Chapter 22: Period

Huamu had a good night's sleep. When he woke up, the sun was rising from the sea level. Bai Zhen didn't know when she had got up. She walked out of the shelter and saw her at the beach. The morning sun illuminates the sky, the sea fog is gradually dissipating, and the morning air is slightly cold.
Hua Mu exhaled a white breath.
This was one of the best nights she had rested after arriving on the island. Even the discomfort during the menstrual period was not so exaggerated.
The white pillow was squatting on the beach far away from what was busy, and Hua Mu only saw the beach when I didn't know when it was covered with a lot of transparent plastic film. The sentry seems to be collecting dew above, and moves very carefully.
Hua Mu didn't stand for a while and found her on the white pillow, and ran to her with a bottle of water.
"Miss, are you awake?"
"Huh ..." Hua Mu hurried to the toilet, and had no time to care about the source of these plastic films. He nodded indiscriminately, and looked at the ready-made simple sanitary napkins hanging beside the fire and asked: "I want to go Toilets, can those be used? "
"It's okay."
White Pillow carefully took down one and handed it to her.
The fabric was hot and roasted by the fire, and it seemed that the whole person warmed up. Hua Mu suddenly noticed that his stomach was not very painful, and it was much better than the dead state.
"You can have breakfast when you come back, and drink Kun Cao Tang. Replace it ... uh, don't throw it, just leave it there, I'll wash it later."
Hua Mu is thinking about whether this is the result of increased endurance after he fell into distress or the efficacy of the white pillow's herbal medicine. The result was once more stunned by the other party's remarks!
She is more attached to this handkerchief! ! !
"Just, you just want it?"
White Pillow rightfully said: "This is reusable, you can rest assured that I will wash it clean."
Wash a ghost! Reuse it? She has seven ehs, and changing one physiology period every day is almost over. She will go back to civilized society in more than ten days, this kind of ghost thing will use this time in her life!
Hua Mu didn't want to promise her, but when she thought she could pick up the handkerchief once, then of course she could pick it up a second time-after all, the sentry was a good hand to find things, and finally she obeyed her instructions.
Anyway, she won't go to watch it, and she won't use it again afterwards. Seeing it is pure, just how to toss this guy!
White Pillow didn't know that she was being slapped by Missy again, and carefully put away several other articles. Of course, on the one hand, she hopes that rescue will come soon, and she also hopes that Huamu will not suffer these crimes again, but on the other hand, she is more worried because of the exploration of the waters around the island and has to make worse plans.
Considering that search and rescue will take time, two people are likely to spend more than two months on the island. At that time, these things are still essential.
When Hua Mu came back, the white pillow had collected the dew. There was almost a bottle. The water in the coconut shell was already hot. There were a few leaves floating inside.
Hua Mu observed the plastic film on the beach while drinking, and asked strangely, "What is this? Where did you find these? "
The breakfast was ready, and the white pillow cut some coconut and banana for her.
"This is a rain cover. I found it on a boat yesterday."
Although it is called cloth, it is made of pvc plastic film, which has high transparency. In addition to collecting dew on the morning, it can also collect water vapor by the transpiration of the sun during the day.
Hua Mu frowned, thinking something was wrong. No wonder she spent so long yesterday catching fish and dragged a heavy roll back.
"Did you find it while grabbing dinner? Why did you grab dinner on board?"
She knew that White Pillow had a cautious personality, especially with a strong purpose, and she was definitely not someone who would risk taking temptation. If it's said that I occasionally saw a washbasin while catching a fish, it might be possible to pick it up, but a boat? She would never risk exploring inside.
Unless, her purpose at the beginning was to find things.
White pillows rarely lie, especially when faced with Hua Mu.
"Are you specifically looking for these?"
As smart as Missy, she can't hide it.
"Um ... I, I think the freshwater problem will be solved in this way for the time being."
Insurance a ghost!
In order to take risks with this bottle of water every day, God knows which wrecks are inhabited by something.
"It's just a bottle of dew ..."
She mumbled, wondering whether she wanted to care about her or blame her, and was a little annoyed when she spoke. This remark is really unpleasant and shocking.
The white pillow didn't seem to be hit, and was even a little bit happy.
"Miss, there is more than one bottle, you can collect dew in the morning, you can collect water vapor during the day, just put a container underneath."
Hua Mu discovered that the film was not flat on the beach, but was pressed on top of the sandpit. These rain covers were cut to about one square meter, with the edges buried in sand, a stone in the middle, and half a coconut shell directly underneath.
This uses sunlight to directly collect water vapor, which is slower, but neither consumes fuel nor takes care of it often. And White Pillow apparently found a large roll of rain cloth, which can be used to win.
Hua Mu suddenly realized that the other party took the risk to do this because it was not smooth to make that distillation device yesterday. Also thinking about collecting water vapor, but White Pillow obviously did much better than her.
Hua Mu was a little moved, a little irritable, and a little unwilling.
Is she really just a burden?
Seeing Hua Mu on the white pillow, her face was contemplative, but she didn't eat a bite for breakfast, and she felt a little drum.
"Miss, are you hungry?"
Huamu is naturally hungry. She glanced at the white pillow and mechanically stuffed the fruit into her mouth. The smooth and full-bodied coconut fruit smoothed her melancholy a little, and the smooth and smooth bananas gave her a sense of well-being-it was so lucky to have sweets during the menstrual period.
What's wrong?
"No, where did the banana come from?"
She remembered that she didn't have it yesterday! The two people picked only the green lemon, and the other few lotus mists had already been eaten.
Seeing that she was willing to eat, Bai Zhen spread her eyebrows slightly, and put a few dates on her hand while saying: "I found that when I went to pick coconuts in the morning, not all were infested. Miss, you have some dates , Very sweet. "
Probably because of her physiology, there was no seafood at breakfast, and even the coconut milk was simmering hot.
Hua Mu suddenly lost his appetite.
How long did this guy sleep?
"When did you get up in the morning?" Not to mention picking the fruit for the time being, but only to say that the vast project on the beach will definitely not be completed in a short time. She also collected dew in the morning, and the rain cloth had to be spread at least last night. But she pulled the white pillow to bed early last night, and the only possibility is that she got up halfway to continue working.
No, maybe not at all, but she started working shortly after she fell asleep last night.
"Fortunately, not very early."
con man!
Hua Mu only felt so angry and angry, but her temper could not be sent out as usual, she never knew how silly this sentry was.
But she also thinks she is very strange. The sentinel puts her first, and her destiny is supposed to make her happy. Why does she always feel indepressible in her heart?
Under such circumstances, her safety and survival depended entirely on the sentinel loyalty of the sentry, and she was dissatisfied with this excessive loyalty.
What is wrong with her?
"Miss, what's wrong? Is it a stomachache or an appetite?"
White pillow looked at her worriedly.
Hua Mu shook his head, took a few bites in silence, and finally handed the fruit to her.
"I can't eat any more, you can eat it."
"Then let it go first, you want to eat it later ..."
Hua Mu couldn't help but pick up a date palm and put it in the mouth of the white pillow. "Let you eat, eat it, so much nonsense."
The white pillow was covered with palm dates, and his face was flushed, and it took a while to chew slowly.
Date palm is very sweet.
Hua Mu was satisfied, and handed over the rest of the fruit to her, "Hurry up and eat, and sleep with me for a while."
She just looked at the time just before seven o'clock, and even if she slept for another two hours, the time was still abundant.
Even if White Pillow doesn't go to the water source, he has to do a lot of things every day. In order to maintain the burning of several fires, at least a dozen kilograms of dry firewood is needed every day. If it was not the beginning of the period because there was no trouble with fresh water resources, a lot of hoarding, there may not be much time to do other things in these two days.
In addition to dry wood, the two people also need to prepare white pillows for three meals a day, plus some other miscellaneous things, Hua Mu helped her rough calculation, only a day or five or six hours of rest time.
But the sentry didn't take a good rest for five or six hours, and kept alert at all times-Hua Mu could not look down anymore.
Oh, first of all, she is not a distressed sentinel, but she feels that the white pillow is too stupid to die, and she will not be able to survive.
White Pillow is quick to eat, of course, not only to eat, she is agile and quick to do anything. Although Sentinel was originally a group with the highest efficiency, Hua Mu has also seen many other sentinels. A white pillow like this who completely abandons hedonism can't find the second one except her.
Hua Mu brushed her teeth, saw her finish eating in two or three, and asked her to put her toothbrush again, then stood up silently and went to the shelter. White Pillow hesitated, and finally followed her like a young wife.
"Lie down."
The haystack is still the haystack. Although the white pillow brings some fresh hay back every day to increase her thickness, it is still only about one meter wide.
The white pillow is only for Hua Mu, it is too much for a person to sleep uncomfortably, lie down and prepare to serve as a human-shaped pillow for Miss Lady again.
At dawn, Hua Mu was not as stiff as at night, and hesitated for a while before lying down beside the white pillow. She is actually not sleepy, but the laziness of her physiology does make her want to stay in bed. Now there is no bed, only a white pillow top, but she can't lie on her like before.
Too shameful and too intimate.
"Miss?" White Pillow saw Huamu shrinking her body to sleep, obviously not very comfortable, caring, "Are you uncomfortable sleeping like this? Or was it like last night ..."
Mother, is this the silly sentinel who has no interest? We all know to seek benefits for ourselves! She must have been lying comfortably!
Hua Mu lied up on her stomach.
"Close your eyes, close your mouth, and sleep!"
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: She must have been very comfortable on my stomach!
White pillow: Um ...
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