Chapter 153: Management (on)

This feeling Guo Tailai sleep is not half an hour, but a full ten hours, wake up is already more than four o'clock in the middle of the night. He didn't wake up to sleep naturally, but was awakened.
What Guo Tailai did not expect was that when she woke up, Ding was still there, and Xiaoyun was also there. The two were on the desk in the outside hall. I don't know what documents are being processed. It seems that the company's official business was brought here to deal with it.
There was a strong smell in the air, and the locusts of Guo Tailai were directly hooked up. When smelling the smell, Guo Tailai stumbled into the hall and saw a small gas stove in the corner of the hall. I am stewing a big jar, I don't know what is inside, the fragrance is overflowing.
"Go to brush your teeth and wash your hands." Seeing Guo Tai's rushing to uncover the smell of the cover, Ding's voice came from the desk.
Zhao Hao's various good habits were cultivated under the strict requirements of Ding. Guo Tailai did not dare to spur the thorns. He ran back to the bathroom in the room to wash his teeth and wash his hands. Then rushed out. The stomach is already buzzing, and the taste is really unbearable. Wait
When Guo Tailai came out, the stove had been extinguished, the lid was opened, and the table in front of the sofa was covered with tablecloths. A delicate small bowl was full, just waiting for Guo Tai to eat. Ding
Always sitting face to face with kindness, Xiaoyun also gave a bowl of soup to Ding.
"Sit down and eat. I specially asked the master to grab the Buddha from the wall and jumped into the wall. It has been stewed for a day and night, and the taste is just right." Ding always put the spoon in the hands of Guo Tailai, and he was poor. The bowl feeds him.
However, what Ding did not expect was that her face is too young now, and she also made a kind face in accordance with her habits. It is actually a bit of a violation, just like a young man who is a strong man, slightly awkward. when
However, Guo Tailai will definitely not say it. I believe that after a few times, Ding will realize it. At this moment, the Buddha's jumping wall is the most important. Guo Tailai smelled it with his eyes closed and ate a small spoon. Hey, an indescribable taste spread in the mouth. Guo
Tailai’s satisfaction almost picked up, and he also refused to take out the bowl from the hot jar. He hurriedly blew a few times and quickly slammed it into his mouth. too delicious.
Although Guo Tailai has been hungry, but the Buddha jump wall itself is also extremely delicious, Guo Tailai took a bowl after three or two, Xiaoyun has a great eye to help Guo Tailai to have another bowl.
"Slowly eat, don't worry." Ding always smiled and looked at Guo Tailai's gorging. Guo Tailai's eating like a starving ghost was unsightly. If it was normal, she would never be with such a person. I had a table to eat, but now I watched Guo Tailai's eating taste, and I was infected. I took a small bowl of elegant soup and drank a few soups. "
In the future, if you need a break in the middle of the way, take a rest early, don't be tired to this point. Ding always put down the bowl and took a paper towel and dipped his lips. This slowly advised that "Auntie knows that you want to give aunt a surprise, but this cannot be at the expense of your body." ""
I know, aunt. Guo Tailai hurriedly nodded, and the mother-in-law’s cockroaches could talk back. When he looked up, Guo Tai came to see Ding’s face and couldn’t help it.
That, Ding Auntie, you claim to be aunt in front of me. If you go out, don’t talk like this.
It will make people laugh. Do not believe you ask Yunjie.

Ding Zong is a glimpse of Guo Tai, will he be jokes? Turned to Xiaoyun, I haven't waited for her to ask Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun has already nodded frequently.
"Ding always has a maximum of twenty-six six young people. It is really awkward to claim that Auntie is awkward." Xiaoyun, the secretary, is not afraid to tell the truth to offend Ding, to say this, and it’s a burst of stealing. Laughing "said my sister is almost the same."
really? "Ding always subconsciously touched his own eyes. He didn't touch the wrinkles that made him feel scared every day. He was in a good mood." He will give you a salary increase next month.

"Thank you Ding Jie!" Xiaoyun immediately screamed with a sigh of relief, and then happily gave Guo Tailai a Buddha to jump off the wall. "
By the way, Xiao Guo, how long will this effect last? "Ding always looked at Guo Tailai and drank a small bowl. After reaching out to Guo Tailai, he wiped his mouth with a paper towel and asked calmly.
At the same time as this sentence is asked, Xiaoyun also listened carefully with his ears on his side, eager to know the answer.
"Well, under normal circumstances, the metabolic cycle of epidermal cells should be one month." Guo Tailai had already thought about this problem, and explained to Ding very seriously. "But after some special reinforcement, I estimate that the effect can be Maintain for three months."
"Only three months!" In Ding’s tone, there was some disappointment that was difficult to hide. This kind of good effect can only last for three months. This is really, it is really a shame! "
Not afraid, Ding Auntie, the time is almost up, I will do it for you once again? "Guo Tailai screamed at Ding, "How big is it?" And..."
What? "Ding always came to the spirit and asked eagerly."
I am now doing a poor job. Guo Tailai smiled and rushed to explain that "When I upgraded, the effect will be longer and longer." "Ding
I always know some things. Of course, it must have been revealed by Zhao Wei and Zhao Xiangbei. She immediately understood the meaning of Guo Tailai. One
I think that if Guo Tailai can improve the effect of repairing for a longer period of time, Ding always hates to ask what can give Guo Tailai a good repair and buy it for him. Today’s Buddha jump wall is like this, it consumes so much. How can I make up for it?
Of course, even if it is temporarily unable to improve, Ding is not disappointed. After all, Guo Tailai is around, and can do it again in three months. Guo Tailai will definitely not charge her fees. This is to say, there are people in her circle who have money to find a place, and introduce a few high-end clients to count things? In the next day, Cheng always pulls in, let her try once, after seeing her, dare to do it right? "
Xiaoyun, the price arranger to the price bureau for filing? "Thinking of this, Ding always turned to Xiaoyun and asked. Small
Cloud is regretting that the time limit is too short, even if you have money, you can't come once in three months! When I heard the question from Ding, I hurriedly replied, "I will go to work tomorrow morning. I will collect the price on the market yesterday afternoon. When I am ready, the price bureau has to get off work."
Well, remember to double that price. "Ding decisively gave a new price." Xiao Guo did it too hard, not so cheap!

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