Chapter 111: Oil extraction

After defruiting, the oil palm fruit needs to be mashed to separate the flesh and kernels. The oil extracted from the pulp is palm oil and the oil extracted from the kernels is palm kernel oil.
The white pillow made a simple mortar to crush the oil palm fruit, and Huamu was responsible for separating the crushed pulp from the nuts. Palm kernel oil is more troublesome to make, and it is of little significance at the moment, so only the pulp part is taken for now.
The two spent two days completing this part, and the materials for making the pancake were also selected. The dried banana leaves plus palm leaves are the best, and can withstand great impact.
Before squeezing the oil, the mashed flesh needs to be steamed for an hour. After being baked, it is wrapped into oil cake while being hot and put into the oil tank. For the first time, the two made five pancakes, adding up to almost ten kilograms.
It's steaming and cooking, thumping and carrying, the white pillow didn't feel much, Hua Mu was tired enough. Although she was no longer a slender and weak noble lady after eight months, this kind of high-intensity hard work was still too much for her.
As soon as the pancake was loaded, she slumped directly on the recliner. The white pillow opened a coconut for her, pounding her back and rubbing her legs. It took a while for her to slow down.
"too tired……"
Hua Mu finished the coconut juice in one breath and sighed heavily.
"You have a good rest next, I'll do it."
Adding it is squeezing oil, and Hua Mu could have done little to help.
"The working people in the past are really hard. My waist is almost broken."
"The main thing is that there are only two of us. At the beginning, there were common machines in the villages and homes. Like edible oil, they generally work uniformly and distribute according to work. It is much faster than this."
Although Hua Mu knew that the Black Hittites were primitive, they did not expect it to be so primitive.
"Have you participated in these since you were young? I remember you said you were only twelve when you came to Tarifa."
"If there are adults in the family, the average child does not need to participate in the labor in these villages. But ..."
But of course Hua Mu knows that White Pillow is an orphan. No one can go if she doesn't go to the house, and naturally she can't allocate anything.
She was a little bit distressed, and she felt the pain in the white pillow. She took her hand and didn't know what to say.
Bai Zhen smiled a bit, and in turn comforted: "In fact, you don't go or you don't get anything. There are public goods in the village ... It can be regarded as a kind of fund. It will provide some help for families in the village who have lost their strong years. But I I grew up faster since I was a child, and since I can support myself, I should not take up this part of my resources again. "
Hua Mu recalled her twelve-year-old ... No, she hadn't suffered much in the past 18 years before this disaster.
"The original book tells the truth, saying that your black pupils are closer to a state of communism because of primitives. But what I cannot understand is why you have been living in the rain forest and are not willing to come out? A relocation plan has been proposed in 2014, and the conditions given are very favorable even now. "
After entering the tower, Bai Zhen did not think about such a problem. Compared with the outside world, He Nan Rain Forest is completely like another world. Because of such doubts, she also checked some history.
"Actually, it wasn't that the Black Hittites agreed to relocate, and some people did integrate into the outside world. But ..." White Pillow pointed at his own eyes, "Miss, you may not know, my appearance is actually not It is not a typical image of the black pupil, but because I do have dark pupil colors, the clan accepted me very easily. From the perspective of the black pupil, the black eyes are the channel for the gods to observe the world, and the black pupil He is the spokesperson of the gods, so black pupils are more important than anything. However, even if the black pupils who have moved to the outside world do not intermarry with other clans, the offspring will soon appear to have a pale pupil. And it seems that it is a curse. The physical condition of the offspring whose color is faded is often very bad, and the mortality rate is high. However, the offspring who are intermarried with other races can grow up healthily. "
"Those who wish to maintain their bloodline eventually returned to the Henan rainforest, while those who intermarried with other people stayed outside, and gradually no longer retain the characteristics of the black pupil, fully integrated into modern life."
Although Hua Mu had learned the knowledge of the black pupils because of the white pillow, it was the first time he heard such a secret.
"What's so strange? Can't it be explained scientifically?"
"Some scholars have tried to give explanations, such as research on diet, climate, and genetic diseases. It is only that the black pupils have thought that they have angered the gods through the original things, so few people are willing to cooperate with the research. Of course the result is It ’s gone. "
Huamu has lived in a civilized society since she was a child, and her education has made her have no racial prejudice, so it is difficult to understand the choice of the black pupil. However, the way of living was originally a personal freedom. Hua Mu's only luck was that the White Pillow awakened for the sentry.
"Fortunately, we are not of the same race, otherwise it would be terrible for the baby to be unhealthy. But the eyes can't be as bad as you are, how beautiful the black eyes are."
Hua Mu said naturally, but the white pillow was completely stunned.
The conception rate of sentinels and guides is originally lower than that of ordinary people. Although there is a possibility of conception between the same under the influence of the mental body, the probability is lower, and it often takes a long time to successfully conceive.
White pillow seems to be indulgent these days, but in fact there has always been the possibility of avoiding such things. Regardless of short-term or long-term considerations, she does not think it is a good thing to get Huamu pregnant.
If she can, she doesn't want future generations.
"Miss ..."
Probably because Hua Mu was still young, she always felt that the offspring was still far away from the two, so she never discussed this matter.
Hua Mu looked at the white pillow and froze, only to realize that she was very unreserved in saying this.
"Cough cough, I will just talk about it, oh, you can squeeze the oil, so as not to get cold later."
White Pillow didn't know how to speak, and finally didn't say what he thought.
Hua Mu looked at the white pillow and turned to be busy. She couldn't help but covered her face, almost ashamed to roll.
How long have the two talents been together, why did they suddenly talk about the topic of children?
Why do we blame the white pillow, why talk about future generations!
Ah, but, since both are equivalent to getting married, isn't it normal to have children? She didn't know anything else. The same sentinels and guides could have offspring, but they knew very well.
Although she is still a little younger now, it is not convenient to get pregnant on the island, but isn't it still in the future? It's too late to think about it, she mustn't think about it early!
Hua Mu did a good job of psychological construction to suppress the shame. When he looked up again, he saw that the white pillow was inserting the wedge into the gap between the wooden blocks.
Five oil cakes are placed side by side in the oil tank, and a wooden block is stuffed on one side of the oil cake.
Raw materials such as rapeseed have the steps of drying and frying, and the more pure oil is usually squeezed out. However, oil palm fruit is not suitable for this process. After boiled and crushed, the fruit still contains a lot of water, and the oil-water mixture is extracted.
Hua Mu looked at the busy back of White Pillow and began to run away delusionally.
After making sure that the wedge was inserted into the gap and would not fall out, the sentry walked over to the striker and tried the angle and force. The bumper hits the wedge and makes a loud noise, and Hua Mu's heart sways.
Everything is ready, and White Pillow has officially started.
The sentinel is tall and well-built, and the lean muscles on his arms and back are clearly visible due to the force.
Hua Mu deeply experienced the power of those arms and felt the strength of the waist many times.
Hitting the wood in the shaking of the white pillow, it hit the wedge again and again, and the triangle wedge soon began to gradually embed into the gap between the wood blocks. The narrow gap is gradually opened by the wedge, but the wood blocks are getting closer and closer, gradually pressing on the oil cake.
Once, twice ... After about dozens of impacts, orange-red juice began to ooze clearly around the pancake. The viscous juice became more and more due to the uninterrupted impact, and began to drip from the gap under the oil tank.
The dripping oil converges on the inclined oil tank below the oil tank, and slowly flows into the crock.
This kind of work is obviously not difficult for White Pillow. Hua Mu saw that she didn't even breathe. After embedding a wedge completely into the gap, she changed positions and continued to work.
The oil-water mixed liquid is continuously squeezed out of the oil cake, with obvious heat. Because palm oil has a high melting point, it must be squeezed while the fruit is still hot.
Because the gap is getting smaller and smaller, the movement of the white pillow has to be more and more rapid, and the force of the striker striking the wedge is getting larger and larger.
Hua Mu listened to the crash and couldn't help being envious.
Is this wedge too happy?
Can be hit by the white pillow like this, except she can only have these pieces of wood. The white pillow is also true, squeezing oil is so and sexy, how can she hold it!
It wasn't until the wedge could really be inserted that the sentry finally stopped working. The crock has been installed in most of the tanks, and the oil and water also show obvious stratification due to cooling. The top layer of floating oil is an orange-red solid-liquid mixture.
This tank of oil-water mixture also needs to be heated and boiled. After standing, wait for the oil, water and impurities to stratify before pouring out the upper oil layer. The resulting oil layer should be heated again, and no real palm crude oil is considered until there are no more bubbles in it, and the next step of separation can be entered.
The main thing White Pillow wants to experiment with is the time required for each step.
Hua Mu saw that the white pillow was finally finished, and she hurriedly shouted at her: "White pillow!"
"What's wrong, Miss?"
White Pillow did a whole job, and the haze caused by the previous conversation had disappeared.
Hua Mu squeezed a bit, in the end did not defeat desire.
"Cough cough, I, I am tired, want to take a nap."
The white pillow raised his eyebrows, "Do I need to take you back?"
Hua Mu immediately opened his arms, "You sleep with me."
The author has something to say: just squeeze the oil.
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