Chapter 744: Happy everyday? (?°?°?)?? Yeah~

"Why I just can't guess what I will eat tomorrow..."
‘Why do I wake up all the delicious things in my dream...’
‘Why is the adult’s world so complicated? ’
‘I don’t want I don’t want to grow up...’
‘When I grow up, there will be no fairy tales in the world... I don’t want to grow up without thinking...’
‘When I grow up I can’t do whatever I want...’
After waiting so boring, Little Annie naturally hummed the kind of nice and interesting earth children's songs she likes on the side, which caused a certain Promise Sword to the side to leave Master Yi frequently throwing in surprise. look.
It's just that Annie, who is singing happily now, won't pay attention to the reaction of the other party. Anyway, she loves to listen, and she will cover her ears if she doesn't listen!
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
After looking at the little girl not far away who just hummed and didn't seem to have any discomfort, Master Yi turned his head and looked at the great master sitting aside.
"Archmage Ryze, have you still not found it?"
"It's not too early to see the sky now. Or, let's rest here for a while and wait until you have determined the exact location before leaving?"
Master Jian Yuyi of the Promise Sword Sect said that he, the master of kendo, may be really not comfortable with the teleportation spells of the mages?
After many long-distance teleports by the other party, he now suddenly felt a little dizzy and a little nauseous...just like when he was a child, he accidentally ate a lot of the growth in the Ionia forest and the mountains. Those "intoxicating grasses" that can be used to make wine or relieve worries?
Fortunately, they have not eaten lunch, and now the three of them are on empty stomachs. Otherwise, today by this Archmage Ryze so many tossing back and forth, he has never had any experience of being teleported by magic. , And for the first time in his life to take this high-end travel method, but encountering such a bad situation now, it will definitely make him, the famous Promise Swordmaster, make a fool on the spot, and vomit all the things in his stomach. Not coming out!
Therefore, he felt a little unbearable, so he could only have a dark face, forcibly endure the dizziness and some terrible tumbling sensation in his stomach, and made such a suggestion ‘tactically’.
once Upon a time,
He has always been envious of those tall spellcasters who can fly, become invisible, disappear, and teleport... But now, he suddenly feels that as the Promise Swordmaster, he actually has no need to envy those Looks like a beautiful guy!
Because, for some things, maybe it’s better to feel down to earth?
"Sorry, let me think about it again..."
Ritz had never considered the opponent's request, nor did he pay attention to the suggestions for repairs. He was just thinking, why today's turning distance is always so bad, and the enemy's exact position is always not captured?
Is it possible that the vortex of the magic tide here is so intense that he cannot accurately determine the opponent's position? Or, it is because I have just experienced a big battle today, and I am still injured, so my mental state is not so good, so that I have made many mistakes in judgments and failed to accurately grasp the twists and turns. The key point of the land?
He must think about this question carefully, study it carefully, where or which link will go wrong...
In short, today's things are very strange, so he has been unable to go well...
What? What?
A little girl with a sly light in her eyes was sitting on the side bored, holding her own little bear Tibbers, and blinking her beautiful big blue eyes with an innocent look. I looked at everything around me curiously, as well as the flowers and trees that made her feel strange...Of course, there were also the little bugs in the crevices of the rocks that were struggling with each other because of the ownership of a small cave. People?
After a while, she turned her face away, still looking harmless to humans and animals. She looked at the old man Ritz who had fallen into contemplation in front for a while, and then curled her lips and grabbed her arms. The little bear started to fool around with the other's furry ears and one missing eye, leaving only a flat face with ugly patches crookedly.
The wandering archmage who had made many twists and turns just now, he probably would never have thought that his signature fold spell without accurate coordinates, the reason for his repeated transmission errors, has deviated a little bit. I always felt that I missed something, and I also felt that the location of the fluctuations was far and near. In fact, it was all because of a little person secretly tricking him by his side! !
(Respected little master, is it really good for you to secretly make the trip like this? You may know yourself, no matter what, you must be unable to stop the stubborn old man... After a while, that The old guy can definitely lock onto the little fox with nine tails. At best, you can delay the time just a little bit, and it is destined to not affect the result.
Knowing that his little master had successfully misled the Archmage Ryze several times, and seeing other people now sitting down and closing their eyes and thinking, looking suspicious of life, Tibbers finally couldn't help it. He muttered a few more words.
From its point of view, this horrible little master of his own family is actually using the wandering master in front of him or the nine-tailed fox not far away in the south as his friends. At most, it may be just before and after meals. Just a recreational tool?
It’s just that she helped this one momentarily, and then another one momentarily. She has been wasting her time so much not to do business, so Tibbers is a bit blind to see...Although, in its impression, it’s home It seems that this horrible little master never does much business? )
"I am happy, can you manage it?!"
She herself doesn’t need to be like those adults, thinking about making money every day, thinking about getting scammed every day, or thinking about doing other bad things every day... Then she now except for having some fun for herself, tease and tease. What else can she do besides others, or let others do some stupid things to entertain herself?
Can she also tell her the omnipotent Queen Anne and the great head of state to eat and idle, thinking all day to save the world and become the savior, or destroy the world and become the devil?
Calculated according to the era of Runeterra, she herself is only eight years old this year, really just a child...
So, to save the world or something, let the adults do it, such as the old man Ritz and Uncle Sword left in front of them. Anyway, his old guy likes to speak big things, his face is thick and dark, and he knows how to protect himself while protecting the world, and he especially likes to save the world as his own duty?
Therefore, for that kind of thing, only someone like him is the most suitable. If she is Queen Anne, she still thinks about those interesting things all day long, or thinks about how to eat, drink and play. .
(The omnipotent little master...)
(The little fox with nine tails is now burning and looting in the big barracks to the south. If you secretly prevent the old man Ryze from finding her, after a while, maybe the Noxus barracks can There won't be many people left.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
The life and death of those Noxians, in fact, Tibbers doesn't care much, because it never cares about anyone other than the little master who is happy! It’s just a little worried that when we go to the barracks, we will see too many of those tragic images, that kind of corpses, flesh and blood, intestines, or brains, will affect some of their own family’s misery The appetite of the little master?
Then, when the other party is in an extremely bad mood and can't eat enough, he will use himself as a vent? )
ε=(′ο`))) alas
"You don't know, adults always like to fight or fight...
They can fight for money, they can fight for their own desires, they can fight for land, or they can fight for oil or something, and they can even fight because of the difference between the gods they believe in and their own. hit? "
"Anyway, they always have to fight anyway, no matter what the world, no matter it is the earth or other planes, or even this Runeland, their adults are fighting almost every moment... So, we are sure If you can't stop them, just let them continue to fight. If you hit the brain, just do them whatever you want. I don't want to worry about them..."
(??ˇΕˇ??) Humph!
The adult’s world is actually like this. They always fight and fight for what they think is good or some boring thing. There are in almost every world she has been to. It is like this. Annoying...
Therefore, she would not interfere with those things when she was full, and she didn't know those people!
Besides, she is still hungry now. She is eager to eat fresh food and eat that kind of delicious and sumptuous lunch. Only when she is full, she is idle and bored, thinking about taking care of other people's nosy. Or the degree of being a savior! !
(Respected little master, if the little one remembers correctly, that nine-tailed fox named Ahli, she seems to have been "accidentally" given to her...Well, the little one doesn’t know anything. off……
? ̄ω ̄;?
Sure enough, Tibbers knew that the horrible little master of his family couldn’t listen to certain things...some things she believed were just a tendon, whether it was right or right in the end. Wrong, she never thinks or manages too much...)
Annie glared at her little bear, and then at the two adults in the distance. She saw that the Green Sword Man, Sword Saint, Uncle Yi and the Old Man Ritz didn’t plan to have lunch now, or set off to find the Ali. After Miss Sister, she lowered her head again and looked at Tibbs the bear who was grabbing both arms by herself and sneaking up to her.
"Your words are really too much... Be careful one day when I have time, I will use that magic pattern sewing bag to sew your mouth together?!"
Annie is sure, 100% sure, that Miss Ari’s matter really has nothing to do with her!
Because, at that time, she just couldn't help the other party's plea, so she kindly handed the world rune to the other party to have a look. Who knew that the other party suddenly became like that and gave the whole stone Did you'eat' a bite?
At that time, she was still thinking about catching the other person and re-curing the young lady... But as a result, before she could put her into practice, a certain bad old man jumped out to make trouble and asked her not to Be careful, just let the opponent run away?
In short, in short, everything is the fault of the old man Ryze over there. It is he who takes the blame, so she won't carry the pot!
The truthfulness of what a certain little bear said is open to question. At present, none of them can be established anyway! !
(Report to the little master that you have never passed the female engineering course. The youngest thinks that you will definitely get your finger in the finger...
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
Uncle Tibbers Bear does not use his mouth to speak, he sews and sews. After a big deal, he will stop biting people, grab the enemy directly, and then tear it off alive like in some TV shows? After all, ordinary earthlings with such a small power can tear up living soldiers, so it is obviously that the more powerful Uncle Tibbers Bear can tear up evil villains. )
"Tibbers...If you make me angry again, I will definitely put you and Erheizi in a small black room together, I swear, in your name!!"
Although I can't do without this bad bear of my own family all the time, but... it seems that it's okay to put the other party in a small dark room temporarily? For example, throw it into that half-plane space and let it stay with Er Heizi for countless years?
It doesn’t seem to work for too long...
She can’t live without the little bear by her side. She is a bit accustomed to the other party’s existence. She doesn’t carry it for a while, and then she feels exhausted if she doesn’t bully occasionally... So... maybe... just keep the other party for a day, or half a day. What kind of thing is almost fine, let it know how powerful it is as a queen? !
(Oh...respected little master...
Thinking of Tibbers, he suddenly had to sigh, and his tone of voice stretched out strangely, and he ‘looked’ towards some of his own miserable and forgetful little master. )
"Why, Tibbers, you finally know that you are afraid, do you want to ask for mercy now? Hurry up, I'm listening!"
(the host……)
(Your Er Heizi, and the Hell Demon God Diablo, aren't they on the plane of the earth where you left your Aunt Kate's house?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
Tibbers wanted to talk to Erheizi about Xiongsheng, playing mahjong or fighting landlords, but it was a pity...they two guys were lucky enough to be released from the'prison'. , I have always been in a state of exuberance at this time, I don't know how happy and happy it is at this time, it is not in the semi-plane space of their bad little master at all!
If possible, does Tibbers really want to be sent to ‘think about it’ with their two bastards? It’s been fed up a long time ago, and it doesn’t want to be a babysitter with a little kid all day long... well, you can’t think about this kind of thing, just in case it’s the little master’s eavesdropping 'If it arrives, it will definitely be unlucky! ! )
"Ah! Aunt Kate and others, wow! I seem to remember!!"
Annie finally remembered that she had indeed thrown Er Heizi into that plane world...
Originally, she only wanted to return to Valoran Continent and stay in the land of voodoo for a day, but she didn't even think about it, she had stayed for a long time now, and she didn't want to go back until now!
"Tibbs, who is Diablo?"
Of course Annie knows the flame demon that she caught that can fight! She even gave it an eternal fire, so that it could become bigger, more fierce, more ferocious and terrifying with the flame that was found in the Asgard Palace?
Anyway, that super obedient big guy Annie likes it very much, and she thinks of each other from time to time, and let it out to bully the bad guys! But, as for Diablo or something... it seems that there is really no impression?
It seems to have heard of it somewhere, but for a while, I can't remember it...
(the host……)
(Diablo... it's actually the "big pineapple" you used to say, the from the sanctuary world that you threw to Erheizi for discipline? That was given by Kasha and others without waiting for you The guy who was beaten to death and then resurrected?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
Poor Diablo was forgotten by his own horrible little master...
In this case, Tibbers silently mourned the other party for a second or two... Fortunately, the other party was bound to Er Heizi. Otherwise, maybe the hapless guy would stay in that half. In the plane space, it has been sealed and thrown in a corner, forever, until the end of time, right? )
"So you said it, I seem to remember it too!!"
∑( ̄□ ̄;)
Finally, under the kind reminder of her own little bear Tibbers, Annie finally remembered that she was caught by the protoss, and then wanted to show off in front of her, and finally she was caught and beaten up and thrown to Erheizi for training. The poor three demon gods of hell.
"Forget it, don't care about them, I will go back to the world to catch them when I have time..."
Big pineapple or something, in fact, if you lose it, you will lose it. Annie didn't see that thief, and she never thought about doing good things! However, her own Er Heizi was specially cultivated by her, and the importance level is so high. It is also worthy of being thrown out to fight and scary. Therefore, she must not give up easily.
However, it must be after she has played enough in Runeterra before she will go back to look for them.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
(When I go back later, things will not be the same... However, Tibbers thought about it, and in the end he didn’t bring it up to his little master who is having fun in this world of Runeterra. After all, it seems It’s really not a big deal.)
"Tibbers, people are so hungry... I really want to eat big tortoises... now they can almost eat a hundred of them in one go!!"
I don't know why, Little Annie remembered the big tortoises that she had seen before walking in the red sea of ​​grass with the big house...
Such a big big tortoise, I don’t know if they are delicious?
(Respected little master, they are too big, you can't finish it... In fact, you can only eat a small piece of meat on them at most? If you really want to, the little one is willing to do You do it for...
Tibbers said, it bears uncle, super fierce! Specialize in dirty work! !
If you really want to eat, wait until you get rid of a wandering mage who is nosy and likes to point fingers, Tibbers doesn’t have to kill one or two, he can just go and cut out the big turtles. Just a piece of meat! Anyway, their bodies are so huge that they won't die if they cut a piece of tender meat to pay tribute to its little owner!
Speaking of it, Uncle Tibbers bear went up to the mountain to steal chickens and went to the sea to find fish. Isn’t it the same as playing to cut a piece of meat from a big turtle? Ok...Don't mention the thing about fishing in the sea for the time being. Uncle Xiong is naturally afraid of water and really doesn't want to go fishing...)
"Huh? Cut the meat of those homeland turtles..."
??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????
Annie is considering whether to eat them or not?
Is it to eat... or to eat... This is something that makes her entangled...
Maybe Tibbers is right. If you just cut a piece of meat and taste it, there shouldn't be any major problems, right?
" What are you doing? I just seemed to hear you say..."
I found that a little girl was talking to herself, and finally, she was idle on the side, and Archmage Ryze was in a state of meditation, so the Juggernaut walked in for granted and said to someone who had been talking to herself. The little guy asked curiously.
∑(′△`)? !
"Green Swordsman Uncle Yi...I'm whispering to my little bear, why do you adults want to come here?"
"It's not ashamed..."
These guys are really shameless. They are so hot. They may be hundreds or thousands of years old. They still want to play with her smart, cute, well-behaved little girl? And, shamelessly eavesdropping on the whispers between her and Xiao Xiong? !
"I am not the'Green Sword Man', I am the Promise Swordmaster!!"
The blue veins on his forehead twitched, a little embarrassed, a little angry, and a little embarrassed. After reiterating a sentence in front of the little girl again, he turned his head and walked to the side and found a clean piece. I sat down cross-legged and started my own meditation practice.
"Uncle Sword Left... There is a pile of Baba under your position..."
The omnipotent Queen Anne actually saw the one over there a long time ago, and she didn’t know which animal left the thing, but she still waited for the other person to sit down very kindly before she was kind. I reminded such a sentence.
(Uncle Tibbers Bear doesn’t want to talk now...)

? Ask for a ticket?
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