Chapter 735: Doing business also depends on the news (below)

Under the guidance of the leader, the editor-in-chief was "very interested" and asked what relations the general manager intends to take to which national newspapers to reprint?
"What are you asking about?" the general manager asked very strangely.
If you don't say it is the editor, the reaction is fast, Zhangkou will come: "I don't want you to say, you know our local daily newspaper, can the ordinary article be reprinted by several colleagues? This is not to ask, buy tomorrow. A group of these newspapers and magazines are collected. When the report is given to the above, is this also the result?"
Also, the national newspapers reprinted this is definitely a result, the general manager did not think much, and quickly said a few names.
The editor-in-chief was full of sweaty words on the phone, and he immediately wrote down. The leader is not idle, remembering quickly, for fear of missing one. This is simply not knowing how to live and die!
"The moment I contacted these are all." After the general manager said a few names, he then said with a smile: "Our company's vice president is in the capital, he will also contact some media to reprint, specifically I do not know the name, Let him help you buy each of them for a while."
There are still some media that I don't know? I rely on! The editor of the intestines has a similar mood.
"You can rest assured that this time the company is dead." The general manager heard the movement on the phone and was mainly worried about the other party's revenge. He smiled and said: "You don't have to fear them to retaliate. Today they It’s already overwhelmed. We contacted the three banks that they borrowed and weighed at the same time. We didn’t want to delamination when we were dead. Wait until tomorrow’s large-scale media reports pressure from public opinion, and it’s hard for them to turn over.

Actually, I still got three banks to lend in Beijing. The editors don't know how to sigh that their relationship network is so strong.
"Oh, in fact, it is still a fox and a tiger." The general manager is also modest, knowing that he has a few brushes: "I have come to see the big and small people in the capital to confirm some people. Isn't our listed company still a local star company?" Those banks don’t give face to others, but also have to give us the face of local leaders?

Is this also the scorpion of the local leader in the capital to swindle? The leader who listened to the side almost wanted to scream and ask, what kind of banner did you fuck? The whole team is more awkward than Dou Yu!
The editor was very eye-catching and immediately asked this question.
"Does this also use the name of the person?" The general manager smiled: "Local star companies, listed companies, must have borrowed the momentum of the entire leadership team! Who does not know that local companies can be listed and the local government Strong support is inseparable!"
If this is said at the scene when the superior is inspecting, the local leader must be very satisfied that this guy will come. But now, this guy is relying on this inseparable fish-water relationship to stir the wind in the capital, the whole team can't run!
"Right!" The general manager suddenly remembered one thing: "My son also said that on the Knights, you can get some noise."
"Internet?" Editor-in-Chief, quickly answered and asked "Internet?"
"Yes, this is the Internet." The general manager seems to be very proud of his son's new trend: "It is a new thing, we haven't played much of it. It is said that these articles can also be sent on this Internet. Tomorrow's unified action, Let that Justice Square Technology turn over again!"
The leader responsible for propaganda is still more aware of the Internet than ordinary people. Although the Great Wall broadband began to appear in China this year, it is ok to dial-up before. Hearing the words of the general manager, he wanted to spurt the blood with the editor at the moment.
The paper media said that if you know which one, it will be published tomorrow, and you can retract the paper by calling in advance. But how is the Internet made? I don’t know who sent it. It’s not the real name of the Internet. If it’s fermented on the Internet, how can everyone die?
The editor-in-chief did not ask any more questions. After simply saying two sentences, he hurriedly hung up the phone.
"Hurry to control him!" The leader said nothing, immediately called the city to report the situation, and made a suggestion: "Those media can never be published, and what about the Internet? Who has experience?"
"The vice president of Beijing has to be controlled, how to control?" Someone immediately raised the question.
"Calling, telling him the seriousness of the matter, can't be fooled around in the capital." Things have reached this point, and no one wants to see things beyond control. At the time of the investigation, everyone was still cautious, but it should not be difficult to solve it. Just let the source not do it.
I believe that the deputy general will know what to do after he knows the seriousness of the matter.
The general manager was called to the competent department by a telephone and then taken to the entire team. The top leaders did not have much nonsense. They directly lit up the cards of the Justice Square Technology Company, and the four shareholders and a series of reports of leadership inspections were placed in front of him. The general manager was quicker than anyone.
Who can know that there are still four giant-level group companies behind a private enterprise to back up? There are still a few of them that are military industrial groups. Does their company want to smear such a company inspected by a leader into a traitor company?
The general manager madly called the vice president on a business trip in Beijing. The result was still unable to get through, and he was scared to death. After a dozen or so calls, the vice president picked up.
"What are you doing? Don't answer the phone?" To the vice president of his company, the general manager can have no good tone. If the leader is next to him, he still has a hands-free, and the general manager must swear.
"I am asking Zhu Dashao to sing, the sound in the box is too big, I didn't understand it." The deputy general explained quickly.
This Zhu Dashao is the one who provided the background of the science and technology of the Justice Square. He also introduced that he met several people. The deputy general wanted to be active in the capital, and it was always up to Zhu Dashao.
"Fart big, a mixed child!" The general manager gave a sigh of relief: "This tells us that Justice Square Technology is a private enterprise with no background, but that company has been inspected by several big leaders. News Network There are several companies that have been on the market! There are four shareholders, two of which are the Oriental Group and one Western Group!"
Hey! On the phone, I heard the voice of the general manager's impatience, and the deputy general had just drunk for a while. This way, the liquor in the body was turned into cold sweat and emerged from all parts of the body.
"Really?" The vice president's voice began to tremble. If I don’t drink too much, it seems that at noon, I still have a big price to bribe a bank’s credit manager for Justice Square Technology.

the general manager replied with a smile:
I have a few front pages in front of me, and there are detailed news of the leadership inspections.

Hey! The vice president was black in front of him, and fell straight into the hallway of the karaoke hall. The whole person fainted. The battery in the phone was dropped.
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