Chapter 145: Safer solution

Ministry of National Defense.
The meeting continued, everyone was digesting the information of environmental captain Ghost Captain, and the atmosphere inside was a bit dull for a while.
The world's first navy, was people detained with environmental protection regulations?
Trump coughed twice, "Cough! What do you think about this?"
"The number of officers and soldiers is exactly the same! It is very likely ... that the entire Florida crew was captured! It can be inferred that the other party also has a strict defense at the base!
If you change to any naval base of our side, even if you can sink the Florida, you will never be able to capture the other side! "The Defense Minister said seriously.
"Not only the battleship, but also the strength of the base?" Trump frowned. "So, do you have any suggestions about how to deal with this?"
"Your Excellency, we are the world's strongest army, and no one is allowed to trample on the dignity of our army in this way!
I suggest giving a tough back! Of course, this requires more information, and we know too little about Captain Ghost! Especially that battleship! It is a strategic existence and can even threaten the security of our country! "The Minister of National Defense is obviously a main battle group.
"From the point of view of the opponent's current strength, the key is the battleship! To fight Captain Ghost, we need to at least find a way to deal with it!
Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for such a huge battleship to stay in the air for a long time, and its endurance should be a weakness of it! We can bring it down with protracted war! "Someone suggested.
"Cough! Speaking of this battleship, according to our pneumatic experts' judgment on the details of the battleship, the opponent's battleship design should be able to adapt to both underwater and atmospheric operations.
In addition, if you make a bold guess, maybe ... maybe it is also suitable for outer space operations? "The major general who just explained was suddenly not sure.
what? ! Everyone's eyes widened suddenly.
Suitable for outer space? Could it be said that it can also be placed in Earth orbit?
If this kind of killer can really be placed in low-Earth orbit, then for all countries, it is tantamount to a "sword of Damocles"! It will exert strategic deterrence around the clock, and the weakness of battery life will no longer exist!
"Oh ... Oh! This is just a bold guess, not very likely!" Seeing the sky was about to be killed by himself, the major general quickly added a sentence.
"Cough! That's it. Collect all the intelligence of the battleship and the ghost captain. By the way, let the neon DYz cooperate. They also played with the ghost captain. They should be able to provide some help!" Trump said.
Inside the Sea Wolf.
Feeling the huge recoil from the seat, the three astronauts recalled it seriously, and took them out from Nie Yun to shoot submarines, fireworks, and fight small monsters, but it seemed that they didn't even have a battle. Let them participate.
Sure enough ... Are our only effects still tested on the experiment?
Suddenly I feel so tired ...
With the two sandbags behind him, the Sea Wolf rises higher and higher. As it breaks through the troposphere and the stratosphere, the air becomes thinner and thinner, and everyone in the room begins to feel that the gravity is getting smaller and smaller, and there is a feeling of floating.
"Boss, can this warship really adapt to the space environment?" The boss murmured.
"Relax, this test is absolutely foolproof, haven't I been here? What are you worried about?
The Seawolf was originally designed to the standard of a space carrier! What's the matter in outer space? Nie Yun said confidently.
With the manned spaceflight technology of the Soyuz spacecraft and the International Space Station, coupled with Nie Yun ’s technological improvements and the powerful performance of mechanical insect materials, he is still very confident in the space navigation ability of the Sea Wolf!
"But the boss, we are just ordinary people. They are not physically strengthened like Ermao. Ordinary astronauts need to be trained for a long time before they can adapt to the space environment? Can we do it?" The boss is still not at ease.
"Well, I thought about this already!" Nie Yun nodded.
Actually considered it? What should be done to deal with it? The two brothers were a little relieved when they heard the words.
"It is precisely taking this into account, so this time the passengers are strictly selected!
In order to test the enhancement of human adaptability to the cosmic environment, I specially brought Ermao, and in order to test the adaptability of ordinary humans to the cosmic environment ... I only brought you specifically! "
Two brothers: "..."
Hello! The direction of your consideration is wrong! Should n’t we consider safety first, safety first, and safety first? !
Why are you always thinking about test effects, test effects, and test effects!
Say you haven't mentioned to us to strengthen the body, is it just waiting for today? !
Avoiding the grieving eyes of the two brothers, Nie Yun coughed. "Cough! After you have adapted to the space environment, I will strengthen you. With the physique of your adults, the strengthening effect is definitely stronger than Ermao. weak!"
Nie Yun threw a sweet date.
When they heard that they could strengthen the body, the little grievances of the two of them suddenly disappeared, and their expressions looked forward, but the two of them were still not at ease.
"Uh ... boss, that ... does strengthening need to be smaller? Will you lose memory? Can small technical mistakes be avoided as much as possible?" The old and the younger nodded.
Nie Yun saw that the two of them had no confidence in themselves, and squinted at them, "Well ... I have a safer reinforcement plan here, would you like to hear it?"
"More secure? What plan?"
"Cut your hands first, then strengthen your hands, and then go back, then cut your feet again, and then go back and strengthen your head, and finally cut your head ..."
"Boss! We have considered it! Please be sure to give us a one-time reinforcement!" They didn't wait for Nie Yun to finish, they both spoke in unison!
"Isn't this right? In fact, this solution has better security. If it fails, it means scrapping a hand or something. I can make it for you ..."
But what if he scrapped the head! Isn't it true that this kind of head is something! what!
"Boss! We are assured of 10,000 for you! Isn't this time-consuming and labor-intensive solution delaying your precious time!
As your loyal subordinate, you can't share your worries and delay your boss' time. If you do this, I will feel guilty for a lifetime! I just wish I could jump from here and treat myself as a meteorite for cremation! "
"Huh! Are you so determined?" Nie Yun looked at them with a smile.
Two brothers chicks peck rice!
If you are not determined, you will have to be separated by five horses. At this time, you will not be too small.
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