Chapter 337: Pinnacle of life

The Earth, the headquarters of the Defense Forces.
After attending the launching ceremony of the battleship, the three commanders held a meeting.
"At present, the overall construction of the wormhole defense system has been completed by 60%. As long as the" Soyuz "is in place, and the two battleships of Captain Ghost, our defensive firepower in the wormhole can be approximately equal to 5 frigates.
I believe that no accident, we can use the geographical advantages of wormholes to block the enemy out of the galaxy! "Yuri said.
Soyuz, this is the name of that battleship.
"Well, although we occupy the geographical position, we can't carelessly. During this time, we must make the crew familiar with the operation of the warship as soon as possible. After all, actual combat is different from virtual training.
What the other party said is that it also has a powerful civilization with 19 galaxies and a total population of nearly one trillion. No one can guarantee that they do not have a unique means of attack.
To be honest, when I saw this information from Captain Ghost, I felt a little desperate. We only have a few warships. The other party drove a squadron to come over and we had a pot. Fortunately, this wormhole has the ability to pass. Limited, I hope they can retreat with difficulty ... "General Hu smiled bitterly.
"Yeah, but at least the situation is much better than the previous Guardian IV battle. As long as the opponent can't afford the huge loss to give up attacking the solar system, we will be considered a staged victory.
But there is one thing I really can't figure out. Where on earth is Captain Ghost such precise information? It's like breaking into each other's civilization, how did he do it? "Schneider was very puzzled.
"According to the coverage of this information, it is almost all-encompassing, and even has the customs and customs of the other party! This is either that the ghost captain has invaded the internal network of the other party's civilization, or that a large number of prisoners have captured and tortured intelligence! Yuri guessed.
The two nodded, not to mention a large number of captives. With the unscientific electronic intrusion ability of Captain Ghost, it is indeed very possible to hack into the Gemini network.
Judging from the rise of Captain Ghost, he has invaded a social platform, a battleship control system, a military base, a national security bureau network ...
Even the two defense ministers of the US state were ousted by the ghost captain's electronic intrusion capabilities.
Oh yes, it was suspected to have invaded a battleship of the Gemini, and directly counteracted it.
Think of it this way, a few people suddenly have a weird feeling that Gemini's arrival is not all bad, at least people are now going to blame aliens ...
"Cough! For security reasons, shall we send an investigation unit to look across the wormhole? We can also verify the accuracy of the information." Schneider asked tentatively.
The other two looked at Schneider together, and Schneider was somewhat guilty by the two, and he laughed twice.
"I don't think you question the accuracy of the ghost captain's information. Do you want to go it alone?" General Hu pierced Schneider's thoughts.
The current development momentum of the Earth Defence Force is excellent. Both the military strength and the scale of the organization are expanding rapidly. In a special peace period in which all countries are completely buried in the development of science and technology, the Defence Force, which shoulders the important task of guarding the earth, is growing in influence.
While Captain Ghost still chose to hide behind the scenes with a semi-public force, the sense of existence of the Earth Defense Force began to rise.
But the Earth Defense Force is more a mercenary than a military organization.
The weapons are nominally their own, but as long as they are reluctant to give up the remote control technology of virtual reality, then every move is under the control of the ghost captain, and there is not much autonomy at all.
The intelligence is even more nonsense, and until now it is still completely dependent on the ghost ghost captain's sharing system ...
Judging from the loyalty of the personnel, they do hold "military power", but the problem is that in this mode of war, the role of people is really negligible. They can only play StarCraft within the range allowed by Captain Ghost. Very painful!
If you want to participate in the war more autonomously, you must have your own intelligence system. This is something everyone understands.
"Cough! I'm just a proposal. After all, two sets of intelligence systems have higher fault tolerance." Schneider coughed.
"At least until the ghost captain's information is really wrong, I will agree with this plan, and now, our unauthorized action will only cause trouble to the ghost captain.
The other party's ability to obtain intelligence at low risk does not mean that we can too! If we exposed the intelligence detection methods of Captain Ghost, who would be responsible? "
Even though he was very interested in developing his own intelligence system, Yuri sanely opposed the plan.
"Actually, we don't need to worry. I have a feeling that the ghost captain is intentionally or unintentionally letting the Earth Defense Force join his military system.
Let's participate in Europa, let's participate in the solar system defense chain, and the next wormhole defense battle, don't you think he is teaching us interstellar warfare at hand?
Facts have proved that with our current technological strength gap, choosing to integrate into the ghost captain's military system is more efficient than choosing to do it alone! At least our involvement in interstellar wars is deepening every time, isn't it?
So we do n’t have to worry, at this time Captain Ghost still chooses not to let us intervene in the intelligence field ... It should be just that the time has not arrived! General Hu analyzed.
"Huh!" The two nodded and agreed with General Hu.
"In addition, I don't know if you have found out? Although the Atlantis company has been operating frequently and the movements have been quite large in recent times, Captain Ghost himself has entered a low-key dormant period, on the bright side. The signs of activity are getting weaker ... "General Hu thought thoughtfully.
"Oh? I didn't pay attention to it, but when you say that, it seems that it's been a little calmer recently, not to mention Captain Ghost, the ghost knight didn't see one ..." Yuri touched his chin.
The most intuitive is that there hasn't been much movement on the moon recently.
"Did you find anything?" Schneider asked.
"Well, it's just a guess. You said ... Will Captain Ghost come to the wormhole in person?" General Hu assumed boldly.
"His!" "No?"
The two looked at each other, and Yuri frowned, "Shouldn't it, there are two enemies of the two legions !?"
"Oh! I'm just guessing, if Captain Ghost is really a ghost, maybe he is actually traveling in Gemini civilization now." General Hu thought about it and shook his head and smiled.
"Hey! Don't say it, your guess is more reliable than torture the prisoner's electronic invasion.
Let me tell you, I have read an internal report before. Although the image data has been lost, the combat effectiveness that Captain Ghost showed in the 13th district is definitely inhuman!
And when he passed the security check, his whole body was like a ball of light, maybe it was really an energy body. Why did he always wear a mask? Maybe there was nothing but nothingness under the mask! "Schneider seemed to be aroused in conversation, and could not help but explode.
"No?" "Really?"
The three of them chatted and talked, and the topic went off ... and gradually leaned towards the unknown occult field ...
On the earth, the topic of Captain Ghost has long dominated the top three of all search rankings, and some people even opened a "Ghostology" to study the life story of Captain Ghost.
The four characters of Captain Ghost are no longer just a name, a miracle creator, it is becoming a symbol of an era ...
Cara Star.
A dish-shaped landing craft slowly landed in a temporary base of Gemini.
"Oh!" The hatch opened, and Nie Yun, Catherine, and several guards wearing combat uniforms walked down.
"His Commander, welcome to the Karasing Colony!" Several Marine officers went forward to salute, led by a marine officer with a scar on his face, but his face did not look good?
Karasing is classified as a colony of sea tribes, so the land-based planets are mainly occupied by sea tribe fighters, but Nie Yun ’s high level is also a mission of
following a case
, so even the sea tribe has to cooperate.
Nie Yun swept around a little after returning to the ceremony, and suddenly he was shocked.
I saw that more than 200 sea warriors were loaded with live ammunition standing neatly, and a large area was emptied for vigilance. This scene reminded him of the pick-up ceremony of the country's leaders on earth.
However, I was promoted to a squadron commander. Is there such an appearance? Are you too enthusiastic? Nie Yun's eyes at the Scar Scarf officer softened immediately.
Good guy, promising!
"Cough! You guys have worked hard, but this welcome ceremony is also too grand. Be more pragmatic in the future and don't engage in these face-saving projects!" Nie Yun admits that he is still very reserved. Such a high-profile scene is not suitable for me.
The scarred officer sniffed at the corner of his mouth.
Who wants to welcome you so much! We do n’t welcome you at all!
It was not a secret for senior military officers that Arthas was repeatedly subjected to all kinds of news that the Hai people wanted to kill him. Rumors had flown all over the sky.
Then the question is coming, if Arthas has any shortcomings in his own eyelids ... then he will surely be regarded as the third generation successor of the "want to kill him" series?
Therefore, when it is so sensitive, Arthas can't have an accident, and no hair can be dropped!
"Cough! Although the main battle of Kara Sing has ended, there are still sporadic battles. For your safety, this group of elite marines will accompany you throughout the process to protect your personal safety until your return to space."
Uh ... an strengthening the company?
Nie Yun touched his chin. Interestingly, this was for me to lead groups of dog legs and take the streets to rob a good family girl ... Could it be that I am going to the peak of life in this Karaxing?
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