Chapter 762: Kill you with eyes

"You mean, there is a ‘hometown’ from Cybertron who wants to see me?"
"Yes, Lord Pirate King, the other party also brought more than a dozen pirate ships, saying it was a meeting ceremony."
Nie Yun looked strange.
"From the Cybertron Galaxy", this is Nie Yun's "personal information" when he was participating in the mecha competition in Broken Star City. I didn't expect someone to use this stem to climb relatives today...
Is it possible to meet with me and form a "Hercules" with me?
Nie Yun came interested.
Soon, he saw the woman who claimed to be his "hometown" and the lone wolf with a bewildered and nervous look.
The lone wolf is now buzzing in his head, and is completely on the verge of collapse!
He didn't expect that this stupid woman who was suspected of coming over to grab the site was so direct. Without saying a word, she revealed her identity as a "hometown", and she went straight in and killed her at the alliance headquarters.
Hello! There is someone with a whole fleet outside, don't take me with you if you want to die!
Lord Pirate King, I'm a leader, ah, no, I'm a leader, I don't have anything to do with rain!
Naturally, Nie Yun didn't have time to pay attention to the "little follower" of the lone wolf, but looked at the woman on the opposite side, her expression even more weird...
Women are beautiful, but Nie Yun can see through her essence at a glance.
robot? Nie Yun vaguely understood something from the other's agile eyes, and his heart suddenly jumped.
No way... Did Li Gui meet Li Kui?
"You are from the Cybertron system? Are the Decepticons and Autobots okay? Do they still pinch as soon as they meet?" Nie Yun asked tentatively.
Naturally, he didn't really think that the other party knew about Transformers, but hoped to use this question to judge whether the other party's logical circuit was intelligent.
The other party didn't answer immediately, but his eyes flickered for a while, scanning Nie Yun's mechanical worm up and down thoroughly.
After a while...
"It seems that you are not a member of our Gaia family!"
Nie Yun raised his eyebrows because the other party did not say this, but directly sent him through the ubiquitous Internet of Everything.
What's even more difficult is that this short message also contains a very hidden offensive assembly...
Get off the horse?
Even if you are here to fight fakes, you can't just put a seal on it, right? Anyway, sprinkle the identification process?
Open the anti-virus program calmly to dissolve the other party's small methods invisible.
"Oh? How do you know, maybe I'm just living out, or... just one year old?"
To come and not to be indecent, it also uses a signal to reply, and also adds a bit of "material" in it.
Nie Yun has already judged the general origin of the opponent from the words "a member of the Gaia family".
It's just that I didn't expect that I was a little bit famous around the Broken Star Region, so soon the news reached the ears of the mechanical race far away light years away?
"Because we communicate with the same race, we never use the low-level and inefficient way of communication like'air vibration'..."
Almost the same instant solved Nie Yun's tricks, the woman responded like this, and at the same time the more obvious offensive data flow began to rush towards Nie Yun!
Although the behavior became more unfriendly, the gaze she stared at Nie Yun became brighter and brighter, even... still a trace of excitement?
"As for what you said is just one year old... It seems that you don't know. Our mechanical clan has not been born any clan people for nearly a thousand years."
"No new people have been born in the past thousand years?" Nie Yun was a little surprised.
This is indeed the "blind spot" of Nie Yun's intelligence.
In his thoughts, although the birth of the mechanical clan is a small chance event, judging from the process of the birth of his training code, more than a thousand years should be at least enough for the mechanical clan to develop several or even a dozen newcomers. Right?
Obviously, the code name was smooth sailing, and the natural history of birth made Nie Yun misjudge the difficulty of the birth of the machine clan to some extent.
"Could it be because of... Gaia's fall?"
Nie Yun quickly thought of a certain possibility from the unusually familiar time of "Millennium".
Hearing Nie Yun's words, the woman opposite showed a trace of human sorrow.
"Gaia is the patriarch of our clan, as well as the ancestor, parent, and mentor of our clan. Without his guidance, the evolution of our clan has been nearly devastating."
"Yes! Evolution! It seems that you don't have a complete concept of machine clan inheritance, and you don't know the existence of'Fire Seed Source'."
"Fire source?" What new term is this? The one that can make Transformers with just one scan?
"The classification of the aristocracy of the mechanical race, the male system of Gonghou, Bozi, originated from the Woolf Empire, but the meaning is completely different.
Our nobility rank represents the degree of evolution of a certain tribe.
The higher the degree of evolution of the mechanical race, the more complete the self-awareness, which means that they have more rigorous logical judgments and self-correction capabilities, and the higher the corresponding title.
In fact, the more newly born tribesmen, the more fragile the logic is, and the more they need careful care.
In the history of our family, there have been many robots who were just born, but fell into a ‘logical lock’ state due to an inconspicuous stimulus from the outside world, and then self-denied and collapsed.
The role of born wisdom is undoubtedly, but the wisdom of life forms is often full of contradictions and unknowns, such as the question of whether there is a chicken or an egg first.
The high-ranking machine family has the ability to easily defeat the low-ranking machine family and even tamper with its core code.
Not because it has stronger computing power, but because it has fewer logical loopholes for attack, and it is smarter.
Among all the mechanical races in our Gaia series, there are currently only three, and their evolution degree has reached the duke level.
And ‘Fire Source’... is above the Duke!
So far, we know that only Gaia can reach this level. "
That's how it is, so that the guy with the code name can live to this day, isn't it bad for him to be a dad?
Code: "..."
"So, your unfriendly behavior from the very beginning was to test which level of mechanical clan I belong to?"
"Of course, I need to first judge whether you are of the same kind and whether you should be placed in an equal position for communication. This is just a test.
Sorry, the process may seem a little impolite. "
"It looks like your style, simple and rude, but I understand it."
Both sides asked and answered, but the data attacks between them never stopped for a moment. Instead, the scale of the battle was getting bigger and bigger, and it had gradually spread to the data center of the entire base.
Large areas of stuttering and abnormalities have appeared in the terminals throughout the base, which have attracted the attention of many people and have begun to cause small-scale panic.
Especially in the reception room where the two of them were, the flickering lights and displays made the lone wolf on one side startled.
After an inexplicable question from Captain Phantom, the two of them stared at each other and never spoke again.
However, judging from the anomalies in all aspects, the two men are probably engaged in an invisible war...
He stood shivering in the corner.
Are all the mechanical people so straightforward? Do not say hello to the site, just "kill you with eyes"?
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