Chapter 146: Will infection

It seems that the brothers' consciousness of being excellent employees finally moved Nie Yun.
"Ah! Well, since you insist so much ..." Nie Yun regretted.
The two brothers were relieved.
"That's right. By the way, I experimented with the newly developed body strengthening technology together! This really saved me a lot of time!" Nie Yun's next sentence made them stiff.
Two brothers: "..."
Is this so-called misfortune not alone?
After a full five hours of flight, the Sea Wolf finally reached the scheduled low-orbit! The detour period here is shorter, so that the Seawolf can quickly reach every corner of the world!
After the orbit was stabilized, the manned area of ​​the Sea Wolf began to rotate alone, providing simulated gravity for the core cabin.
After this period of rest, Nie Yun basically recovered the mental energy consumed by the advent ability. He looked at the little octopus dragging behind him.
Facts have proved that terrestrial creatures have an instinctive fear of high altitude, so for marine creatures, this fear may have to be multiplied by 2!
After the initial struggle, the small octopus was not only completely depleted of energy at the moment, but also had a broken expression on his face. He turned the mosquito coil and seemed to have lost his resistance.
Although Nie Yun lifted the advent state, the mechanical worm still swallowed the silver octopus at the moment of Nie Yun's order. At this time, the big octopus had shrunk by nearly half.
Under Nie Yun ’s control, Seawolf ’s belly armor opened, and two sandbags were slowly pulled into Seawolf ’s hangar where the prototype was parked. Then the outer armor was closed again, and Seawolf began to sail around in stealth ... …
Sea Wolf's Nie Yun exclusive laboratory.
A figure in a white coat is observing something against a huge microscope on a test bench.
"Sure enough, the cells of this small octopus also have signs of mechanical insectification, but the activity seems to be much weaker than mine. The mechanical insects in the cell are like sleeping.
The strange thing is that it can temporarily increase the activity of the mechanical insect under a specific stimulus. Could this be why it turned red when it was angry? Is it more flexible to control the big octopus in this state?
Interesting, is anger the key to transformation? How is this setting familiar?
Will I be transformed when I am angry? Ok! It's worth trying ... "
Nie Yun left the microscope, then picked up a small ball of mechanical insect material from the table next to it and threw it. It started very heavy.
"Huh! The mutated mechanical insect material has doubled its density in a steady state, its yield strength and hardness have increased 5 times, and its temperature resistance and impact resistance have also been greatly improved. This is definitely a super material!
However, there are advantages and disadvantages. The energy required for this mechanical worm to deform and engulf has increased more than ten times, and it takes longer!
Hmm ... Should more energy be needed to overcome the repulsion between the mechanical bugs?
Have you sacrificed the flexible deformation ability in exchange for stronger material performance? This is not evolution, it is more like a branch of material development!
Unfortunately, the time required for self-replication has also been greatly extended. It seems that it is impossible to popularize this material in a short time!
But why do the two mechanical insects engulf each other to form such mutant mechanical insects? What is the principle?
No way! No changes inside the mechanical worm ... "
"Puff puff?" At this moment, a voice came from behind Nie Yun.
Nie Yun heard the movement and turned to look at the little octopus slowly opening her eyes, then grinned, "Yo! Wake up!"
The little octopus fan is still confused, and then the next moment, he finds himself being hung above a cauldron, which is filled with silver liquid mechanical worms. .
Eh? What is the situation in this scene where the soup is about to be boiled?
"Poof!" Little octopus finally reacted and began to struggle in fright.
"Well! The ingredients are ready, right! Do you prefer steaming or braising?"
Ghosts will like it!
"Okay, okay, don't be excited! Since you don't like it, let's cook it!"
Little octopus: "..."
"Before going to the pot, I want to tell you an amazing news! You know, I just took a small experiment of our two blood, and after mixing the two together, guess what I found?" A test tube shook in front of the little octopus.
Inside the test tube, the silver liquid exudes a bit of strange fluorescence.
"Puff puff?" Little octopus unknown.
"I found that they instinctively compete for control of each other ..." Nie Yun revealed the answer. "How to say, this is like a virus invasion, or ... will infection?"
Theoretically, the structure of the mechanical worms on both sides is almost the same, the biggest difference is the supporting software of the two! The nearly identical structure represents an amazing compatibility between the two!
In other words, the software on both sides is universal!
In the process of integration, Nie Yun, who has higher intelligence, has significantly more mechanical insect databases than small octopuses, so Nie Yun has the ability to parse, reconstruct, deform, and so on, which small octopuses do not have.
Relatively speaking, the mechanical worm of the little octopus is more like a puppet without a soul.
It is precisely because of this difference that Nie Yun ’s mechanical worms have a very obvious advantage in the process of infection of the will. They quickly installed the mechanical worms in the blood of the small octopus into their own software and recruited them as "friends"!
Infection is different from devouring, and it is more like an invasion of a control program. It can keep the other party's physical structure intact while putting the other party in control!
So, Nie Yun had a bold idea!
What happens if the whole octopus is infected ...
After all, such a precious sample, maybe the whole universe will not have a second one, it is a great waste to devour it like this!
"Poof poo!" Seemingly feeling the coming fate, the little octopus struggled in fright, but it had no effect at all except to let himself sway a few times.
"You call, no one will rescue you even if you break your throat, hehehe ..." Nie Yun grinned evilly and clicked.
The silver rope hanging the small octopus broke off, and the small octopus fell into the cauldron directly with a thump!
"Puff puff!" The little octopus thumped in the viscous liquid mechanical insect, but was stuck to death.
Nie Yun took out a pot and spoon, darted into the silver liquid bubbling with bubbles, stirring while smirking, the little octopus in the pot struggling with despair.
This strange style of painting always feels a sense of sight that is inexplicably familiar ...
In Nie Yun's induction, the body of the small octopus, which belongs to its own control area, is spreading rapidly ...
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