, you are blocking the crossbowmen’s shooting route! ’
‘Hurry up, get out of the two sides, hurry up! ! ’
Hearing the mage’s words, the other Noxian soldiers clamored to retreat a long distance, especially the troops of the tauren tribe of the barbarian submissive army. Under the shock and the collective retreat, the formations of the long-range troops squeezed behind soon became a little messy.
"Congratulations, you got it right!"
"But it's a pity that I didn't reward you... Actually, it doesn't matter if you send it or not, because... Send it to me and kill them!!"
Nine-tailed demon fox Arijiao smiled, although she wanted to eat up all the people here, the vigorous vitality and strong souls of the Noxian soldiers here...
However, even if she is now in an extremely conceited and frantic state, she vaguely knows that there are still too many living people here in this barracks. Thousands of people have gathered in the surrounding area, and most of them are still Crowded on the outside and can't get in... So, if she doesn't work harder and doesn't fully create more turmoil, then she can't even think about having her dinner here calmly!
and so,
While smiling and moving towards the distance, the group looked simple and honest, with more vitality, but the strength of soul and will is not as strong as those of the Noxian soldiers. The tough Tauren warriors blinked and made them wink. Some of them were so frightened that they ran around with their heads, and even went crazy after attacking indiscriminately in the opponent's own team. She lightly opened her bright red lips and faced the heavy armor that she had successfully charmed and controlled in a daze. The pikemen gave new orders.
Huh! !
Cang! Cang! !
‘Kill! ! ’
‘Kill! ! ! ’
Soon, under the order of Ari, the nine-tailed demon fox, the heavy armored pikemen, who numbered about three to five hundred, turned around in a uniform manner, and then, there were bursts of shouts of murder. In the middle, it quickly divided into dozens of small squares of more than 30 people, and firmly squeezed toward those who were more than a hundred yards away, and they were a little chaotic. Shocked the past.
In fact, it’s not that they don’t want to run faster, but because they are pikemen with heavy armor and shields. The heavy plate armor, shields, and metal spears that can be used as resistance to horses make their speed no matter what. Can't get up soon!
Their heavy armours can only exert their greatest power when they form a formation and lean against each other end to end!
Of course, now they are under the control of the charm and turned their heads to attack the friendly forces. They don’t need to worry too much... Therefore, this is directly divided into a dozen small squares, based on a certain fox demon. The idea of ​​disturbing the situation directly rushed out towards the periphery of the encirclement...
‘! ! ’
‘That monster! Damn the Vastaya! ! ’
Seeing that not only did her heavy-armored forward troops fail to destroy the Vastaya female fox mage, she was now controlled by the enemy and rushed towards the friendly army with a sharp black serrated spear. The Noxus fortress general who gave the order to kill the Dag, after subconsciously letting the horse back a few steps, made a vicious attack, and ordered again:
‘Sword and Shield Soldier and Tauren, go and hold them bastards! ’
Although a little reluctant, now that the order to fight has been issued, in the next second, countless Noxian light armor swords and shield soldiers and the submissive soldiers of the tauren barbarian tribes, except for a small number of chaotic states, are still entangled with friendly forces. In addition, the others had to rush out of the encircling circle that had been retracted for a long distance once again, and with several times the number of troops, they surrounded those who were controlled and were rushing up quickly. One by one, the spear formations are about to pierce those'friends' in the encirclement formation.
Of course, they did not forget the warning from the army mage before, and did not dare to look at the beautiful, but at the same time, very evil vixen in the middle. They just carefully surrounded the heavy spears. phalanx.
puff! !
Bang! !
'what! ! ! ’
When one side was unscrupulous and the other side was restrained, the two sides soon began to scuffle together, and there were unexpected casualties in the blink of an eye...
Different from the Noxian soldiers who were not controlled and beaten and didn't know what to do, the heavy armored pikemen who were charmed and controlled, no matter how many, they stretched out after the two sides contacted. Out of the long spears in their hands, they smashed, knocked out, knocked off the'friendly' soldiers who dared to stand in front of them, and even pierced them directly with the shield together with the light shield?
Then, on both sides with red eyes, the blood of the Noxians themselves finally began to spill over a large area in the tents and schoolyards of this Noxus own fortress barracks.
‘Archers and musketeers, as well as mages, shoot freely and destroy the enemy immediately! ’
‘At any price! ! ! ’
The reason for the capture of the thieves and the king, this general who can serve as the chief officer in the barracks of Baru’s fortress barracks is unlikely to be ignorant. Therefore, seeing the sudden change in the situation, he has been assembled in the encirclement circle under the fright and despair. Outside of, although the formation is still a bit chaotic, the long-range troops that are barely able to launch an attack immediately launch an attack.
Huh! Huh! Huh!
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
First, the flames lit up, and then, round, hot and hot lead bullets were fired from the guns of the Musketeers produced by the Noxian Empire or imported from the Freeport of Piltworth. Gushing out from the mouth, the foxes who were still standing in place, smiling and observing the situation, shot past!
This kind of intensive attack requires at least two to three hundred musketeers to fire. Under normal circumstances, even the most powerful mages, facing this terrible group attack, apart from opening the shield and always Apart from preparing to escape, there must be no other good way.
Surprisingly, what disappointed those Noxian troops was:
Their enemy, the nine-tailed demon fox, she just opened her huge nine tails, making them look like a peacock, and bend from the top of her head to the front part? Then, under the support of that huge magical power, a thick spherical magic shield followed the movement of her tail, directly protecting her whole person?
Immediately afterwards,
Those scorching hot projectiles hit the blue, simple and tough magic shield washed by a huge torrent of magic power. Under the strong potential energy, they were instantly given by the round shape. Deformed, flattened or bombed directly!
Hundreds of projectiles, even if most of them hit the magic shield that was hurriedly propped up, but none of them could break the shield and attack the Vastaya fox woman inside.
At this time, compared to the faster musket projectile, the speed is a little slower, but the weight is heavier, the lethality may be greater, and the number of arrow rain attacks finally come.
They formed a dark shadow in the sky. Before the pattered projectiles had done their work, they were already in a parabola, and the middle was covered by the archers in the distance. The area is thrown over!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
The arrows that were thrown down from the sky like a torrential rain, except for a few hits, were bounced off the shield formed by the nine long snow-white fox tails half-hidden, or simply because the angle was too vertical. Under the rebound of the potential energy, the steel triangle head that directly hit the arrow was deformed and the wooden arrow shaft was broken or simply exploded and shattered. The rest were nailed to the flat ground of the surrounding schoolyard and deeply submerged into the surface. Lee...
Of course, some arrows were accidentally shot crooked, or a small number of arrows that deviated from the direction due to the impact in the air, also began to shoot scatteredly to those not far away who were entangled with the heavy armored pikemen. In the Noxian formation, the unarmored or lightly armored soldiers were directly nailed to the ground one by one.
‘Ah uh! ! ’
A Noxus sword and shield soldier had just blocked a long spear with a shield, and was about to bravely break into the opponent’s formation to disrupt the square, when a long arrow was nailed to his shoulder, letting him move Can not help but suffocate!
Afterwards, another spear pierced his mouth opened because of screaming, and opened the helmet directly from the back of his head, revealing the tip of the gun...
‘Moo oh oh! ! ’
A tall and strong Tauren soldier just grabbed a heavy armored pikeman's weapon, pulled the opponent out of the formation, and then trampled on the opponent's chest with a hoof, directly smashing the rebellious'friends' After stepping on him to death, before he had time to make another feat, an arrow was directly inserted into his naked neck obliquely, causing his huge body to shake, and then he raised his head and fell straight down.
A similar situation also happened in the middle of the school field. The Noxians' own arrow rain cannot fail to successfully kill the enemy, but accidentally injured a large number of friendly troops...
The power of world runes is unquestionable. Although Ahri is not in a good state, her thoughts are a bit confused, especially after absorbing the vitality and soul of many people, too many memory fragments make her feel happy. At the same time, is there a faint illusion of discomfort and rejection?
Now she is still controlled by runestones, or is eroded, she won't care about so much, she just wants to kill and prey here as much as she wants, until she feels satisfied!
Finding that the enemy did not continue to shoot, nor did they continue to shoot those arrows that had a stronger accidental effect, Ari just wanted to taunt her enemy with two words, and then continue to attack and advance, completely disrupt the opponent's formation and find those interesting Suddenly, she felt a trace of terrible threat?
Whoosh! Whoosh!
Two huge and sharp piercing noises sounded. Although Ahri's heart was still a bit disdainful, she didn't think those arrows could break her magical shield... But she still subconsciously slid her own hairy one. Beauty head of fox ears.
Huh! Huh!
Two huge metal arrows with terrifying barbs broke through her shield in an instant, and one of them plunged straight down from above her left shoulder, deep through her tail. The earth plunged into the earth!
And another giant metal arrow of the same shape darted past her subconsciously avoided cheek. The sharp edge also left a cut through the delicate skin on her face. Flew quickly in the distance, and disappeared?
Immediately afterwards, a little bit of bright blood came out from the wound on her face...
At the same time, the tail injury behind her also slowly fell down a bunch of beautiful tail hair that had just been interrupted... Fortunately, the two terrible holding arrows did not hit any of her tails, or else , It must be broken!
There were bursts of beast-like roars in her throat. After Ari roared in the direction from which the giant arrows had just flown, she naturally saw the two large crossbows on the high ground. , And the Noxian soldiers who are loading the ballista in an emergency operation.
Those weapons are obviously only used by the Noxians when they are attacking the city. They are terrifyingly powerful and large-scale breaking doors or giant crossbows used against the air! ?
‘Great, it worked! ’
‘Her shield failed to resist! ! ’
'fast! Hurry up and pull the winch and continue to use the Demon Smashing Heavy Arrow! ! ’
‘Hurry up, she found us! ! ’
‘Hurry up, release the arrow, aim, prepare to launch! ! ! ’
The group of soldiers in the distance also saw the effectiveness of their shooting just now, as well as the nine-tailed demon fox staring at them in a state of rage.
He roared again, the blood on his face was restored to its original state quickly under the mad movement of magic power, and there was no trace of scars...
Afterwards, Ari brazenly used her huge power, causing the endless magic power to burst out frantically in her body, causing them to have substance, forming a circle of substances like shock waves. And stirring around her...
At the same time, her nine tails also bulged, becoming bigger, longer, and more a demon descending to the earth?
'fast! ’
‘Shoot her right away! ! ’
After discovering that the sporadic muskets and bows and arrows that continued to be fired could only be bounced off the enemy’s periphery, the soldiers who rushed up bravely were either flung off or confused, the group of Noxian soldiers operating the large crossbow machine We began to get busy again, and would be full of large bows and crossbow machines with giant demon-breaking arrows, and once again aimed at the enemy who broke into their barracks fortress and created this huge chaos.
"go to hell!!"
The expression on Ari's face was sullen!
In the next instant, a bright and huge magical orb formed in the palm of her hand, and then, as she threw it hard, it moved in a straight trajectory towards those in the distance who seemed to be joining hands and preparing to cast some kind of collective spell. The position of the mages smashed past!
boom! ! !
After piercing through the bodies of the Noxian soldiers who dared to act as vehicles, and smashed them to pieces, leaving a straight path of blood, it slammed into the past, smashing the formations of the mages and The mages above were blown out in ashes, and the soldiers around were blown away radially...
In just one shot, the Noxians suffered heavy losses, losing a large number of mages and dozens of soldiers!
"You guys, successfully angered me..."
Under the strong magical power, before the deceitful orb formed by the magical power returned to his palm, Ari began to release more energy from his body, and soon let They formed countless suspended energy monsters around her.
Now, she is going to kill...
boom! boom! boom!
Soon, the energy monsters and foxes ran away in the air, spontaneously scattered one by one, looking for their own targets, and the soldiers who dared to attack their master Ali, the musketeers who raised their guns, and Lengzi. The archers and crossbowmen who interrupted the arrows were torn apart and perished in the magical bombs that exploded...
Huh! !
A heavy demon-breaking arrow finally aimed at Ari's head and shot over!
The nine-tailed demon fox Ari was just a spiritual assault. After knocking over and blowing up dozens of Noxus soldiers, he easily avoided the crossbow arrow and let it pierce a hole behind her. The path filled with the corpses of Noxus soldiers and various fragments...
Huh! !
The second heavy demon-breaking arrow slammed into the chest of Ari who had stopped just after the spiritual assault!
It's a pity Ari launched a second spiritual assault in time, so that the demon-breaking arrow could only smash the head of a tauren warrior in vain, and then deepen it. The ground shot to the distant fortress wall, and hit a terrible cracked pit!
'what! ! ’
‘She’s here! ! ’
‘Run! ! ’
Ari did not give the soldiers of Noxus a third chance to refill!
Because, her third spiritual assault has come here, and successfully turned all the nearby Noxian soldiers and the two giant crossbows into a blast in a huge magical explosion and fire. A pool of debris that came out.
boom! !
At this time, after a loud roar, a huge steel cannonball suddenly rolled over, coming with a rolling heat wave! Although the complacent Ari condensed a magical shield in front of her in the first time, but the huge potential energy and explosion, she was blown up on the spot and directly gave her The bomb flew into a large tent in the distance...
'Great! ’
‘Hit her, she is dead! ! ’
‘Long live the Noxian Empire! ! ’
'Long live! ! ’
Soon, the surrounding soldiers who did not fight with the insurgent allies, after seeing the exploded artillery shells and the terrible Vastal female mage being blown up instantly and disappeared, they thought they had finally defeated the powerful enemy. They cheered loudly.

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