Chapter 24: Head north

Because the dinner was a coconut crab, the white pillow put all the dozen hermit crabs caught before, and only used the coconut shell to cook the Wutang snake fish soup.
Hua Mu sat sulky for a while, raised his eyes and looked at the scars on the white pillow body, but he couldn't be angry.
She thought she had hurriedly scrambled to find herbs when she crossed the road. How could she not be so serious about herself?
After watching for a while, she finally couldn't hold back and kicked the white pillow with her toes.
"What's wrong, Miss?"
"Aren't you picking the ageratum before? Take care of it yourself later ... Why don't I dare you to carry it like this?"
Bai Zhen thinks that she makes sense, "Okay, I'll make lunch first. Miss, you have some fish soup."
Wutang snakehead is not big, but the meat is very thick, and the soup is delicious. White Pillow only added a little to remove the smell, Hua Mu still feels that her cooking skills have improved greatly.
Hua Mu was drinking fish soup while watching her grill the crab claws, watching him suddenly smashing fruit before thinking of herself.
That was her original purpose!
White pillow watching Huamu suddenly stood up and ran towards the mangrove forest, and hurriedly followed.
"Miss, what are you doing?"
Huamu walked slowly, simply pulling the white pillow to pick it up.
"I hit some fruit. Look at what you can eat."
Before the white pillow, I saw that the leaves and branches fell abnormally, but I didn't expect it to be Hua Mu's masterpiece.
"This looks so cute, can you eat it?"
Huamu picked up a loquat-sized fruit, and the wooden shell was orange-yellow, which looked very pleasant.
White Pillow was startled and quickly flicked the fruit in her hand.
"Miss, haven't you eaten this? This is a sea mango fruit, which is highly toxic."
Hua Mugang was also shocked to hear that there was poisonous poison, and then looked at the white pillow as an idiot, and was a little angry.
"You treat me stupid, I didn't ask you anymore, I didn't know how to eat it before."
Bai Zhen noticed that his tone was too urgent and hurt Hua Mu's heart. He was a little guilty and said: "I'm sorry, miss ... you, wash your hands, this tree is poisonous all over, so don't come close."
Hua Mu duped her mouth, and she was scared not to dare to pick up the fruit herself, let the white pillow come.
"You are awesome, you will see, then pick your own, which ones are edible."
Looking at the white pillow, there are really few foods to eat. In addition to a few begonias, only pandanus can be eaten.
Hua Mu smashed for a long time, and she picked a few to see her, and asked with indecision: "Nothing else?"
White Pillow really didn't want to hurt her heart, but what she couldn't eat could not be eaten.
"Miss, these are enough."
For sentinels, this is already the most euphemistic way of speaking. Hua Mu stomped his feet and went back to eat coconut crab!
Bai Zhen sighed, and after washing the begonia fruit, he cut the pandanus and soaked it in the sea water.
Hua Mu sat with his knees beside the fire, and felt even more depressed. I originally wanted to use this to save my face, but I didn't expect to be more embarrassing. Did she not do anything, and it was the least burden for Bai Zhen?
"Miss, do you eat Begonia fruit?" White Pillow walked over to her and spread some red and bright fruits in front of her. "This is delicious."
Hua Mu was not happy at all, "What about pineapples?"
"Wild pineapples need to be soaked in salt water to be delicious. You should eat this first."
Hua Mu hummed and picked the fruit he picked up and ate it with a click.
Oops, it's sweet and sour and crispy. It's really delicious. It's the fruit she picked.
Seeing her eyebrows spread open, Bai Zhen felt more relaxed, and dragged the grilled crab claws out of the fire while saying: "Miss, you can let me do something later."
Huamu has always been educated to eat, but he has been on the island for half a month. The image of the lady has long disappeared, and she can still talk with things.
"I have my hands and feet, why do you tell me to do it?"
She did not like to listen to this, and felt that the white pillow looked down on herself.
White Pillow actually understands the idea of ​​Huahua. Although the sentry held the eldest lady above him in the bottom of his heart, after all, he had been with him for five years, and he still had some understanding of his personality. Don't look at Hua Mujiaoqi, but her strong heart is very strong. In the past, she was the kind of person who wanted to do the best things. Now she depends on her to survive.
"Miss, I know your ingenuity. No matter what you used to do, you are the best."
It is too rare for the sentry to tout people, Hua Mu listened to the air, and only humbly said: "I don't know how many people because my aunt is the queen who let me."
White Pillow knew it wasn't that much.
"It's not like this. You do things seriously and hard, and the Queen also praises you for being smart and persevering, as long as you make up your mind to succeed no matter what you do."
Oops, to say a little more, she loves to listen.
"But you have too little experience in this area, and the situation in the wild is more complicated. If you want to do it, you can do it, I am just afraid that you will be injured."
Strange, how can this sentry become more and more pleasant?
Hua Mu cleared his throat and stabilized his heartbeat.
"The words are so nice, but I just think I'm in trouble."
"I didn't think so!"
Hua Mu saw her face was anxious, and vanity was greatly satisfied.
Well, she dare!
"Well ... you are right. But you can't just say my problem, are you the same? You think you are very powerful and mess up, every time you get hurt ... Cough, I don't care about you , You know, it ’s my blame when you get hurt last. "
The white pillow was very touched, and the young lady had always been compassionate to her people.
"I understand."
"And, I think it ’s unreasonable for you to say mine. As you said, I do n’t know anything because I have n’t gotten acquainted with it, so I ’ll learn slowly and practice to make it perfect. Do you let me do anything If I do n’t do it, will I improve? "
At this time, Hua Mu didn't expect that he would go back soon, and he was ready to show his fists and feet.
"No, I will pay attention in the future, but you can't let me do anything and treat me like someone."
White Pillow knew that she couldn't tell her, so she didn't say it, and delivered the hot crab claws to her.
The tender white crab meat seemed to exude a coconut fragrance, and Huamu's stomach cried.
"Cough, okay, eat crabs and crabs, there's still something going on in the afternoon."
Coconut crab, so delicious!
After eating and drinking, the next step is to prepare to cross the sea. White Pillow swam to the distance to observe the range of mangroves for a while, and then rest assured.
Less than two kilometers, if she is alone, you can swim in the past. But Huamu does not have such physical strength, she needs to make a simple raft.
You can get materials from the mangroves, but she only has a dagger and saber in her hand, and the progress may be slow.
Fortunately, the two didn't plan to go back and forth one day and brought enough fresh water.
White Pillow made up her mind and was about to swim to the shore. The sudden flow of water in the seawater caught her attention. The water outside the mangroves is not as clear as the coral reefs, and the water depth is deeper. The remnants of the mangroves have raised a lot of plankton, and a large number of fish have followed.
The mental body has a strong sense of danger, almost at the moment when the white pillow feels strange, and the mental totem in her body has responded.
The white pillow plunged into the water, and hurried towards the shore. She could feel that there was a bull shark nearly two meters away who was chasing after less than ten meters behind her.
Sharks generally do not take the initiative to attack humans, but they will treat humans as dangerous in muddy waters. What's more, she still has a smell on her body, which can easily cause a shark's stress response.
She doesn't have much advantage in the sea, and she doesn't want to be entangled with bull sharks. Sharks basically do not eat humans and take a bite at most. Most humans who die in the mouth of a shark are attracted by more sharks after being bitten, and are bitten alive by one bite.
The reason for White Pillow's unwillingness to entangle is here, no matter who is injured, the result will attract more sharks.
Hua Mu looked at Bai Zhenxia under the sea and found her heart was not very stable. At first, she thought that she was worried about the injury on Baizhu's body, until she saw the big fish fin chasing her when she struggled to swim towards the beach.
"White pillow!"
With such a big fin, even Miss Huamu could see that it was not good.
"Shark! You, hurry up, swim faster!"
She jumped her feet anxiously, knowing that she had no effect, and her feet ran into the sea uncontrollably.
White Pillow had originally calculated the distance. As a result, he saw Hua Mu rushing into the sea regardless of it. His heart panicked and his rhythm suddenly became chaotic.
The sentinel's skills have a lot to do with the type of mental body. Like the white-pillowed ice wolf, it is suitable for action in the forest and the wilderness. In addition to improving her perception, she can also gain acceleration skills.
But the ice wolf is not suitable for underwater activities, which greatly reduces the combat effectiveness of the white pillow.
She has never encountered any dangerous fish on the coast these days, so she has more or less reduced her vigilance.
The white pillow took a deep breath and suddenly rushed back towards the shark that was nearly two meters away.
"White pillow!"
Hua Mu heart twitched, almost not scared.
"White pillow, white pillow! What are you doing!"
Bull sharks, although smaller than other sharks, are among the best in combativeness. As ambush sharks, they tend to hunt prey larger than themselves.
Bai Zhen thought that they would cross the sea after the two of them. After all, he couldn't let this shark leave him alone. He drew his dagger from his waist and straightened up. The bull shark's force was amazing, the white pillow thrilled to avoid it, and hung sideways on the fin.
Although sharks are fierce, they are not without weaknesses. There is a circle of speckled body holes around the shark's mouth, called the "Lorentz ampulla", which was originally used to detect weak currents in seawater. If the tip of the shark's nose is stimulated, it can cause it to fall into a brief paralysis.
But even if you know this weakness, it is extremely unwise to fight sharks in the sea. Even a trained sentry like a white pillow cannot be completely injured. The shark seemed to feel the danger as well, twisting his body sharply, and wandering around with a white pillow.
The only thing to be thankful for is that bull sharks do not have swim bladders and need to rely on the air in their stomachs to ascend and dive. They did not bring the white pillow into the deep water for a while.
The white pillow's vital capacity is amazing. After adjusting to its speed and understanding its rhythm, the timing of ventilation can be found.
She didn't want to harm it meaninglessly, not only because the blood might attract other sharks, but also because she didn't want it to die too painfully.
After all, it was them who broke into this chassis.
Hua Mu covered her mouth and looked at the tumbling sea, and the person had fallen to the seaside.
How could a man fight a shark in the sea!
Not far away the seawater was turning more and more violently, and suddenly everything subsided. The scarlet blood quickly contaminated the sea water, and then Hua Mu found strength to get up and stumbled towards the sea.
After the shipwreck, she was more or less afraid of the sea, but at this time she could not have thought of it at all.
If the white pillow died, she ... can't live anyway.
"White pillow, white pillow!"
Hua Mu's figure was too slender, and she finally walked out a few times, and several waves hit her back. She cried and shouted, but the skirt was soaked and she didn't go much.
After the white pillow killed the shark, she fell into a short state of wandering, and her high concentration of mental strength and excessive consumption of physical strength made her on the verge of collapse. In a trance, she seemed to hear who's cry, as if there was a light guiding her.
She can't die here yet!
Bai Zhen's body finally stopped sinking, and turned to swim towards the beach.
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: I underestimated the sentinel! Humph.
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