Chapter 680: Humiliation

"What the happened?" The old patriarch of the Lane tribe walked out of the cave and looked up at the falling stars in the dark night sky, his expression slightly changed.
He with rich experience on the battlefield can naturally see that this is not a naturally formed meteor shower, but should be a phenomenon of large-scale aircraft airborne planets.
And looking at this number, at least tens of thousands of flying machines invaded Ryan Star!
But how could this be possible, there were 50 warships above the planet guarding them.
Is it possible that the Locke consortium feels that they have no value anymore, so they are ready to cook cunning rabbits?
"Grandpa, I'm scared!" A little Ryan girl couldn't help but hug the elder patriarch's thigh.
The Ryan people of the entire settlement also stepped out of the humble place at the moment, and were attracted by the sight of the night sky, and everyone seemed a little uneasy.
"Boom!" Just as everyone was frightened, a meteor suddenly rushed in their direction from the far and near, with thunderous engine roar.
"Bang!" The huge blue figure slowly landed outside their settlement, and the steel body was still a little red under the friction of the atmosphere, braving the burning heat.
Although the flying sand and twisted air waves affected some sight, many people still judged each other's identity from the familiar silhouette...Bronze mecha!
And this should be a modified elite mecha, which is obviously different from the standard equipment they used to drive on the battlefield.
"Be careful!" The Ryan warrior in charge of the guard immediately put on the alert posture.
However, with several old-fashioned training mechas, and the ancient cold weapons used in close combat in their hands, facing the unknown enemies in front of them is at best a comforting effect.
Although there are many silver-level fighters in this settlement, their equipment has been recovered by the Locke Consortium, and even the ace pilot is a skillful woman.
But just as everyone was facing an enemy, the cockpit of the mech was slowly opened with a sneer...
When the pilot got out of the cockpit, everyone was in a daze.
"Ryan!" "Actually a fellow man?!" "What's going on?"
I saw the pilot of the same race took off the helmet, looked around, and then slowly walked towards them.
Although everyone could not understand the situation, but for this identity, my fellow clan with unknown enemies, the Ryan warrior responsible for defense still raised his weapon to stop him.
"Huh? Spartak! Is it you?!"
Just then, a surprised voice came from the crowd.
Spartak turned his head and looked at it, suddenly having fun.
"Morsey? You are not dead yet?"
It turned out that it was Morsi, an old rival who had had a "God of War" with Spartak before.
"Huh! I'm still waiting to kill you personally, you are not dead, how could I die before you?" Morcy snorted coldly, but hung down the weapon in his hand.
There is no mercy on the lips, but Morsi has actually recognized Spartak after the last duel.
So he believes that Spartak is definitely not trying to do harm to himself and others.
Morsi apparently had some prestige among this group of fighters, and the people around him saw it, and they also dropped the weapons in their hands.
"Young warrior, explain your identity and purpose!"
At this moment, the old patriarch came out of the crowd and stared at Spartak seriously.
Spartak looked excited when he saw the old patriarch.
When the patriarch was young, he was not only the strongest warrior in the clan, but also a very few people who inherited the ancient knowledge of the Line tribe, and possessed extraordinary wisdom.
It can be said that because of his constant dealings with the Locke consortium, this keeps a trace of fire from the Lane tribe.
In the eyes of every young Lion warrior, the old patriarch is a legend with unparalleled prestige.
Spartak caressed his chest with one hand and kneeled on one knee with a respectful tone.
"Lane clan warrior, ghost pirate group leader of the destroying hammer knight group Spartak, see the clan leader!"
Ghost pirate group? Head of the Knights?
The old patriarch frowned and couldn't help thinking of the pirate looting incident mentioned by the tribe, his eyes slightly cold.
"So, last time, this ghost pirate group came to plunder our clan? Why, are you ready to help the abuser and the tiger to help the enemy to poison our troubled fellow race today?"
When the people around heard it, they immediately raised their arms again, and the look at Spartak became angry and fierce.
"Do not misunderstand the patriarch, I always keep in mind that I am a warrior of the Lane tribe!" Spartak immediately stated his position.
"Although the ghost pirate group looted the tribe, they did not hurt us one cent at a time. On the contrary, everyone including me was very grateful to the head of the group to save us from the Ryan star!"
"We are also willing to join the pirate as a mercenary, and no one has ever threatened us.
Compared to the years of selling our lives for the Woolf Empire, today we are truly free!
After we join the pirate group, we can use our own hands to earn remuneration and improve our status with wars, so that our loved ones can get excellent living conditions, so that our women and children can also enter the school to learn advanced knowledge of interstellar civilization.
They no longer have to risk following us on the battlefield, just for such a meager survival supplies.
They can live in a warm and comfortable room without worrying about when they will be attacked by monsters under the ground..."
Spartak finished his personal experience, not only the old patriarch, but everyone was stunned.
Is there such a paradise in this world?
And such a paradise...exists in a pirate den?
The old patriarch was silent for a while, and immediately sighed.
"Ah! If I can, how I hope everything you say is true."
"However, what you said is just your side. As far as I know, the interstellar pirates are all profitable generations. For the looted population, they will always only be slaves, and the fate of the looted people will only be better than now. We are even more miserable."
"Yes, the pirates can be so kind? Spartak, have you already been brainwashed, I know that the Woolf Empire has this technology!" Morsi also stood up, with a bad look.
"It's a scam, you know it at a glance." Spartak knows that airlessness is hard to believe.
After all, even at the beginning, he did not believe that there was an alternative to Captain Ghost among the pirates.
Not much to say, just raised his wrist and operated a few times, then the eyes of the mech standing behind him flickered, and a huge projection was projected into the air.
Subsequently, pictures of the life of the Linen people began to appear in the eyes of everyone.
With the change of light and shadow, everyone's eyes changed from questioning to doubting, and finally everyone's face almost showed a trace of longing and longing.
In particular, one of the women and children of the Ryan tribe studied hard in a spacious and bright classroom. The smile on their faces deeply moved the hearts of every Ryan warrior present.
Tough-blooded men also have tenderness.
They can be brave and fearless on the battlefield, but their loved ones are the softness of everyone's heart.
Even the eyes of the old patriarch have changed slightly.
"That's Aunt Niah! Their family has been robbed by pirates before!" "That's Barr, thanks to the ancestors, they are both still alive!" "I saw the Simpsons, they seem to...have a really good life?"
The constant exclamation and discussion in the crowd made everyone's eyes more intense.
What if true?
When the projection disappeared, Spartak took a deep breath.
"Master Patriarch, our Line tribe has endured under Woolf's bullying for too long.
They let us live in the harshest environment, experience the cruelest fighting, and only give us a small amount of survival supplies to make it difficult for us to survive.
They used a butcher knife to force our heroic soldiers to bleed and sacrifice for them on the battlefield, and consumed them as cannon fodder.
They even let us kill each other! "
Spartak's low voice, like the roar of a beast, dimmed everyone's eyes.
Spartak raised his head and pointed at Morsi.
"Morsey, we could have been the best friend and the most trusted comrade in arms, but just to survive, I killed his younger brother, and we eventually became enemies!"
Morsi heard a complex expression.
Spartak again turned to look at the old patriarch.
"Master Patriarch, our ancestors told us that the blood and thunder on the battlefield will give us strength and glory, but today, the blood of my Ryan warrior is humiliated and spilled over the galaxy. What glory is there?"
The old patriarch stared blankly at Spartak.
Indistinctly, he seemed to see himself when he was young...
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