Chapter 735: Doing business also depends on the news (on)

The editor-in-chief is still inexplicable and does not know what happened. I took a newspaper and saw that the above is the content of today’s daily newspaper. I didn’t look at it and turned it over. If the content of the daily newspaper is the main editor and I have to review it again, then his editor is also too derelict.
Behind them are a few people's days, all of which are front pages. The above articles have been circled out, and the name of the Justice Square Technology Company has been circled. There is no need to worry about what to think about and what is the point.
As the editor-in-chief of the local daily newspaper, how could he not have a little political sensitivity? If this article in today’s daily newspaper is really aimed at this Justice Square technology company, the editor can’t imagine what it would be. This guy who is going to write this article is killed!
"I asked the person who sent the manuscript." The editor's voice was trembling, but it was still calm and calm, and I was looking forward to a lifeline. As long as I didn't write this company, everything would be easy, and I could turn it.

Is the manuscript written by someone in your newspaper?
The leader was keenly aware of the problems in the editorial discourse.

It is the manuscript sent by the general manager of our local Huayuan Chemical Fiber Group.
The editor quickly replied honestly:
The company in the article holds a part of the patent on carbon fiber production technology, but it does not want to be transferred. For foreigners and not to sell to domestic domestic companies, Huayuan Chemical Fiber General Manager also wants to exert some pressure on them through the media, so it is not named, and it is not in a conspicuous place, just a corner of the third edition."
This is true, this article did not dare to put on the front page, the third edition is not the headline, but the corner.
What about local listed companies? The leadership was slightly surprised, but still did not forget the business: "First ask the company they said, is this justice square technology?" To figure out what else to say, first clear the ins and outs.
In front of the leadership, the editor made the phone open to the hands-free, and opened the other party's phone. After a few words, the general manager of Huayuan Chemical Fiber did not admit it. It soon showed that the traitor company mentioned in the article was Jingcheng Justice Square Technology Co., Ltd.
"You negotiated with others. Before writing this article, did you investigate the background of the other party?" The chief editor was black and almost fainted. But it was finally supported, and I still don’t forget to ask a word.

Investigated. A private enterprise.
The general manager replied with a smile:
Is it worried that they are a company in Beijing, afraid of any deep background? Don’t worry, we have checked it, or a big one in the capital. Less help is a private enterprise, there is no background. After the event, the big and the young are also good, he will not slap his own."
"Large and small?" The editor is almost crying in the office. Listed companies are worth billions of billions of commercial negotiations. Investigating each other's business background is to find a big and small in Beijing. Who doesn't know how many grandfathers in Beijing, when they brag, they know half of them in the sky, and the whole land knows how much credibility can their words be? Big or small? It is estimated that it is at most a small hacker, or a master who has no ability at all: "Is it reliable?"
"I always want to find a relationship!" The general manager is also very familiar with the editor. Otherwise, he can't directly ask him to send an article. He just chats and doesn't think much: "Look at our company, if we are not eating locally, Can you go public? Suppliers want to pay for the goods, regardless of whether they have money, they have to deduct a few months. First, we will increase the cash flow of our reserves to our company. Secondly, we have to make the relationship of our company beneficial! Don't you find someone to do something? Isn't that cheaper in the field?"
"Can't you do business right?" The editor now has the heart of killing this guy, what is it?
You are a listed company! Can you talk about commercial cooperation without taking formal channels? Looking for this kind of street news? Going to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to check the shareholder structure is not good? Even if you only see the names of the four shareholders, you should know that this company is good to provoke?
"Hey, go out to do business now, don't do anything to make it happen?" Hearing the editor's question, the general manager was on the phone: "You know that we don't know how to find a door to negotiate with others. How much is the price? Ah! One mouth is 10 billion! Can we get it?"
"One billion is so expensive?" The editor is also a glimpse, which is too embarrassing? What is the opening of 10 billion? This justice square technology is too bully, right?
"It is really not expensive to say that you are expensive!" The general manager is really editor-in-chief, and he is open to telling the truth: "Don't say 10 billion, there are similar technologies abroad, you can't buy 50 billion. Chad admits that 10 billion is really taking care of domestic prices."
"Since it is the price of care, how do you still want to be so trapped?" The editor is stupid, what is this routine? Give you a cheaper hand to give people a black hand?
"Cut, a private enterprise, why is it more profitable than our listed company in one year?" The general manager heard the editor's question and couldn't help but sneer: "In business, of course, who has the means to say it?" Who has the backstage who has the final say! I can mess up his company, buy all the technology without a billion, why should I spend 10 billion to buy? I am stupid? The company is not profitable? The government Don't tax? Is it free for us to eat, drink, and play?"
This is heard by the next leader, and the words directly pick up eyebrows, and these things to eat, drink, and play?
The editor-in-chief can't climb the phone line and block the general manager's mouth now, so that he doesn't talk nonsense, but the general manager is now more and more addicted. Some words are even veiled without cover up: "We Usually, do you want to pay for the official who come to the company to check the work and actually eat, drink, and play?"
The face of the leader who listened to the hands-free side suddenly changed. The editor-in-chief can see the anger of leading the seven-smoke smoke.
Local listed companies, local business cards, which leader did not go to inspection? Very good, the name of the inspection work is actually eating, drinking, playing, and being the official bastard. I have to ask questions later. Who is this grandson who is talking about me or me?
"Are you worried about the impact of this article?" Originally, the editor-in-chief had already planned to hurry up to hang up the phone so that the would say something that should not be said. The general manager seemed to have guessed the editor's fear and directly laughed: "Relax! Starting tomorrow, this article will be reprinted in several national newspapers. Let's let this Justice Square technology raise its name and see if they are still dead?"
This is not only the editor-in-chief, but also the leader who listens to the side is also eclipsed. This grandson wants to kill the local officialdom and does not say how many people want to die?
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