Chapter 112: Unknown creature

The squeezed oil-water mixture is separated by boiling twice, and the impurities are removed to proceed to the next fractional crystallization. There are several ways to separate and crystallize palm oil. Among them, the dry extraction method does not add any chemical reagents, but only purifies palm oil by controlling the temperature.
Fortunately, the ability of the white pillow happens to be related to temperature control.
The essence of Hati's freezing ability is to absorb heat and accurately control the temperature changes under proper control. At first, the main reason why the white pillow rarely used the freezing ability was that it left a psychological shadow in the elevator, and the other was that it could not control it well.
White Pillow's ability to control the spiritual body is perfect, even compared to some experienced veterans, and she has never been able to handle this special skill.
Tazhong has always been very interested in the ability of White Pillow, because this is the first intuitive case of energy exchange between dimensions. The appearance of sentinels and guides once shaken the scientific system that has developed for many years, because many times the appearance of their capabilities violates many laws.
The collapse of the scientific system almost meant the collapse of the civilized system. Scientists eager to find an exit finally accepted the theory of high-dimensional interference.
According to the second law of thermodynamics, energy does not spontaneously lead from a low-temperature object to a high-temperature object, that is to say, the white pillow releases the freezing skill must consume energy, and the energy mentioned here is what is called mental power.
In fact, although the spiritual power is the conventional name in the sentinel circle, the researchers are more willing to call it the high-dimensional interference force or the spatial distortion dimension. Because there is no conclusion so far, the names are also various.
Due to the various capabilities of sentinels and guides, many of them are mysterious and mysterious, making it difficult to study as a benchmark. The appearance of the white pillow undoubtedly opened the door for researchers to explore. The ability to use energy loss or entropy to convert mental power has a huge impetus for the basic research of sentinel essence.
Of course, for today's White Pillow, none of this matters. To this day, her abilities finally really have their place.
After combining with Huamu, Baizhu clearly felt the improvement of ability, and gradually began to understand the reason why she could not control this ability-she did not know the nature of freezing ability.
To make a rough analogy, the white pillow in the past could use an oil press, but did not understand the principle of oil pressing, only knowing that hitting the bumper towards the wedge, oil and water would appear in the bucket. As for what angle and strength to use, she did not understand. Although Hattie obeyed her, he did not show himself.
Nowadays, the white pillow can not only use the oil press, but also understand the principle of the oil press, and can also modify it according to the actual situation, making it more convenient and labor-saving to use. Although she still can't express its essence very well-after all, she devoted herself to the research of the sentinel course, but she can already control it freely.
Once Hati released the skill, almost every time it will cause a freezing effect, which is also the source of the name of the skill. Now, she can completely reduce the temperature of the object by only a few degrees.
Even the white pillow has faintly felt that it is very likely that he can also release heat. Although the name "Ice Wolf" is not true to a certain extent, no one would care about it.
The dry fractionation of palm oil is actually to repeatedly raise and lower the temperature of the oil and filter to separate the hard and soft fats. The melting point of stearin palm oil is higher than about 33 ℃, generally solid at room temperature, the melting point of soft fat is around 24 ℃, liquid at room temperature, only the latter is suitable for cooking oil.
This process requires trial and error, and it is very demanding for the users of the sentry skills, not to mention the precise temperature control, but to say that the slow release for a long time is enough to make any sentry stunned.
If put in the past, White Pillow didn't have a little confidence to complete this task. But now, she doesn't even need to rest-except for the strong request of Huamu to do a "right thing".
It took another two days for the palm oil to be finally released. After removing all kinds of moisture, impurities, stearin and loss from the ten-kilogram oil cake, it finally obtained less than two hundred grams of cooking oil, which took a whole week.
Looking at the little oil in the glass bottle, Hua Mu didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh. It's too difficult, just for this little bottle of things, two people spent a lot of manpower and material resources. If it weren't for the white pillow, it might take more time.
At this time, she really missed the civilized society deeply.
Seeing her complex expression, Bai Zhen said comfortingly: "Miss, although there is not much oil, but there are many by-products, the wooden house can also start processing. The result is still good. After I am skilled, I can increase the output and shorten the time , Looking for other raw materials, will soon be worried about cooking oil. "
Hua Mu also knows that this result is not bad, but distressed white pillow. What she can do for the sentinel is a lot of money, and she has to bear the burden of hardship and tiredness.
"Very good," but after being so busy for a long time, I shouldn't say anything discouraged at this time. Hua Muzhen cheered up and smiled, "It's going to be a New Year soon, I can just use these oils to make something delicious. Yes. By the way, the wine is almost gone. You need to go inside and get some more. "
Before putting it, Hua Mu took it by himself. But after that, she was really a little afraid to enter the cave now.
"I'll just pick it up, and just put what I got this time."
The food piled up in the cave is basically food. Because of the increased capacity of the white pillow, there is already room for setting up an ice cellar. Every day, she puts several buckets of water into the cave, and the cave has become a semi-natural freezer.
Although the white pillow is very strong, Hua Mu is still not at ease.
"I will go with you."
Luna is not very useful, but you can see the ugly little thing anyway.
Bai Zhen thought for a moment and agreed.
The two had already cleaned the cave and not only added new shelves, but also added lighting fixtures on the wall. The ring for inserting torches, the platform for placing candles, and the small lamp that can light oil lamps are fully considered.
The by-products extracted this time are grease that can be used as fuel, which can be used for lighting.
There are two racks in total, the length and width are about two meters, and the thickness is fifty centimeters, divided into four layers. One is used to store food and the other is used to store items. And like the materials and candles found before, the white pillow has moved into the hut.
The racks stand on the left and right on both sides, and then there is a road cave that shrinks like a bottleneck, and the narrowest point is less than one meter eight meters high and half a meter wide. After this narrow mouth, inside is the wine cellar.
The cellar temperature is very low, about a dozen degrees. Probably because of the previous experience, Hua Mu was very nervous this time, pulling the hand of the white pillow tightly all the way, and even couldn't help shivering when he entered the wine cellar.
"Meow ~"
For security reasons, she not only summoned Luna, but also particularly kindly called the sleeping grain reserve, which was considered well prepared.
Seeing her fear, White Pillow simply put her in her arms.
"It's okay, I don't feel any problem for the time being. Your previous experience here is not necessarily related to that thing."
With white pillows, Hua Mu certainly feels at ease.
"Hmm ... we'll get the bar quickly, this time.
The wine in the cellar has been cleaned once before, and the rest are kept intact. The large and small bottles are roughly a few hundred kilograms, and even some of them have been damaged, which is more than enough for two people who do not drink too much.
Hua Mu speculates that the people who landed on the island were a drunkard and a smoker, otherwise how could they make so much alcohol and make their own tobacco? To know that brewing is a waste of food, she has no plans at all.
"It should be enough for cooking," White Pillow directly hugged a wine jar of about ten kilograms. "Do you have any wine you want to drink? You didn't seem to like the mead last time."
Hua Mu had a drink on that day, but hadn't touched it afterwards, and poured it to the white pillow. The little Sentinel has a more amazing charm, more wild and more interesting, she likes it very much.
"I don't like drinking alcohol, it just looks good. Um ... but take a bottle, I think you like it very much."
In the past, White Pillow seldom touched alcoholic beverages to perform tasks, but this did not mean that she had a bad drink. On the contrary, she had a good tolerance for alcohol.
"Okay, then you pick a bottle." What's more, Huamu is now pouring wine for her. As long as it is prepared by the lady, she can eat everything.
Hua Mu completely lost his sense of nervousness because of the picture of Wei Sentinel in his head. He bent down to pick the wine carefully, thinking that he could make a "drinking wine" at night.
"This blue bottle looks delicious, it needs this ..."
"Woo woo hoo!"
When Hua Mu mentioned a glass bottle of about 500 milliliters, the reserve grain that had been in her arms suddenly screamed. At the same time, Hati, who had been hiding in the dark, suddenly jumped out, blocking In front of Hua Mu.
Hua Mu was startled, and the bottle in his hand almost fell to the ground. It was hard to catch on in a hurry, the reserve grain had jumped from her arms, and stood at the feet of Hati-as if knowing that there was such a giant wolf around.
"Hoo!" Hatti made a threatening sound, but Luna still had no sense of crisis and walked calmly towards the confrontation between the two beasts.
Hua Mu reflected Luna's perspective reflectively, and she saw the spirit body at the junction of fire and darkness.
"It's it!"
The white pillow had already protected Hua Mu behind her, and she frowned when she heard her voice.
"Is that the last spiritual body?"
"Um ... should be."
At first glance, Hua Mu determined that it was the last creature, but then he was a little uncertain, because the mental body was obviously smaller than last time.
"Yeah, it's getting smaller." Hua Mu gestured. "It used to be as big as a seabird, but now it's a little bigger than the reserve grain. It looks weird."
Not only the size, but the state of the mental body does not look very good either, it looks like it is dying.
The author has something to say: Well, it ’s true to make a meal.
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