Chapter 152: Justice Square (below)

Ding Zongping often pays great attention to maintenance. It is close to the 50-year-old. It looks like it is only thirty-five. Even if there are wrinkles on the face, it is only a slight trace of the corners of the eyes and forehead, which is not obvious.
Guo Tailai did not dare to improve the skin condition of the mother-in-law of this time. It only cleaned and adjusted the face of Ding. The main cleaning work included cleaning up the pores, cleaning the melanin of the epidermal cells, and destroying some unnecessary from the roots of the pores. The hair follicles of the villi are re-stimulated by the epidermis of the wrinkles, and the facial epidermal cells are finely reinforced to make them more moisturized.
Given the beauty of the mother-in-law, Guo Tailai certainly made all the stops and did not dare to slack off. Fortunately, except for the re-stimulation of some cells in the wrinkles, the other is the less laborious operation, which allowed the entire face to be processed in as little as three hours. Guo
In the process, Tai Lai is not exhausted to the point where he needs to rest immediately. He is very tired, but he can hold a small meeting, and he can wait for Ding to be satisfied. It is not too late to go to sleep. again
There is no pore cleaning method that can be more thoroughly cleaned than Guo Tailai's nano-robot in the tissue fluid. The dirt is directly cleaned and discharged from the epidermis. After cleaning up once, don't say anything about acne blackheads, even the most subtle mites will not have one, all killed by the nano-robot.
Super clean, and almost 90% of the melanin in the epidermis has been removed. The entire face of Ding has an innocent whiteness, even whiter than Ding’s white lotion. . This is the natural whiteness of the skin. It is far from the oily or grainy whiteness after adding makeup powder. It is pure natural. Ding
There are still some fine hair on the face and it is not cleaned up. Guo Tailai will do it once, and it will be done very easily. Deeply kill the hair follicle cells, wash your face, wipe the towel, and those tiny fluff will take the initiative. Falling.
Of course, Guo Tailai did not forget to tighten the pores by the way, which is to adjust the size of the cells around the pores. With such a treatment, Ding’s entire face looked smooth, delicate and tender, and he was young and young. most
The most powerful thing is that the epidermal cells are strengthened. In fact, there is not much effect in this aspect. In Guo Tailai's view, the only effect is to increase the activity and become more energetic. However, the activity enhancement of each cell brings about an overall water-locking ability, and the elasticity is enhanced. From the appearance, the face of Ding is completely radiant and full of vitality. Now
What I saw in Ding was such a face. It really depends on the age of the skin, at most, it is twenty-seven, eight, smooth and soft, white and radiant, without a trace of wrinkles. Touching up, it is also smooth and delicate, which makes people love it.
This kind of near-perfect skin condition, Ding has not seen it for more than 20 years. To be exact, since I was pregnant with Zhao Wei, I have never had such a healthy state of youth. Although I can make myself look younger than the real age by various thoughtful maintenance, after all, it is already forty-seven. When I am old, I can only sigh that I am old, and I can no longer return to my youth.
But now, Ding always sees himself as a young, ten-year-old face, and even the slight wrinkles disappear without a trace. How can I not believe this after myself at first sight?
Not to mention Ding Zong himself, even the secretary Xiao Yun who was always watching Guo Tailai's needle was shocked. I can't believe my eyes at all. just
At the beginning, Guo Tailai gave Ding a total of needles. Ding’s skin quickly found some black stains, which could hide the skin of Ding. As Guo Tailai slowly spread all of Ding's face, Ding, who was lying on the medical bed, could not completely see the original beautiful face, covered with all kinds of greasy and stains.
At that time, Xiaoyun looked at it and felt a little dirty, but who could have thought that after cleaning, Ding had actually moved in such a place, and the limit changed greatly? Where is this beauty, it is just a change of face! Correct
Guo Tailai has been saying that he is studying plastic surgery. Prior to this, Xiaoyun also felt that Guo Tailai had entered the water in the mind of a finishing master. The gold and silver jewellery can also be said to be the expansion of finishing. The whole process of learning and fitting is completely no match for professionalism. I knew that Guo Tai came to learn this kind of facelift. Killing Xiaoyun also raised his hands and feet to support him to learn! "
This is called beauty! "Ding always sighed and finished, and sent out a feeling of satisfaction to the extreme. Suddenly remembered something, directed at Guo Tailai: "Xiao Guo, what is your beauty? How are you going to charge? ""
Younger face. Guo Tailai has been somewhat confused, too tired, and it is not easy to support it now. The general response is: "I will first look at the highest price in the market."

"You are not as strong as the current ones on the market." Ding always thought that Guo Tailai was going to set the highest price on the market and couldn't help but suggest: "You have to be more expensive than they are."
"I plan to charge a hundred times." Guo Tailai still replied with strong support: "What do you think?"
I can see it! "This moment Ding is always the singular Ding Zong, the business thing, a word and decided, did not notice the other side of the secretary Xiaoyun pale face.
God! One hundred times the price? Is it still one hundred times the highest price on the market? Secretary Xiaoyun estimated that he had to pay for one or two years to do this. He had to do the same thing as other beauty salons for a while. It seems completely impossible now. Ding
The general gaze never wanted to leave the mirror. After a while, I finally found out that Guo Tailai seemed to be unable to hold it. I was shocked. This reminded me that Guo Tai had to recover for a few days. "
You hurry to rest. "Ding always refused too much, and hurriedly and Xiaoyun helped Guo Tailai to send it to another room: "I need something, I will buy it."

"Call..." Guo Tailai’s head slammed on the pillow and went straight to sleep, sending out a slight snoring. "
This silly boy! "Ding always feels distressed and complains to himself. Why did Guotai come to this way? Why didn't he notice it? Think Guo Tailai is really sincere, how can he do so much in one breath, obviously can do it separately. My daughter will It has been said that Guo Tailai is sleeping for half an hour, how can he not remember it, and has Xiao Guo been tired?
"Xiaoyun, you will arrange someone to go to the price bureau." Looking at Guo Tailai has fallen into a deep sleep, Ding decided to look at him here. However, she did not forget the price that Guo Tailai had just said, and immediately reminded Xiaoyun: "According to the highest price on the market, all of them are multiplied by one hundred, and the price bureau has prepared a case."
Looking at Xiaoyun's quick way to do things, Ding always remembered the total of the total and his own. It seems necessary to ask Cheng to have a meal to contact her feelings, that is, she does not know how she feels when she sees herself.
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