Chapter 23: Head north

For several days, White Pillow was asked to accompany her to sleep and sleep until the end of Huamu's physiological period. She didn't go to the water source exclusively for five days.
Bai Zhen felt that the young lady at this time was like a sticky kitten. Although she would scratch people's paws when she was upset, she was still extremely pitiful.
The fresh water collected by the rain cover, the fresh water distilled from the sea water and the fruit barely maintained the consumption of these two people these days. However, the rain is still not coming, and the rescue boats are nowhere to be seen.
Although Hua Mu tried to keep his body clean, he couldn't bear it anymore. Her body not only needs to be wiped, but also needs a lot of clean water-Huamu decided to go with the white pillow to find the water source on the north side of the island.
White Pillow wanted to take a break these days, even if she didn't use the small white film, her spirit is still good today. In fact, she had wanted to go to the north for a long time, but she was not at ease-after all, physiological girls are more vulnerable, and the smell may also provoke some wild animals.
The two got up early that day, and after collecting the dew, they took all the fresh water with them.
Because of the flowers and the insurance, White Pillow chose to go around the beach. The physical strength of mountain climbing and the risk of exploring in the rain forest are much higher than the beach, and it is more difficult to obtain food.
The two first arrived in the coconut grove found last time and picked some fruits before actually embarking on the journey.
The coastline is long on the east side, and the white sand beach is connected with the turquoise water, as if you can't see the end. Hua Mu started walking for a while, but it didn't take long for him. The beach is not much easier to walk than the rainforest, and her pair of tattered slippers did not last long before she declared her life was over.
Even though she tried to walk along the rainforest as much as possible, the hot sun still made her skin ache. Finally, she was carrying her on the white pillow, and she was wearing her coat so that the speed of the two of them could be increased.
The two did not simply rush to the road, and occasionally went into the rainforest to check. After all, the purpose was to find the water source, and wherever there was water, it was harvested. It is a pity that there are many puddles and swamps, but the clean stream is missing.
For this reason, the two walked only three kilometers along the coast in the morning, and were finally stopped by a mangrove forest.
This is a mangrove forest of no small size, and there is no end in sight. Surrounded by many silver leaf trees, pandanus, and hibiscus, the dense aerial roots and muddy sandy beaches underneath make people impassable.
The mangrove forest extends dozens of meters to the sea, and some trees grow almost directly in the sea.
This location is already located in the east of the mountain. If there is no accident, just bypass this mangrove and you can reach the north of the island.
Bai Zhen did n’t try to go around the foot of the mountain when she explored before, but that part of the rainforest area was very difficult to walk. There was a large swamp in the middle. She smelled a very bad smell, so she did n’t turn the road halfway. As a consideration.
Hua Mu looked at this mangrove forest a little ignorantly, and hesitatedly asked for a while: "Can we ... have a way to go?"
Rather than passing through the mangrove forest, it is better to bypass the sea, but the white pillow cannot estimate the area of ​​this forest, and it is dangerous to walk rashly from the sea.
"Miss, let's have lunch first. After you rest, I'll go find the way."
Hua Mu did feel a little hungry, and he obeyed White Pillow's advice.
The island is rich in resources, and the two have never thought about storing grain. After all, whether it is fruit or seafood, it can't be stored for too long in this weather. Both of them basically pick up local ingredients and grab and eat now.
Noon lunch depends on this mangrove forest.
Mangroves are dominated by mangrove plants, with many shellfish and hermit crabs benthic. There are many insects and birds in the forest. It is not difficult to find food.
White pillow went to find food, and Hua Mu did not want to be idle this time. Seeing that many trees growing around the mangroves were covered with fruit, she wanted to order some lunch. To be honest, she now eats more seafood and has begun to miss the taste of vegetables and rice. As for fruit, she doesn't get too tired.
White Pillow made a cane for her, of moderate length, with a hook at one end and sharpened at the other end as a weapon. Hua Mu used it very smoothly. She took a cane and tapped on the tree branch, and suddenly the leaves and fruits fell down, and a few seabirds were startled.
Hua Mu quickly pressed the straw hat on his head and covered his blond hair.
White Pillow hadn't gone far. Hearing the movement and asking loudly, "Miss, what happened?"
"It's okay, I'm bored to play, you go to find food, I will call you something."
Hua Mu was afraid that she would be verbose and intended to pass through.
"Then pay attention to safety and don't get too close to the mangrove forest."
"I know. I know."
Hua Mu said that he picked up a pineapple-like fruit with the handle of his cane again, imagining its sweet and sour taste, and could not help swallowing. Although I don't know what I can eat and what I can't eat, it's all right to fall down first.
She was happily banging, and had a sense of self-satisfaction and satisfaction. She didn't notice that a creature was watching her every move in a cave at the foot of the pandanus.
Acting in the mangrove forest is more troublesome than in the tropical rainforest. The white pillows dare not walk barefoot, and a pair of military boots almost fell into the mud several times. She didn't leave too far, and after catching more than a dozen Corydalis hermit crabs and a few Wutang snakeheads, she was ready to go back.
As long as she didn't take a few steps, Huamu's scream came from her ear.
The white pillow nerve tightened, and the ice wolf suddenly appeared behind him. Although the five senses of the sentinel in the normal state are already very strong, they are still not the same as the physical body and the senses according to the state of the spirit.
The white pillow hurried towards the mangrove forest, and the place was messy. The aerial roots and the trunk were shattered and shattered, and she took half an hour to walk back in less than two minutes.
Hua Mu screamed and hopped, waving a cane in his hand and occasionally hitting on the blue-violet "rock" in front of her, making a crackling sound.
"White pillow, white pillow!"
White pillow rushed to her and kicked the crustacean more than half a meter long, and then hugged Hua Mu.
"It's okay, Missy, it's okay!"
Hua Mu's horror was undecided, and he slammed on the white pillow.
"There is such a big monster!"
White Pillow had already recognized what a creature was kicked by.
"It's not a monster, it's not a monster, it's a hermit crab, don't be afraid, Miss."
Hua Mu didn't believe it, "You lie to ghosts! How can there be such a big hermit crab!"
If she were not agile, her ankle might have been cut off!
"That's coconut crab, it's all right, really, it's dead."
The strength of the sentry's foot is not light, Rao is a hermit crab shell no matter how hard, and the head has been smashed. If it weren't for White Pillow to immediately judge its poor danger and use it as a food source, I'm afraid even the body would be gone.
"Coconut crab?"
Huamu has never seen a live coconut crab, but she has eaten it!
It's delicious.
The temptation of food finally made Hua Mu willing to turn his head to look at the monster.
More than half a meter long-the coconut crab with its rotten head lying pitifully on the beach, the giant claw still pinching slightly, showing the vitality of its just life.
It seems that it is really coconut crab.
Hua Mu hung on the white pillow and recalled the delicious food she had eaten, she could not help swallowing.
"Quick, take me to see." It's just that she still didn't want to come down. After all, she just barely had a foot, but it was true.
The white pillow came out too anxiously, hitting him blue and purple. Hua Mu was so excited that she rubbed her wounds, and the pain caused her to squeeze her lips.
Hua Mu was hugged next to the coconut crab by a white pillow and poked for a while with his cane. When he saw it didn't move, he jumped down. The coconut crab died so thoroughly that Hua Mu wanted to pick it up by himself.
"It's a big one!" She wanted to touch it with her hand. The white pillow stopped her and lifted herself up. "I'm coming, miss."
Hua Mu didn't rob her, let her be a coolie with peace of mind.
"You say how heavy is this crab?"
"There should be seven or eight pounds."
Seven or eight pounds, enough for two people to eat! Although it was killed by the white pillow, she found it!
Hua Mu raised a sense of pride.
"Eat roast crab at noon?"
White Pillow looked at Hua Mu without fear, but instead looked excited and smiled a little.
"it is good."
"Add a few pieces of wild just found, and lemon juice."
"it is good."
Hua Mu's attention was focused on the coconut crab, and she didn't notice the scars on the white pillow for a while. When the excitement passed, she only saw the blue and purple wounds on the bare skin of the other party when the white pillow was about to fire The numbers are countless.
"White pillow! What's wrong with you?"
The white pillow's coat is used for Huamu's shading, and the wound on his body can't be hidden.
"I'm fine, I wiped it a little bit."
Hua Mu didn't care about her at all, and she devoted herself to the coconut crab with a dagger. She was inexplicably bitter and painful.
"Did you hear my cry ..."
White Pillow has always been cautious in her actions, and only ignores her when she is in danger. At first, in order to save her, she almost lost her life and spent three months in the hospital before coming out.
"It's me who is bad, and you are surprised."
Not to mention, she was shocked by a coconut crab, she felt embarrassing herself.
"What a shock! Yes ... I didn't see it clearly."
Hua Mu felt a little annoyed. This time, she was indeed bad, and a false alarm caused White Pillow to be injured. She wanted to care about two sentences, but she didn't say anything at all, and it was a little weird as soon as she exited, as if blaming the other party.
Obviously, when facing other people, she didn't feel awkward.
"Fortunately, your reaction is quick, otherwise you will be seriously injured if attacked by coconut crab."
Coconut crab claws can be embedded in coconuts, the power can be imagined. White Pillow is also afraid for a moment, and regrets putting Hua Mu in such a place.
"But I was not injured ..."
She was obviously injured.
Hua Mu is so angry that every time he wants to do something to prove himself, it is always contrary to wishes.
"I'm fine, just a few days."
Hua Mu glared at her for a while, and finally grumbling: "As you like."
She finally realized what was bothering her.
She was troubled that Bai Zhen didn't take her own body seriously, that she couldn't understand her concern, and that she knew that she still couldn't help it.
The lady of her princely family, the heir to the throne of the empire, why care about a guard!
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: I will be ashamed, and you will go hurt ... How do you feel that I am losing money?
Coconut crabs can grow up to one meter long, and have caught a maximum of six kilograms. Because he can climb coconut trees, he likes to eat coconut meat, and he also eats the fruits of pandanus. It is said that the meat has coconut flavor and tastes like lobster. Although I haven't eaten it, it is already drooling.
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