Chapter 103: Follow me

When Maori woke up, she found herself in a silver-white metal room filled with science fiction.
"Well? Where am I ...?" He was still a little confused, trying to rub his forehead, but immediately stunned.
He found his hands and feet tied to a metal chair, unable to move at all.
and many more! I remember I was in the Hanjia Villa, and I was performing the task of investigating Captain Ghost. Then the task was about to be completed, but suddenly a voice rang around me, and then ... Then I passed out!
bad! I was captured! But how did I get stunned? !
Maori immediately realized his situation, he tried to break free, but found it completely useless!
Then he immediately observed the surrounding environment, the room was empty and there was nothing to use!
A series of thoughts flashed quickly in the very experienced Māori mind, and immediately concluded that it was impossible to break free from the constraints only by one's own strength!
But since the other party chose the captive instead of killing himself on the spot, he must want to get some information from me!
Yes! The father and son of the Han family have been killed by us, and the information of Captain Ghost is only known to me now! They must want to get the information of Captain Ghost from my mouth!
It must be right!
So who is the other party? The national security of the rabbit? Or are other countries lurking in the Han family and have agents with the same purpose as us?
But no matter who you are! As long as you want to get information from me, then this is my chance!
The corners of Maori's mouth evoked a confident arc, and I am afraid that the person who captured him did not yet know that his escape training course rating is SSS!
It was the man who once again killed the other party from the state of being captured in the mission and turned over the Jedi. It was the man who was hailed as a "Trojan horse" by the neon domestic agent!
Even if I get a refill, I will escape from here to show you!
I will let you know how wrong it is to choose to capture me!
"I know you can see me! Since it fell on your hands, I admit it, please come and talk!" Mao Li said while looking at the wall of the room. He was sure that there must be a camera or one-way observation here glass!
Someone next door to the room must be observing my every move, judging my mental state and looking for a breakthrough in the interrogation!
Ha ha! These are the rest of my play, okay!
However, after ten minutes, no one answered him.
Mao Li frowned, and immediately opened it, it seemed that the other party wanted to kill their willpower first!
Generally speaking, low-level interrogators will use torture to force confessions, but this method is not effective for elite agents who have been specially trained in anti-torture.
Intermediate interrogators prefer to use psychological tactics, through fatigue tactics, to kill their willpower, like boiled eagle!
The higher-level interrogators are good at using words to create fear, looking for loopholes in the souls of interrogators, and achieving the effect of defying soldiers without fighting!
Ha ha! Want to use this set against me, can only say, you are too naive!
He closed his eyes at the moment, no longer ignored the outside world, and kept the Lingtai empty! Entered the realm of forgetting things!
Than patient? Is n’t my country of
shouting in vain?
Seabed base.
After the matter on the space station came to an end, Nie Yun took advantage of the idle time of "stealing vegetables" to hang up and had an in-depth "communication" with the mechanical worm.
At this moment there was a small group of mechanical worms in front of him. Under his control, this group of mechanical worms transformed into a mechanical spider.
Then, the mechanical spider slowly deformed and split, divided into two, then divided into four, and divided into eight.
However, when the little spider with the size of mung bean wanted to continue to split, as soon as the two separated, they immediately lost the form of the little spider and turned into two small groups of irregular liquid metal.
Nie Yun tried to control them to continue to transform into small spiders, but in addition to making its creep more violent, he still could not form a complete body.
Nie Yun sighed, let go of their control, and then saw two groups of irregular liquid metals automatically approaching slowly, and then joined together as soon as the contact quickly became a one-eighth spider .
"Sure enough, is this the limit?" Nie Yun said pitifully.
He has never stopped his research on mechanical insects. After all, this is his biggest card and the foundation of all development!
The power of the mechanical worm is unquestionable, but there is also a weakness that is not a weakness-the smallest unit of consciousness!
As just seen, Nie Yun has the minimum requirements for precise control of mechanical insects!
The larger the group of mechanical insects, the more thorough the understanding of Nie Yun's order! The more precise it is to control!
And a group of robot worms less than a certain range, as just like that, can only receive commands roughly, but has lost the ability to be accurately controlled!
Nie Yun didn't understand the reason for this situation before, so he never used mechanical insects in large areas!
But with the increase of theoretical knowledge, he gradually got a guess, that is-the theory of the smallest unit of consciousness!
First of all, we must know that if it is a single mechanical worm, because its volume is too small, its structure does not actually have a complete logical judgment ability, Nie Yun ’s complex commands will be completely invalid!
Just like the storage unit of a computer, the smallest storage unit can only store two numbers, 0 or 1. If you want to store the letter a in this storage unit, then it will definitely be in a state of coercion!
So how can the letter a be deposited?
That's right! You need more storage units!
Friends who have studied computer know that a letter needs to occupy one byte, that is, 8 binary bits to store, and more complicated Chinese characters need to use 16!
What about a more complicated sentence?
In other words, the more complex the information, the more storage units you need to use!
Similarly, Nie Yun ’s commands can be regarded as a kind of complex conscious information. If you want the mechanical worm to understand and execute this conscious information, then the mechanical worm needs to have a storage capacity exceeding the size of this information!
Otherwise, there will be a situation where the mechanical worm does not know what you want it to do!
For a chestnut, a certain number of mechanical bug groups have a storage capacity of three words, but Nie Yun gave him the command "Get out of here", so what would a mechanical bug do?
That's right! It can only receive commands like "roll me", and then it will roll in front of you, rolling ...
Cough, of course, this is just an analogy. How complicated the human consciousness is. No one has been able to explain its form of existence. The communication between Nie Yun and the mechanical worm may be more complicated than ordinary human consciousness!
Therefore, to put it simply, to fully receive Nie Yun ’s conscious commands, the mechanical worm needs a certain number of ethnic groups! Nie Yun called it the smallest unit of consciousness!
If the number of mechanical worms is less than a minimum conscious unit, then it will instinctively move closer to the other mechanical worms nearest to it, until it is larger than the minimum conscious unit, and then be controlled by Nie Yun again!
If there are no other mechanical worms nearby, it will automatically choose to sleep itself until the energy is exhausted and disintegrate! This is exactly the suppression mechanism set by Ayres Civilization to prevent the proliferation of mechanical insects!
These two instincts can also be said to be "0" and "1" of a single mechanical worm!
Nie Yun looked at the mung bean-sized little spider and sighed, "Although you are small, you really like the larger size! This is with me!"
Mechanical Bug: "..."
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