Chapter 288: Dual Personality Husband 7

After shaking for a long time and thinking about Zhou Zekai for a long time, he eventually chose to return home, not the house where he and Wen Xueqing lived, but his parents' house. Because of the marriage, Zhou Zekai and Wen Xueqing have moved out of the old house and outside Living in the old house is where his parents, brother and sister live. After all, my brother has taken over the business at home.
When Zhou Zekai came home, it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, so that Zhou's mother, who was making afternoon snacks, had no idea, and looked at his son alone and asked.
"Why did you come alone today? Xue Qing? Didn't you work today?"
While inquiring, he prepared his favorite scented tea for his son. When Father Zhou heard that the maid was coming, he quickly rushed downstairs to talk to his son. He was more worried about the younger son than his older son.
After all, that thing has always been an unspeakable secret of their Zhou family.
"She's at home, and I want to ask you something, and come here by myself."
Zhou Zekai worked hard to calm himself, but there was still a slight change in his look, which made Zhou's father immediately raise his heart and felt that something extraordinary had happened.
"Oh? Anything, you ask."
On the one hand, Mother Zhou put the scented tea on the table, but Zhou Zekai did not move, staring at her parents seriously.
"Parents, did you know that my personality was split?"
Although this sentence was an interrogation, it was spoken in the most affirmative tone, which surprised the Zhou Father and Mother who heard it. The Mother who was preparing the flower tea for the Father even poured the tea out. Father Zhou also looked at his son. Although he had known that this day would come, I did not expect that this day would come so soon.
Watching his son look so calm, Father Zhou sighed, and his old face was a little sad.
"It seems you already know Zekai."
This matter has been concealed for too long. It has been more than two decades since the other party was sensible. Today, Father Zhou thought that as long as this is the case, he will be able to live for a lifetime, and his son has a wife who does not care about the split of other people's personality, but this one After all, things are like a bomb that explodes at any time.
Zhou Zekai pursed his lips and stubbornly looked at his father and mother. On the way back, he imagined various answers. If a person is schizophrenic for a long time, the first thing to know is definitely not himself, but the people around him. So the person who knows him best should be his family.
Now, with his father's answer, Zhou Zekai thought it was true.
"When he first appeared, it was when you were five years old. He was different from yours. He was a troublemaker. At the time, I thought you were joking with me. Later, he would appear every night. , A personality completely different from yours. Those who know this at home, except you, everyone knows the existence of another personality. We have a room on the third floor. You have never been there. In fact, that room belongs to him. In the bedroom, my mother and I call him A Kai. For the existence of your other personality, we even asked many psychologists, and the results were not very good, so we can only choose to let you two exist at the same time, one in the daytime. , One at night. "
It seems to be back to the time when it was difficult to choose. There is an inexplicable complexity in Zhou's face. Even when he dreamed at midnight, he had some doubts about whether the decision he made was right or wrong. If one day Ze Kai found his concealment. Would he feel that he had been deceived?
The mother of Zhou was also red-eyed, tears fell down and wiped away secretly. The matter of schizophrenia in her son has always been a heart disease of Zhou's mother. Later, Zhou Zekai would not stay at school every time. No matter how far away, Zhou My mother would buy a house nearby to take care of Zhou Zekai, because my son was obedient during the day, but his son at night was a noisy man, although he would also be coquettish and the like, but finally made his mother very worried.
In these years, Zhou Zekai can be said to have taken a step from someone who has never left the house, except after marrying his wife.
When Wen Xueqing chose to marry Zhou Zekai, he had already discussed this matter with the people of the Zhou family. Because of this, Wen Xueqing's identity and appearance were still able to marry the Zhou family. The biggest reason was that day Zhou Zekai likes Wen Xueqing, and Zhou Zekai at night also likes Wen Xueqing.
This kind of situation is rare. The two personalities of day and night are actually very different, whether they are preferences or aesthetics, and things of interest are different. For example, Zhou Zekai of day never touches music-related knowledge. However, Zhou Zekai at night is a very talented person in music. Zhou Zekai during the day was uniquely talented in computers, and Zhou Zekai at night was terribly sensitive to medical knowledge. Such two excellent sons, even Zhou Father and Zhou Mother, could not treat them as one person.
They just have the same body but two completely different souls. How can this make them willing to give up one of them?
They know that they are selfish, but it is also because of this selfishness that they make Zhou Father and Zhou Mother even more miserable.
"Zekai, it ’s not that parents did n’t tell you, but the psychologist said that if the master personality knows the existence of the subpersonality, he will be swallowed or merged, and if you are young at that time, if you let you know that you have another Personality, you will definitely go crazy. Later, when you grow up, the two personalities will also stabilize. The doctor even thinks that your existence is correct. Dad doesn't want to lose you, but the lower case is also the way the dad looks. Grown up ... "
Father Zhou knew that saying this would hurt Zhou Zekai, but the palms and backs of his hands were all flesh. He clearly knew that this was another character split out of his son's body, but he still wanted to protect him.
Over the years, he has even taught this son as two.
Zhou Zekai listened to the truth from his parents. After his guess was really verified, he looked at his parents.
"You are wrong. Now there is a third personality in my body. He is planning to kill me and me at night."
This means that his personality split is definitely getting worse.
Zhou Zekai's words surprised Zhou's father and mother, and widened his eyes.
"What? You have a third personality?"
Zhou's father's face was almost terrified. Thinking of Dr. Meng's explanation before, schizophrenic patients generally have several results. The first is the simplest and clearest, because the personality is not integrated with each other, leading to The patient went crazy.
Second, different personalities will continue to be born for a variety of reasons. After more and more of these personalities, they will go to the first ending.
Third, kill all other personalities, leaving only the last personality to exist.
These are the words that Father Chou heard from Doctor Meng, and because of his son's schizophrenia, Father Chou has been studying books in this area. Now when he hears the appearance of the third personality, he knows what Dr. Meng said. The second may appear, and the son has begun to give birth to a different personality ...
"Yes, I know this today. I knew it from a psychologist. The third personality that appeared on me made an appointment with the psychologist. He wanted to kill me and the night me."
Although knowing that there are other personalities in the body, but it is urgent, Zhou Zekai decided to deal with this matter calmly. For example, after treatment, he wanted to know whether the personality at night, or the third personality, had caused Wen Xueqing. What hurt, and why his task was to divorce Wen Xueqing.
The reason for the divorce ... what is it?
"This, this! Hurry up and call Dr. Meng! Didn't Dr. Meng say that? In this case, treatment is needed!"
Mother Zhou was really sad. When she thought that her son might go crazy like Dr. Meng said, she felt uncontrollable and hurriedly urged her husband.
But Zhou's father was still calm at this time, looking at the son in front of him. He knew that at any time, now this son is the most worrying for him.
"Ze Kai, Dr. Meng is a doctor who has been observing you growing up since you were a child. The condition you are experiencing now requires medical treatment. Do you agree to meet with Dr. Meng?"
At any time, Zhou's father is a person who knows how to respect the wishes of children, except for concealing Zhou Zekai's second personality.
"Well, agree." Zhou Zekai nodded. He also wanted to know more about the other two personalities, which would help him understand more facts.
Therefore, with Zhou Zekai's consent, the Zhou family notified Dr. Meng. Dr. Meng also grew up watching Zhou Zekai as a child. At this moment, Zhou Zekai gave birth to a third personality.
After entering the door, I saw Zhou Zekai standing there, but he frowned, and there was some question in his voice.
"Who are you? Where is Zekai?"
That's right! Dr. Meng watched Zhou Zekai grow up from a young age. Although the day's Zhou Zekai is serious like an iceberg and a little facial paralysis, it can never be so indifferent. He looks at people's eyes as if they were dead.
Father Zhou and Mother Zhou were also shocked when they heard this. They looked at their sons only to find that Zhou Zekai was laughing, and the look of his mouth seemed to have a bit of evil, which made people shudder.
Zhou Zekai did not expect that his acting skills had been taken apart by the doctor. He felt that it was necessary to take revenge on Dr. Chai's conspiracy, and now he wants to hear about the doctor Meng who has been treating him for a long time. His presence.
"I? Who am I? Don't you know?"
Having said that, Zhou Zekai sat on the sofa with a sway and sarcastically looked at the three people in the lobby. After something happened, it was not the first time to solve it, but he chose to hide it. This was originally a wrong thing.
Because they have forgotten, telling a lie will fill it with countless lies.
The biggest reason why Zhou Zekai can always be controlled by his thinking during the day is because he feels a lie and he feels surrounded by lies, so he can take advantage of it.
Dr. Meng looked at Zhou Zekai sitting there, sighed in his heart, knew that this day would come, but did not expect this day to come so early.
"Say, when did you start showing up?"
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