Chapter 407: Not good

To go to the Dacheng Jingcheng Temple of Literature to ask for a documentary movement, this involves Chen Ping's practice of the road, but Mao Xiaodong did not rush to take Chen Heping straight to the Temple of Literature, just take Chen Pingan slowly and gossip.
Mao Xiaodong asked a lot of interesting things on the way of Chen Ping’s travels. Chen Pingan traveled twice, but more on the banks of the mountains and rivers in the mountains, wading through the mountains, and encountering the Wenwu Temple, not too much, Chen Ping Shun sighed and talked about the seemingly rough, but really good friends, the great hero Xu Yuanxia.
The man who left the ranks of the same year, in addition to recording the landscapes of various places, will also use the meticulous paintings to paint the ancient wooden buildings of various countries. Mao Xiaodong said that the Xu Xia Shi, can come to the academy as a famous master to give lectures to the students of the college, let me talk about it. The mountains and rivers are magnificent and the humanities are beautiful. The college can even open up a house for him to hang his manuscripts.
Chen Pingan promised Mao Xiaodong to send a letter to Xu Yuanxia who had returned to the country township, inviting him to travel to the Dagushan Cliff College.
The largest and most ceremonial temple in Beijing is located in the northwest. Therefore, the two people set off from Donghua Mountain and passed through the small half of the capital. During the period, Mao Xiaodong asked Chen Ping to have lunch, hiding in the deep lane. In a small restaurant, the business is not deserted, the wine is not afraid of the deep alley, and the rice wine brewed in the restaurant is very doorway.
Mao Xiaodong said that every time the wine is brewed, in addition to the master will inevitably select glutinous rice, he will bring his son out of the city and rush to the Songfeng Spring, which is sixty miles away from the capital, to pick up the water. The father and son take turns to pick the shoulders. Only the rice wine that the Beijing city good drinkers do not want to stop is brewed.
When Chen Ping left the pub, he bought a large altar of rice wine, went to the no-man lane, carefully poured into the raised sword that had already bottomed out, and then retired the empty jar into the scale.
Inside the scales, "nothing is wrong."
Clothing books, copywriting, pots and pans, hatchet needles, herbal flints, pieces and pieces.
Seeing Chen Ping’s empty space for not worth a few pennies, Mao Xiaodong reminded:
It’s a good thing to accumulate less and build a tower. It’s just a good thing, just don’t dig into the horns, everything is nitpicking everywhere, otherwise it’s hard to be clear, or Working hard, although strong and strong, it has long been awkward."
Chen Pingan smiled and said: "Remember."
Mao Xiaodong smiled and smiled.
In fact, what is nitpicking is that he is the master of the Mao, but not so, do not put a small shelf with Chen Ping, how to reflect the dignity of the brother? His husband does not mourn and swear by himself. He Mao Xiaodong always has to be a close disciple of his husband.
After nearly half an hour, I went to the holy place in the heart of all the students in Datun, the Beijing Confucian Temple.
The Temple of Literature is scattered all over the world, dotted with stars, like a literary light on the earth, shining on the earth.
Unless it is some places that are too remote, the smallest counties, according to the example, need to build Wenwu Temple. After all the county guards and county magistrates take office, they need to go to the Temple of Literature to worship the sacred rites, and then go to the martial arts temple to pay homage to the spirit.
Therefore, even if it was the town where Chen Pingdong grew up peacefully, it was blocked and blocked. After breaking down and rooting in the map, the first big thing was that the Daxie court gave the first county magistrate Wu Hao, and immediately proceeded. Prepare the site for the two temples of Wenwu.
Mao Xiaodong stood outside the Temple of Literature, and Chen Pingan stood side by side with the old man.
Mao Xiaodong asked: "I used to drink rice wine, now I can see the Temple of Literature, can I have a taste?"
Chen Ping replied: "The above is good for glutinous rice wine making, and the people who buy wine are in a constant stream. It can be seen that the people in Beijing have no worries about food and clothing, and they still have a lot of spare money. As for this temple, I have not seen anything."
Chen Pingan answered half of it, Mao Xiaodong nodded, but this time it was really not Mao Xiaodong’s illusion, and he pointed out to Chen Ping:
"There is no movement there. This shows that the guys living in the mud in the Dagu Temple are not optimistic about your peace of mind."
Speaking of this, Mao Xiaodong is somewhat ridiculous. "Probably the incense has been smoked for hundreds of years and the eyes are not good."
Mao Xiaodong continued: "The scholars of the study, the heart of the piety, visit the Temple of Literature, if the body is full of literary talents, the Temple of God will be inductive, quietly separated a little literary grace of the text, as a gift. The world's so-called wonderful pen flowers The article Tiancheng, when the pen is written, is like a ghost and a god. This is the reason, but the temple gods can do what they want, but it is just a icing on the cake. In the final analysis, it is still not deep enough for the scholars."
"The ones who are willing to do these little moves are mostly the acts of the incense gods of the country's literary ministers. The temples of the capitals of the capitals of all countries, the sacred masters and the seventy-two sages, are just clay figurines. Of course, there is no absolute thing. There are also a few exceptions. In the capital of the nine dynasties of the world, there is often a big saint sitting in the town."
Upon hearing this, Chen Pingan whispered softly: "Now the south of Baojuan, it is already the tenth dynasty."
Mao Xiaodong smiled and said: "When all the new Wuyue Mountains appear, let's talk about this again. It will be a Beiyue Pianyun Mountain at this time. It is still too early to be famous."
Mao Xiaodong walked forward. "Let's go, let's go to the Confucian Temple of the Confucian Temple where the national wind is located."
Chen Ping followed.
The Temple of Literature covers a large area, and there are many scholars and devotees who come here, but they are not crowded.
But when Chen Pingan followed Mao Xiaodong to the main hall of the Temple of Literature, he found that there were no ones.
It seems that the Temple of Literature and Art Temple has been instructed. For the time being, tourists and pilgrims are not allowed to approach the vestibule to worship the world, and the apse is dedicated to the sanctuary of a country's saints.
The courtyard is quiet and the ancient trees are towering.
An old-aged Confucian with a large sleeve and a high crown, with a long sword hanging from his waist, appeared in the golden body, walked out of the basin of a clay sculpture, crossed the threshold and walked to the courtyard.
Mao Xiaodong and the famous bones and literary ministers in the history book of Daxie made a concert.
Before entering the yard, Mao Xiaodong and Chen Pingan have already mentioned several Jingcheng Confucian temple gods, their life and context, and their great achievements in their respective dynasties.
In front of this temple, the of the temple, named Yuan Gaofeng, is one of the great achievements of the founding of the Daxie. It is also a Confucian scholar with outstanding achievements. He abandoned the pen and voted with the founding emperor of Goyang Gao on the horseback. With the book of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the title of Wu Yingdian University, he was exhausted and his political achievements were remarkable. After his death, he was very good. Yuan's still is a great singer, and he is a hero. He is a master of contemporary Yuan's family. He once went to the Ministry of Punishment, and resigned from his illness. His son and son, Duo Duoyan, have made achievements in the officialdom and the battlefield and in the study.
Yuan Gaofeng himself, the first official who was able to be nicknamed Wen Zheng by the emperor since the founding of Da Yu.
Yuan Gaofeng asked: "I don't know what Maoshan is here?"
Mao Xiaodong asked: "Do you know why?"
Yuan Gaofeng’s look is unchanged.
There is a request from Maoshan.

Mao Xiaodong slowly said: "I want to take a copy of the cultural relics with your Confucian Temple, and then borrow one. In the various ceremonial ceremonies, I will generally take the shackles and a set of essays. Two candlesticks, this is the share that our Cliff College should have, and the blue and white cans that you later moved from the local Confucian Temple and funded by Yu Shiyan Qingguang. This is borrowed from your temple. In addition to the intellectual property contained in it, the artifact itself will of course be returned to you."
Yuan Gaofeng asked: "How can you not grab Mao Xiaodong?"
Sure enough, Confucianism will be born, straightforward, unambiguous.
Mao Xiaodong smiled and said: "If I grab it, I won't be polite with you."
Yuan Gaofeng sneered: "You know, listen to the words you open the door, the tone is so big, I thought that you Mao Xiaodong is now a saint of the Yushu."
Yuan Gaofeng immediately said: "But the jade environment does not seem to be enough. You Mao Xiaodong can only succeed if you can relocate the entire Donghua Mountain to the Temple of Literature. The lack of realm is a difficult one. Huashan Wenyun is a difficult one, and it is difficult to make it difficult for you.
Mao Xiaodong looked around and hehe smiled: "How to move, the mountain is bigger than the temple, is it all over the place, covering the Temple of Literature? The Confucian Temple of the top spot is not destroyed?"
Yuan Gaofeng sighed: "Mao Xiaodong, you give me less to play with the business here, I want Yuan Gaofeng to accompany you here to bargain, you can not face, I am afraid of humiliating! The bottom line of the Confucian Temple, you are clear!"
Mao Xiaodong was unaware of it.
Chen Pingan felt a magnificent and upright spirit, faintly, and appeared a colorful stream of light, gathering and wandering, almost there are signs of solidification.
In Chen Ping’s body, the real airflow turned to stagnation, and the water house with the water-printed scriptures was warmly raised. The door was closed involuntarily, and the green children born by the essence of water transport were trembled.
Mao Xiaodong did not take a shot to block Yuan Gaofeng’s deliberate demonstration. Chen Heping alone suffered from the suppression of this rich cultural movement.
Mao Xiaodong reached out to the palm of his hand and pointed to the side of the main hall. "We went to the apse to talk about it."
Yuan Gaofeng hesitated and promised to come down.
Mao Xiaodong asked Chen Ping to go to the front hall to go shopping. As for the apse, there is no need to go.
In Mao Xiaodong and Yuan Gaofeng stepped into the apse, there were several golden gods who walked out of the clay sculpture.
Chen Pingan slowly descended in the solemn front hall. This is the first time that Chen Pingan entered the main temple of the Confucian Temple in the capital of a country. At that time, in Tongyezhou, he did not follow Yao’s going to the Daquan Dynasty, Jingcheng, otherwise I should go and see it. Later, in the Qingyi Guojing City, Chen Pingan did not have the opportunity to visit because of the prevalence of Buddhism. As for the Nanyuan Guojing City in Huanfufu, there is no Confucian temple for the 72nd sage.
Going farther and looking fine, after all, there will be such a miss, it is impossible to really see the scenery.
As time passes, near the dusk, Chen Pingan alone, almost no footsteps, has repeatedly seen the statue of the front hall twice, previously in the fairy book "Shan Haizhi", national literati pen, prose travel, more or less They have all been exposed to the life stories of these sages in the Temple of Confucius. This is the place where the Confucian people in the world are more difficult for the common people to understand. Even the mountain owners of the 72nd Academy are used to calling them saints. Why do these have university questions and great merits? The big saint in the body is only named after the Confucian orthodoxy with the word "Xian"? It is necessary to know that the major academies are not rare among the more gentlemen.
Mao Xiaodong returned from the back hall, Chen Ping found that the old man's face was not very good-looking.
In the Temple of Literature, Chen Ping did not ask much.
After the two walked out of the Temple of Literature, Mao Xiaodong took the initiative to say: "It’s hard to talk about an iron cock."
Chen Ping nodded.
Mao Xiaodong looked up and looked at the sky. "Zhengdaguang walked through the Temple of Literature, and later had dinner. Then it was just dark, we went to the rest of the cultural and sports gathering places to try our luck, and then we wouldn’t grind it. When I am on the road, I will quickly return to the academy before the chickens will be heard in the morning. As for the Temple of Literature, they must not be so embarrassed by them. We will come here every day."
After crossing the two streets, the two men found a restaurant nearby. Mao Xiaodong told Chen Pingan before the table was served. "The atmosphere of the Temple of Literature is not right. Yuan Gaofeng is so incomprehensible, I can understand, but the other two. Today, the Dalai sage who shouted and screamed for Yuan Gaofeng’s flag has always been known for his temperament and is known as Qingshi. It should not be so tough.
Chen Pingan poured two bowls of rice wine from Yang Jian, and asked: "Will Yuan Gaofeng actually use this method to remind us? The gods of the capital city temple, facing the current undercurrent of the big shackles, must have long been In the eyes, it’s just that the back of the hand is all meat, and it involves the Dagu Gao’s national literary and cultural movements. They are very difficult to make a decision, so they have to stand by and watch, but they are not willing to watch us being kept in the dark and broken Donghua. The context of the Mountain Academy, so deliberately black-faced, to violate the common sense of words and deeds, ask us to be careful about the situation outside the Temple of Literature?"
Mao Xiaodong was somewhat pleased and smiled: "An answer."
Mao Xiaodong looked out the window of the restaurant and said: "I thought that this pair of bait thrown into the water, the other party should always observe and observe more, or just take a few people at night, first send some small fish and shrimp to take a few mouthfuls. I didn't think that it was not dark, not far from the Temple of Literature. The pedestrians on the street were bustling, and they directly sacrificed the killer, and they were so mad. When did you swear by the literati, why did you kill it?"
Chen Pingan slowly sipped the bowl of fragrant rice wine.
Mao Xiaodong smiled and asked: "Isn't it nervous?"
Chen Pingan put down the wine bowl and said: "I don't know the Maoshan Lord. I haven't beaten and killed it. I have seen some worlds."
Mao Xiaodong asked again, "How big is the world?"
Chen Ping thought for a moment and said frankly: "I have played a long-awaited Yuan Ying Lao, who lives in Xiaolonggou, and the sword of the great sword of the Great Wall of the Great Wall, and a flying ascendant monk. one strike."
Mao Xiaodong was so happy and laughed.
Chen Pingan smiled and added a slap in the face. "I also had a drink at the same table with Maoshan."
Mao Xiaodong quickly picked up the big white bowl. "There is no need to say anything in front. This is the next one, so you can have a big bowl of wine."
After Chen Pingan finished drinking the bowl of wine, he suddenly asked: "Is it possible to investigate the approximate number and repairs?"
Mao Xiaodong nodded: "I have been watching the small bottles in the past few years. In fact, there are some plans. I have been striving to make one thing. What is the matter, let me not mention it, but within a thousand feet around me. I am clear about the martial arts under the Five Spheres and the pure Wufu under the Nine Circumstances. These five assassins, Jiu Jing Jin Danjian, one person, the military martial arts dragon monk, one person, Longmen Jingzhen, one person One person from the territory, Wu Wu is one of the people."
Chen Pingan said helplessly: "I may not be able to help."
Mao Xiaodong smiled and got up, took the day and night tour of the real body from the sleeves, and returned it to Chen Ping, who was getting up, and smiled with a heartfelt voice: "Where is the reason for the brothers' squandering the younger brother, take it away."
Chen Pingan is hesitant.
Mao Xiaodong smiled and asked: "How do you feel that the enemy is coming to the fore? Is it that Mao Xiaodong is too conceited? Forgot the previous sentence, as long as there is no jade monk to help them fight, I will be able to cope."
Chen Pingan frowned: "What if there is?"
Mao Xiaodong smiled. "Then I feel more relieved. It appears here, I can't kill me, and at the same time proves that there is no backhand and killings from the college."
Looking at Mao Xiaodong, there are no signs of a shot.
Chen Pingan silently poured another bowl of wine.
Mao Xiaodong curiously asked: "What?"
Chen Pingzheng bowed his head and drank the wine. "Learn that Zhu Zhu, drink fine wine."
Mao Xiaodong smiled and said: "Good boy, waiting for a jade monk here, right?!"
Chen Pingan smiled slightly.
Mao Xiaodong glanced at the jade scorpion and did not speak.
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