Chapter 757: Accidentally caught a big guy! ! (*?...

As night fell, the night of Bilgewater Street was quiet...
Those who cherish their lives, or the people of Bilgewater who think they are inadequate, at this time, no one will easily go out and sway, so that the street looks more and more deserted, and the lively situation during the day becomes clear. Contrast.
Because they would worry that they would be robbed of money or wiped their throats in a dark street by accident...If that were the case, they would have to be thrown away to waste. On the port pier, the rats who have been eating well and fat on the pier have gnawed away.
and so,
Except for those who don’t have a few coppers on their bodies, drunks who have passed today and no tomorrow, ill-conceived criminals, pretentious port gang members, or lone rangers with guns in their pockets, and bounties that no one dares to provoke Hunters dared to continue wandering on the streets or rushing to and from their destinations. Ordinary people rarely dared to go out at will when it was dark.
Now, the lights in most of the wooden houses and boathouses in Bilgewater have gradually gone out... However, on the other side of Butcher’s Bridge, on the top of the mountain, in the ancient Baru cultural building in the outer city Among the ruins, the largest building complex that was renovated, the temple of Nagakaboros is different?
That temple with a long history, its high walls are made of intertwined stones, shaped like the huge mouths and sharp teeth of a deep sea monster, very similar to the sea hunting culture of the Baru people... The entrance of the temple hangs high above the cliff of the bay, so that the clergy inside can easily get a bird's eye view of the blue water and the bustling port...
Of course, the time is now at night. Looking around, except for the dark sea and the igniting lights in the port city, the blue water is definitely invisible!
Unlike other places in this city, at this time, this grand temple was still brightly lit, illuminated by the kind of bright pan lights lit by the grease of several deep sea monsters. Below, it is like a huge lighthouse, so that whether it is part of the city streets of Bilgewater, or the ships returning from the sea in the dark, they can be easily recognized from a long distance and go smoothly. To show them their respective way home.
tread! tread! tread!
Crisp footsteps sounded in the temple...
And since the temple’s lights are still on, it’s obvious that some of the Baru people who hold the priesthood are still busy with their jobs and stick to their posts. They are not like other Bilgewaters. , Turn off the door and light to fall asleep early.
"I still insist on our previous view of the Order: we must withdraw to Baru as soon as possible, because Bilgewater is really too dirty here, and we really can’t save those who are full of sin, please You must believe me!"
"If it's late, I'm afraid it's really too late..."
In Bilgewater’s temple dedicated to the snake mother Naga Capolos, in the temple of the representing life, growth, and eternal movement, which is illuminated like daylight by fire, a stocky figure The sect’s
speaking make
was facing their priests in this temple with sadness and persuading the true person who was blessed by the true god.
In fact, she had long thought about leaving Bilgewater, leaving those who could not be saved... But unfortunately, every time, their true person can always think of various excuses or excuses to refuse. And refuted her.
But this time is different!
Because something terrible is getting closer and closer, there is not much time left for the true person to consider and hesitate. No matter what outrageous excuses the other party has, the other party must think of a solution as soon as possible or simply directly Just leave here.
"The statement is right, the true one!!"
At this time, an elderly ‘snake caller’ who had been standing on the side and not talking much, wearing that kind of ruined robe made of thick hemp rope for sailing sacks, also walked over and exclaimed:
"The holy beasts will not approach Bilgewater, it is really filthy here..."
"We have tried in the past few days. The holy beasts are all hiding under the deep sea. They stay away from and hate the stench of the sea beasts that slaughter the dock... Only the hungry baby holy beasts will hungry. Enjoy our call, accept our tribute and be willing to come to Bilgewater..."
"But you also know that the Night of Soul Eater is coming in a few days. Only the strongest heirs of True God Nagakaporos can swallow the mist and hold the city through that terrible At night, the young sacred beasts are far from capable...So, we can’t save those stupid mortals. If you hesitate no matter how much, even our temple and our people will be eroded by the undead. ."
Whether it's a ‘snake caller’ or a ‘speaker’, they all agree that the Bilgewater people are a group of people who are very ignorant and take the blame!
Those inhabitants who came from the land, it’s fine for them to hunt the behemoths of the deep sea without authorization, because the great Nagakaboros, the who represents life, growth, and eternal motion, does not actually prohibit people for To survive and hunt, they will not resist any hunting actions. After all, those land people are fair to fight with giant beasts. Fighting and death are also the most basic laws of nature, and the Baru people themselves also have traditional hunting. Sea culture...
What makes the snake caller unacceptable most is:
Those land people, those Bilgewater people, never even used clear water to wash away the filth on the dock, and let the blood of those fishy beasts stain the entire bay dock? What's even more terrifying... They even set up permanent anchorages and slaughter piers along every tidal flat in the bay, making the entire city filthy and completely cutting off the way for the holy beasts?
That kind of thing, in the eyes of the snake caller, is really stupid! !
So, this is why many clergymen in their order have guessed whether the ordinary people, those stupid Bilgewaters did it on purpose, and whether they were swallowed by the black mist voluntarily. Assimilated?
"Please make your decision early. We don't have time. We must give up here as soon as possible and withdraw our Baru! The filthy souls of the Bilgewater people may as well leave it to the evil black mist and undead. Try it!!"
The "Speaker" stepped forward two steps, followed by the words of the "Snake Caller", continuing to the tall and sturdy female real person in front of them, and loudly persuading the sea beast priest.
To stay here for a group of foreign land people to accept the terrible test of the black fog in the Night of Soul Eater, in their opinion, it is extremely uneconomical and meaningless behavior! And if it wasn't for them to be the masters without authorization, I am afraid that they would have evacuated this temple early and returned to the safer Baru that can be blessed by the holy beast.
"Do not……"
"No one has the right to decide the fate of others without authorization, nor the right to judge the souls of others.... There are also snake callers. You don’t have to persuade you anymore. I repeat here for the last time: We will not retreat to Bali Ru, I will be here, here in Bilgewater to prevent the terrible disaster that is coming!!"
"Believe me, the undead is not terrible. We will definitely win. We will definitely be able to hold on here under the erosion of the dark mist of Shadow Island..."
The undead is not terrible at all, as the true person protected by Nagakaboros, as the priest of the sea beast, as the person who talks about the only temple in Bilgewater, she must know better than anyone else!
She has the responsibility and obligation to guard the city during the Night of Soul Eater, and to promote the greatness of the true Nagakaboros, spread the glory of the true god, and strive to attract and develop more believers!
And if she can really successfully guard Bilgewater here during the night of Soul Eater, she believes that by then, most of the unbelievers here, those greedy sailors, shameless thugs, pathetic thieves, and extremely vicious Murderers, money-supreme bounty hunters, and cruel butchers, etc., they will all fall into the arms of the true Nagakapolos.
She firmly believes that it will be like that...
Therefore, as a priest of the true god, as a true person blessed by the gods, Illaoi will certainly not easily let go of the best, the perfect opportunity to maximize the greatness of the true god! !
The argument made the snake caller dare not disobey the true one who had already made up his mind. Therefore, they could only silently respond after being silent for a while, lowering their heads and slowly retreating to the door, and After looking at each other with helpless eyes, they walked out the door dejectedly to wait.
Soul Eater...
In fact, Illaoi knows the source of that terrible thing better than anyone...
The true Naga Capolos once accidentally ‘informed’ her during a prayer:
Those terrible black fog, the countless crazy undead in those black fog, they came from Fuguang Island in the southeast of the Python Islands, which is now the extremely scary and extremely evil shadow in the rumors of the sailors. island! !
According to records,
Fuguang Island used to be a beautiful place...
Where were there all kinds of unimaginable gardens, a library full of books about nature and magic, peaceful and open schools and lecture halls... To some extent, at that time, the Fukuoka Island, it It's really far better than any place in the Python Islands or Runelands world they are now!
Moreover, because it is far away from the mainland of Runeland and various wars and disputes, there has always been a paradise on earth...
But it is a pity that it was destroyed by a terrible magical disaster a long time ago, and the glorious civilization was annihilated in a continuous spreading black mist.
By now, the terrifying black mist of magic has enveloped the island forever, and the evil sorcery has completely polluted and corrupted everything there, whether it is the land or the creatures...
And more terrifying is...
It is said that those creatures who died in the black mist will have their souls subject to the eternal curse, being repelled forever and becoming a part of the black mist...
What's more frightening is that those evil black mists are expanding every year, and they intend to consume more and more souls in the Runeland, outside of the Shadow Island?
And this is the real reason for Soul Eater! !
Therefore, as the evil black mist drifts across the ocean, the ghosts of the dead will also mix in it and wander along with it... Above the sea, the Python Islands closest to the Shadow Island, of course, are the dead souls in the night of Eclipse. Our first goal!
However, due to the protection of the true Naga Capolos over the years, the Night of Soul Eater cannot help the Baru people! However, it is difficult to get this Bilgewater port sheltered by the heirs of the true god, that is different...
Facts have proved that
Every time, when those terrible black mists come, those Bilgewaters who lost the hands of ghosts in the night of eclipse, they will also suffer that terrible eternal curse at the same time! Whenever the black mist recedes and the raging undead is over, the countless Bilgewaters are left with only a soulless corpse with a ferocious expression...and their souls are already in the dark. As the fog receded, it was dragged back to the southeast and back to the shadow island deep in the sea!
Ugh! !
Over the years, Soul Eater has become more frequent and more serious, because the power of the undead of Shadow Island has become stronger and stronger...So, under the brunt, they can even use With the power of the true Naga Capolos, it is also very difficult to protect the Baru people from the attack of Soul Eater. If you add the city of Bilgewater, it will be even more difficult!
And this, I’m afraid it’s just the two evangelists and snake callers who are unwilling to waste power and tribute, summoning inefficient cubs in vain, and unwilling to helplessly guard this Bilgewater port. The real cause of the city.
Even if she knew that was the case, Illaoi was firm in her determination to hold on to this city when the next Soul Eater arrived!
In addition to the words she just said to the Snake Callers, she actually has another plan, a plan she has been brewing for a long time... She must find a thorough solution to Soul Eater once and for all. Way! Because, neither they Baru nor the true Nagakaboros can, nor should they passively continue to defend against the evil black mist, they must take the initiative to attack and try to eliminate the terrible threat!
and so,
She must stay in this temple, stay here in Bilgewater, and try hard to implement her bold plan. She must go...
"Why are you so flustered, is there anything?"
Just before the window of the main hall of the temple, looking at the little fire lights in the harbour of Bilgewater below, the sea beast priest Illaoi, who was full of thoughts, did not know what he was thinking, suddenly discovered: The two'snake callers' and'speakers' who had just retreated outside the door, came to her back with nervous and panic expressions, and interrupted her contemplation?
"Report the truth!"
"It's like this... Just now a medium-sized sailing boat called at the harbor overnight, and they caught back a big, mature deep-sea behemoth..."
The statement made the sect member who ran here to report just now, but before he had time to continue speaking, it was interrupted arbitrarily by the real Illaoi, who looked a little unhappy.
"So what, is this why you bother me?"
Illaoi felt that such a thing couldn't be more normal?
Although, it is indeed unthinkable that a medium-sized sailing boat dared to die and hunt large behemoths, but there will always be some lucky guys who are bold enough to make such unexpected and unexpected moves. , That kind of thing is not very rare, as to make these two people so nervous, and run to alarm the priest?
Even if there is a qualified existence among those people worthy of accepting the trial of the true Naga Capolos, there is no need to mention that kind of thing at this time, because it is not urgent. Yi had already arranged and preferred candidates.
"No! The true one!"
"What we care about is not the captured behemoth, but other more important things..."
The statement made her breathe a sigh of relief. After seeing the other party's face gradually calming down, and ready to listen to her next words, she quickly organized the language:
"According to the information just reported by our sect members, that medium-sized sailing ship not only captured a huge deep-sea behemoth, but also another big guy!!!"
When he said this, the tone of the narrator couldn't help but shudder, and he didn't know if he was angry or frightened?
Or both? !
Because she knows that if the next remarks are really true, I am afraid that the city of Bilgewater, and even the sect of their Baru people, will be in trouble! !
"big guy?"
Illaoi was still a little puzzled, and didn't understand what the other party wanted to say to him.
"Deep Sea Titan Not Tilles!"
"Mother Snake! They... they actually captured Deep Sea Titan Nottilus!!"
Finally, after taking a breath of remarks, he directly uttered the information that had just shocked her, and that Zaian thought he was dreaming.
Illaoi was stunned, his eyes widened a little.
"Deep-sea Titan Nottilus, the messenger of the great true Naga Capolos, the tax officer of the true god, the sanctioner of the deep sea, it was captured by a medium-sized sailing ship?"
"This is absolutely impossible, you must be joking with me!!"
After repeating the conversation with surprise, the sea beast priest, the blessing of the true Illaoi, without even thinking about it, directly and subconsciously denied the other party's words.
Because she knows the strength of that deep-sea Titan Nottiers better than anyone! In the waters surrounding the Python Islands, above all the seas in the entire Runeland world, there is absolutely no ship that can defeat the Titan Nottilus in the deep sea!
Even all the sailboats in the entire world add up!
Because what he represents is the power of the deep sea, the living miracle of the true Gakaboros before mortals! !
"I'm not kidding!!"
"True, if we don't make any reaction, this matter will definitely spread throughout Bilgewater at the latest tomorrow!"
Obviously, in some details, the statement is more sensitive, so she is now able to recover from the news, and knows better than anyone how much that incident can cause them to the Baru sect. Bad influence! !
It did not mean that a big storm rushed through the Python Islands and through the city of Bilgewater! !
"The captain of that ship, who is it?!"
at last,
Some Illaoi who calmed down quickly realized the seriousness of that kind of thing, and soon began to coldly face, squinted his eyes, planning to ask certain things first, and then make a reasonable decision.
"we do not know!"
"The member of the sect who just came to report only knows that the bow of the broken ship is written on it, which seems to be'Greasy'?"
The statement made the truthful report of all the content she knew, because the news came too suddenly, and they didn't know too much at present.
Illaoi said that she had never heard of the ship's name, including the captain of the other party! And if the other party can really do that kind of earth-shattering thing, it shouldn't be the kind of obscure people who are right. This kind of thing is not very reasonable everywhere...
"True! What should we do?"
She was really anxious about this. Although she was shocked about this matter, her sect must act as soon as possible to deal with and verify the matter, and it must be as soon as possible!
Of course, she herself wanted to see, is the captured Deep Sea Titan true or false? Could it be just a certain humanoid sea beast that was accidentally misidentified by the ignorant Bilgewater mortals?
"Go! Call all our sacrifices, snakecallers, and harpoon warriors, fishmen, we must go to the slaughter pier immediately!!!"
After pondering for a while, Illaoi, who was still hesitant and uncertain, closed his eyes and prayed for a while, then suddenly made up his mind.
"Yes! I'll go right away!!"
Hearing the real man's order, the interpreter nodded, then hurriedly turned and left the main hall of the temple, and ran to the rest area of ​​the priests behind.
Isn't it true?
Although the uneasy feeling in my heart has been telling myself that this is almost always true... However, Illaoi still turned his head subconsciously, and looked towards the harbor below from the window, Looking at the slaughter docks in Kegu Harbor, it seems that I want to see a huge figure that exists there from the dark...
However, the light now is very poor, the sky is full of dark clouds, neither the stars nor the moon can shine on Bilgewater, so she can see nothing.

"Oh, God……"
"Damn it! Here...what the is this place?!"
Loaded his own pistol, made sure that there were twelve bullets in the magazine that could be fired at any time, and reinserted it into the holster around his waist. After making relevant preparations, Coleson lowered a little boredly. He cursed, and tightened his tight suit and tie, ready to explore this dark, filthy street with little light, and surrounded by strange wooden houses and smelly sea breeze.
No one knows what kind of answer Coleson entered in the hidden permission question and answer of his watch. Anyway, when the system confirmed that his answer was correct, he was instantly sucked in by a rotating plane teleporter. , And threw it directly into this dark and stinking dilapidated street...
Obviously, Coleson can see that this is definitely not the earth of the electrical age or later, because, as a level ten agent of the Bear Shield, he learned from the rocky ground of the street and the simple wood on both sides Some basic content can be roughly guessed on the house, the dim oil lamp, and the torch.
To be honest, although Coleson thought he would reach a strange place... but he never thought that he himself would reach such a terrible one, almost unable to see his fingers, and there is no one around him. The strange world of people asking for directions?
Now, he doesn't know if this is the earth or not!
Fortunately, now he can determine a few points:
First, the little girl who is so frustrated, that the Avengers carry handle they desperately want to find, that little Annie, who is scurrying around the world all day, must be in this world of planes! Of course, if he is not there, then Coleson is really done! !
Second, he has been standing here for a few minutes since Coleson, and he did not suffocate or die in other tragic ways, is it enough to prove that he, a human being on earth, seems to be able to survive in this world? And whether he will bring a deadly virus to the New World like Columbus back then is not something he needs to consider...
Third, fortunately, as a senior agent, Coleson will predict almost all the mainstream countries in the world... Although this is not necessarily useful in this place, but because a little guy once gave him Coleson always knows the spells of the language, and he himself also has the spirit translation equipment of the Protoss, so he doesn't seem to need to worry about the problem of communication?
Click! !
The determined tenth-level agent Coleson first organized his thoughts. After finding that it didn’t seem too bad that he came to this strange place, he took out a small flashlight from his pocket and directly Turning on the upper switch, a bright beam of light appeared in his hand, allowing him to more clearly see the surrounding streets and this strange place, like an ancient city.
"Well, I hope everything goes well..."
I looked around and found no more valuable findings, and some people hiding in that kind of wooden house were only sneaking peeping at themselves from behind the cracks in the door panels, and did not rush out to attack or surround themselves. After the fight or the fuss, Coleson unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, planning to walk forward first, and then, if possible, find a kind person to ask about the situation?
He only hopes that he can communicate smoothly with the people here in this strange place, like an ancient city?
Anyway, if he encounters some kind of strange aliens, he will certainly not be too nervous, because ah, he has seen all kinds of things when he was on missions between the Bear Shield headquarters and the earth. Such strange aliens from the universe.
As long as those guys are not too non-human, too shabby, he can definitely remain relatively sane.
Click! Click!
There were waves of footsteps coming from far and near, neither fast nor slow. It seemed that they were some pedestrians?
Coleson, who was just about to consider whether to go forward or backward, before he had time to think about it, he was surprised to find that in this quiet and dark street, there were actually a few people coming from far away. shadow?
God bless! !
Using the small flashlight in his hand, he took photos of the guys who obviously looked like the people on the opposite side. After frightening the other party and seeing the appearance of the people clearly, Ke Elson cheered from his heart, and quickly took a photo of the flashlight on the ground, and did not continue to rudely shoot the pedestrians in the eyes.
"Hello, I'm sorry, I don't intend to offend you, I just want to ask you something?"
He tried his best to keep the smile on his face. Although Coleson didn’t think the other party would see the subtle expression on his face under such circumstances, he still maintained the basic politeness and prepared to communicate from these. People get something they want to know.
The four drunken sailors who were shocked by what Coleson was holding, and then quickly understood what it was, first glanced at each other in astonishment, and then from just now. The dizziness in the strong light came back to his senses. After seeing the general appearance and clothes of the other party, one of the guys with a dirty hat walked out.
"You are not from Bilgewater, your first time here?"
"and also……"
"Is the shiny thing in your hand a Hextech item from Piltworth?!"
The talking big beard tightened his hat tightly, and then wiped his stubborn beard's face vigorously to make his state a little more sober, then he stared at the opponent with greedy eyes. The small, magical gadget in the left hand.
Instinctively told him that the thing, the thing that can emit a strong light and illuminate the ground, must be very valuable, very valuable! !
"Yes, in a sense, I am indeed here for the first time..."
"Is this Valoran World?!"
Coulson didn’t seem to have heard of Bilgewater, but he was pretty sure that he had learned the name of Piltworth from the mouth of Annie before. So, naturally, he probably got it from the other party. In my mouth, I know which world I am in now!
He himself, in the revolving portal like a whirlpool, came directly to the hometown of Little Annie, and came directly to the world of Valoran?
"No! No! No!"
"Varoland is Valoran, and Bilgewater is Bilgewater. This is an archipelago, and the mainland of Valoran is on the west...Of course, you can go to the east, but it's farther, and the landing place is Demacia kingdom?"
While speaking, the heavy-bearded man with a dirty hat secretly made a gesture, causing the three people behind him to come forward quietly, faintly surrounding each other.
"So this is ah?"
Of course, Coleson also discovered the other side's small movements, and the three guys who pretended to come over inadvertently and faintly blocked their retreat.
"Thank you everyone!"
"It's just that I don't know where there is a place to stay in this Bilgewater? I think I should find a better hotel for a good night's rest?"
Pretending to be unable to see the other party's intentions, Coleson continued to smile and question, while faintly resting his right hand on his waist, he could draw out his weapons at any time, and teach those guys with unknown intentions a profound lesson. ?
If the other party really wants to disadvantage Coelson, then they are quite wrong! !
"You don't need to go to the hotel. We agreed that Sinking Bay in the abandoned dock can give you a night of free sleep?"
At this time, an obese sailor who had surrounded the idiot'newcomer' pulled out his long, dangerously rayed dagger, and turned his back to him. , And had maintained a state of vigilance, said the weird who had clearly sensed the danger.
"He can live there forever, whether it's the belly of a wharf rat or the rotten intestines of a scavenger shark!!"
The other sailor who drew the scimitar also answered with a grin.
"Idiot, go together, he has a musket in his waist!!"
At this time, a sailor in front of Coleson seemed to see something wrong, and saw that while he screamed sternly, he directly took out a handful of big caliber from his back waist. The gun, and the first time he planned to break the trigger to the position where it could be fired.
Because he can tell from the opponent’s posture that those senior bounty hunters who are always on alert can only
draw the gun
. If they don’t hurry up, maybe they will definitely die. Of a hapless guy! !
Huh! Huh! Huh!
However, the sailor who reminded said it was too late...
The headed one who just took out his musket and wears a certain dirty captain's hat just had time to trigger his musket with his trembling hands after drinking, before he had time to lift and aim, he Only three gunshots were heard, and then, the three of his own men had a hole in the middle of their foreheads almost at the same time, and they all fell down on the cold and dirty streets of Bilgewater. On the rocky road?
"Mistaken, misunderstood...misunderstanding..."
Upon seeing this, I saw that the opponent’s muzzle was aimed at his forehead, and then the dazzling light, but he did not find that after the opponent shot the shot for the first time, the captain who almost was not scared to pee. He hurriedly threw away his gunpowder weapon, smiled flatly with both hands holding the flag machine, and explained this sentence with a smile that was uglier than crying.
"To shut up!!"
Coleson stopped the opponent coldly, then walked two steps forward, and stopped in a safe position.
"Ask you a few questions, if I am satisfied, I will let you go!!"
Coleson, who had just fired and killed three people in a row, was afraid that he would cause serious trouble to him. After frowning and looking at the large-caliber pistol that the opponent had thrown away, he slowed down. Asked slowly:
"Where is this place, why are you attacking me?!"
Innocent people who want to rob and kill themselves as soon as they meet, but also throw themselves to the port to feed rats, and the other person's expression looks like a natural one? It was the first time that Coleson encountered this kind of frantic thing, so he just fired mercilessly, killing the other three in a row.
Shooting and killing people will basically not cause any psychological shadow to him, an agent who has worked in the field, and there will be no hesitation. He has been used to it...though, they bear the shield. Agents never kill innocents indiscriminately, but the group in front of them is obviously not among the innocents!
"This, this is the slum of Bilgewater..."
"Big, big, big, grown-up..."
"I, we just wanted to grab your shiny gadget, really, in fact, if you go out like this, here, almost everyone who sees it will want to grab it..."
With half-squinted eyes, the captain, who dared not make any small movements, resisted the dazzling glare from the opponent's eyes, he could only answer the opponent's questions tremblingly.
Because he knew that the muzzle of the other side's terrible Hextech pistol, capable of rapid shooting and continuous shooting, must still be aiming at his forehead! If he doesn't want to die, he'd better be honest, and pray that the other person will see the great lady with beard in the end. There are a lot of adults, so spare yourself this time?
He promised that he would never come back to seek revenge, at least, before he had summoned his brothers and found all the guns and cannons?
"Where can I find a safe place for questioning and lodging?"
After being silent for a while, staring at the ugly face that hadn't been washed for a few seconds, Coleson hesitated for a while, and still asked.
It's night, and he wouldn't be so stupid at this time, before he figured out his situation, he would go everywhere for questions! Otherwise, what just happened will definitely happen again. By then, he may not be able to guarantee that the large-caliber backward musket bullets in the hands of these strange guys will not hit him! !
"Go east!"
"Cross the Butcher's Bridge, to the dock area, where you can stay in the tavern, you can also inquire about things, and it's absolutely safe there..."
Huh! !
The words came to an abrupt end here, because Coleson, who got some information, shot! !
After being silent for a while, Coleson thought for a while, put away his pistol, and then stepped forward and began to fumble on the body of the opposing leader...soon, he found a small pocket in the opposing body Yes, there are about a dozen hard gold and silver coins.
"Let's leave here first..."
Killed three people, and he was still in such a place that he was not familiar with, so Coleson, who didn't want to cause trouble for himself, brazenly fired at the robber who he thought had lost the value of use, and ended it directly. The opponent's life.
Since this is the planet where Little Annie’s hometown is located, and it’s also a place called Bilgewater, there is no doubt that whether it’s eating, lodging, or inquiring about the situation, it must cost money, and this is what he searches for. The reason for the corpse! As for the guns and other messy things on the opponent, he didn't even look at them.
It seems a little different...
Soon, Coleson took out a few silver coins with octopuses from the money bag he found on the opponent's body? This reminded him involuntarily of the Hydra organization, and his mood suddenly changed a little bit.
Who? !
Coleson suddenly raised the looting again, because he found that from a distance, a large group of strange creature mounts came over, and they seemed to be very well equipped, holding the octopus banner high. Like a bunch of guys from the regular army or the police force?
This is a straight, unobstructed street, and the opponent's speed is very fast. This makes Coleson take out his pistol with eight bullets and point it at the group of enemies who are rushing. I can't do it either...
However, that group of strong women or men They just led a group of menacing, looking like the'police' or'enforcement' forces here from Coulson's side at high speed. Past?
What's more, what surprised Coleson was that the other party just glanced at him, and one of them gave a cold snort, while the others didn't even look at the dead bodies lying on the street lying in a pool of blood. , Directly turning a blind eye to'Zongma' trampled on the march past? !
a long time……
Looking at the corpse that was stepped on the ground so as to be inhumane, a little further away from him, and then at the direction where the group of "armies" who had gone away, only to hear the faint sound of horseshoes, Coleson I don't know what to say.
What is going on?
To be honest, Coleson was really taken aback just now, he still had a pistol with eight rounds in his hand, and almost shot it! But who ever thought that the guys who seemed to be the indigenous army here in this city would ignore him?
"It doesn't matter! Let's get out of here first!!"
Although still a little confused, Coleson only knows that after he shot and killed people in this unfamiliar place and was witnessed by a group of suspected soldiers, staying at the scene of the crime would definitely not be a good idea. s Choice!
So, he turned directly to the east, planning to follow what the guy who was headed just now said, first find the tavern where you can stay safely, and then make other plans? Anyway, there is a weirdness everywhere here, before he finds a little guy, he must protect himself first! !

The end of the month
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