Chapter 336: task

"But you don't have to worry, the military will naturally not let Gustav stay with you in a star field.
His army has now been dispatched to get through the wormhole to the solar system. The trouble caused by the sea people themselves, the council decided to let them clean up the mess.
After the wormhole is cleared, his legion will temporarily stay in the solar system, so basically you will not have any intersection. "Isal explained to Nie Yun.
Open the wormhole? Is this ready to go? Nie Yun frowned.
However, we will not have any intersection? This is a bit early, hehe ...
"It's so best to be remembered, especially to a high-weight commander Your Excellency, but I can't sleep well!" Nie Yun spread his hands in a very helpless way.
"Giggle! Don't forget our two families, the relationship is not friendly, you are doing things under my hands, I am not afraid that my head boss is also worried about you?" Isal smiled meaningfully.
"Oh! His Excellency laughed. Different family positions do not mean hostility, and our value as soldiers should be reflected on the battlefield, not in internal fighting. That is the area where politicians are good at.
In fact, I am more willing to build merit on the battlefield, rather than to promote wealth through the hostility of the sea clan against me. "Nie Yun is neither humble nor overactive, and smiles back.
"Okay! That's good! If you want merit, just use the naval gun to get it yourself!" Isal Mulu admired. "The reason why I keep you by my side is that I don't want good seedlings like you to become only knowing intrigue politician!"
Nie Yun was shocked when she heard this, and looked at Ishar's expression very seriously. Nie Yun saw that she had no false words.
It turned out that she had a heart for love? Nie Yun couldn't help crying and laughing, the charm value was too much!
"Cough! Your Excellency Isar is loving."
Nie Yun can only express his thanks, but he sighs in his heart, but unfortunately, the camp is hostile, we will not have a result ...
"Since you have become the fleet commander under my command, then you must obey the arrangements of the legion.
Originally according to the order of the military department, I wanted you to the cosmic wonder back to the parent star directly after the review, but those Kara people are more slippery than we thought. The things are not yet available, but our people have already Found traces of clues, things should be on the princess of Carla Civilization.
This matter was originally responsible for Gustav, but now he may be overwhelmed. The things you provoke naturally need to be resolved by yourself. Just the formation of the third squadron will take some time. Prepare to execute you Your first mission ... "
Bridge of the Ranger.
"Catch the princess of the dead country? Am I a helper?" Nie Yun sat on the captain's chair and nodded his forehead, feeling awkward in his heart.
That ’s right, Isabel ’s first mission to him was to go to Karaxing to arrest the princess.
Although it feels weird, Nie Yun did not refuse.
For the legendary cosmic wonder, Nie Yun is very interested in breaking the ordinary laws of physics, involving the mysteries of high latitudes, and not knowing how he can do while his identity has not been exposed.
"Did the princess of the dead country ... not surrender, the resistance will be admirable!" Nie Yun looked at the image of the princess on the screen, but it was just a young girl.
"Ship ... cough! Your commander! The preparations for departure have been completed!" Catherine reported, apparently not used to Nie Yun's new title.
The news of Nie Yun ’s promotion has been circulated that such a young squadron commander, in terms of rank, is equivalent to a major general on the planet.
His captain was promoted, and his subordinates naturally rose up, and Catherine was naturally in a good mood. At the same time, he admired Nie Yun.
As a result of this, if there are five points that depend on the Hai people to die on their own, then the other five points are that Nie Yun is using various conditions to turn the clouds and rain, which is really amazing.
"Well, great, how is the repair of the battleship going?"
"90% has been completed, the rest will not affect normal navigation and combat, and can be completed by the maintenance robot on the battleship!"
"Okay! Apply to Zhinao for departure, the goal ... Karasing!"
Earth, Atlantis.
With nearly ten million small robots working day after day, ants are moving and reclaiming land in an endless way, this small island that had been inconspicuous has now become a huge giant beast, lying in the ocean.
At present, it is close to 30,000 square kilometers of land area, which is definitely the greatest engineering miracle in human history!
Looking down from the sky, Atlantis is not a complete land. Except for the central island, the original fine island chains have been filled into a ring of land spreading out.
There are three land rings that have been formed, and the distance is still extending outward. A straight trunk road connects the central main island and the land ring, connecting the two in series.
Each land ring is separated by several kilometers, and the whole island is like Venice, which is full of water channels. The azure blue ocean dots the area, and it is beautiful.
These land loops have built airports and deep-water port terminals, and have reserved 8 sea lanes enough to pass through giant ships, connected by huge steel bridges, hundreds of thousands of freighters travel through them, unimpeded.
A series of main roads radiating from the central island connect various terminals, airports and transportation hubs on the land ring. Various magnetic levitation vehicles are like crucian carp crossing the river, and the stream is endless.
Although it was only a few months from the opening of Atlantis, under the temptation of the space elevator, it has become the core area of ​​the world ’s space industry. Prototype.
And the most striking is the space elevator on the central island that connects heaven and earth. A series of "Earth Express" transports various materials and becomes the link between humans and rich space ...
At the other end of the bond, Atlantis Space Port has also doubled at this time. With the headquarters of Atlantis as the center, the space terminal is extending outward, and various functional buildings are rising.
The materials in the space port are piled up like mountains, and countless small robots operate various engineering equipment, and use these resources to expand the space port.
In addition to the basic expansion project, Atlantis has adopted a completely commercial operation for this space port.
Nie Yun ’s side is responsible for infrastructure and providing the necessary basic technology, and governments of all countries, like franchisees, rely on the space port, buy land, build factories, build shipyards ...
With the sharing of technology in the virtual technology tree, the development of just a few months, the technology of all countries on the earth, especially space technology, has also entered a period of rapid development.
And some advanced technologies that are exchanged for employment commissions in various countries have accelerated this process.
In Atlantis Island and the Space Port, apart from infrastructure, Nie Yun did not invest too much in black technology, and let the countries of the world participate in the construction and development with a completely stocking attitude, so a lot of the buildings here are all countries of the earth With its own scientific research strength, it can be completed by itself or jointly.
For example, the two small space docks in the space port that have just been built have been able to independently build small space transport ships.
Although the output of the two docks is not large, and the technological content can't be caught by Nie Yun, it is a very exciting signal for all countries, which means the possibility of human beings' independent entry into the universe.
In fact, this kind of space shipbuilding industry, which is very important for the development of civilization, Nie Yun can completely monopolize itself, such as selling high-tech spaceships at a relatively low price.
But this is like the impact of cheap foreign commodities on the local market, which will cause the local industry to struggle, or even have no survival soil at all, which is equivalent to stifling the development potential of all countries in this field.
In the same way, he did not intend to immediately open up advanced shipbuilding technology. He did not want to pull out seedlings to help, and he could take fewer detours, but he had to take the road one step at a time, so that he could consolidate the technological progress of civilization, instead of becoming deformed Castle in the sky.
How to make earth science and technology develop step by step, how to balance the technological strength gap of various countries and form a benign competition, how to avoid the devastating threat to the fragile earth king after the proliferation of high technology ...
These are things that need to be carefully considered and measured, so Nie Yun is cautious about the technological development process of earth civilization!
However, compared with the normal space marching speed here on earth, Nie Yun can be said to be very generous in the distant universe, striding forward to the future of surrealism with the earth ...
Asteroid belt, the exclusive shipbuilding base of the Earth Defense Forces.
In a huge space shipyard, a battleship that has just been completed is launching.
From the appearance, this battleship is exactly the same as the sea frigate seized by Nie Yun. At this time, rows of small robots are arranged in a neat square array, and tens of thousands of eyes are very excited and eager to look at the first of their own troops. A space battleship.
In front of the array, the virtual images of the Earth Defender Troika stand side by side, and the expression is also a little excited.
"Crack!" A bottle of champagne shattered at the bow position, and the battleship began to slowly leave the dock, carrying the earth's ambitions, and entered the vast universe ...
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