Chapter 408: fencing

(The fourth issue of the 1655 journal on WeChat public account has been updated, the public number is fenghuo1985. ps1: The sword has been ordered to break through 30,000, thank you for your hard work. ps2: There are more things this month, but fight for A minimum of 150,000 words of updates.)
It is very strange that Mao Xiaodong has left, and the main hall of the Temple of Literature is not only open to the outside world, but has a sense of martial law.
In the apse, in addition to Yuan Gaofeng, there are two world-famous temple gods, as well as two guests and rare customers.
He served as the emperor of the palace, and he stood with a white-haired wearing a red suit.
There are also two men, the old man is white and gray, and among the human monarchs and the literati of the Confucian Temple, he is still very imposing, and there is a relatively young and refined man who may not have enough qualifications to participate in the secrets before he goes. The temple looked at the seventy-two sage statues.
The old man is not a Baopingzhou person. He claims to be Lin Yushuang. He just has a mellow Baoguanzhou Yayan and Daxuan Mandarin.
Lin Hushuang is mostly a pseudonym. It is not important. What is important is that the old man appeared in the capital of Dagu, and the law was passed through. The eunuchs behind the emperor’s emperor and the imperial concubine jointly joined forces and did nothing to hurt. And the old man.
Lin Shuang lowered his eyes and Yuan Gaofeng and the other two literati gods who appeared together with Mao Xiaodong's skin, and his face was unhappy.
The line of sight is offset, some of the gods who have established the status of Confucianism, and the gods who have established the status of the founding of the territory in the history of Daxie. The two gods naturally gather together, like a temple, and Gao Gaofeng. There is a borderline in the number of camps over there. Lin Shuang’s final sight fell on the emperor’s body.
Your Majesty, Daxie’s heart and people’s hearts are available. The temple has a daring spirit. The battlefield has martial arts. The general trend is this. Do you still have to bear the burden? If you sign the Shanmeng, big You can’t stop the big iron ride, you can’t escape the fate of the country, but now the situation has changed dramatically. Do you still need to sneak into your life?

Lin Shuang sneered and said: "Would you like a foreigner to tell your majesty? In the past few years, there are hundreds of people in the capital city who hang up the resignation and the literati who went to the mountain to escape the Zen? From the capital to the place, how much is the attenuation of the martial arts air transportation in various places, need to talk about it? It is a centennial covenant, and the singularity of one person’s history is changed to a hundred years of Taiping’s people’s peace, but it’s true, even if it’s The Song’s barbarians really believe in the shackles, and they don’t use one soldier for the big scorpion. But can you really support the century for a long time? Then you look at the sky, waiting for the sky to fall, and the singer’s self-destruction, then Are you picking fruit from your Goyang Gao?"
Lin Shuang’s face was cold and indifferent.
The upper beam is not right under the beam, what is the virtue of the Song Dynasty, and the sorrow is sure to be clear. Now the king of Song Chang’s mirror is in charge of the country, Wu Fu is in power, and the emperor’s first five sacs related to Gao’s national ancestors Zhengshen, can count, all cancel the title, Dashan Donghua Mountain and Daxie Beiyue Phiyun Mountain's mountain alliance, really use it? I dare to assert that it does not take fifty years, up to thirty years, even if the big iron ride is blocked Zhu Ying Dynasty, but to the emperor and the embroidered tiger, successfully digested the entire northern part of Baojuan, thirty years later, Daxu from the people to the side army, then to the small officials, and finally to the DPRK Tang Zhongchen will use the Da Yu dynasty as a dream home."
Lin Shuang sighed and said: "When the people of Datun are deep in their hearts, they regard the foreign land of other countries as better than the country town. You have the face of the great emperor who has contributed to these disasters. What are the faces to see the ranks of Goyang Gao? Zulesong?"
Yuan Gaofeng yelled: "Lin Frost, you are arrogant! I am a big country, I can't allow you to make a big noise here!"
One of the great literary ministers who made the national policy and made Huang Tingguo a vassal country in one fell swoop, whispered: "Let's think twice."
Lin Shuangjiang no longer speaks.
The technique of sputum, 捭 捭 open, that is to say. It is closed, that is, silent.
After talking about the blanks, those who do not speak bluntly, see more skill, can be more confusing.
When the apse is silent, on the other side of the front hall, the man in a gown with a handsome young feeling, like Chen Pingan, will look at the seventy-two sages and statues.
The emperor of Daxie finally spoke: "Song Zheng alcohol died, only two of his husbands visited today, right?"
Lin Frost nodded and admitted.
The emperor of the Dagu stretched his finger and pointed at himself. He smiled and said: "Why would I count if I killed a ten-day martial artist one day or was killed by a smuggling ink sorcerer?"
The emperor pointed to the top of his head and pointed to the position of the front hall behind him. "If it is a weaker indiscriminate killing of a king, a weaker person who is a monk will be punished by a saint on the other side. The important figure of the Mohist family, the imitation of the white jade Jing, which was helped by the Mohist side, was destroyed. The main body of the Motuo Mohist changed his mind, bet and selected the Dao Song, and the weak is very likely to be the key figure, so the weak is not necessarily willing Shooting, with me 'concert', Moh is too lossy. But Li II kills me, a pure Wufu, as if according to the rules of your mountain, Confucian saints will not manage."
Lin Shuang whispered: "The Li Er, as long as he did not reach the realm of the "God to" in the Tenth Wufu, I can let him not even enter the capital of the Dagu City, provided that your Confucian Temple is willing to cooperate with me and start the moat. Big array."
Even so, the emperor of the Dagu was still not told, and continued to ask: "I am not afraid of thieves stealing, I am afraid that the thief will remember, when it is time to prevent thieves, can you prevent it? Is it necessary for Mr. Lin to stay in the room forever?

Lin Shuang wrinkled his brows.
At this time, everyone in the heart of the lake, there is a warm voice, "If Li Er dare to come to Beijing to kill, I am responsible for killing him. I can only guarantee this, the rest, I will not Intervene."
Yuan Gaofeng smiled and said: "Well, the practicing sergeant in the Middle-earth Shenzhou is powerful. Killing a ten-day Wufu is like killing a chicken."
Lin Frost did not say much, Shen said: "Mr. Fan said, you can do it."
Dagu Emperor smiled and said: "Really?"
The man in the front hall smiled and replied: "The business is handed down, and integrity is the foundation."
Li Wei, according to the method of saving money, went down to the next five sons and lost a mess.
After confessing to the loss, the air is not enough, and the hands are smearing the board that is full of chess pieces. "If you don't play, don't play, it's boring. I got dizzy and hungry."
Listening to the crisp sound of the cracks between the pieces and the pieces.
Thanks at the end of the green bamboo floor corridor, the eyelashes are slightly trembled, some of them are uneasy, they have to open their eyes, turn their heads and squint at the side, and the money and Li Yongzheng choose their own black and white chess pieces, and they are thrown back to the chess. tank.
Although the chess cans are the artifacts burned by the Daguguan kiln, they are worth a few dozens of silver, but the chess pieces, thank you for knowing their value.
If Cui Dongshan is still in this small courtyard before the change, thank you for being occasionally played by Cui Dongshan with him. If the strength of the child is slightly heavier, he will be kicked out by Cui Dongshan and slammed into the wall. She said that if she smashed one of the pieces, it would mean that his collection was "incomplete", and it was broken and broken. She thanked her for not being able to afford it.
World chess pieces, ordinary people, beautiful stone grinding only, wealthy people, generally more ceramic, porcelain, mountain Xianjia, it is made of special jade carving.
However, the two pots of Cui Dongshan are amazing. They are the "color clouds" that the chess players must be jealous. Before the millennium, the master of the Baidi City, the owner of the glazed pavilion, The system was made. With the collapse of the glazed pavilion, the master’s reputation disappeared for a thousand years, and the special method of 'big smelting drip system' has been cut off. The Middle-earth immortal who once had a chess-like life, got a can of half of the colorful clouds, in order to complete, opened a chess piece, the price of a small summer money.
Then, at this moment, the glass pieces are in the hands of the money and Li Wei, which is better than the stones on the ground.
Thank you for your sigh. Fortunately, Cai Yunzi is worth the money. The young man makes the whole body's strength, and the same is not broken.
Li Wei is not willing to play even the game of chess. When he saves money, he proposes to play the game of playing the stone. Li Wei is full of confidence. This is good at him. He used to play with his classmates in school. The shofar named Shi Chunjia often Lost to him, playing with the sister Li Liu at home to catch the stone, but never lost!
The two men re-taken five pieces from their respective chess pots. After playing one game, they found that the difficulty was too small and they wanted to increase to ten.
Thank you for hearing the sounds that are more crisp than the ones, and the heart and liver are trembled. I only hope that Cui Dongshan will not know the tragedy.
From time to time, there will be one or two colorful clouds flying out of the back of the hand, falling on the bluestone floor of the yard, and then returning to the two little guys who are totally inappropriate.
Thank you, you can't completely vent your heart, just stand up and go to the side of the house to read the books.
Li Baobao walked out of the main house study, squatting at the money and watching Li Wei, and Li Wei was killed and lost his helmet.
Li Baobo silently grabbed five black pieces from another chess pot and put five white pieces back into the chess pot. On the floor, there were five black and white pieces. Li Baobo explained to each other: "So It’s fun to play, you choose black and white, each time you grab a stone, for example, you choose black, and after grabbing seven pieces, there are two whites inside, you can only count three blacks."
Money is alive and well: "Bottle sister, I want to choose white."
Li Baobo nodded, "Yes."
Li Yan was annoyed: "I also want to choose white!"
Li Bao bottle gave him a look.
Li Wei immediately changed his mind: "Forget it, black chess is more pleasing to the eye."
Shirou thoughts fretting.
This little girl wearing a red dress seems to have always been so strange. Shirou is among all people. Because Chen Ping’s apparently is against Li Bao’s eccentricity, Shirou observes the most and finds that this little girl’s words and deeds can’t be said that she is deliberately old-fashioned. In fact, she is quite innocent and can’t be too much. The idea is actually within the rules and beyond the rules.
It was not long before the Li Bao bottle was observed in Shirou, and the war over there had ended. According to the rules of Li Baobo, Li Wei lost even worse.
I saved my money and shook my head. I grabbed a few pieces of my hand and gently picked it up and caught it again and again. "Lonely, but asking for a defeat, is it so difficult?"
Li Wei is a ghost, his eyes are sharp, and he wants to change things and get back to the scene.
I lost the chess piece, took the mountain stick at my feet, and jumped to the yard. "Sister Aunt, I will defeat you, I will give you a play, screaming the long pole, flying over the ridge, I Now that the gods have not yet made great achievements, they can only fly around for a while! Look good! Be sure to look good!"
I saw the money back to the courtyard at the end of the wall, facing the opposite wall, taking a deep breath, flying away, suddenly poked the mountain stick accurately - entering the courtyard slab gap, saving money off the ground, the long pole bent out A large arc, with the mountain stick straight and stretched, the money leaped high, the petite body stretched in the air, stood firmly at the wall, turned around and laughed at Li Baobo and Li Xiaozui, " Look!"
Li Wei looked stunned and shouted: "I have to give it a try!"
The money figure jumped down the wall lightly, like a little wild cat, landing silently.
The party will throw the mountain stick to Li Wei.
Li Wei also learned to save money, retreat to the wall roots, first rushed forward in a small step, then squinted at the ground, suddenly poked a mountain stick into the slate gap, lightly sighed, after the mountain stick collapsed out of the arc Li Wei's figure was lifted up, but the final body posture and force angle were not right, so that Li Wei's legs were facing the sky, his head was facing the ground, his body was skewed, and he slammed a few times, but he fell back to the ground.
Yu Lu immediately went for a breeze, and Li Wei was caught and stood up.
Li Wei said in a big way: "There is nothing wrong with it, but it is a pity."
Money sneered: "Would you give me ten more chances?"
Li Yiyi is a serious saying: "I am a talented person, although I am not a thousand years, it should be a martial arts talent that is difficult to meet in 800 years, but I am not here, I will not compete with you in this kind of thing.

Li Baowan took the mountain stick from Li Wei’s hand and also came once.
As a result, the little girl in the red dress was not only successful, but also too successful, flying directly out of the wall.
There was a slight noise outside the wall.
Li Bao bottle, who is familiar with such things, did not fall, but the landing was unstable. His knees were gradually bent. After kneeling on the ground, the body fell backwards and sat down on the ground.
Li Bao bottle stood up and was fine.
An old man smiled and stood not far away. "Is it all right?"
Li Baobo smiled and said: "This can have anecdotes!"
Zhu Zhong smiled and nodded.
Li Baobo flew back to the yard.
Zhu is a master of martial arts who is far away from the country. His eyes are outstanding. Of course, it is clear that Li Baobao will not have anything to do, and he has not helped.
Zhu Xuan continued to walk around the yard.
Before Chen Ping’s departure from the academy, he talked with Li Baowan. Zhu Chuan was listening not far away, and Chen Ping did not deliberately conceal anything from him.
Zhu Ding even felt sorry for the right side and could not hear the conversation.
Before they painted four people, they had not been separated. In the old dragon city dust medicine shop, the old man who was in the early stage of the "Swords of the Swords" on the right side, liked to go to the medicine shop, once to watch chess, 隋 right and Lu Bai Like playing in the court, the old man swears a few words and explains the kendo by playing chess.
Horizontal and vertical, the child is at the point.
The subtlety lies in cutting the word. This is swordsmanship.
The shape of the chess is good or bad. It is to define the two characters. The mountain is king, the town is divided, the mountain river barrier, these are swords.
At the end of the game, plus the re-distribution, the right side of the game has always been indifferent. This makes the old man surnamed very embarrassed. He also gave a joke to the money for a long time, and he slammed the snails and tried to scare people. It is no wonder that his sister did not appreciate.
It was only on the right side of the night that I closed Wu Jian, one day and two nights, never left the house.
Now, on the right, I went to Tongyezhou. I went to the Yuguizong, who was inexplicably the leader of the Confucian family in Yizhou, and turned it into a sword repair.
Wei Wei ran with Cui Dongshan.
Lu Baixiang wants to travel alone and alone.
Only Zhu Chuan chose to stay with Chen Pingan.
Chen Pingan shot twice in the Lion Park, once for the demon, and once against Li Baozhen, Zhu Xuan did not feel too good.
But it was a conversation between Chen Pingan and Li Baobo, which made Zhu Chuan repeatedly chew and admire.
Li Baozhen, Li Baobo, Li Xisheng, Fu Lu Street Li.
Between the four, the blood relationship is implicated, and Chen Pingan is called an outsider by Li Baobao.
How Chen Ping handled Li Baozhen is extremely complicated. If you want to expect it, no matter what the outcome, it will not hurt Li Bao’s heart. It is even harder. It is almost a "no fault", but it is also "not right".
If Chen Pingyun conceals the matter, or simply states that the Lion Park and Li Baozhen meet, Li Baobao will certainly not have problems at the moment, and Chen Ping’s life is still the same.
But Chen Pingping once killed Li Baozhen, who was looking for a dead end, even though Chen Pingwei completely took full advantage of it, Li Baowan also understood the truth, but this is deeply rooted in the heart of the little girl, and the injury is not sad.
This is the crux.
Then there was that conversation.
Zhu Zheng slowly and self-talking: "This is the sword of the human heart, cutting is extremely accurate."
What is cutting?
Chen Pingan did not kill Li Baozhen once. He was a promisekeeper and completed his commitment to Li Xisheng. He was essentially similar to law-abiding.
It is also a matter of reason, and it is a human nature to use Li Baozhen’s ancestral family to make a
with Li Baobo and the entire Fu Lu Street.
This will separate Li Baozhen from the entire Li family of Fulu Street, just like Cui Dongshan's first-hand flying sword, and the painting is the secret of Lei Chi, and Li Baozhen is alone in it.
Li Baozhen is the Li family behind Li Baozhen, Li Baobo and Li Xisheng. He is the Li family after Li Baozhen was taken out.
Chen Pingan made a circle painting and definition.
And between the quiet, Li Bao bottle pointed out a trajectory of the heart, providing a kind of open-minded possibility of "no one is wrong, who can be conceited when life and death", and then look back, even if Chen Pinghe Li Baozhen was born and died, and Li Baowan was still sad, but he would never move from one extreme to the other.
This is the so-called swordsmanship of the old man.
Chen Ping’s sword is exactly the same.
It is a subtle tug-of-war on the human heart.
So on that day, Chen Pingan also watched the chess in the backyard of the pharmacy. He also heard the golden jade words of the old man’s name, but Zhu Zheng dared to assert that even the right side of the sword was closed for two nights, and the talent of the sword on the right side was good. It is not necessarily comparable to Chen Ping’s true intentions.
There are far and near avenues at the foot of everyone, but there are also differences between them.
I still remember that Li Baobo taught him two sentences.
Back bamboo box, wearing sandals, million punches, the most calm and young.
Back to the sword, wearing a white robe, thousands of miles, the best little teacher in the world.
Zhu Sung muttered to himself: "Small treasure bottle, your little teacher, although it is not a sword repair now, but the sword fairy heart, should have a prototype?"
Zhu Concus suddenly stopped and looked at the end of the path leading to the small courtyard, staring at it.
There was a young gentleman accompanied by a white deer.
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