Chapter 200: Colonial mode (two in one

Secret Base Research Institute.
"Okay, everyone has received their own research topics. The focus of scientific research in the future will be on communications, investigation, and power systems.
These little robots will be your assistants in the future, and they can provide any necessary equipment and materials.
At the same time they are also able to meet most of the calculation assistance and data search work, believe me, their ability is absolutely beyond your imagination! "Lao Yu pointed to a row of white wolf robots in a white coat and said to the dozen scientists in front of him."
This is a research assistant type small wolf specially developed for the base research institute. More brains and permissions are allocated by Zhinao, and it is uniformly connected to Zhinao's technology sharing pool, which can call most technologies except core secrets. data.
During this time, more than ten scientists have preliminarily browsed the "Newcomer Welfare Gift Pack" distributed to them by Nie Yun. The effect is shocking. The powerful SoS organization, everyone has a preliminary experience, and then they are excited and able to The most cutting-edge scientific and technological work of all mankind is the dream of every scientific worker.
What's more, this organization has also given itself a new life, and its relationship with its own country is also in the honeymoon period. Even the originally careful people are prepared to stay at ease to carry out scientific research. It should be said that they can't wait!
"In addition, in order to provide you with various special and dangerous environments for scientific research, the boss also provided us with a super equipment!" Yu Lao said to take a silver helmet from the neatly arranged boxes next to him.
The streamlined technology-filled helmet attracted everyone's attention as soon as it was taken out.
"What is this?" Everyone looked at the helmet in puzzlement.
"This is something beyond your imagination. I was shocked when I tried it before. I can only say that the SoS organization is beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination ..." Yu Lao said with emotion.
Then he started to introduce how to use the helmet, in fact, there is nothing to introduce ...
"Look, this is a plug, connect to the 220V home circuit network, and then put this thing on the head!" Yu Lao said, putting the helmet on his head.
"Drip! Infinite World (Scientific Research Type) Lander opens!
After the user's brainwave recognition is completed, confirm that you have supervisor-level login authority!
Neural signal connection is normal, can I log in? Yes / No "
A reminder sounded in Yu Lao ’s mind, but instead of logging in immediately, he found a recliner, adjusted it to a comfortable position, and smiled to everyone:
Next, find a comfortable position to lie down, This is the most important step. If you do n’t do it well, you may fall asleep! "
Everyone: "..."
Hello! Which high-tech product's most important step will be posture!
Then they saw the old saying "login", and then ... then the whole person was lying still ...
After a while, Yu Lao remained motionless and looked at the dumb people without saying a word.
"Uh ... Lao Yu?" Zhou Dong shouted, but Yu Lao didn't respond at all.
He stepped forward two steps, pulled up Yu Lao's hand and released it. "Slap!" Yu Lao's hand was softly paralyzed, and there was no response.
Everyone is dumbfounded, this picture is so familiar, should I cry with two voices?
This device is not reliable. If it really kills people, then Yu Lao is devoted to the cause of science, or should he call 315 complaints to report unscrupulous businesses?
Zhou Dong quickly began to check Yu Lao's physical condition.
"Cough! I'm not dead yet! Lao Zhou, stay away from my body, don't touch it!" The sudden voice frightened everyone.
Turning my head, I saw a communicator next to it not knowing when it lighted up. On the screen is ... a small robot?
"Look, this is the magical effect of that device, its name is the" Infinite World "landing helmet!" The small robot continued its humanized movement, and the sound was exactly the same as Yu Lao.
"Huh ?! Are you ... older?" Everyone looked at the communication screen in shock.
At this moment, Zhou Dong suddenly thought of something, his face was incredible, "This is ... virtual reality technology!"
Although he learned from the technical information provided, SoS's research on the human brain nervous system is very deep, and it has exceeded the world's technology, but he still did not expect that they have successfully manufactured mature and practical products!
"Bingo! You got it right, but it's more powerful than you think. Guess, where am I now?"
"Is it in a virtual network?" Zhou Dong hesitated looking at the background on the screen.
The location of the robot is a silver metal room, with no obvious features.
"Hey, next, it's the moment to witness the miracle!" Yu Lao said, turning the video's lens to an angle, a floor-to-ceiling glass window appeared on the screen in front of everyone, and then everyone froze.
Outside the glass window, there is a pothole of desert, and farther away, a blue planet is so abruptly displayed in front of everyone.
"This is ... the moon ?!" An incredible thought appeared in everyone's mind.
"Yes, this is ... the moon! To be precise, this is the scientific research base that the boss built on the back of the moon. I was shocked when I first knew it! Haha!"
Zhou Dong shivered excitedly!
Yes, even neural signals can be converted into virtual digital signals, then it is easier to convert them into robot control signals!
In the communication screen, the fingers of the small robot are flexibly dancing under the old control, doing the piano-like knocking action, "Not only that, have you seen it? There is no sense of stagnation at all, flexible like a real person, there Perfect photorealistic effect!
Humans can do this, and this body can almost do it, but this body can do it, but many human bodies can't, such as the extreme temperature difference between the moon and the night from 183 ° C to 127 ° C.
This body can perfectly adapt to most space environments!
No spacesuit, no huge and bloated life support equipment and logistics supplies, all you need is just a 20 cm robot and a little insignificant power!
And the most important point is that this remote control uses a communication method that I can't understand yet, it ... without delay! According to the data provided, at least half of the solar system is within its effective control range!
Want to go from earth to moon? Hundreds of thousands of kilometers need less than a second, and a signal conversion action can be done, not only the moon, Mars, Jupiter, or even further. With it, you can go wherever you want!
The instantaneous movement of the magic world dwarfs it! "
"Infinite world! This is ... fantastic remote control technology!" Yu Lao concluded quietly with this sentence.
Everyone was completely silent.
Everyone can understand the meaning behind this technology!
Not to mention the amazing development potential of this technology, it is the collateral benefits that have made these researchers ecstatic.
This means that without extensive training and physical fitness of astronauts, these scientists can freely shuttle on all the planets that Nie Yun can reach. Soon, any place in the solar system can become their experimental site. And it's kind of immersive!
travel time? moment!
Personal safety? If you scrap it, change it!
And the idea is bolder, which also means ... the arrival of the colonial era of the solar system!
Everyone was shocked, it turned out that this is the correct way to open the colony of the universe!
Nie Yunhua vigorously developed this set of advent technology, and raised more than one hundred people for in-game beta, but it was not just used to provide some evolutionary data to the codename, he did a bigger layout!
Colonizing alien planets has always been a space dream for humans. However, why have human detection equipment landed on Mars, and alien colonies are still making trouble, even the moon has not been harassed?
The reason is simple-the fragile human body limits this process.
Nie Yun is not unable to establish a space colonization base. Whether it is an earth orbit space station or a moon colonization base, there is no problem in terms of technology.
It's just that he made a data comparison, sent a human to consume a lot of fuel through the spacecraft to outer space, arrived at the destination after a long interstellar journey, and then established a supporting life support and supply system. Even enough for him to build and maintain a small robot sub-base of 300 people!
The working efficiency ratio of the two is far more than the value of 1: 300.
Humans need more than half of their time to rest, sleep, and eat, and there are very few who can work for 12 hours!
Robots are different. They can be controlled in turn. In the case of extreme use, a robot can even work 24 hours a day!
This is not even a set of complicated social security systems such as settlement fees, personal accident insurance, accident compensation, and the public security management system that needs to be established.
On the whole, in a comparison between the two, Nie Yun said that he had absolutely no reason to be silly. Under the condition that the population of the earth is far from being saturated, he paid a huge price to send humans to space to establish colonies.
The difference between the two is almost as obvious as the 82-year Lafite and the 82-year-old mineral water. Even elementary school students know how to choose! And Nie Yun naturally reached this minimum standard ...
This colonial development model of "group coming + cheap robot avatar" is also the reason why Nie Yun has been using humanoid robots as the basic labor unit. He is constantly optimizing the structure and behavior mode of this basic model robot, trying to achieve Real people are generally the same.
At the same time, at the right time, these existing large amounts of labor can also be quickly transformed into landers for a large number of humans!
When it is not in use, it is an intelligent miner controlled by the brain. When used, it can instantly become a new human body, fully reflecting Nie Yun's capitalist face that squeezes labor to the limit!
Want to colonize Mars? You only need to put in a robot production line and supporting energy control equipment, and then only need a small amount of computing power management of the brain, a large number of humans can complete the subsequent construction and production work.
Soon they will be able to copy a complete set of human social system, the only difference is that the individual has changed from a human body to a steel body.
And this replica of human society can continue to progress and develop in the same way as the earth world, and even feed the earth itself!
His own examples made him very clear what amazing effect will be produced when the combination of human creativity and the high efficiency of the machine, so he has always believed that only with human prosperity can he be in this universe Go further in!
Therefore, from the moment when he acquired the nerve technology of the human brain, Nie Yun has already set up such a cosmic development plan, continuously paving the way for it, and accumulating relevant technologies.
The Florida crew test on the moon was Nie Yun ’s last debugging action, and now, this development system can be said to be nearing completion!
And if the above series of preparations are basic hardware, then this system also needs a super software that can strongly drive it!
The driving force for the development of human society is desire! And most of human desires can be realized through a thing, yes, this thing is-small money!
A complete development system is inseparable from the financial system, so Nie Yunhe codename is grandly launched-unlimited coins!
From the performance of the Florida experimenter, in the foreseeable future, this kind of currency that is simple to obtain and has incredible purchasing power will become a hot super currency!
There is no need to advertise, just for the amazing value of unlimited coins, countless people will rush to Nie Yun's cosmic development plan, giving Nie Yun a lot of human resources.
Rule the earth?
Nie Yun said that he did not have that kind of talent and talent, especially patience, to deal with the complex and incomparable problems of global politics, economy, religion, and culture, and then took a series of armed or non-military means to sit on the so-called Earth Federation President throne.
If you want to do this with gentle means, I am afraid that the time of experience will be calculated in ten years!
And high-pressure domination? First trigger the Third World War and then rely on the overwhelming advantage of force to unify the earth?
This way is fast, but there are too many hidden dangers, and in the process, who knows if there will be any madman holding an extreme idea that I ca n’t get you and do n’t want to get a whole earth to grow mushrooms?
One by two can intercept, but the number is more ... Nie Yun said that this person, if he wants to die by himself, it is impossible to stop ...
And now, there is a better way ahead, why not use it?
I just need to point out a Kangzhuang Avenue and then say to everyone: "Want my treasure, if you want ..."
Cough! Then, mankind ushered in the era of interstellar sailing, which can't stop the kind ...
This process will naturally not be smooth, and a large number of people will jump out and oppose, obstruct, or even force against Nie Yun's plan, because this will affect the rights and status of almost all inherent interest groups!
However, without Nie Yun's shot, people's profitability will crush all dissatisfaction!
Those stubborn elements on the earth and existing interest groups, with foresight, obediently joined Nie Yun's plan, adding bricks and pieces to Nie Yun's plan, and it is simpler to have no vision!
You bear with him and let him ignore him, then watch him quietly ... just how to be eliminated by history ...
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