Chapter 201: Does your conscience hurt?

"Wow! This advanced version of the armor is incredible! Can this performance test parameter be hard against missiles ?!" The youngest man wore the new heavy armor provided by Nie Yun and marveled at the hammer chest with his fist.
"Well, although the weight has doubled, the improvement of defense is even more exaggerated! And this epee, it is more convenient for me!" The boss waved his long sword in his hands and was also happy.
The upgrade that Nie Yun gave to their individual soldier suits was actually the addition of mutated "heavy machinery bugs". For their power at the moment, this added weight is really nothing, but the combat power has definitely more than doubled. .
"Some of the newcomers are specially responsible for the research of individual weapon systems. I still think that the firearms are easier to use. If only a few firearms can be developed, I will be responsible for testing them for free. "" Ermao looked at the long sword that was higher than others in his hand, and looked a little bit resentful.
No way, according to his height, although this kind of sword is not difficult to use with his strength, but the result of the size mismatch is that he often needs to use the "drag sword" ...
"As long as there are after-sales and quality inspections, I dare to test what weapons the group of guys have developed! By the way, why didn't you even see your profile when eating today, what are the gangs doing?" sentence.
"I heard that I was addicted to a game and couldn't extricate myself. I couldn't even call Zhinao." Er Mao said.
"Oh? What game is so fun? Anyway, the boss is also on vacation, it is rare to have free time, let's try it too?" The boss suggested.
"Good idea, I want it too!" The younger seconded.
So, the trio issued a game application to Zhinao ...
Just when all members of the SoS organization are on vacation, when the game is played, there is 18 hours left in a mysterious countdown ...
Earth: "..." (o ((⊙﹏⊙)) o.)
The 13th District of the United States.
"Jay, look at these photos, what do you think ..." K, the head of the 13th district, pointed to the photo on the table.
The opposite Jay picked up the photo and looked at it, then smiled, "Yo, I like this style!"
That photo is exactly the picture of 7 bumpy manna flying to the moon taken by NASA.
"I'm not asking your personal preference, Jay! Take me a little more seriously!
call! You should have read the latest report too? In addition to the orbital airborne elimination of the three small forces, Captain Ghost's actions on the moon became more frequent.
From the previous "Moon Earthquake Event" to the high-speed kinetic energy bomb deterrent strike, and now seven unidentified humanoid objects landed on the moon.
Recently, our infrared detector has also found that a beam of high-energy laser beam emitted vertically appeared on the back of the moon! The energy density is beyond imagination!
In short, what Captain Ghost does is becoming more and more difficult to understand. The unknown is the most terrible. Your Excellency President expressed great concern.
He believes that Captain Ghost and that warship have greatly threatened the national security and international status of the United States! In the past two days, we have been asked more than once to dispatch the warship to destroy the other side ... "The district chief said helplessly.
"Absolutely not!" Jay sniffed the railway. "Don't say if Thirteen can destroy that battleship, if it fails, it is likely to directly anger Captain Ghost with unpredictable consequences, even if it is eliminated, but who knows if Captain Ghost's strength is really that little?"
"But you know, according to the thirteenth regulation, the president has the right to do so!" The district head was a little helpless.
"Listen to K, I read the recent incident report. Have you noticed that except for Freemasonry to provoke Captain Ghost, he was severely repaired by the Ghost Rider, and Captain Ghost ’s recent attention is actually on a place!"
The district director thought for a while, "You mean ... the moon?"
"Yes! The National Defense report believes that the last high-speed kinetic energy bomb against the moon was a warning to us, to show the orbital strike capability of the ghost captain and nuclear weapons technology, but deterrence is enough, then there are so many shock events on the moon. What is the phenomenon of energy weapons? "
"We don't know what to do. The Ministry of Defense is still analyzing. There is a guess that they are testing secret weapons. Why? Do you have a clue?"
"Listen, I have a bold guess ..."
The district director made a listening statement, yes, I let you come today, just to listen to your bold guess, please start your performance.
"Let's first take a look at the sequence of actions of Captain Ghost. The first is the electromagnetic weapons incident in the sea of ​​ghosts, and then our International Space Station is occupied.
Shortly after that, the "Moon Earthquake Incident" occurred, and then the space battleship appeared and was put into orbit after deterring the United States.
After reaching Earth's orbit, the warship quickly launched a high-speed kinetic energy bomb attack on the moon, and then shortly afterwards, 7 unidentified humanoid objects were launched and landed on the moon. Almost at the same time as these strange things landed, the moon found energy levels Super strong energy weapon attack traces! "
"Yes, that's it!" The mayor nodded.
"Imagine if Captain Ghost's actions are not deterring countries and forces on earth? Then what does his actions look like?" Jay said.
"It's not deterring us ... what does that look like?"
"Is it like ... attacking the moon?"
"Attack ... attack the moon?" The district head was stunned. "No? The moon attracted him to provoke him?"
Jay: "..."
"I mean, Captain Ghost is attacking the moon ... something on the moon!"
The district governor heard the words for a moment, then his eyes widened slowly, "You wouldn't want to tell me that there are aliens on the moon, and the ghost captain is attacking them?"
"Why is it impossible?" Jay solemnly said.
"This ... this is absolutely impossible! Although we have not landed on the moon again after the Apollo 17 manned moon landing plan in 1972, many countries including the United States have launched lunar orbits. Probe, it ’s clear on the moon, there can be no alien base! "
"Oh! Who said that the alien's base can only exist on the surface of the moon?" Jay said quietly, looking through everything.
"You ... you mean underground base?" The district director frowned and thought after reacting.
It seems ... is this possible?
"Good! Remember that NASA report on the high-speed kinetic energy bomb hitting the moon?
It was mentioned that according to the speed of this high-speed kinetic energy bomb, its mass should not be too large, and it is likely to cause puncture damage, the damage to the lunar surface is not serious, and the lunar vibration effect is not as good expected.
Why did the ghost captain choose such a piercing ... or rather ... drill attack?
If it is deterrence, then ground-damaging warheads that cause tremendous damage are more suitable?
And the landing point is also very strange. I chose the side of the moon, similar to the position of the temple, at a very tricky angle.
Empathy, if it is deterrence, then I will choose to hit it from the front of the moon, and at least let the earth people see the moon's face to meet the needs of deterrence, right?
Who can you call to attack that position?
So I speculate that this kinetic energy bomb ... is probably the ground attack of the ghost captain against the alien underground base! "
After finishing his speculation, Jay got up and poured himself a cup of coffee and took a sip, then looked at the head of the district.
The mayor had just digested Jay's words at this time. He recovered from the shock and frowned, "If so, how did Captain Ghost find the exact location of the alien base? The location of the underground base is the most Hard to detect, let alone the moon! "
"Using Shockwave! Remember the" Moonshock Event "?"
"Shockwave ?! It turns out so ... Is it possible to scan underground structures with frequent shockwaves? This is indeed possible!"
"Well! If the speculation is true, then Captain Ghost's research and intelligence gathering on aliens is definitely much stronger than ours. Perhaps he has observed alien ships going in and out of the moon to know that the moon exists in an alien base.
According to my judgment, this alien base should be an unmanned monitoring station, or an alien outpost. After all, its alienation time is as long as 13 years. If it is a manned base, it is impossible to have a spaceship to visit the earth only in the visiting day.
Although it was only an unmanned base, this attack by Captain Ghost obviously did not completely destroy the base, and even activated the base's automatic defense system. "
"Huh? How do you know?"
"Those seven humanoid objects, like the legendary fighter armor?"
"What ?! You mean ... Captain Ghost even made such things as mecha?" The mayor said incredulously.
"Captain Ghost has not surprised us once or twice. I think it's normal for him to build mechas. After all, even the very large weapons like space warships have been captured ..."
"Uh ... so ... well, even if it's mech, what does that mean?"
"This shows that the battle of the moon is not over yet. The ghost captain may find that the long-range attack cannot destroy this base. He is preparing for a landing operation!
Judging from the results of NASA's orbit calculations, these suspected 'fighter mech' landing sites almost coincide with the location of the high-energy laser, and the error will not exceed 30 kilometers.
And the energy level of that high-energy laser is dozens of times higher than the laser attack launched by the previous battleship at the Okinawa base!
Could it be that Captain Ghost suddenly upgraded his weapon technology level in a short time? Probability is unlikely, then there is only one possibility. This laser weapon attack is not launched by the ghost captain at all, but an automated defense weapon of the alien base!
Imagine, does this look like a duel between parachutists and air defense weapons? "
"This ..." the district chief was speechless.
It seems that everything can be said again ...
I have to say that Jay, you gave me another lesson ... I even replied again and again that I couldn't ...
Jay sighed, "So, Captain Ghost is likely to be fighting blood on the moon and aliens. How can we stab him from behind at this time?
Does n’t your conscience hurt?

Mayor: "..."
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