Chapter 287: Dual Personality Husband 6

Zhou Zekai's words aroused the attention of Dr. Chai. Looking at this man who looked less than thirty years old, he had the spirit to kill the other two personalities in his mouth.
Only a few people in the industry know that Dr. Chai himself has started a research project on schizophrenia. This topic is other subpersonals and leave the last personality to guide the body, but this topic is still just studying. At this stage, although some people have tried it, the results of the experiment are not good, and the success rate is only 3%! Many times, those personalities become confused, or more personalities are generated, in which case the patient can only go crazy.
Therefore, Dr. Chai looked at the calm man in front of him and asked with great curiosity.
"Mr. Zhou, please elaborate on your symptoms first, and are you a master or a vice personality now?"
There are also many schizophrenic patients that Dr. Chai has seen. At this time, he took out a medical record and planned to record what Zhou Zekai said. After all, this will become the best information to treat him in the future. She still needs to research. Click it.
"I ... become a secondary personality."
Zhou Zekai, sitting there, thought about it and made a definition for himself. He never imagined that when he entered this body, he found that there are two other personalities in this body! No wonder his wishing person would wish to blend people's personality, but the two personality, one is calm and self-disciplined, and the other is unscrupulous. If they merge, they must pay a great price, so Zhou Zekai is sober every time Afterwards, a survey will be conducted, and the final result is that instead of forcibly integrating with these two personalities, it is better to kill these two personalities. In this way, with their superb acting skills, they can definitely deceive Wen Xueqing.
Because he can know exactly what Zhou Zekai did during the day and night.
Compared to the other two personalities, his time is really too short, and only when Zhou Zekai during the day is angry and Zhou Zekai at night loses his mind, he can appear.
Dr. Chai sat there and recorded that the other person was a sub-personality. It was not surprising that she knew the other person was a sub-personality. She had received several cases in which the sub-personality chose to cooperate with her. I do n’t even know the existence of subpersonality. It may be cruel to say so, but Dr. Chai must maintain the integrity of a doctor. In her mind, any personality is necessary and valuable. When the other person cannot bear to be with other personality If they get along together, they will fight even if they don't do anything to deal with it. In the end, they will both lose each other. It is better to satisfy them through treatment.
"The first time I woke up was three years ago. At that time, I thought I was the master. Later, as time went on, I gradually learned that there was another person in my body, which is my master. He is a calm and wise man. He has always been a good baby, an iceberg face, and does not like to talk, but he is an indifferent and enthusiastic person. "
Zhou Zekai said, showing an ironic smile, he always felt that such a person was too familiar, and this feeling made him feel very bad.
"Another personality is a personality that can only appear at night. He will appear on time every night at 8 o'clock. He is like a carefree teenager who always does something that is incredible. He has the most undulating personality. The most romantic character, my wife loves him very much and does not want him to be killed. "
All of this is seen from Zhou Zekai's eyes. He feels that Wen Xueqing is also not painful. He came to Wen Xueqing to relieve the pain.
One body has two personalities at the same time. Under this circumstance, Wen Xueqing first fell in love with the sub-personality that belongs to the night, and in order to be with the sub-personality, she chose to have a relationship with her personality. Later in time, she even began to fall in love with two personalities. Can one person like two people at the same time? Zhou Zekai did not know how to answer this question, but in Zhou Zekai's mind, since the existence of those two personalities made the wishing person sad, there was no need for existence.
As long as those two personalities disappear, his task will be completed and he will also make the wishing person happy.
"So what about you? What kind of person are you? Does your wife know that you exist?"
Dr. Chai easily identified the loopholes in Zhou Zekai's language and broke through him. After writing the other two personal data in the book, she looked at the man in front of her gently, but she already understood-- The personality in front of me is killing.
He is probably the more anti-social personality of these three personalities. He did not show maliciousness to people in the short stage, but if he continues to develop, he will sooner or later work against others.
First, he will kill the two personalities in his body, and then after he has the body, he will kill more people.
Dr. Chai, who studied psychology in depth, looked at the dark eyes of the other person as if she had seen through the person of Zhou Zekai. She looked at the other person stubbornly and wanted the other person to tell her identity.
"I? I do n’t know how I exist, my wife does n’t know that I exist, but recently my personality has begun to doubt it all, and that personality at night also intends to take further action, if I do n’t do it again Resist and I will be swallowed by them! I must kill them! "
At this time, Zhou Zekai looked pale, even if he had a handsome face, but still looked like a pervert, making people feel terrible.
Fortunately, Dr. Chai was an old driver. He was accustomed to this kind of patient who could not control himself. He moved the clock on his desk to the left, and saw that Zhou Zekai calmed down instantly, and the previous cricket suddenly disappeared.
In other words, when the other person entered this room, Dr. Chai had already started her treatment. She was best at hypnosis, even invisible hypnosis. When she was working in a large hospital, she did it for the patient. Hypnosis was only exiled, and he opened this psychological clinic by himself. Now, after Zhou Zekai walked into the door, he stepped into the hypnotic range of Dr. Chai.
When Zhou Zekai is talking, his eyes will always be attracted by the clocks on the table. The constantly moving hour hand is a hypnosis for Zhou Zekai.
Zhou Zekai, who calmed down, looked confused at this moment. After looking around, he looked at the middle-aged woman in a white coat before hearing the voice of the other party.
"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I'm glad to talk to you who is the master."
Zhou Zekai's brow frowned and he began to speak.
"Are you a doctor? Why am I here? I think you better give me the best answer."
Dr. Chai looked at the iceberg-shaped personality, and as the deputy said, this person was very calm and wise, but it was only an instant that he understood his situation.
"This is a psychology clinic. I am a psychologist here. My surname is Chai. You can call me Dr. Chai. As for you ... you are here, of course, to see a doctor. Mr. Zhou, you have schizophrenia in your eyes, Plus yourself, now you have three personalities in your body. "
She knows that the personality in front of her may not even know the existence of the other two personalities, but she must remind him of the dangerous arrival. If the personality of the night is about to move like that personality said, then the daytime personality may be There will be problems soon. Since the final results are all problems, why not let the owner know the truth in advance?
The words of the other party made Zhou Zekai's brows frown, but all the doubts before him appeared in his mind. If what the other party said was true, then all his previous doubts seemed to have the truth.
For example ... I often have no memory of the night, kiss marks on my wife, and more strange things ...
"I want to know what the other two personalities are like in me."
He calmly looked at Dr. Chai, just like the one written by Dr. Chai. He is a very intelligent person and always knows how to make himself more invincible.
Dr. Chai did not conceal the existence of personality. If treatment is needed, he must choose one to stay, or fully integrate. If it is integrated, there is a great risk. The same is true of staying. For your family, it is the best way to let these personalities exist together perfectly.
It's just that the personality has been around for a long time, and there will inevitably be some greed. At that time, it is what these psychologists need to do.
After Zhou Zekai calmly listened to Dr. Chai's words, he knew that the third personality with the shortest time had booked the conversation, and the second personality would wake up at 8 o'clock every night. Whether he was in sleep or not, the other person would surely wake up.
These have explained too many things.
"Mr. Zhou, regarding your personality, I hope you can think carefully and inform your family to discuss it, because whether it kills other personalities or integrates them, more problems may arise. Maybe more personality may not appear, so I hope that you can think about it carefully after you go back. Of course, I believe that you in the dark have heard me, haven't you? "
Dr. Chai smiled. Although she was talking to Zhou Zekai in front of her, she was also talking to Zhou Zekai who belonged to the night. She knew that Zhou Zekai that night could know everything about Zhou Zekai during the day, except for the third personality that suddenly appeared.
In the end, Zhou Zekai left the clinic and drove to the company. He didn't want to go home. He had a mess in his head. When he thought of his strange wife and the existence of two other personalities, he felt like a dream.
So ... is it possible to guess that the reason why Wen Xueqing had to divorce herself was because of the existence of the subpersonality?
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