Chapter 679: Liberator and Conqueror

"Ghost Knights killed 3645 people, Destruction Hammer Knights killed 287 people, the fleet slightly injured 3 ships, and captured 7 enemy ships..." Inside the bridge, the codename is reporting post-war casualty numbers.
"Among the 287 people killed, this casualty figure is still a bit large..."
Nie Yun frowned, still dissatisfied with such a slight loss.
To know that he is a man who is famous for zero casualties...
As for the loss of the ghost knights...what kind of little things need to be concerned about?
Mechanical Bug: "..."
This is also a natural hobby like "death". If you are dead, you still have to do tricks to see if you can trigger hidden achievements. Replace them with ordinary people. Seeing such a disproportionate rate of casualties, I am afraid you have to do it. A parade protesting against "true racial discrimination" came out.
The slogan is ready-made-"PlayerLivesMatter!"
"The main reason is that there is not enough mecha equipment at present, and only a meat shield can be equipped for each of the Ryan clan. If they can ride one person for two, or even one person for three, the safety factor can increase exponentially." Killed the player.
"Um... makes sense! Then do it!
The problem with the mecha equipment is only temporary. The last time I seized from the gold coins was the mold and core components of this mecha production line. When I personally pinch out a few copies, it is enough for us to build two or three mechas. Production line. "
It must be said that the "Bronze" mech is worthy of the Woolf Empire's hard work for nearly a thousand years.
Although the combat performance is not very good, even Gemini’s high-end mecha is not as good, but the data is quite balanced, and the cost performance is absolutely first-class. Most of the materials can be put together in ordinary resource galaxies.
It is a very cost-effective consumption product for the player with the first-class killing ability and the high equipment loss rate.
Even the weaponry manufacturing base of the solar system has begun to use the success of this mech to improve its drone armor design.
"Well! Although it is incomparable with the industrial foundation of the solar system, the Shard Star Zone has a huge black market. As long as there is money, there is no shortage of resources. It should not be difficult to meet the pirate group's own equipment needs." The code nodded. .
Incidentally, the industrial capacity of the solar system is no longer what it used to be. However, due to its large rear security position, it has not directly intervened in the war situation. Today, there are signs of capacity overflow in the field of warships and weapons manufacturing.
Chu Xiaoxiao is worried about these surplus military production capacity.
I wanted to export some products through Kara Sing, but the military system of Gemini was already quite perfect, and Nie Yun could not take out more high-end weapons than Gemini for sale.
In addition to the huge short-term demand for basic industrial products in the solar system development, this led to a huge trade deficit between the Earth and Gemini, in addition to the energy crystal trade.
To put it simply...things in the solar system cannot be sold at all!
Therefore, in the view of Chu Xiaoxiao, these industries are piles of idle assets. How to revitalize them has become a headache.
She once proposed a temporary military to civilian use, but Nie Yun rejected it.
The military industry is a key development area of ​​every interstellar civilization and has been idle. Whether it is for the replacement of military technology or the innovation and development of products, it is very unfavorable.
A careful study of the history of the development of military industries in the countries of the earth can draw surprising similarities.
In a state of war, survival needs are the first source of power to stimulate the development of military technology.
In a non-war state, the pursuit of interests will replace the former, making it more in line with the laws of the market economy.
For example, Germany has the strongest military technology during World War II, and even the United States, which has a huge capital advantage, is far inferior. This is the survival demand stimulation.
Looking at the post-war rice country, the development of military technology has not stopped because of the cessation of the war, and it has continued to advance by leaps and bounds.
This is because the military companies in the United States continue to expand the arms trade market in the world. They sold an F16 to more than 30 countries around the world. The sum of them is more than the sum of the air force of most countries at that time. The profit can be Think about it.
The huge benefits of the arms market have stimulated the continuous upgrading of the military industry system, which has made the military strength of the United States a complete success. This is undoubtedly the fruitful result of the free market economy.
Of course, capital is a wild horse, and once it is taken off, it is a disaster. Nowadays, the military giants who are not big enough are one of the prices paid by the United States.
No fight? Is the world peaceful? Can't sell arms?
How does that work!
Make trouble! Do things worldwide!
If there are serious regional confrontations and constant wars in various regions, even if there are no enemies, a group of enemies will be created!
The World Trade Center fell? Wonderful! Great excuses were sent to the door, so the Middle East was unlucky.
It's a pity that the Hexagon Building didn't fall down, and there was no excuse. It doesn't matter, we have "Chemical Weapon" brand detergent, so luck is bad.
In the conflicts and wars that have been created globally and in the wars that have been launched, the military companies in the United States have obtained huge arms sales benefits, and the performance of military weapons has also been verified by actual battlefield feedback.
The military giants use the money to invest in the development of more advanced weapons, maintain their leading position, sell their backward arms, and continue to wage the next war, thus forming a virtuous circle.
If it were not for fear of causing a nuclear war in the world, the country that had already been kidnapped by capital would never mind starting with those nuclear-powered countries.
It is conceivable that once there is no war in the world, the investment and research chain in this market is interrupted, and military companies have no orders and funding sources and R&D motivation, then the military technology of the United States will inevitably begin to decline.
The military hegemony is the core of the rice emperor's hegemony. The loss of advanced military technology means the loss of the status and corresponding interests of the super empire.
So... world peace is really just a slogan...
cough! It's a bit far away, but Nie Yun is undoubtedly experiencing the same problem now.
Nie Yun is not a war madman. It is impossible to take the initiative to provoke war. So if you want to promote the healthy, high-speed and sustainable development of military technology, you can only expand the market.
And Gemini, which borders the solar system and has a huge market, is undoubtedly their only choice at present!
After the last World War, Gemini lost a lot of military power, and Chu Xiaoxiao immediately saw business opportunities from it. At this time, Gemini's demand for weapons and equipment is absolutely unprecedented.
If at this time the solar system could mass-produce "Bronze" mechas of standard equipment of hostile forces...
With the superior mecha performance of Gemini and the low-cost advantage of the mechanical insect manufacturing system, once dumped to the other party, it may completely open the other party's arms market.
Withdrawing his thoughts, Nie Yun looked at the gray-brown planet outside the porthole.
"What about Spartak?"
"Has entered the Lane Star, the current specific positioning... should be to the largest settlement on the Lane Star.
According to the information we obtained from the captives, the patriarch of the Lane tribe currently lives there, of course, perhaps it is more appropriate to be imprisoned. "
"Really? Hope... everything goes well."
This time it was a whole race, which is different from ordinary robbing people. If you want the Line tribe to earn their lives for themselves, they will not leave hidden dangers in the future, so the means of subjugation cannot be too tough.
The key is... to serve people with virtue!
But he can't guarantee that the other party will feel the hegemony that he exudes after hundreds of thousands of kilometers and then bow down, then they can only start from within themselves.
Spartak as the first Ryan person he met, after his own tone...cough! It is a teaching that the current loyalty is definitely above 95.
Using him as a bridge to communicate is undoubtedly a relatively safe way.
Whether it is a liberator or a conqueror, it depends on your performance...
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