Chapter 758: 'Quick Gunner' Coleson

"What a big giant..."
‘Hey, is that really the legendary deep-sea titanotilles? ’
'do not know……'
'Hey! Regardless of other things, that head and momentum, it looks alike? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Don’t talk nonsense, how could the messenger of Ms. Beard be caught so easily? That thing must be a fake! ’
‘Well, it makes sense...’
‘What if it’s true? ’
‘Is it impossible? ’
‘It’s quite big anyway, it looks like it’s all iron. I definitely don’t believe that something like that can rise from the deep sea...’
‘I don’t believe it either! ’
'Humph! You still don't argue about these useless, who knows whether that guy is true or not, anyone who has seen it is dead anyway, they say it is, then it is it! ’
"Who goes to sea without paying the tithe" try? Captain Jack, what do you think? ’
‘This...that...I have no plans to go to sea recently, or who of you will try it first? ’
‘Don’t make a noise, let it go, boring! ! ’
Here is the slaughter pier of Kegu Harbor. Early in the morning, the sun under the sea in the distance has not risen. It is just a little reddish and shiny. The ground is still gray on the day, when this chaotic and prosperous When the harbor city just started to wake up, near the pier, a large number of pier butchers, coolies, captains, sailors, and other rare residents of Bilgewater had gathered near the pier.
Of course, they just signaled to watch the excitement. After watching it, most of them quickly went away in their own way...
In Bilgewater, where order is chaotic and there is almost no law to speak of, anything can happen.
For those who are struggling to survive or drunk life and death, they heard that someone captured the legendary nosy, staring at those deep-sea tithes who did not pay the tithe, except at the beginning. Shocked, confused, disbelieved, and came to watch the scene, but he really found the big guy standing in the sea in the port of the slaughter pier, still motionless, with a huge anchor on his shoulders. ?
Then, after watching for a while, most of them thought that guy seemed to be like that?
Some things, once lost the mystery in the legend, once the veil of mystery is lifted, it seems that there is really nothing great... and the Abyss Titan, at this time, it is natural to let the onlookers watch. Those who have nothing to do with themselves have the illusion that the other party is just'but that'...
‘It’s exactly the same as the legend, I recognize that guy! ’
'Hey! It’s a coincidence that I also recognize it. Even if I become an undead, I will not forget it. That time, I almost died....’
'Humph! ! ’
Unlike those who watch the excitement and will be suspicious, after some captains are shocked and inconceivable, what is left is endless ecstasy?
Because, since the abyss Titan Nottilus was captured by a mysterious person, wouldn't it mean... the tradition here in Bilgewater, the hateful thing that everyone must pay when going to sea? 'Tithe', do they no longer need to pay? !
Of course, what exactly did the various Bilgewaters onlookers think, the object of attention, the deep-sea titan still standing in the deep water area of ​​the slaughter pier, did not move, did not go to multi-control, just silently Let those people point their fingers and the undulating waves rushed across its metal chest...
When the distant harbor exits the sea, when the sea on the horizon finally slowly rises after the round sun, at the slaughter pier, except for the busy butchers, shipowners, drudges and slaves, they continue to stay here. There are not many people watching the motionless, statue-like Abyss Titan!
"Look at..."
‘It’s motionless, maybe it’s just a deceptive steel statue? ’
‘Who rowed a boat to come and see? ’
‘Don’t go or go! It must be hollow, and it's probably all useless stones and sand inside! Or is it irrigation? ! ’
‘Don’t care what it is, let’s go, let’s go back and continue drinking! ! ’
‘Hey! Not fun! It's gone, it's all gone! ’
This is what most of the ignorant Bilgewater people really think after coming here to watch the excitement...
After all, the so-called deep-sea Titan Nottilus, who looks tall and strong and has a steel body, whose lower body is immersed in the deep waters of the port area, has been there forever, pointing and cynicizing others Without any reaction, it is really hard for people to believe that it is the legendary horrible demon that once swept the deep sea and sunk numerous ships!
It was really just a captain who was full and had nothing to do, and spent a lot of effort to get Bilgewater to fool people?
Although many dock butchers and workers who witnessed the ship entering the port kept saying that the other party really came in by themselves, but it was midnight at that, not many Bilgewater people were willing Believe that kind of lie to the undead, even if the facts are before them now?
And it was the arrival of the opponent in the middle of the night, which gave Bilgewater's idlers and villains countless malicious speculations...
And the only thing that makes those who don't want to believe them feel a little puzzled, I'm afraid it's just that someone can actually carry such a large piece of iron into the harbor overnight, right?
When the people of Bilgewater continued to stay and watch the iron men at the slaughter pier, or they began to leave and were busy with their own affairs, or when they began to talk about it in the streets and alleys, some of the instigators of all this Girl, in the biggest slaughter workshop at the slaughter pier at this time, in that shed, bargaining with a helpless butcher boss with a tangled expression.
"Obviously you can make so many commissions by slaughtering a giant beast, but now I am not giving you money, then why don't you go and look at the big guy standing outside, how much do you want? Did the money help me chop it up?!"
The reason why Annie caught the Deep Sea Titan who dared to attack her ship was actually just casual.
Because, in fact, what she most wanted to catch was the so-called "Ms. Beard"! In the beginning, she really wanted to catch the biggest deep sea god, and catch the one she had seen in the world of Azeroth before, and was very similar to the ancient gods like C'Thun and Yogg-Saron. That big octopus!
But who ever thought that the humanoid monster who came to attack her last night turned out to be twisted by the power of darkness?
In addition, those guys who were watching her trophy outside had the guts to say that the Deep Sea Titan she caught was a fake?
So, now Annie is very angry, very angry...
Therefore, in a hurry, after not hearing too many words of exclamation and flattery that would satisfy herself and a little bit of vanity, she resolutely came to this workshop, planning to let the boss here, Let the big bald head dismantle the huge giant sea monster on the outside, restrained by its own power, to pieces, and let those stupid Bilgewater people take a good look. ?
"Honorable and noble Master Anne, please forgive us..."
"Or, we'll post the money to you now, please get it away quickly... You just ask for a price, and we absolutely do it, really! Please, you should do it?"
The bald butcher of the largest, most complete, and strongest slaughter dock workshop was begging in a pleading tone at this time. He was almost crying...
Unlike the other Bilgewater idiots, he, who eats, lives, lives, and works here, witnessed the huge man-aged sea beast entering the port with his own eyes last night and the huge and huge following behind. The terrifying giant, the deep-sea titan walked in from the deep harbor pier by wading by himself!
Therefore, he had never doubted the authenticity of that huge monster.
The other party is so immortal. He happened to be stuck in front of the wharf of his biggest slaughterhouse, blocking the channel, causing him to miss several business orders for nothing today. It's like this kind of horrible thing. He didn't dare to scold him, so who would he go to to reason? !
"Do you look down on the giant beast I caught? I don't care, anyway, today, you must help me slaughter it and break it into pieces. I look at those outside and dare to say I caught it. Is it a fake?!"
Annie just wanted to take the big guy outside to these people face to face, and then hang it on the meat grinders for sale like the other sea beasts!
Anyway, that big guy has been corroded by the power in the deep sea long ago. It seems that the beast under the armor is no different from the other giant beasts, so if you kill it, you will kill it. In her heart Mind the slightest, and I will definitely not mind!
Because that guy asked for it!
Who caused it to slam up the big and heavy iron anchor from under the seabed at that time, and almost broke her ship, and even wanted to capture her Queen Anne alive and give it alive. Swallowed?
Look now, it regrets it?
o(^`)o hum!
But regret is useless!
After being completely imprisoned by her with magic, it will never want to run for the rest of its life, even if it calls the so-called ‘beard lady’, it’s useless to beg the big octopus for help! If the big octopus like the ancient really dares to come, do you think her Queen Anne will hang the big octopus on the biggest meat grinder outside the house?
(At this moment, Tibbers seemed to have suddenly discovered something very interesting in this city of Bilgewater, but after hesitating and thinking about it, it didn’t promptly give the person in front of him that he was greedy. The little master will explain.
Because, it is secretly paying attention now, that kind of thing seems quite fun...
Moreover, it also wants to see, when Tibbers does not remind him, when will the little master of his family find out? )
"Slaughtered, slaughtered?!!!"
The butcher boss of the slaughter workshop trembled, looked at the big guy outside who he didn't dare to provoke or approach, and then looked at the terrible little girl mage that made him even more afraid to offend him. , He was a little unable to advance or retreat, except for a little jerky jump, there was really no good way.
"Master Anne, that deep-sea titan, the one who is small is definitely not, and dare not hang it on the gallows... You can tell it straight now, what do you want?"
After tangling the expression on his face for a while, the big bald-headed man in the workshop, who is both a butcher and the boss, once again crouched on his original seat with a bit of disgust, just refused to sit properly. The little the solid wood chair that was full of greasy and meaty smell pleaded.
Everyone knows that here in Bilgewater, things are decided by the big fists!
In the eyes of his big bald head, the little girl mage in front of him who can even capture the Deep Sea Titans alive is obviously the one with the biggest fist! At least, the opponent's power is stronger than your own, who can only slaughter giant beasts, dare to play sideways in the area of ​​the slaughter dock, and has a little bit of voice and influence?
and so,
Now the other party has the final say on everything, even if the other party uses this to blackmail himself, he will admit it!
If it weren’t for this, he would have dared to talk to him like this with a big bald head. He would have had the opportunity to slash the opponent’s neck with a knife, and then threw the opponent’s body to the one who was stained with red blood all year round. Feeding rotten fish in the seawater of the port, why would you waste so much time with each other here?
"What I don't want, can't you really slaughter it for me?"
Annie has some sudden small grievances, she thinks, why other people's giant beasts are willing to rush to do it, but it is her turn, but she has to push three things and stop four?
Because in her perception, the Deep Sea Titan named Nautilus standing motionless outside is actually the same type of thing as other giant most, they don’t look the same. , One is more like a giant, while the others are like fish, like snakes, or like the'beard lady'?
But now, these guys who kill people and arson do all the evil, even the giant beast that looks like the "Ms. Beard" dare to slaughter, so why dare not to smash that giant monster called Titan?
If they are afraid, then her Queen Anne can guarantee that the guy outside must have no power to resist! Moreover, not only did he dare not resist, but would honestly climb onto the huge slaughter shelf and hang it up by himself?
"Master Mage..."
"We really don't dare... No one in Bilgewater would dare to do that according to your requirements, so please spare the little ones..."
"The big deal, as long as the younger ones have work in the future, they will give you some of the best and most delicious sea fish giant beast meat?"
The bald butcher who once had a small deal with the other party was really nothing. He suddenly thought of such a thing, and then flatly offered such a reasonable suggestion to the indomitable little guy. .
!? (\'
"No! It can't be a part, I want all the best fish! I want all!!!"
(`) Hehehe...
I found this big bald head that I hated, and now I have learned the evil behavior of bribing others...So, after hesitating for a while, after about two or three seconds, Little Annie had to Forced and very "helpless" to accept the other party's suggestion of "nothing as an example"!
Her Queen Anne just couldn't see the way others looked at her with that kind of pleading tone and gaze. Sure enough, her heart was still too soft. She just couldn't see that others were sad and sad. Apart from being forced to accept it, there seemed to be nothing. There is another good way.
Who made her a kind girl who loves people, flowers, flowers, clever, well-behaved and pleasant... Besides, if the other party has bribed herself, she can no longer bribe others. Then, the world will be harmonious and stable. That's it!
(● ̄ ̄●)
"All, all?"
Hearing this, the bald man couldn't help being a little stunned.
Because he felt that even if he had secretly hacked some of the good meat, those ship owners who could only suffer from dumb losses would definitely not be able to care about too much with him. After all, his big bald head had the biggest wring in the Bilgewater slaughter wharf. The butchering workshop with the most meat racks and manpower!
Moreover, they are also the only workshop where they are the fastest, most efficient and able to maximize profits! Some and only they can easily undertake the slaughter of large and medium-sized sea beasts. Therefore, in principle, he is not worried that the good meat of a part of the essence of himself will make those ship owners unhappy.
However, if all are deducted, there is nothing left...
"Okay! That's all set for this thing!!!"
Gritting his teeth and thinking, the bald man finally agreed to this proposal...
Because this matter doesn’t seem to be too difficult for him, the most is that the original share of the tribute to the gang leaders and Planck is deducted. Anyway, last night, before the little girl’s ship docked, It is said that the ruler of Bilgewater, the pirate king Planck’s ship'Leviathan' has been bombed, and Planck seems to be dead too?
and so……
Of course, he won't have to pay tribute anymore. If he counts the saved expenses, he is only paying for some sea beast meat, relatively speaking, it is not an unacceptable thing?
"Aha! Then decided so happily?!"
Although the giant deep-sea titan outside could not be successfully slaughtered in public, Anne, who felt that she had gained more benefits and benefits, quickly forgot all the unpleasant things before!
So, after she had settled the matter, she jumped directly off the stool, and was about to leave this fishy and smelly broken house and go outside to have her own fun.
"Line wait!"
"Master Fa, Master... outside, where is the big guy outside? Are you..."
Now that the verbal agreement between the two parties has been reached, the big guy who is still blocking his wharf channel in the port should always remove it, right? Otherwise, his slaughter pier and workshop will no longer be open.
"You find a place for it to stay, I will let it listen to you temporarily..."
The contented little Annie didn't care too much about such insignificant things now, so she took her little bear and jumped directly outside, planning to leave this uncomfortable place early.
(● ̄ ̄●)
"and then?!"
Although the problem of blocking the road seems to be solved, but you can't let that big guy stay in his own territory forever?
"It's up to you!"
"You can sell it, or you can eat it!!"
Anyway, I caught it casually. The guy in the water smells stinky. Annie doesn't like it, and Tibbers in her family doesn't like it. So, ah, just let the other party deal with it? She didn't have time to deal with that kind of insignificant things now, she was going to take that little murloc Fitz to wander around this kind of city that made her still a little strange.
Because neither she nor the fellow who was also caught by himself, they are not from Bilgewater.
"To whom? How to sell it?!"
I was sluggish for a while, although I thought it was probably just a joke from the little girl, it must be an impossible thing. In the end, he turned his head to face the guy further and further, just like doing business in the past. The little girl asked loudly.
"I don't know! Whatever you want..."
Just now, Annie really wanted to cut the opponent into pieces, so now, where would he care about it? That's it, that iron giant who was caught from the sea by himself, that bald boss loves to sell, not to sell! !
Here, what is this? !
Seeing the little girl who hopped and ran to a distance in a blink of an eye, disappeared in those cargo boxes and the pile of wooden barrels and disappeared without a trace, the little girl who had only met twice, the bald boss touched her oily bright light. After thinking about it, I finally decided to check the situation in a few days.
"Abyss Titan, Nautilus?"
From the window of the independent guest room on the third floor of the tavern, which was transformed from the ancient temple ruins and ship slabs, in the'sea view room' on the cliff edge of the huge free trade port of Bilgewater. , Coulson, who had 1.5 full eyes with naked eyesight vision, naturally saw the distance, and saw the tall and majestic steel body in the deep water area of ​​the slaughter wharf that had been watched by many Bilgewater before. , Saw a huge beating giant!
For the horror and legendary creature that was said to have been captured from the deep sea and was said to be able to move, run, swim, and attack ships, Coleson had nothing more than shock and incredibleness. idea!
Compared to the other Bilgewater people who have different opinions and are a little unwilling to believe too much, Coleson is not too doubtful of the authenticity of the giant...
Because, Coulson felt that what he was seeing now, in that slaughter wharf, the terrifying sea behemoths hanging on the gallows that are bigger than the giant cranes of the earth Exist, then, what is strange about the existence of that smaller deep-sea giant?
However, this kind of thing seems to have nothing to do with Coleson!
"That thing, isn't it true? But forget it, I'll go find someone to inquire, and then think of a way to quickly find that little guy is the most important thing!"
He must find the little guy Annie in this unfamiliar place as soon as possible in this Bilgewater port, otherwise, his situation may get worse and worse! !
He just spent a silver siren just when the sky was getting light. From the mouth of the maid who wanted to hook up his tavern, he got a rough idea of ​​the basic situation in the city of Bilgewater, tentatively asking After following the trail of a certain little girl, although he did not have any satisfactory gains, he probably knew the dangers and terrible places in this city.
And, more importantly: he is almost out of money himself! !
He doesn’t seem to have the skills to survive here, and the ammunition of several magazines he carries is also limited, so if he doesn’t hurry to find the little girl who doesn’t know where he is now, he Coleson was either starved to death, killed by others, or died in this harbor city in other ways?
At that time, I am afraid that he will be trapped in this ignorant and chaotic place forever, and may never return to his own world...
I just pushed open the wooden door on the third floor, walked out of the corridor and looked towards the hall below. I saw a group of stinky sailors, captains, robbers, gang members, or other messy Bilgewaters in the bottom row. The seats made up of thick wooden planks are drunk and make loud noises... the disgusting breath of alcohol, sweat, mouth odor, bad body smell, etc. mixed with spirits spreads over the surface, making Cole Sen couldn't help frowning, and almost wanted to retract into his single room again.
But he did not choose to do that, because the single room "sea view room" in this tavern is very expensive, as long as he has not left before the sun rises to the height of the "butcher's bridge" in Bilgewater, then One more gold sea monster must be paid!
If that's the case, the little money he got from killing people out of helplessness last night, I'm afraid it will almost bottom out today! Therefore, he had to take his own steps and walked towards the hall below, after he was ready to enjoy his hearty free meal here, he went out to stroll around, and then think of other ways.
"Mr. Colson!"
"Are you finally down? Come here, please, I'll leave you a hurry up position, you will love it!!"
When Coleson just walked step by step from the revolving wooden staircase to the lobby on the first floor, the tavern maid who wanted to hook him last night, with a full chest, ran over from the other side eagerly , And led him to a table that was so polished and lightly patina.
"Dear sir, may I ask, what would you like to drink?"
After guiding Coleson to do it, the waitress in the tavern entertained again.
After all, she really likes the neatly dressed, neat and white outsider in front of her! In the eyes of her maid with fierce eyes, the other party must be a great noble in a country other than Bilgewater!
This is what she can see from the other's clean hair, skin, bow tie and fingers, etc. It is very different from any Bilgewater, and stronger than any smelly captain or gangster. Boss, therefore, this kind of thing definitely can't deceive her.
Although she didn't know why the other party came to the dangerous Bilgewater alone, but that did not prevent her from getting close to each other first, taking advantage of the other party's advantages, and trying to make more money from the other party!
"No need! Bring my breakfast first, I want to be quiet first..."
Drinking or something, it costs money!
Therefore, Coleson, who is now in his pocket, wants nothing, and dare not want it, except for the free breakfast he got because of his accommodation! And what the over-enthusiastic tavern maid beside him was thinking about, he naturally knew a thing or two, but now he was full of other things in his mind, but he was not interested in having some super friendship with an alien!
"Okay, please wait?"
After some faintly stared at the other party, the maid talked and left quietly.
With a sigh, Coleson finally had time to scan around, and began to silently observe those sailors, crew members, or bizarre Bilgewaters in different clothes, similar to those of the Earth's medieval sailing era.
He was still on a long table in this tavern, and saw the huge monster with a bull's head? At this time, they were eating and drinking in the tavern in such a grand manner, discussing something with the humans or their kinsmen, and they didn't attract the attention of too many alcoholics? !
"Sir, those are the gladiators of the Tauren from the majestic barrier mountain range of Noxus. If it is not necessary, please don't provoke them easily?"
At this time, the previous tavern maid brought Coleson's breakfast. After putting the plate of thick soup, sea animal meat and pasta on the table, she gently reminded her in her ear. , He threw a wink and twisted his waist and left.
In the end how to do?
While eating his own things silently, while watching the surrounding area, Coleson is now a little troubled...
Because he found that the current him, in this strange, medieval seaport city, is almost a black eye! Without a lot of internal, field and intelligence support, he wanted to find an unknown little girl in this chaotic city with at least tens of thousands of people. It was simply impossible!
But anyway, since I have come here, since I can't go back, then, apart from calming down, Coleson is ready to stay here and stay here, protecting himself and trying his best to find the little ones. He had no better way other than that guy Annie.
"Excuse me, can I sit here?"
Just as Coleson was eating and thinking about everything, he suddenly discovered that a young strange woman with red hair had walked straight to him, and then sat down without waiting for his consent. When I reached the opposite side of my table, holding the full glass of ale, I looked at myself with a smile.
"Madam... what do you do?"
Looking at the red-haired woman in a white captain's suit and captain's hat in front of him, Coleson was quite sure that he certainly didn't know each other himself, it was definitely the first time he saw it!
Therefore, he didn't understand that this woman didn't sit in a lot of empty seats around, but she just came in front of her. What's the plan? !
"Quick Gunner Coleson, he killed Captain Lao Chu and his three men in a one-to-four situation last night, and now the bounty list is worth a hundred gold sea monsters, and he squeezed out the original ranking. The fifth pirate captain say, Mr. Colson, what am I going to do with you?"
However, after the red-haired woman took off her hat, revealing her red hair and delicate face, she ignored the other party's inquiry, but smiled and stared at it with a hint of joking and inexplicable eyes. The other's eyes.
Originally, she wanted to slowly integrate the people of the three big gangs after she killed Planck, but how could she think that last night, this "quick shooter" who didn't know where he appeared, unexpectedly Killed Captain Lao Chu and his three most core subordinates and just broke a big gang to pieces?
So, before the stranger who dared to live in the hotel after the murder and robbery was not found and killed by the old blows, she came here first, wanting to have a good chat with each other...
Quick shooter? Bounty list? A hundred golden sea monsters? !
"Sorry, ma'am, I don't know what you are talking about..."
Coleson was shocked, and discovered that the strange woman in front of him could tell what he did last night, he subconsciously retracted his right hand under the table, and slowly put it on himself. The waist.
"Your Excellency Quick Gunner, do you want to draw a gun at me too?"
The red-haired woman still looked at Coleson with a smile, and at the same time motioned her to look under the table with her red lips.
When Coleson aimed at the bottom of the table in the direction indicated by the opponent, he only saw that the opponent did not know when he pointed a scary-calibre pistol at his own stomach. He knew that once the opponent fired a gun, he would definitely not survive!
Because he didn't wear any bulletproof vests on his body, nor did he carry high-tech equipment that can produce ion shields! !
"Madam, what do you want?!"
After calming down, Coleson finally sighed and put his right hand back on the table.
If he had known that this would be the situation before him, he should have brought some more safety equipment and weapons before leaving the plane of the Bear Shield branch, otherwise, it would not be this bad situation now. Up.
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