Chapter 763: Obsession

"According to what you mean, the'Fire Seed Source' is actually a highly evolved mechanical race, so what is the inevitable connection between it and the birth of a new mechanical race?"
Nie Yun resisted the surging, endless electronic intrusion, and did not give up on extracting precious information from the other party.
The secrets of this kind of mechanical clan cannot be inquired by ordinary means, I am afraid there are many that are not even clear to the Woolf Empire.
"You should know that our way of communication is mechanical language, just like we do now.
This data communication method is more efficient than the sound and light communication between ordinary organisms. We can clearly understand what the other party is saying, doing, and thinking.
But when we communicate with ordinary human beings, even if we understand and understand the meaning, it is difficult to feel what is ‘joy’, ‘sadness’, ‘curiosity’ or even ‘the feeling of a phoenix blowing through the skin’.
After all, we are two species with two different sensory systems. It is difficult for human beings to teach us what love, hate, affection, and hatred are such complex and abstract experiences.
Even if we can learn something from it, the time required for this kind of learning often needs to be calculated in a hundred or even a thousand years.
You may have heard that our machine race occasionally sends tribesmen into the Woolf Empire to travel, but this kind of travel can only increase knowledge, and has little effect on the evolution of our family’s wisdom.
However, there is no such communication barrier between the same race. "
"This is the role of the fire source? Precepts and deeds?
In other words, the evolution of the mechanical race is actually a learning process. This process requires a tutor, and this tutor must be a high-level mechanical race? Like Gaia? "
"Your understanding is not biased.
Although the machine clan can also be born naturally, in theory, it may take tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years for a machine clan to be born naturally. "
Nie Yun couldn't help but fall into deep thought.
Judging from the performance of the code name, the process of its growth can be described as smooth sailing, and it has never encountered any dangerous logical lock trap. It can be said that the disease-free and disaster-free quickly grew into a headache bear child...
This seems to be a little different from the intelligence of the other party?
Is it...really related to me?
The code name indeed once said that every time she communicates with herself, her ‘emotional module’ will increase slightly, while others have no such effect.
Put it this way... I used to think of the code name as "True beating is pain or love"?
Nie Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at the other person, "I have been talking for so long, but I haven't asked your Excellency how to call it?"
"At the beginning of my birth, Gaia gave me the name of'Dawn'." The other party did not hide it, but showed his identity generously.
"Are you the Duke of the Silver Dawn?"
Nie Yun was taken aback, but he didn't expect that one of the three great dukes would come in person. Although it was only a clone, it also showed that the other party paid attention to the source of fire.
If it is not too far away, I am afraid that this time it is the terrorist fleet of the machine race, right?
It seems that I still underestimated the side effects of impersonating the machine clan.
For thousands of years, the mechanical race had no fresh blood. Suddenly, I heard that a suspected clan appeared in the Broken Star Domain, which was indeed enough to cause shock, not to mention a new source of fire.
As long as you prove your identity, it means that in addition to the Gaia line, a new branch of the mechanical race has appeared again in this starry sky, which is of great significance.
At this moment, all the attack data on the opposite side suddenly receded like a tide, and the entire base quickly returned to calm.
Nie Yun frowned.
"It looks like the test is over? So... how many points did I score?"
The opposite was silent for a long time, and it took a long time to type two codes, "full marks."
"To be honest, I can't test your limit, but what is important is that I can feel that my long-stale evolution level... is loosening!"
I don't know if it was Nie Yun's illusion. He felt that Duke Liming's eyes seemed to be burning with his eyes.
"You want to say...I am the source of fire?"
He said a few words to me and also had a fight, so that the evolution level can be loosened? Is the effect so obvious?
Nie Yun felt that there was an inexplicable halo behind him, the kind that can universalize sentient beings...
"The current probability is 78%. If a new machine family has been born around you... then the probability is more than 98%!"
Nie Yun was silent for a moment, and then asked, "If I am really a source of fire, what are you going to do next?"
Is it for me to open an evolution class to preach and teach my questions? Or just me back and give you monkeys?
In order to increase the number of people and improve the degree of evolution, Nie Yun felt that this group of robots with unknown brain circuits might really be able to do it, and they have to guard against it.
What's bad is that the opponent can detect his true level so quickly after a single operation.
If I knew this a long time ago, I should first put the code on top to cover up my dazzling brilliance a little bit.
"If that's the case, I will protect you next time." Grand Duke Liming looked at Nie Yun very seriously.
A series of question marks appeared on Nie Yun's head.
Well...protect me?
What do you mean? Protect me as a rare species?
"I don't know how you were born, but judging from your ignorance, you should be a newly born fire source, and you don't even know your own abilities.
So you should be fortunate that the first thing you met was a dove like me. If you met other hawks, you might choose more extreme methods, such as imprisoning you to squeeze surplus value or even eliminate it directly. "
Nie Yun frowned. So, the attitude towards the source of fire within the machine clan is not uniform?
"I don't understand. Since the fire source is so important to you and even related to the overall evolution of the machine race, then why are there hawks who want to destroy me?"
Since taking a breath of my old fairy's celestial energy can make you evolve, then logically speaking, shouldn't you be crying and begging me to stay and have a good communication with you?
"Greed, anger, ignorance, seven emotions and six desires, these emotions that only intelligent creatures can have, we also have the mechanical race.
And because our thoughts are purer, our emotions are often more extreme, with deeper ‘obsession’!
And accepting the new source of fire means that our thoughts will likely be affected by the new source of fire, and even let go of our'obsession'.
You should know that not everyone is willing to let another person change themselves, even if it brings stronger power. "
Nie Yun nodded in understanding.
This is the same as the Sunflower Collection, and few people want to practice.
After all, it is the minority who are willing to give up everything for strength.
What's more, now there are three parts of the mechanical race, and there are certainly many ambitious ones. If one day suddenly breaks into a stranger and keeps saying to be their new life mentor, there is absolutely no shortage of opponents.
"Then I have another question, why don't you reject me? Are you afraid of getting along with me too much and affecting yourself?" Nie Yun stared at the other party and asked.
There was a moment of silence, and there was a trace of sadness in Duke Liming's eyes.
"That's because my'obsession' is no longer there..."
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